Dynamic Product Promo In After Effect | After Effects Tutorial | Effect For You

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this video sponsored by envato elements hey everyone welcome back to effect for you channel today we are going to create dynamic product promo like this [Music] so let's get started first today sponsor message envato elements is a website where you can find over 2 million stock assets for photo editing video editing and kind of digital creation stuff like stock photo video music sound effect graphics templates but also video templates like title animation logo animation photo slideshow and lots more you can download all these assets unlimited for personal and commercial use for more detail find the first link in description let's jump into the after effects first create a new composition 1920x1080 i call this main comp then create a new solid layer this is our background layer select the layer and search gradient ramp effect change ramp shape radial ramp then change start color as you like and end color black move top point center of the composition and move bottom point side of the composition now search noise effect change amount of noise three percent now we need to create some element so create a new composition change width and height 100 by 100 pixels i call this element one comp then select polygon tool and create a triangle like this we don't need fill color so fill color none stroke color white and stroke around 6 pixels now go to main comp and drag element 1 comp into the timer line and turn off the layer then create a new solid layer this is our particle 1 layer now search cc particle world effect this is an inbuilt effect of after effects go to effect control panel and turn off the grid increase longevity around 10 second here you can see the particles then open producer and change the radius x y and z 0.900 then open physics change animation cone axis gravity zero resistance around 4.5 extra zero and change extra angle around 235 degree now open particle and select particle type textured disk then open texture and select texture layer element 1 com player here you can see the particles then decrease the depth size around point zero eight zero then increase the size variation and max opacity one hundred percent then change color map custom now open custom color map and change the color as you like cool you can see the colorful particles here and also change transfer mode screen perfect it's look good to me we need to create one more element so go to project window and duplicate the element one open element two we don't need this triangle shape so delete this shape then select ellipse tool and create a small circle now go to main comp and drag element 2 into the timer line and turn off the layer then duplicate the particle 1 layer and rename the layer as particle 2 so we can easily identify the layer now select particle 2 layer go to effect control panel then open particle then open texture and change the texture layer element 2. here you can see the circles now open physics change the extra angle little bit to make little differentiation also change resistance around four you can also change the custom color map according to your choice perfect we need to duplicate the particle to layer one more time change the birth rate around 1.5 then open physics change resistance 3.5 and also change extra angle little bit you can adjust all these setting according to your choice i am just showing you an example select all particle layers and turn on motion blur now create a camera i am using 35 millimeters preset camera and increase the angle of view around 150 degree so that we got a wide view of angle here our comp will look something like this now create null layer convert null into 3d layer and parent your camera with null layer go to first frame select null layer hit p for position and shift r for rotation and add a keyframe on position and y rotation go to 2 view horizontal and move the camera's x position right side of the composition around 1900 pixels then also move the y position around 800 but you can change these settings according to your choice then add a keyframe on y rotation and change the y rotation around 140 degree now go to around 20 frame forward and change the z position minus 2000 pixels then again go to 20 frame forward and change the z position again 0 pixel and also change the y rotation minus 90 degrees but as i said you can adjust these settings according to your choice now here we have a bounce script copy the script and apply on y rotation so hold alt key and click on stopwatch icon and paste the script here select all position keyframes and easy ease them cool now go to 5 to 6 second forward here we need to create reverse animation so copy all positions keyframes and paste it here we need to change the rotation keyframes only so go to the first keyframe on second animation and add a keyframe and the keyframe amount is minus 90 degree then go to the last keyframe and change the rotation amount 140 degrees let's see how it looks perfect it's look good to me now again go to 5 to 6 second forward and copy all keyframes which we used in our first animation and paste it here then again go to 5 to 6 second forward and this time copy all these second keyframes and paste it here similarly you can do your animation further let's see how it looks perfect it's look good to me now we need to add our product so create a new composition 1920 by 1080 and this is our image placeholder one drag your image into the timer line and resize according to your choice now we need little bit animation so hit r for rotation go to first frame and add a keyframe then go to around 8 second forward and change the rotation 10 degree now go to main comp and drag image placeholder 1 into the timer line and turn on 3d layer and also turn on motion blur as you can see we need to rotate our image placeholder so hit r for rotation and adjust the y rotation and also move the z position little close to the camera and place our product center of the composition as you can see in the first frame it's not look good to me so hit t for opacity and shift s for scale and add a keyframe and change the opacity zero percent also change scale zero percent then go to the around two second forward and change scale and opacity amount 100 percent you can move the keyframe according to your choice perfect now go to where our second animation start and add a keyframe on opacity and scale then go to view frame forward and change the opacity and scale zero percent cool trim the extra part of the layer now we need to add our second product so go to project window and duplicate the image placeholder 1 then drag image placeholder 2 into the timer line convert into 3d layer and also turn on motion blur and move the layer when our second animation start here you can see our layer position and rotation are not perfect so hit p for position and move the z position and shift r for rotation and also adjust the y rotation we need to adjust the position and rotation so that our product comes to the center of the comp addressed position and rotation until our product came into the center and adjust z position so our product look like this perfect now change the product image and resize according to your choice now go to main comp and move the time indicator when our product about to reach center of the composition hit t for opacity and shift s for scale and add a keyframe and change amount 0 then go to view frame forward and change the amount 100 percent i think we need to move the keyframes little bit perfect it's look good to me now go to five to six second forward when our third animation started and add a keyframe then go to view frame forward and change the scale and opacity amount zero percent trim the extra part of the layer now we need to add third image placeholder as you know our third animation keyframes has the same property which is in our first keyframes animation and we already adjust our first image placeholder according to these setting so duplicate the first image placeholder and move the layer when our third animation start then go to project window and duplicate the image placeholder to now hold alt key and drag the image placeholder 3 over the duplicate image placeholder1 layer open placeholder 3 and replace your image cool similarly our fourth keyframes has the same property which is in our second keyframes animation and our image placeholder 2 we already adjust according to the second animation keyframes so duplicate the placeholder 2 and move the layer when our fourth animation start then go to project window and duplicate the image placeholder 3 hold alt key and drag placeholder 4 over the duplicate image placeholder 2 layer then change your image perfect similarly you can add more image placeholders now we need to add our text so create a new composition i call this text one select the rounded rectangle tool and create a shape like this rotate the shape 45 degrees and move the shape top corner of the composition change the shape color as you like and increase the stroke around 10 pixels now we need to animate this select the layer hit s for scale and after rotation go to one second forward and add a keyframe then go to first frame and change the scale zero percent and rotation around 140 degree select the both first keyframes and easy ease them and make your graph like this now we need to apply the same bounce script in both scale and rotation copy the script hold alt key and click on stopwatch icon and paste the script here move these keyframes little bit cool now duplicate the shape layer and move below the first layer and fill color white we use this shape layer as a mask and stroke none now select text tool and type your text move the text center of the shape layer and also move the text layer below of the shape layers now animate the text hit p for position and add a keyframe then go to first frame and move the text left side of the composition select first keyframe and easy ease them and also apply the bounce script now select the text layer and change track matte alpha matte perfect you can move the text keyframe few frame forward perfect now we need to add product name and product description so select text tool and type your text now animate this text also go to around one second forward and add a keyframe on position then go to first frame and move the text right side of the composition select first keyframe and easy ease them and also apply the bounce script move the both keyframes around one second forward cool now select rectangle tool and create a shape like this then select text layer and change track matte alpha inverted matte so now it's not visible here perfect now add description i am using dummy text here you can use your own text we need to also animate this so open text layer go to animate and select line spacing go to around 1 second forward and add a keyframe online spacing then go to first frame and change the vertical line spacing 80. select the first keyframe and easy ease them and make your graph like this and also apply the bounce script i think we need to move the last keyframe few frames back cool now also animate the position so go to 20 frame forward and add a keyframe on position then go to first frame and move the text bottom side of the composition select first keyframe and easy ease them and also apply the bounce script move the all keyframes around one second forward perfect and turn on the motion blur of all layers now go to main comp and drag the text 1 into the timer line change the layer color so we can easily find them convert into 3d layer then hit r for rotation and adjust the y rotation and move the z position close to the camera then go to around one second forward and add a keyframe on opacity and scale and change the opacity zero percent and scale also zero percent then go to view frame forward and change the both amount 100 also turn on the motion blur we need to adjust the keyframe when our product image visible and you can also move the all text keyframes few frame forward perfect it's look good to me then go to five second forward and add a keyframe then go to view frame forward and change the scale and opacity zero percent and trim the extra part of the layer now duplicate the text one layer then move when our second image visible then go to project window and duplicate the text 1 hold alt key and drag text 2 over the duplicate text 1 layer now change the y rotation and also move the z position perfect i think we need to move the layer few frame forward cool you can also change your text now we have to do the same thing as we did with the image placeholder so duplicate the text one layer and move this layer when our third animation start then go to project window and duplicate the text to comp hold alt key and drag text 3 comp over the duplicate text 1 com player and change your text for fourth animation we need to duplicate the text to comp layer and move when our fourth image visible now go to project window and duplicate the text 3 comp then replace text 4 comp with duplicate text 2 com player and type your text perfect our animation has done hit zero for render thanks for watching i hope you like the video if you like the video please share it like it and subscribe our channel for more tutorial i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Effect For You
Views: 180,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: effect for you, after effects tutorial, after effect tutorials, dynamic product promo, dynamic product promo after effects, product promo after effects, dynamic promo after effects, dynamic product advertising after effects, product advertising promo in after effects, product advertising promo, dynamic food promo, dynamic product slideshow, product promo slideshow, product advertisement after effects tutorial, after effects
Id: 6elcXG4BFaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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