After Effects to Maya, how to bring a camera from film to Match 3D movement.

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okay you guys so i was finally able to figure out what happened with after effects and not coming back to maya and i'll have to show you in here um the first problem i think is frame rate so um if you hit ctrl k or go to composition settings just do some simplified things um i would change the composition settings to 24 because that's what's usually that's what usually maya works at 24 frames per second so yeah just go to your composition settings change it to 24. we're going to say okay to that and also um i'm just going to apply the i'm going to look for the effects and presets here and i'm going to say 3d camera tracker and it's just gonna apply it drag it over to my film plate analyzing background if it doesn't work um you know what you need to do just go to the advanced tab and sometimes it's set to automatic i think you have to change it to typical so it works so see it's it failed again so i'm gonna change it here to auto detect to typical and usually that will fix the problem it was pretty quick so i'm gonna come here and find a good so i'm zooming in with the mouse wheel and i'm just trying to find a good spot that will stay put there and that looks like this kind of looks like it's on the same plane than the ground uh we're gonna try so i'm gonna say create uh no end camera so i'm right clicking on the target and remember if you don't see the target um you just have to increase the scale of them over here on the effects window now i'm going to see my null see if it's sticking and it seems to be sticking really good and it's kind of hard to see because the knob's so small so i'm just gonna make it larger i'm gonna hit s to get the scale make it larger and make sure it's sticking to the ground so it looks like it's sticking fairly good yes it's pretty good actually the only thing is like if you were to imagine a grid on the ground of this park um you could you know these bars kind of help you even the tiles can help you this looks off the gnu looks a little uh turned if you were to put a grid in here like if this was your maya grid you know and this were your squares going side to side and into the scene um maya puts the the grid on the position of this guy of the knoll and if you see the nose kind of twisted and this is where i was making the mistake why was it matching so before we parent the camera we're going to turn the null a bit so i'm going to hit w it gives you the rotate tool which is up here you can also click on it and on the z axis i'm going to rotate it so i can take it not that i want to rotate the no i'm going to rotate the null a bit so it kind of matches my imaginary grid or the grid that i think would be on the scene so that's where my my is going to put the the maya grid it's going to put it on the position of the snow so if it was twisted like it was before um that's what maya would do it would put it twisted so we don't want that we want it to be a line and if you look at this darker tiles here it looks like it's doing pretty good actually like it's the input okay so i'm gonna say that's good and this is also the other problem i was having i was um i need to zero out the position and all that after i parent the camera so i'm gonna parent the camera first and on the null i'm gonna open it and i'm gonna reset um this scale and this is not gonna affect the camera because the camera is already parented to it so i'm gonna say hit the scale is gonna be 100 no zero 100 and nothing's changed here because um you know the camera is already parented to it then the position we're gonna reset to zero zero the orientation we're also gonna um raise it to zero and i think this is what i was doing backwards before so you wanna adjust the the null first to kind of an imaginary grid on your ground and then parent the camera and then reset everything um to zero so the grid is set aligned to this now that i have this two how i want them and this took me i don't know how many times to figure it out i was hitting live for a minute here i'm gonna go uh no uh run my script to export remember that script is on the files for the class so after effects export modified you say open it's going to run it open on the other window so here it is and we're going to say matchmaker3 and on the options we're going to do what we did last time so we're going to say shift to zero we're going to turn that off scale one two one and turn off open the four views of maya and then we're going to say export you have to make sure both of these guys are selected the null and the camera so i'm going to say export i already have a marshmallow 3. i did so many of them let me change the name export it's going to do its thing then i'm gonna open maya okay so here's maya open um for some reason my perspective window was off which was throwing me off like you don't see the grid and it's like what's going on like even if i make a cube here it's not showing off not showing up on the grid so i don't know i don't know what's going on with my default view if i hit f you know it shows up but otherwise it doesn't so this was throwing me off too but anyway i'm not gonna use this camera so i'm just gonna import that scene i'm gonna say open uh scene and open scene i think it's on the desktop yeah marshmallow 77 so i'm going to open it not save this scene and say this is what's throwing me off before like my perspective window is like way out in the distance but if i add a cube and hit f there it is there's the grid now i'm going to select the camera i imported and i'm going to say panels and look through selected because we want to look through that camera there's my grid and if i turn this on that's my resolution gate this little circle with the blue dot the blue dot with the square so that's showing me the resolution of the camera and it should come with the resolution from after effects that should be the same size now if you play through and let's put a cube here so we can see something i'm going to make it bigger if we play through you know it'll look just like the movement we capture and actually our grid or our null is supposed to be saying where the grid is so so if i don't want this to be kind of halfway into the ground i can just move it up so it kind of sits on the grid so it's a little better a little better much now one problem you might run into you know the the first thing i run into was the frame per second i think maya has trouble figuring out the 23.95 frames per second so i just changed my comp in after effects to 24 and i came here and i also change it to 24 frames per second um the other thing might be that when you import um the image sequence like if i click in this to import the image sequence i'm going to say jpeg sequence import frame 0 open you know there it is it's just on top of my cube and my grid which i don't like so i'm going to open the attributes for the image sequence yeah they have selected um and i'm going to say use image sequence and the depth is one so i'm going to make it 100 so it's farther back and now my cube's on top so the other thing i ran into i don't know if it's gonna happen now but yeah it is happening so if you look it's like it's one frame off and i think it has to do with maya starting from frame one and it puts your your track on frame one so i was like and that was driving me crazy it's like it's like it's a little bit off it's like really good but it's a little bit off like one frame as i going ahead on the movement so all you have to do is um and then after effects this is really easy you can just you know you have the layer with with the with the cube of maya which we're gonna bring next next time we're gonna do that after you guys match the lighting um and you just slide the layer around you know you can move it however many frames you need but in in maya it was driving me crazy because i didn't know what was going on so all you have to do again is select your image sequence and i think it's one frame ahead because it starts on frame one instead of frame zero so i'm going to open the attributes of it and there is actually an offset here on the attributes of your image sequence so i just put -1 in here um let's see it's caching here and now if if you play it it should be pretty much perfect yeah there we go see it's like sitting on the grid it looks like it's sitting on the ground we're good to go perfect it even has the last frame that says fail to solve because there was nothing on the last frame of after effects but yeah that's that's how you get your film into maya and you match the movement sorry i had these problems you know but you run into this kind of things and sometimes it takes a while to figure it out um i want you to try to figure it out if you can't i'll give you the file let me know and i'll send you the file with this tracked on but i want you to give it a shot you know now that you know all the problems i run into it should be it should be fairly easy to figure it out okay and that's it now the only thing you need to do is match the lighting you know that's the assignment to match the lighting this match move is part of it but much the lighting is the important thing so you'll have a pretty strong uh directional light in here and you can even load one of these pictures you can one of those jpegs and put it on on the sky dom so it projects this light into the cube and that is that
Channel: Robinson
Views: 4,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tracking film after effects, maya to after effects, maya to AE
Id: 4tAmPms92Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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