Siendo VEGANO por una semana!

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I got a vegan order of tacos, and I also got a vegan pizza. Wow, this is not bad at all. It does taste like real pizza, it does taste like real cheese. (Music) Hello friends, welcome to one more adventure, in this video we will try to be vegans for a week. Veganism today is a lifestyle for some, a simple trend for others, but what does it make it so attractive? Why do vegans love to bring it out every time they meet someone new? And most importantly, what is it about? I ask myself these questions many times, but the truth is that you cannot know the answer without having tried it So I decided to challenge myself to be a vegan for a week, I confess to you, I have terrible eating habits. So I guess this challenge will have a great degree of difficulty and what a better way to document it. During this week of experiment we will try to determine how expensive it is to have a vegan diet, if my weight goes up or down. We start the week weighing 56 kilos; and of course my well-being in general. If at some point I am less or more productive, if I have headaches, nausea or any other type of discomfort. But before we start we have to know perfectly what it means to be vegan. Am I putting myself at risk somehow by skipping my terrible vegan diet from one day to another? I decided to have a conversation about it with my friend Lilo. You will see, Lylo is a person who has been vegan for several years and in addition to that she is a nutritionist. I feel that there is no better person to guide us at the beginning of this challenge, join me! (Music) This is Lylo, she is a nutritionist and has been a vegan for 5 years So Lylo, tell me, being vegan, what is it about? What does it mean being a vegan person? I mean, vegan, completely, completely, is a lifestyle. We literally want to live in a utopia, and it sounds very sad to say it like that, but the truth is that we do have the desire and the longing to be able to live at peace and harmony with all living beings. We absolutely do not consume anything from the animals, not even in not even its derivatives I mean, no milk, no egg, no butter, no honey. We don't even consume silk in clothes, everything is made of cotton, fibers, many times recycled. I mean, are you telling me that there is vegan clothing? Yeah! But why is there vegan clothing? I mean, how does conventional clothing affect the environment? You know that all companies throw waste, the main idea is that all the waste that comes out does not have a real impact on the environment. And as for the clothes, there are also many fibers that sometimes have leather, from the animals. Yes, it is a bit picky, but it is a philosophy that is based not on animal damage And in terms of food only, it is not to consume anything that comes from an animal. Absolutely nothing that comes from an animal, not even in an indirect way, that is, it may be that you have a sandwich full of vegetables and say, well, this can be! Because the sandwich indirectly has milk, eggs... -Of course in the bread -Exactly. We are not only looking for the no animal damage, but also the no exploitation, and although your hen is following a cycle, you are not going to use the animal, okay? In other words, you expect it to follow its cycle, and if that was destined to go to the ground to be nutritious, then there it will be. Wow! You are a guardian, that's why we are evolved beings, beings who govern the world, we are above all living beings, and what we are looking for is equality. Scientific bases to be vegan, there are a lot, physics, that is, we are going to start with physics, which are the general ones, that is, our teeth are very different from carnivorous I mean, let's go by the hands, your hand is designed to be able to grab a fruit, on the other hand, the one of a tiger, the hand of a carnivorous animal, is designed to catch it's prey. Okay, we have nails, but they are not that strong and that long. You could not gut an animal. Your tongue, okay? Your tongue is very different from a carnivorous animal, your tongue is soft. All of your organism, all of your being is designed to absolutely be the herbivorous. So you heard her, this will be a week without any type of dairy, meat, chicken or fish. And I will take the liberty of wearing clothes that may not be vegan to focus only on food. (Monday) Okay friends, it's Monday and it's time to start with this challenge. Lylo, our vegan nutritionist friend, has already sent me my diet, more than a diet, recommendations. By the way, I recommend you to check out her channel and her social networks, I leave the links below in the description. Let's see how much of this special shopping list they sell in a common supermarket. One of my favorite things, possibly this week, will be the Oreos. Lylo told me that these cookies are one of the few vegan sweets, and in fact, they are made of wheat flour and soy. To cook we will bring coconut oil, check this out, beef flavored protein and chorizo flavored soy-made. We have a little quinoa here, this is not at all cheap, it is very little and costs $70 pesos, but I suppose it is necessary. And to replace the milk, which I like it a lot and it is oh! so delicious we are going to bring coconut milk and almond milk. Of course cereals, many, many cereals, and fruit, too much fruit, and how delicious and zero animal it is. Now , we are ready to start with this challenge. First meal First vegan food of the challenge. "Cochinita pibil" made of soya. I don't trust it, I have to be honest. I don't think it tastes very good. But until I try it, I won't judge. Boil 3 cups of water. Empty what's inside of the package. Step number three, remove until hydrated. Voila my friends! , bon apetit, vegan "cochinita pibil" The truth is that it was a big mistake of mine not to have bought tortillas because that way I could make some tacos, at least. Well, it's not terrible, but it's not delicious either. It clearly doesn't taste like meat. It's a little bit like chewing , I don't know, cardboard. As if you gave me a glass of cardboard and chewed it. I guess it's okay, I guess it's a successful first dinner. In addition to this, I will have a little fruit. Maybe cereal with coconut milk. And since I don't want to eat this non-vegan chocolate that is tempting me in my refrigerator. I will possibly devour an Oreo cookie that, curiously, is vegan Do you know what it means to be vegan? -No -A person that... No, no idea I think he's a homeless guy. Unlike vegetarians who don't eat meat, they don't cook it either. Being vegan means having a seed diet. Do not eat anything that comes from animals Do not eat meat because of animal abuse Not eating meat Do you think you could be vegans? No, I would love to, but no, I wouldn't be able to Me neither, I love meat No, I don't think so I eat meat, I like meat Only vegetables? No, no, no. I couldn't take it. I could try, but I don't know if I can keep this lifestyle. I feel that sometimes they do it more for folloing a trend than for their own conviction. Personally no, tacos are life. I feel like as humans, we need a little fat. I don't think you find the same proteins in other foods than the ones you get from meat. We all need meat as much as vegetables, or milk. A vegan doesn't eat this, so he can have a lot of nutritional deficiencies. That's why I don't watch animal abuse videos to keep eating meat and enjoying tacos. Tuesday Tuesday my friends, Tuesday, having for breakfast cereal with milk that is not really milk. Today is when everything really starts from tomorrow night, let this vegan day begin. Today it was a recording video day, I present to you Arturo, and I'm hungry. And this worries me a little, my friends, because I won't be able to ask for anything with meat. I really do not feel like anything more than asking for something juicy, substantial. Excuse me, here in this restaurant do you have options for vegetarian food? Yes. We apparently have the mushroom burger here, which instead of meat has portobello mushroom. The only problem here is that it has bread, I can order it with lettuce wraps. I present to you my hamburger, lettuce wraps, mushroom, tomato. I wouldn't say this is good at all, but at least it's going to fill me up, I guess. I don't know if it was the best choice of restaurant, at least there are potatoes, potatoes with vegetable oil. Welcome to one of the traditions we have, we really like to come to the movies, I feel like it's going to be a challenge to be vegan in this scenario. We always ask for, I don't know, everything, popcorn, nachos, crepes, everything. Salads, I think I could order a salad without chicken, natural popcorn and plain water. We are returning from the cinema, it has like 2 hours that I ate and I am hungry again. So what I have learned on this first day, really the first full day of eating vegan, is that it does fill you up in the moment. I mean, at the moment I feel satisfied, but then I get hungry. And for tomorrow, a while ago I went to buy snacks Tomorrow I have a recording day too, so I don't want to be starving. I bought nuts, pistachios, more nuts. To be able to be munching and not be very hungry during the day. Wednesday Good morning, nice Wednesday, today I had the same breakfast , cereal with almond milk, and later let's see what vegan options we find. Vegan Planet, it has vegan chilaquiles, vegan pizzas, check it out, boom, boom, boom, and oh!, they even have vegan desserts, they have everything, check out this other thing, they have a menu of vegan tacos here. We have here an order of vegan tacos, this is supposedly "pastor" it is made with mushrooms,. They did put their pineapple and everything, the color even physically looks like a normal one and you can believe it. Well, what do I tell you friends?, it really does not taste, not even similar, I would dare to say, not even similar. But it's not bad, I mean, I'm enjoying, it is nice ,and the most important thing is that it takes away the hunger. Let's see how this other one is, this is "cochinita pibil" made with jamaica, that's weird, I don't really know. This is surprisingly good, we return to the same, it is not the same as eating cochinita pibil. But it has that tasty flavor, so yes, you could finish it. And I also ordered a vegan pizza, check this out, it's super cool, it's cheese made with nuts from India. Wow, this is not so bad, it does taste like real pizza, it really does taste like real cheese. I found vegan chocolates, I'm going to save all this for my times of weakness, do you think it's okay? When I'm thinking of giving up this challenge, boom, I grab a chocolate and basically I remember that life is more beautiful with a chocolate. Thursday Today is basically a day to stay home, work, upload videos, answer emails, have phone calls, Skype and so on. I've eaten fruit, a little bit of that soy meat that I bought in the supermarket, and one of the vegan chocolates that we bought yesterday in the market. I've been very farty all day, I guess because of the food. Basically that's it, there's nothing else to add. Friday Friday, cloudy Friday in the city, today our challenge will have some difficulty because I have a formal event, as you can see this is my attempt to dress formally, which means that obviously there will be nothing more than scrambled eggs with sausage, so I will have to get stuck with fruit, oatmeal or whatever thet have alternative to it. Ready, we left the breakfast, it was not so complicated, there were beans, but they had chorizo, so I had to scratch the chorizo. I think there is a very big incongruence here, because although I did not eat the product made with the animal, it will be wasted, even so it was used in a certain way, but obviously we are fulfilling the challenge, I came here with my friend Yeah! Forever vegan here in Polanco Vegan eggs, I didn'tknow that existed, it's egg, it's not egg, what is it made of? It's tofu. Tofu It's a mixture of tofu and they put a little spice to make it taste a little more like an egg. - Okay - Like an egg Like an egg Wow. How was it? Surprisingly, it does taste like egg. Yes, I think that is the first meal in the whole week, that I have, that, if they didn't tell me it's vegan, I wouldn't realize it, this one is very nice, it's very good. For dessert I ordered, listen well, a vegan cheese cake, vegan hot chocolate. Places like this are really making the challenge a lot easier, because I can even eat a lot of sweets and others. I think this is more delicious than a real cheese cake. Let's go to the chocolate, I feel like I'm not going to like the chocolate. Yes, you know the truth, this one is not so good, a very good way to spend a Friday. Saturday Good morning friends, my day really started about 5 hours ago, something like that. I was recording a night video, you will see it later on the channel, the truth is that it will be very cool. And right now I just came to have breakfast here at a Sanborns. I ordered a fruit salad with jelly, the only problem here is that they put yogurt on it. I didn't know it included yogurt, I guess I'll have to scrape it or something like that to eat it as little as possible. So here we are appreciating a difficulty of ordinary life. Many dishes are served with yogurt, cream or any type of animal product. Without asking you, because it is still something quite unusual. What do you think about veganism? I think it's cool, it's something really cool. After all, everyone has what they like. I really don't have much to say, it's a matter of a personal decision. I can't live without meat and I would never be vegan in my life. I think it's a good cause. Well, I don't know, I'm a cat fan and all the cat helpers are vegan. You have to respect it like everyone else! Sunday Happy Sunday, family Sunday. We are gathered, the whole family here to savor delicacies that my mother has cooked. The misfortune here is that I will not be able to. Rice, potatoes, that is something that we had not addressed in this video. And it is the fact of being that uncomfortable person in a group of people, which is like no, I do not eat that. And you have a reputation for being picky, my mom was like: son, what do I do with you then? And that must happen if you are the vegan relative, right? Always, and you make yourself famous for being picky, it is a negative point. Cheers, let's enjoy! (Monday) Monday again, we finished the week, challenge accomplished. I must admit that it was not as difficult as I thought at the beginning, exactly a week ago. But let's see the specific points. Money, let's talk about money. Yes, it was a little more expensive this vegan week in terms of food. We are talking that I usually spend $ 1,500 pesos a week on food. They are like $ 90 american dollars and this week I spent maybe $ 2,500. There are about $ 1,000 pesos, like $60 american dollars of difference. But I should say, it is because I ate a lot in restaurants. Eating in vegan restaurants is expensive, but if you cook at home, it may be so much, much cheaper. It will be cheaper but you will not have such delicious things, so, you decide. Number 2, the weight. By this day, I weight 55 kilos, we started the week weighing 56, so I lowered a kilo or so, there could have been many factors, not necessarily the food, but let's say yes, maybe that's why. Number 3, my well-being in general, the truth is that at no time did I feel weak or that I lacked energy, I ate quite well, I even discovered that I really like, I really like a lot of vegan dishes. And as an additional point, I want to emphasize that it was not so difficult, obviously we must take into account that I live in Mexico City, which is a very large city with many options of all kinds of food. Maybe if I lived in a smaller city, there would not be so many vegan restaurants, so many options and it would be more difficult, but I really never had nausea, I never had the desire to eat meat, I felt satisfied, full. Well in my meals, I ate maybe more times a day, but I was satisfied. And I also have to mention that yes, every time I met someone new or every time I met a friend, family member, whatever, I told him that I was being vegan this week. So I started to think and I said, maybe vegans love to talk about being vegan, because it does represent a certain degree of difficulty, and if you feel satisfied with yourself, it is also a great topic of conversation. So like, hey, I'm being vegan, and you start talking about that, it's just interesting, maybe there is a little more off people who do it for following a trend, more than as a true lifestyle that they decided to have for their well-being. But everyone has their own reasons we have to respect them. And possibly many of you are asking,: Luis from now on will you be vegan? No, at least in my personal point of view, you can eat very well balanced eating meat, chicken, fish, Eating things of animal origin is not synonymous with having a bad diet at all. But I emphasize that is only my point of view, and in this type of video the important thing is always what you think, leave it in the comments below. I really hope you liked and enjoyed this video, and I invite you if you are curious, try it, try this challenge for a week, why not? you do not miss anything, and you could gain a new experience, new knowledge, one more adventure. See you in a few days with a new video! Goodbye, vegan sweety! (Music)
Channel: Luisito Comunica
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Keywords: luisitocomunica, luisitocomunicaa, luisito comunica, luisito comunicaa, luisito, comunica, comunicaa, vegano, veganismo, vegetariano, vegetarian, vegan, planet, comida, verduras, alimentacion, sin carne, prohibido comer carne, comer, pomida, pomer, reto, challenge, vegetariana, recetas, consejos, dieta, diet, diets, retos de comida, lylo, lylocyv, como ser vegano, consejos para, como, ser vegano, being vegan, lifestyle, vida, estilo de, rutina, facil
Id: K1adGMdN4SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2016
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