"Proclaiming the Lord's Death" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (1 Corinthians 11:23 - 26)

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just for a couple minutes I want to draw your attention to the first corinthians chapter eleven I'm gonna read verses 23 through 26 for just a couple of minutes I want to talk about this for I received from the Lord verse 23 that which I also delivered to you that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me in the same manner he also took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood this do as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for his often verse 26 as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the Lord's death till he comes for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the Lord's death till he comes I want to talk about proclaiming the Lord to death say that proclaiming the Lord the Apostle Paul writes to the church in Corinth it is a carnal church it is a church that I got I got a lot of a lot of stuff going on a lot of behavior that's not in accordance with God's Word it was an ancient First Baptist Church of Glen Arden nothing surprises me anymore nobody can call me and tell me something that one of our members has done or nobody can confess anything to me that they they're doing or have done that will surprise me because I've covered it all I've seen it all right I can't be surprised and I think one of the reasons that the Apostle Paul is writing to them about Communion and the sacredness of it is because our victory in life our ability to be transformed it's tied to what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross and this is important thing because if you're not careful Church can become a social club for Saints I have talked at a lot of churches and I've been at a lot of places on the course of my life and I have recognized that there's a lot of churches that are not about the kingdom of God and helping lives helping people's lives get change it's it's about getting you plugged into the little cliques and the groups and the activities of the church and it's not interested in helping your life be changed and we're very much interested in making sure that you become a member of our church or you get involved in the kingdom of God and develop a relationship with God so that when you look at yourself six months from now or a year from now you're not the same person then that you are right now there oughta come some progress in your life there ought to be some changes in your life that every year you see yourself growing closer and tighter to the Lord Jesus Christ every hit order there will be some habits that you used to do that you're not doing no more there are there ought to be some transformation in your desires there ought to be some stuff that you used to want to do that you don't want to do anymore there ought to be some things that have matter of fact there ought to be some things that you're doing that you wasn't doing last year there ought to be some change and the question is why is it and how is it that people can keep on going to church here after year must have to month how people can be involved singing in the choir and serving on the board and being an usher and never change and it is the reason they won't change is because they have not fully grasped and put their hope and trust and confidence in what Jesus Christ did for them on the cross don't come to join the church because you think that just joining church will make you better no no just joining the church will not make your life any better when I became the pastor of this church 26 years ago the practice when I first came is people came up to join church you came up we took here in the back got your name and address and we came back out front and voted on you huh we voted on whether we were gonna let you be a part of our club the Bible says whosoever will let them come when a a married homosexual couple joined our church and I told the church about it I start getting I start God and I start getting emails about what we want to do with them I didn't know I found out they were married by accident I found out cuz I walked outside I found and talked to a thousand people sitting them up here and I walked outside heading to my office and there was a group of people standing outside and I was talking to them and just engaging them and and I found out their names and everything and one I meant just join the church they say they're waiting on another person and while I was talking that my other person came up and one person said this is my wife that was right around before Thanksgiving last year actually two years ago 2014 and when I told the church about it people stopped writing me saying would you look about that faster and after the job now I'm gonna do the same thing with them as I do with the whoremongers and the adulterous and the liars and the robbers and the feasts we're gonna preach the gospel to them we're gonna teach them to where to God we don't love them cuz you ain't all the way you ain't got everything straightening your own life and you want to try to be critical of somebody else because of something going on in their life and you ain't got never I'm crossing every T in yo come on there you better shut up the city this is not a place for perfect people this is a hospital we are hospital for sick people look up and down euro there's some sick people on your own seamos y'all didn't look up and down because you know you just sick person we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God but what makes it helps us change if we elevate and push to the top the fact that we can be free from that which controls us and that which keeps us in bondage if we put our faith and confidence in what Jesus Christ did on the cross that's what changes us his death it is no small thing his death matter of fact the scripture says right here that we are here tonight to betake him Communion and he said when you partake of communion here's what you're doing you are proclaiming my death and that's a rather significant thing we let it roll off our minds and roll off our hearts and roll off our tongues like it's no big thing but when a person dies it's a big deal and Jesus died and when he he died he to eat matter of fact his I haven't seen a lot of movies but I have no movie can compare and show with specificity the degree of the ugliness of Jesus dying on the cross you might see what they did to him physically but what cannot be portrayed in movies is what happened to him spiritual because God took all of our sins and that y'all got a whole lot of sins up here and he took all your sicknesses and all healed disease and all your stress and all of your emotional disruption and all your mental anguish and all of the pain that you've had and he laid the punishment that should have gone to you he put it on Jesus as a matter of fact the scripture says he who knew no sin became sin for us and it was such an ugly scene it was such an ugly scene his death was so ugly his death that scene was so bad that the Bible said I believe when Jesus said my God my God why has thou forsaken me he was communicating and saying that God has shut off the link between me and glory and God has shut the door down he's closed the windows is such an ugly scene that even God had to turn his face and look away and he that's why I cannot miss chameleon because this is how we remember what he did I want to tell our new members all 6090 are we getting 69 new members tonight trial family please don't be like the other nine thousand of our members or eight thousand of our members who never come back please put this on your calendar every fourth Sunday that we join together has a family can I say some deal this right here is our church not those other people that come just on Sunday morning I'm angry at people who don't love Jesus enough to put communion in their calendar because he said this is the way you remember me thank God that he didn't give me a hell to put people in because I sent him straight to hell you mean the fact he woke you up every day gave you the activities of your limbs open doors for you that you didn't have a right to have open healed your sick party and you can't take the time to come to commune he said it's often as you do this we only do it once a month 12 times a year and you can't come he said you proclaimed my death he tells us what we should be doing what should we be doing here's number one proclaiming shouting preaching stating witnessing declaring holding on believing it speaking it proclaiming his death telling people he died for me I love you but I'm not gonna die for you and I don't think y'all would die for me nope I saw a few people say they had no past it's okay I wouldn't die for you and my manager but he did that first the proclamation is of what he did for us is the key to our deliverance it's understanding that he was hung up for our hangups he got punished for our sins he died for our sins and and so we are to proclaim and shouted and what should we be proclaiming his death he died now when a when a person dies three things happen first of all when a human being dies their body returns back to the dust Ecclesiastes 12:7 just jot that down I'm not gonna turn to it but crazy-ass these twelve seven tells us that your your your your physical body returns back to the dust number two your spirit returns to God the person that which makes you alive the spirit that lives in you that gives you life returns to God who gave it that's in clear seas 12 7 as well our spirit returns to God who gave it and number three your soul Gold two goes to its final resting place your soul goes to either heaven or hell look at your neighbor say where you going second Corinthians 5:8 says and when a believer dies to be absent in the body means to be present with God they go to be in the presence of God Luke 16 talks about the unbelievers who who go to a place called Hades they lift up their eyes in Hades but when Jesus died he went to a holding place with the Saints of all went when they died hallelujah and he preached to those who were held captive who did not have the opportunity to embrace Jesus because he had not been born on the earth yet and he busted in and said lift up your heads o ye gates and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors the King of glory is about to step on in here somebody said who is this King of glory he said the law is strong and mighty he is the king of glory I am the king of glory he said you've been held down here for a season but now's the time for you to put your faith in the resurrected full of the Savior and I'm going to give you life and and I'm here today to tell you that the same power that raised him up out of the grave is the same power that will give you life and abundant life and freedom over whatever heals you in life somebody ought to give God some praise right I'm freezing the Lord I've gotta hurry up and finish here I'm giving God the Saints and I'm giving him the glory that he went down to that place to deliver him a man and to snatch the keys of death hell and the grave from the devil and now Jesus has the power of death hell and the grave in his hands and hallelujah no devil can send you to hell you go to hell cause you wanna go to hell and I don't know about y'all but I am NOT going to hell ain't nothing in hell that I won't I'm going to heaven somebody say I'm going to heaven so the key that for us is to celebrate proclaim speaker believe about the death of Jesus it's an ugly scene that even the movies came fully betray that he took on himself our sins and died I imagine you have heard me say on several occasions that the devil thought that they had him and I believe the devil had his own little party and they were down there dancing and celebrating because God was dead that they had taken the Savior out of the world and somewhere around the height of the party between midnight on Saturday and early Sunday morning they heard a knock at the door they wanted to know who it was he said I am the resurrection and the life he said I am the way the truth and the life he said I am the light of the world I wish I had somebody he said I'm the bread of life hallelujah he said I'm the resurrection and he that believes on me though he were dead yet shall he live and he took the power away from the devil and he conquered death and got up out of the grave and that's why we know we have the truth because I'll save you did what Muhammad didn't do and Confucius didn't do it who did it knew and all those others didn't do he conquered death he conquered death he conquered death proclaiming I preach it's my shouted slash sayin I believe it I trusted he conquered death hallelu hallelujah it is no small thing everybody else who died is still in the grave but he got out of the grave and Paul said to the carnal church you need to proclaim it is well nothing he said proclaim it till he comes can I get some people to help me proclaim a chilly calm when you find one and you go to fetch him tell him do you know Jesus died for you tell him he loved you enough to die on the cross for your sins and take the punishment for your sins so you don't have to fear standing before God ever again you can stand before him with no guilt no shame and know that your sins have been washed away and covered by the blood of Jesus somebody say I got into it Chile cops how far somebody say do it till he comes till two or three people say do it till he comes till he comes till he comes till he calms till he comes till he comes Chile comes till he comes and in case I haven't told you lately he's on his way back again he's on his way back again are you ready he's on his way hallelujah I'm done give the Lord a shout of praise if you don't mind father in Jesus name in the mighty name of Jesus we humble ourselves before you somebody here today Lord needs that life draw them right now in Jesus name somebody needs to deliverance and forgiveness and breakthroughs bring them now father in Jesus name somebody needs transformation somebody needs a church in Jesus name I pray hallelujah amen somebody need just get on up and come on down here right now that's what you need to do you're not right with God you don't have a church you're backslidden you need assurance make your way on down here right now is the time come don't be ashamed don't be embarrassed just say you know what I want to get right with God I want I want to be free I want to be transformed I want I want a new life I want a church maybe you already say but you need a church tell your neighbor this here is a great church tell them this is a great you make your way on down here right now while the blood is running woman you hallelujah thank you Jesus
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 16,368
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Christ, Holy, Grace, Sermon, Word, Bible, Study, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Preaching, Ministries, Ministry, Praise, Spirit, Religion, Blessed, Blessing, Salvation, Revival, Fellowship, Choir, Black, Preacher, Preachers, Chorus, Proclaiming the Lord's Death, 1 Corinthians
Id: 1n8_8nw2no0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2016
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