Productos ORIGINALES vs GENÉRICOS | ¿Conviene gastar más?

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The ultimate leader of soft drinks, Coca-Cola. Here we have Red Cola, cola flavor. This tremendous 3-liter jug costs the same as this 600-milliliter bottle. Fill your life with the cola flavor, only for cool people. [Music] Hello, friends, welcome to another adventure. How's it going? Do you like this t-shirt? It's very turtle-like, both in the front and back. The big 'L' here stands for Luisillo the Big Turtle, the turtle man. I think this video is going to be a lot of fun. We live in a world where some brands lead certain market niches. It could be a cereal brand, a candy brand, a medicine brand, either because they were the inventors of the original recipe, because they know something that no one else does, or simply because they know how to do it better. We will call these brands original brands. Brands that, due to their quality or reputation, can offer their products at higher prices. But there are also brands that have imitated their models or recipes. They can be companies or individuals who decided to release an identical or similar product with a different name at a much more affordable price. We will call these generic brands. The question here is, in what situations is it convenient to go for the prestigious product at a higher price? And when does it really make no difference to buy the cheaper version? In this video, we will investigate a little about this topic. Phase 1: Buy the products. We will start by acquiring the products. We are in a large, ordinary supermarket where we will surely find a wide variety of options, different choices of similar products. Let's start with the cereal section. In this specific section, you always see some funny things. We have Zucaritas, the classic ones from Kellogg's. Tiger Toño here, super rude. He's a great basketball player, Tiger Toño. And over here, we have... Bam! The sugary ones. Check out this zebra, it's cheerful. Sorry, Tiger Toño, you're epic with your ball and all, but I'm not sure if you're equally as epic as this zebra from the sugary ones. Now, here's the really interesting part. Both boxes have very similar contents. This one is 740 grams, and this one is 720 grams. Zucaritas cost 57 pesos, and the sugary ones cost 28 pesos. What? The zebra costs less than half of what the tiger costs, I'm going to show you the converted values in dollars on the screen. Wow, what a tremendous difference between getting Tiger Toño and getting "Azuquita" the zebra. Or whatever it's called, it must have a name. Maybe it's called "Azuquita." Let's call it Silvia the zebra, what do you think? Oh, look! It's a zebra! They're NeSqueak, these little balls that are like rabbit droppings. And boom! Here we have Selecto Choco Rocks. We have Choco Crispys here. Bam! Selecto came up with their puffed rice. They didn't bother giving it a catchy name, just plain puffed rice. What you see is what you get. By the way, am I the only one who has an issue with them turning Melvin into a young elephant? He used to be this chubby guy, friendly and kind. "Hello, kids, how are you? Have some of my cereal." And he would give cereal to everyone. Now he's like a cool teenager, like... "Everyone, eat my cereal. Trust me, it's good." I don't know if it's just me who has an issue with that. Comment down below. Now we've reached the milk section. Santa Clara is like one of the top milk brands in Mexico. In fact, I think it's owned by Coca-Cola. It costs 18.50 pesos per liter. This one here is 10.90 pesos. Quality milk, it says it costs practically half of what this one costs. When it comes to powdered chocolate, the top brand in Mexico is this one, Choco Milk. And this big guy who is their spokesperson is called Pancho Pantera. For 350 grams, we pay a price of 25 pesos. But Pancho Pantera, as cool as you may feel, I'm afraid to tell you that you're not the coolest guy in school. The coolest guy in school is Tavo, Tavo from Choco Tavo. Tavo has a skateboard, he's like a master. What do you do? You just stand there with your thumb up. "I'm Pancho Pantera." And he's like: "Hey, girls, I'm Tavo. Try my delicious chocolate." And Tavo, of course, has a much more affordable price of 21.50 pesos. In addition, we also have Choco Kiwi. We have this nun who is like the one who scolds Tavo and Pancho Pantera when they misbehave. And this other one that they didn't even bother giving a cool name, simply chocolate-flavored drink. Toilet paper is also a product where we often encounter massive price differences. It has a price of 37 Mexican pesos for 4 rolls. And this one here, the generic product, costs 4 pesos for the same quantity. What? 4 pesos is like 20 cents in dollars. Nearly 40 pesos versus 4 pesos, which one will win? Look, four pesos for this. -It is Chedraui. Even if it's the branded toilet paper, it's still pretty bad. Hey, how about sharing viewpoints with other shoppers? This is serious stuff, it's a very serious analysis. Over here, we have the medicine section, but I think that's a much, much more complex topic. It's better to leave it for another video, maybe a video exclusively about medicines. That would require a much deeper investigation. The ultimate leader of soft drinks is Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola. A 600-milliliter bottle is priced at 12 pesos. But that doesn't mean Coca-Cola is playing alone on the playground, that it has no competition. Here we have Red-Cola. Coca-Cola transforms into this epicness. This 600-milliliter bottle costs 6 pesos. It's half the price, imitating the same colors and all. Over here, we have, BAM! "Cola flavor." Fill your life with flavor, with "cola flavor." This tremendous 3-liter bottle of cola flavor costs 12 pesos. It costs the same as this 600-milliliter bottle. No matter how much they tackle it, no, they don't even budge it, look. And with that, we conclude our product purchase. This journey full of savings, surprises, and strange looks from people. Let's move on to what's next. Music Phase 2: Try the products. The time has come to try things out. Will there really be a noticeable difference in quality of flavors for an ordinary person like myself? And we'll start, oh yes, with the milks. These pique my curiosity because this one, Santa Clara milk, claims to be 100% pure cow's milk. And this one, Chedraui milk, of quality, doesn't claim at any point that it's milk. It says it's a dairy product combined with ultra-pasteurized vegetable fat. It states that its ingredients include skimmed milk, corn syrup solids, milk solids, hydrogenated vegetable fat, mono and diglycerides, soy lecithin, carrageenan, guar gum... I don't even know what all these things are. And quite clearly, it states below: "This product contains 50% milk." So, in reality, only 50% of what we're consuming here comes from a cow. And when we go for slightly more expensive milk, in the ingredients section, it simply says, "Whole cow's milk and vitamins A and D." It doesn't have any of those hard-to-pronounce components like this one does. So, that gives us a much better understanding of the price difference. Of course, this one costs half of what this one does, but it only has half the amount of milk. Taking a look at both products, this one, the economical milk, has a slightly pinkish color, while this one appears completely white. I'm not sure if the camera captures the color difference I'm talking about. I don't know if it's because I know which one is which, but there is a difference in flavors. This one does seem a bit watered down, while this one feels creamy. Later on, we'll conduct a blind test of the products without knowing which is which. Now, let's move on to the cereals. The Azucaradas, the generic product, provide us with 39 calories of sugar per serving of 30 grams. While the generic sugary cereal provides us with 39 calories of sugar per the same amount, the branded cereal gives us 48 calories of sugar. What happened there, Tigre Toño? You're more sugary. And if we look at the sodium content, the generic one gives us 220 milligrams per serving, while the branded one gives us 115 milligrams. At first glance, they look the same. I can't find any difference between them. Oh, look, it does have a name. I just found it, it's called Pepe Cebra. How about that, huh? I thought it didn't have a name. Pepe the Cool Zebra. oops! These ones taste exactly the same to me. I would say there's no difference in quality, in flavor. Now let's move on to toilet paper. This is a big, a huge price difference. Let's see the quality. The expensive roll of paper is slightly taller than the cheap one. It's also a little wider. In terms of scent... Oh, a big difference. This one smells like a summer flower garden. And this one smells like any regular paper. There is a huge, huge difference. Actually, I'm not sure if it's visible on the camera. But this one is much more translucent. This one here looks much thicker. with more resistance. They're toilet papers, and there's only one way to effectively test their quality. Well, indeed, there is a huge difference. I would say that if there's a possibility for the consumer, it's definitely worth investing in the expensive toilet paper. But if you're used to roughness, this one is not a big deal. As my grandma Chonchis used to say, you get used to everything except hunger. The battle of the cool guys is here. Pancho Pantera against Tavo, Choco Tavo, the skater. He meets up with his friends in the park on Saturdays to skate and all that. If we multiply the quantities to make them approximately 375 grams each, Choco Milk gives us around 2000 kilocalories, while Choco Tavo gives us less than 500. So, what? Pancho Pantera is giving kids many more calories than Tavo. Let's test the qualities. The master thumb. I hate to admit it, but the difference in flavors is evident. Chocomilk just melts in your mouth, it's smooth and delicious. And Chocotavos are like grains of sand, you know? You put them in your mouth and crunch, crunch. I suppose Chocomilk has better packaging and nutritional content. But Red Cola is more delicious, so neither of them won the battle of coolness. Both proved to be too cool in their own way. And lastly, the one many have been waiting for, I know I was eager. Coca-Cola, the original recipe for decades. And Red Cola, a much more recent imitation product. 600 ml of Coca-Cola provide us with 252 kcal of sugar, while Red Cola gives us 269. Let's see, let's serve these babies. If we analyze them visually, they look quite similar. I can't see any difference in color, any difference in smell. Why lie to you? Both taste exactly the same to me. So this one costs half of what this one costs, and they taste the same, look the same, it's entirely the same. I conducted these tests knowing which product is expensive and which one is cheap. Let's go visit a couple of friends and see if they can differentiate them without knowing which product is which. Music I think I can clearly distinguish which is which now. This one is the Santa Clara. And that one is the Chedraui one. Look, no. -No?, I would think that whole milk is heavier. -I think this one seems lighter to me, and of better quality. Yes, correctly. -Was I correct? Yes -The flavor is just the same, what changes is the gas. -This is BigCola, and this is Coca-Cola. No! -No? -They look the same being truth. -They say that Coca-Colas formula is impossible to copy, but I find them very similar. -I think, but maybe the carbonation factor has something to do with it, I don't know, but I believe this one is the Coca-Cola because it has less fizz and less flavor. Yes! -Yes? ha ha ha. [Music] -Fu... They taste the same! -This are Zucaritas, and this the other ones. Yes, good. -I think the color is best way to identify them. - I think these are "azucaritas," and these are the "azucaradas" based on the color of the cereal. Based on the color of the cereal. Yes, that's right. - Is that correct? Well, based on the color of... But the taste is exactly the same, it's the same, huh. In summary, there will be those who can easily distinguish one quality from another, and it's up to each person to decide which brand to consume. It's one of the beautiful aspects of market competition that, in the end, everyone can choose how they want to spend their money. But as always, the most important thing in these types of videos is... What do you think? You can leave your thoughts in the comments below. Thank you very much for joining me on another adventure. Indeed, I hope you liked it, enjoyed it. And as always, my friends, I'll see you in a few days with a new video. Goodbye, "pimpollo" who still can't decide between Tigre Toño and Pepe la Cebra
Channel: Luisito Comunica
Views: 29,806,596
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Keywords: luisitocomunica, luisitocomunicaa, luisito comunica, luisito comunicaa, luisito, comunica, comunicaa, productos, originales, genericos, vs, versus, comparacion, prueba, pruebas, experimento, barato, caro, azucaradas, zucaritas, choco milk, choco tavo, cereal, chocolate, papel de baño, gastar, dinero, supermercado, tienda, marcas, chafas, pirata, coca cola, red cola, sabor cola, chedraui, walmart, family friendly, content, contenido familiar, amigable, amistoso, compras, necesidad basica, medicinas, despensa, leche
Id: YfmbmUJ0aXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2017
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