Procedural Scales in Blender 2.83 - Studio Culture Livestream

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ErinIsOkay 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
if you're watching this on youtube then welcome this is the studio culture stream we are doing this on the discord channel and there's a link in the description down below so feel free to come and join in we do it on a friday afternoon or evening depending on where you are in the world and yeah it's just nice to come and hang out have a chat and get involved in the discord so there we go today is uh scales so i'm just setting up my screen as usual we're doing it with a plane just uh i feel like i always use a plane these days but there we go it's going to be an eevee material preview for this and then just adding a texture coordinate input plain old plane yeah that's right just keeping it standard we could do some 3d toasters at some point and we should probably do some uh you can do some like really fun things with flames for uh like volumetrics so we should do that at some point as well yeah so scales are a sort of like a repeated pattern and they overlap by 50 so you just have to make that kind of pattern and we're going to do it in such a way that we can affect it so that you end up with these like square edges as well and i posted a thing about it on uh twitter a few days ago that just showed thing luca rude was doing one and he was doing um he was like saying that he'd found a way to it really lightly and it just made me think of a technique for doing it and then i shared it with him and he said that that wasn't the way so i'm excited to see what he does because if he's find an even lighter way to do this then i'm definitely interested because this is the best way that i can find so yeah i feel like there's a little bit of like node golf when people share their setups scales so in this one we've got a little bit of a control that lets you like round off these corners and they're all sort of laying over each other like so like roof tiles and then if you round it off then they look more like scales and we can have a little bit of a play with like creating some displacement with these giving a random color for each one and putting uv coordinates on them so nice easy way to start we're just going to take object coordinates which is what i normally do and then take effect maths that it's a scale and and then this is just going to give us the freedom to bring more scales into the picture and then just immediately we're going to be separating separate xyz and then a math node so a nice easy way to do tiles is to use ping pongs so if you take x and y and you ping pong each one and then you do a smooth minimum of each one so they're joined back together then this distance is going to round the corners so we're basically using this method but instead of doing square tiles we're going to be doing elongated tiles so this bottom one is going to be one so we're going up to a value of one and then we're coming back down and then crossways we're going up to point five and then back down so they're going up at the same gradient which is why we get the uh the nicely corner like nicely rounded corners properly so we just need to do two of these and offset them basically that's uh this is the easiest way to do it and then we need to work out how to layer them up so i'm going to ctrl shift d on these bring them down and i'm going to add a vector math in before and this is going to let us have a bit of an offset so if i just multiply these together so that we can see them both at the same time if i offset these you can see them starting to shift so we want to offset in the x by 0.5 and then the y by one that would make sure you haven't changed these so now we have our two sets that are offset from one another the next thing we need to do is we need to get a gradient from the bottom to the top of each of our uh of each of our rectangles so what this is going to let us do is each of our tiles goes from 0 to 2 in length and then the next one starts but if we add in our other sat then they're offset by half so we have this effect going on and then if we use the maximum of each one then basically we're taking this bit and this bit and this bit so we're going to get that kind of stepped offset of our of all of our different shingles together so to do this where we've got our ping pong we're going to be using the y axis here and instead of using a ping pong we're going to be using a modulo well actually we could use a fraction because we're no it's going to need to be modulated so fraction goes from 0 to 1 repeatedly and in this case we need to go from 0 to 2 because this is going uh 0 to 1 and then back to 0. so this distance here is two so i don't know if that makes sense but uh there you go you can see that we're going up to two there and this is another thing actually modulo uh you can see that the section below zero goes down to oh it's in like it's in a negative space um so if we have our x gradient here or our y sorry above zero we're getting this effect but below zero you come down like this so it's going down to minus one each time whereas fraction uses flawed division which means that you always get it above right it's always coming away from negative infinity whereas modulo comes away from negative one oh sorry comes away from zero so how are we going to rectify this we need to i'm sure there's a way of doing this with like there's um we've got in here we've got like flawed and truncated which i think is the names of the different types of division going on and we want to have i'm just not sure how to change this i think what we'll do is we'll use a fraction just so we get it reliably but we'll also need to multiply this by um a half i think i'll divide by two so that it's the right scale there we go so because this only goes up to one each time the alternative would be to change the scale of these tiles from being one across by two high to half across by one high and in terms of optimization that might be the best way to do it because we can always just increase the scale here and so with optimization everything which is affecting scene information right these inputs like we have texture coordinates we've got um things like the bevel information geometry node the particle info and object info light path any time that you do calculations based on inputs from those you're going to be using a computation time basically whereas any time you use just like maths so if you've got like a value and then math's going on to this value this stream is free whereas this one that's coming off the object coordinates this one costs in computation so with materials like this we don't really need to think too much about the computation weight of each thing just because it's really not that much of a like testing material and i'm just gonna i'm gonna do that thing where i'm just gonna cut this down into like half the scale just i think that's gonna make this easier so i'm changing these ping pongs to 0.25 and a half so a quarter up and then down gives us 0.5 wide and 0.5 up and down gives us 1 in length which is going to let us use the fraction node so again take that fraction down to here we also need to change our offset here to match the uh the ping-pongs so 0.25 0.5 and that's giving us that offset so now if i take the uh if i multiply these together i think the joy of doing live streams is that you kind of have to work things out a little bit as you go so you're probably going to see me make a load of mistakes as well today so i'm just multiplying those by the fraction and that is giving us the sort of the ramp from bottom to top and then if i do a maximum then that's giving us the the overlapping look so we want the we want some of these values to be controlled by both um like controlled in both cases at the same time um and i think just give me some more control i'm gonna use dodge and burn just like i always use dodge burn i just think they're really powerful so i'm gonna drop a burn on first and that's gonna give me the cut off so that's uh sort of that's bringing the black into the into the tile and then i'm going to use a color dodge afterwards set to white and that's going to bring the white point of the tiles you can see that's flattening that off i think maybe i need to put this multiply after because otherwise we're getting the rounded tip already yeah that's a lot better there so do the same down here color burn color dodge and then i want these all to be controlled together so i'm going to add a can add an invert i really wish we would get a slide like a sliding value input so that we can have this kind of slider on its own but generally speaking you can just use an invert and it's fine although it's outputting like a vector which part of me thinks it's probably i was going to say it's like it's using extra computation but actually we haven't connected it to anything so it's not actually taking scene information so it is a constant it is being calculated at the time that the cycles compiles i'm just going to drink man there's something about live streaming which is just i don't know it's just like so much more pressure it's really strange if i'm not making sense or anything just shout at me or if i'm going off on a tangent because i can see the chat so okay so i'm adding these two in i'm working with a bunch of people have you showed it it is it really is um yeah so this is how i use the invert all the time actually just because it's i like sliders i just really like things being like bounded in their range whereas the value input is not um we actually need this to go from because these go from 0 to 0.25 and our color dodge is linear so it's only actually affecting from 0.75 to 1. so i need to change the range of this and to do that i'm going to use a multiply add so instead of going from 0 to 1 we want to go from 0.75 to 1 which means that we can just divide by 4 and plus 0.75 and so we're ending it with a quarter so multiply by 0.25 and then add 0.75 and that's going to give us that proper range that we want so this is the falloff the next one that we want to do is this which is basically the same but we go from 0 to 0.25 so gonna duplicate another one yeah we're using it like a map range in this case but because it's such a simple change of the range it's easier and lighter to do it with this um in this case because we're going from zero to 0.25 instead of zero to one we can just divide by four that's simple i spent so long lining up my notes and they all move so frustrating so rude okay this one is the gap cup width and then we also want one for the roundness so that we can control the roundness of the corners there we go so at the moment this is all coming from bottom to top and we might want to have it rotated so that it's coming in the opposite direction so we can do that by basically taking the output from this fraction which is zero to one each time zero to one zero to one zero to one we can change that to well we can invert that basically with a math note by putting it into the bottom socket of a subtract so you're basically saying zero to one but one minus that there we go let's flip them over nice so so far we have our like displacement you can think of it this is always the first part that i do and look like intestines yeah because if you have like one in the other nice little wiggle i wonder if you could do like a brain shader like that have something where it's sort of working out a random path over a brain that might be quite interesting to do um i'm just going to add a subdivision surface set to adaptive simple and then add a vector displacement i've started using um node wranglers like other functions that i didn't realize that we had access to so if you alt right click on something you can like drag this is so cool you can like connect stuff like quick connect stuff and it'll try and pick the correct socket it doesn't always get it right but it it tries it's just like such a time saver when you're working quickly and so we put that to the height and options alt right mouse button yeah there's a few actually i'll go through them in a sec so displacement and bump so we've got uh alt right mouse button does quick like quick connections and it'll just like go for the next socket as you can see and then we've also got um control sorry shift alt gives you this blue one and then it's going to let you say from and to so in this case it's saying if we say to the scale then it's going to give this only has one socket output i'll try and find one that's got multiple um so if i go from the text coordinate if i go shift alt and connect those across shift alt so it's saying from then you can pick so we can pick window to mid level i don't know why we would do that but yeah so that lets you have more control and then you can also do control shift and it'll give you this green one and that lets you it'll add a mix so i'll put them together with a mix shader which is really useful so i actually it it defaults to the generated one which is really frustrating um okay but yeah super useful node wrangler has so many extra things you can do like node alignment stuff as well they've got all of the stuff in this sidebar um yeah interesting just like loads of things i find it so odd that node wrangler isn't enabled by default it's such a useful add-on and yeah seriously it's so useful and i'm just going to increase the screen subdivisions to b1 there we go shift equals really really that is that's not doing anything for me oh control equals that's an add node is that just like a is that a thing that happens everywhere if it's got a vector socket i'd say uh yeah control plus here for multiply really like control eight or like the number part one okay control nice on the number pad wow and divide works and subtract wow this is super useful i feel like there's just so many shortcuts in blender that people just don't ever find because you can't even find them through the menus yeah this you always have to start add it to the start of videos just to tell people i feel like a lot of people come to blender and not really realizing that add-ons is a big part of the ecosystem um and i think that's like a big problem because obviously we've got so many add-ons if we have a look in here like these are just the default ones as well and there's like dozens dozens in here um just for like all different things i remember on one of the blender today podcasts they were talking about why um like why different things like specifically no dragon why that wasn't enabled by default and they were saying it's about like keeping the interface clean and because if you like if you don't enable everything then you're you just have so many tabs down the side here just like so many things would be active all the time so it's to keep it clean but i don't know there are some things that i think are so useful like there's never a reason you would do nodes without having node wrangler enabled and the node range add-on oh is that for doing the uh yeah just go and enable all of the add-ons for this tutorial node arranged do i already have this oh it's the one that i don't have enabled control equals oh shift equals shift yeah blender does start pretty slow actually for me because i've got um like i've got spur chalk and i've got animation nodes and every time you start blender you can see on the console that it's just uh going through going through like all of the different nodes that it has to import shift equals isn't doing anything for me i mean shift equals gives you plus as well unless do you have a separate equals key jaren my equals is just the like the equals in the plus key hmm okay we're just going to reduce these down a little bit so even just already i'm going to add a i want to see this with shadows so already we've got a nice little bit of our tiles going on here if i just reduce these you can make them look like scales if you just reduce the fall off a lot and increase the this one should be called roundness and then we want to add some uh some things for the like for texturing so we want like a random value per tile we would like a what would we like random value for tile we need a uv per tile um it'd be quite fun to do like random rotation per tile as well just have like if it was scales you could have an area it'd be nicely we could control it like that as well actually so if you have an area of like a dragon or a snake or something that's been hit which you could like text your paint on then you could make that so that like all of the scales in that area look like twisted and bent outwards that might be a fun little challenge to do so as things are now we've got just the displacement so where we've got these fractions here i think we can just add snaps to them so something that's definitely worth setting up as well is your uh no we need different scale set up quick shortcuts quick favorites so any node that you use a lot you can right click on it and add to your quick favorites and then it's just it's always there so i've got texture coordinate node got value node noise texture and foreign texture i've got white noise mix rgb color ramp math effect math just as like defaults they're so useful to have available so i press q well q is for the quick shortcuts right and it's contextual so my quick favorites for object mode in the 3d viewport i like transfer background show overlays subdivision surface and then yeah anything like anything in the viewport you can right click on it and send it to apparently not everything but you can add most things to be to have a quick shortcut definitely anything in a menu anyway add to quick favorites no they just get saved by default uh i think when you quit blender i think they get saved when you quit so if blender crashes then it will forget all of the changes that you've made which is very frustrating um blender doesn't crash often for me but it does occasionally crash save the file oh yeah you're way ahead of me i'm not saved i'm really bad i my brother reminded me to do a backup of all of my my degree i haven't done a backup for like six months and i'm just coming up to the end now it's awful yeah tutorials i've got all these hard drives as well so it's not like i've got an excuse skills too okay so i've just taken the scale node here and to a snap node and we're gonna snap it at twice the ping pong values because we want the whole tile whereas yeah the pink one goes up and down for like half and half of the tile hey you have just joined uh 0.5 wide and point and so one one length there we go so these snap file use line up with these tiles which they do and i'm just gonna duplicate this down add it after the at node here alt right click to connect that ah that's okay it's nice to have you in though thanks for joining um right so we've got snaps at the top and we've got snaps at the bottom i am going to add because i if we just join all of these together now we're going to end up with um basically like regions of the same value so this one here from the one below is going to be the same because we've just offset it but actually we want this to be like plus half of the difference as well so that we're like indexing correctly as we go up so i'll just i'll add that to the bottom one and just need to make sure which way i'm going so this one's actually less so i'm going to subtract um 0.25 and 0.5 nice so these should be our snap values need to find a way to mix them now um it's always hard like to work out where your masks are especially when you've got stuff like round corners we can't just do like a square mask um you just have to forgive me for thinking for a second i wonder if i could just do like a this is a bit cheaty but just use a difference node here and then do greater than it's definitely not like the most uh optimized way to do this so we're basically saying what does the top row look like and then after we join in the second row what is the difference between these anywhere that there is a difference coming out of this difference node if we put greater than zero afterwards then we're just getting like a perfect mask in between them a new way to make it uh yeah i i mean i feel like planning your masks early is probably the best way to make it this way can like if you make a mistake early on then you can like precipitate it throughout the material doing this or sometimes you'll change something and it's like difficult to keep track of it but actually sometimes you can get away with it so it's it's always good to know extra methods for doing things so just going to join these two snaps up to this so that's nice we've got our indexed cells it's just straight away we can put a value random value afterwards maybe use frames to keep it organized that's a good shot so i have some color presets for these yellow ones i always try and color things to be the same as the header bar i just think it looks nicer and then i'm going to pull them out as well i wish i could set everything to be like 3 uh three clicks apart for the the grid i've turned off my grid because i feel like it makes it easier for the like if i'm posting pictures online then you don't get any like jpeg compression if you turn off the grid but i kind of miss it i missed how it looks offset tiles i'm just going to color it quick and then this one is our these are just our inputs i'm going to bring these back as well and then this is our top row oh these also should go in here if you ever want to drag something into a frame it's just your mouse cursor that needs to be in the frame so even if it's like this maximum up here then you can just like drop it in like that and if you want to take something out of a frame it's alt p like the same as on parenting and ctrl j to put that one in a frame f2 tiles and right so this is where they joined together this is where we make our mask which i'm going to make visible because we're going to use this mask over and over i expect anyway we definitely need to use it a few times because we want to have um to give us like a random rotation or like a slant for each of these uh each of these cells each of these scales then we need it to be masked out for each one it's quite easy to get like the gradient across them just how we've done like with the fraction here this is giving us a y gradient and then we just need to get ourselves the x gradient basically um which we can do with a modulo so i'm going to do that now so ctrl shift d and then i'm going to set this to modulo and we're modulating at 0.5 oh and that's coming off our x as well there we go i don't know that it necessarily matters that we're going into the negative on the left-hand side for this just because it just means our uh however texture is going to be flipped on that side but if you're using a somewhat un repetitive texture anyway i don't think it's really going to matter and we can do some like random offset and rotation anyway so it will be invisible i've been testing out this uh really great add-on called nodetabber i don't know if it's been fully released yet but it it basically gives you this search menu uh i think by default it's such a tab but i've changed it to the v graph v hotkey but like if i press in m r it will search map range or if i search in like you can see at the top over the cx but if i put sx it's going to give us a separate xyz it's so useful um and i was talking to the guy about adding yeah right it's so cool it's so useful like really has sped me up a lot because it keeps a tally of what you use most so if i'm using the color ramp a lot or like the emission or whatever i don't know if i can link it yet because the guy hasn't actually released it so i'm uh i'm just giving him some feedback on it but i think it's going to come out in the next few weeks fingers crossed anyway super super useful and i guess it just depends when he's got time to work on it um okay here we go we have combined these together these are our uv coordinates for the first row i'm going to do the same down here i'm just going to make some more space set this to modulo put the x in modulate at 0.5 and then again combine xyz it's giving us the alternate uvs and we can take our mask and use a mix again top one goes into the top row bottom wait not that one the this one goes into the bottom rail so now we've got uvs per tile for every tile and i'm just going to recolor these so that we know that they are uvs so i'm going to make them purple should have used your uv map i should have used uv map instead of object yeah i don't know i mean i just feel like i i like object i mean we can just change it it doesn't really make any difference um there we go a bit more predictable so we've got our random values we've got our uv maps so we can texture things nice and easy we would like to have a bit of rotation which we're going to use the gradients from these uvs but if you think of a scale where on the scale if it's attached at one end right and you've got the scale coming off here i don't actually know how scales are attached to people or not people like animals um i'm assuming they're just like stuck on one end rather than the whole thing kind of like fingernails but if it gets pushed upwards then it's going to be rotating from like the top point of it up here so we want to have a gradient from the top have some randomness on that and then we also want to have like a bit of random side to side and we're going to do that by adding some of these the gradients that we're using for our um tiles up here just because we've already got the mask together i'm going to use these ones to make our gradients again so i'm going to separate these now that they've been stuck together and then for the y gradients we want to be starting at the top the top of these is one so we're going to do one minus and that's going to invert it and then the x gradients we want the random tilt to be from the center of them and to go outwards so we need to subtract 0.5 from that also um oh wait no because everyone needs 0.5 wide subtract 0.25 and to make it random we just use white noise so we've got a random per tile we have got a this is actually three additional randoms or not three additional we have the same x but the one that said are additional uh random values that you can use we're going to change this to 4d what i feel like i'm getting less nervous now it's crazy how you like just get overwhelmed by stuff really quickly i think i had like way too much caffeine earlier as well it's just like getting pumped for this and then it's just like really overcooked it um right so we have gradients we have random values if we want random values from like a negative to a positive we can subtract 0.5 yeah same as public speaking i feel like it's actually less scary on twitch or youtube because we're like when it's in discord discord is where i'm used to like talking to people directly and then suddenly like seeing a list of names in this chat room is like kind of scary yeah when you do it you'll find it's like it makes you edgy and as well because like we've made we've like muted everybody who comes in here except from like a few people um so i think in future we might do it in the hangout just because it's like less scary but i don't know this is working fine for now um so i've got my random value and i've subtracted 0.5 and then i'm just going to multiply this by these gradients it might just be nicer to do any other one because people can like chat and bounce ideas and like more people can be working which is kind of the idea like call it studio culture because i'm used to working in a design studio where people can communicate with each other and can bounce ideas off each other so i'm gonna take another subtract here so we have two different round of noise and then i'm gonna do this again for the other gradients so we have a random rotation oh maybe i don't need to do it for this one actually because they never want to dip down they only ever want to go up so maybe we don't need to do that subtraction i feel like this looks good for what we want so we want to add random or not random amounts we want to add some amount of these two gradients to our displacement gradients and we're going to use the mix rgb for that just so that we have this factor and we're just going to add each one and then have a look at this so did i delete that diffuse node great okay so top one should rock these side to side and it does it by such a small amount okay i'm going to also increase the scale of this yeah that's a bit better and then i don't know maybe this one needs to scale increasing as well i really like with um like just when you're working on procedural stuff and it's just actually you get to a certain point where it becomes like the beginning of a material when you're planning it and when you're working out where your masks are and when you're working out like all of the different things it's like way more stressful than once you get to like this stage where you're just adding features to it or adding controls and things maybe this needs to actually subtract like 3.5 i'm just thinking of where it's rotating from i think it might need to be rotating more from the like the division in between here yeah because they don't want to like push away the one above although we're getting this like because we're just using normal displacement we're getting this coming up here these like streaks and that's basically where you've got such a sheer displacement it's stretching individual you can see the triangles coming up like that so you're just getting shading artifacts but what would be fun is if we could have it so we can paint on where the damage is and then we can do that with uh with texture painting well i guess you could do it with vertex painting as well but that's because you can use um the attribute in here so if you change that to i think it's cold by default um you can get like that vertex vertex colors carl there we go so capital c so when you're painting you'll get um if we're going to vertex paint mode and i set this to black so we can like paint can we paint oh no because it's we do not have enough geometry on here add another subdivision and i'm just going to add yeah that should be enough so if we just like draw out an area in here then you can see that this attribute is taking this color layer from our vertex vertex colors on the side and that's what is being shown there so that means that you can use vertex paint as a mask and at the moment we're using the white noise to give us like a very variation to the area and but what we would like to do is have that set i think it'll be in here so we can give this a multiplier based on the color output from here which we may want to invert yes we do so i'm just going to add another math note so it's a one minus so subtract one in the top so now when i come into diffuse you can see that we've got this region that we just painted on so if we go back to vertex paint and we're painting around here then it's just breaking up all of those tiles oh my god i feel so powerful when i do this it's stuff like this that makes me really glad i've got a wacom tablet because like imagine doing this with a mouse is not so much fun but like when you make a whole scene and then you get to like paint all of your damage on that's good fun um so we're just painting with black and white on here so everywhere that is black we are painting some damage onto so i want to do some things with um texturing we want to put some textures on here with like random colors and we also want the texturing to be affected by our damaged regions and then i kind of want to put it all into a group node as well because this is going to be um something that i actually use because i have loads of buildings that have tiled roofs that need a shader for that so we could use an image with it do you mean for the placement of the um like to mask off the um the damage like if you increase the scale the image appears oh i see like um to pixelate the scene that's actually a really good idea i love doing that um so we can add a value this is our resolution or our scale we'll call it scale so that's going to plug into this scale here so this makes it a certain size at the beginning and that's what we need to divide it by at the end and the scale can be set to like 10. then we have not that one but this one gets divided by ten so factor math status two divide and we're just taking this divide from here and adding it oh it doesn't like that because it's going grey into purple but there we go connect that up now it's all good fabio have fun i'll see you later okay so this is actually all you need to do to make it um to make it pixelate an image so if we find an image what have we got in here um and we can connect this to the output of that divide then let's see what we're going downloads oh we've got baby yoda so here's baby yoda in slate or scales if we change the inputs and we can increase the roundness a little bit and increase the now decrease the gap width oh and we can decrease the falloff as well so yeah if you ever wanted like a dragon that was like a particular color then you could do like your painting if you have like a proper texture that you wanted to import or you've like you've unwrapped it and you've made a proper texture then this is perfect for it because it'll like make each individual scale an individual color which is super useful and a really nice effect um oh my god it looks so good i hope you've all seen the mandalorian it's excellent it's really good um i think are they gonna make a second series of that i feel like i heard they were um all right you should use this and everything do you mean baby yoda or right it's such a good show um i'm going to add a mixed rgb in here to multiply and we're just going to take from our noise i heard the pixelating yeah i do pixelate everything but i just like putting pictures on stuff i just think it looks fun and actually it looks really good for the um like when we did the knitting before it works for that they are making a second season ah i'm really glad do you know if it's got the same people i kind of can't remember how the first one ended like no spoilers but yeah was excellent and just the set design as well like did you see any of those photos of the um yeah no spoilers i don't actually remember anything to be able to give spoilers that the set that they were filming on that had all the screens on the ceiling i'm just going to show you a picture it's actually crazy yeah the led back drops like but this is crazy that they filmed in this and like they managed to line everything up enough there's a really good one of like a ship yeah this one they've like they've got part of the set and then they've got is it built in unreal it's just so cool they lined it up with the cameras and obviously cameras don't see in 3d so oh that's so good oh i kept it i love cat he's such a nice guy um so we want to do a little bit of tweaking these tweaking the uvs of these tiles not for the pixelated one that's fine but we would like to have randomized uvs so that if we put a like an actual texture that's not baby yoda um so if we find like a texture of something [Music] yeah maybe wood would be a fun one or maybe like a grass texture or like a mud texture just something to give it like a little bit of a gritty look oh i've got a really slow hard drive that has my texture library on it so sometimes blender will start looking on it and it'll just crash the file viewer very frustrating save the file thanks you'll like my auto save but it's manual okay that's saved thank you much appreciated um you can take another multiplier down here so we can vary the color according to the uh the random noise here um just enough to give us a little bit of variation and we want to be able to control a few extra things on here so we would like a mapping node i think just so that we can control the left right up down and uh like rotation and scale i'm gonna add just grab one of these inverts so we have something to control the scale with and i might just reduce the scale of this as well the overall scale so we've got bigger bigger tiles to look at it's all looking quite samey at the moment because of the just because it's all the same texture but if we make sure that we get some random offset as well which you can just take a um the color into here oh yeah ctrl save control s um i'm going to add another white noise texture just so that we've got an additional uh an additional bit of randomness that's different so take the value into the w just so they're like in series and we're going to put back the location so that's giving us a random offset per tile this is offsetting between zero and one um and only in a positive direction so i might just increase the scale of that with a vector math node set to scale so anytime you have purple or yellow or purple sockets you can just you can interchange them the only difference is when you go from purple to gray or from yellow to gray um i feel like we've talked about this a little bit before but it's it's a different calculation like purple to gray does the average of the x the y and the z whereas yellow to gray does the there's a luminosity conversion i think depending on the color space that you're in um i like the view transform no the color space i think it's like x or r times so red times 0.21 or something so it's got like these different constants per channel um yeah anyway i'm just going to increase the scale of this so this is now from zero to one goes from zero to five so we have a much bigger scale on what is being moved and we also want to have some rotation which is going to be just in the z so combine xyz and there we go we need to find somewhere to do our rotation so we're going to take the value socket here and we're going to multiply that by did i just do multiply that by two pi just to give us the the full circle hey we've got some more people hopping onto the server nice um two times pi oh i type two pi but actually t-a-u tau that's a nice easy way to do that i always forget that you can there are other constants that we can use with blender i ought to release like a pdf or something that just lists all of the things that are like easy to bruno de masi okay bruno debassi is he's just hopped onto the server but he's like one of my favorite procedural sculpture kind of guys oh his work is absolutely stunning um yeah i'm just gonna write him a message because he's excellent there we go so we now have random rotation per tile we have random location random like translation versatile and we have one color of a tile although perhaps that should be a random value not um not color because it's it doesn't look very natural so just going to make that just change the color there and then if we put that through the diffuse aside from the fact that it's mud not texture like a scale texture um i feel like i kind of want to give that like a fake ambient occlusion look and i think the best way to do that is probably going to be with the [Music] um with the displacement because that's already giving us the like the deeper colors in the uh in the lower areas so we have our we have our displacement that's looking way too dark for us to use though i might just use yeah maybe i'll just use this one actually so we can just multiply when you add displacement sorry when you add ambient occlusion to any of your like color maps you just multiply it um and it just gives it another extra little bit of darkness into the into the lower areas so is there anything that other people are thinking of as well for um like materials that they want to make but they don't know how to or textures that they want to ask questions for we can do like a bit of back and forth as well on this because it's live so if anybody has any questions do just shout them out in the text chat and i'm going to try this with a principal shader so that we get a little bit more variation in here and i'm also going to recolor this mud and put it through like a color ramp so that we've got something that's actually green and we can use it for a bump as well so converter color ramp and we're going from like a deep green to a bright maybe like yellow on the tips can you explain how you're able to focus it in the middle how do you mean sorry which bit are we focusing in the middle oh the vertex paint stuff oh like where this is displaced yeah we just used the vertex pane and we imported it with this uh we brought it into the node 2 with this attribute color so the attribute node is actually super useful and i should definitely do a video on that actually because it's got like so many different things that you can pull in we're just using the uh the color attribute here which we're pulling from you can read which like if you have different color layers you can just pull the name and then yeah so we just did like black and white mask and then we're using that to basically say where we've got this rotation and that's controlling like how much we add to the the original um displacement that we made just trying to follow these nodes over here there we go yeah it's just a nice little track to use the um the vertex colors because we're getting so many more vertex painting tools coming to blender in the next few months and like different brushes and things like that i think it looks really interesting where the developers are taking it so i definitely want to try and learn to use a little bit more did you see the like the brush simulation that they're doing now so it's like proper brush brush tip dynamics it's crazy yeah so impressive and like they're doing it all within the um like the sculpting mode as well which is kind of crazy is it pablo's that he's doing it pablo de vero i know he did the sculpt brush to me grease pencil can adapt it yeah grease pencil is going to be just amazing like how hopefully it will come on there's just so many things i was watching um [Music] some of blender sushi guy jimmy one of some of his videos where he's done like some grease pencil stuff with spur chalk and i've just got this like oh this like idea in my head for illustrations that i'm now thinking that i can do in 3d like semi-procedural like painted but in 3d illustrations i don't know i'm still like i'm still working out but it's going to be great when they happen um it's going to add a um it can replace many painting tools yeah definitely i mean i've got like artrage on here yeah i've got art page and i've got um like critter that i use a lot i've got an ipad that i use infinity paint infinite painter and um uh what's the other one everyone uses appropriate and also heavy paint but i'm just starting to think that maybe blender can do all of that maybe i never need to leave blender yeah procreate because you can now animate and procreate and i'm just like but i can animate in blender i don't why would i why am i leaving blender yeah don't leave hi vex how's it going man um i feel like i should look at some actual references of scales if i'm going to try and make these look right um that is not right dragon scales i know um uh simon did a really great scales shader she's on his art station i think simon simon tom's art station yeah his work is just so good i really want him to come on to do a stream um oh man just look at that i like how he's done some are actually missing and then the ones around them are like rotated and look at that there's just so much detail and he's got like these tips i really like how he's done that actually with the rotated like fully rotated tiles i think we might try and work some of that in that happens like right at the beginning it's one of the things that we do with bricks as well so it relies on each tile being defined and then rotated and then the tile shape happening yeah not just the tilt but the actual um let me find one so back here i want to zoom in he's got i can't draw on the screen that's really annoying um so we've got like a some of them are coming in like this but then like over here you've got some which are coming in at a weird angle where there's one missing next to them then obviously it's got some which in different colors as well oh yeah that case one that's fully rotated sideways it's just so many little details like that simon's so good for them so i think i don't want to have to like re-engineer the whole thing but i am just going to do like a different route at sort of attacking this problem so just come down here so we're going to add it back to my scale back to math scale okay and set this one to like 10 and then yeah we need to define our tile positions rotate them randomly and then come in and actually make the tiles afterwards on those rotated positions um so i'm going to add a snap and what are we snapping out we're snapping at 0.5 and 1. and then we're going to add white noise so this is going to give us those random the random values per tile and then when we come back and actually do our rotation to this mapping now this can be part of our rotation anyway maybe i could just do the rotate node actually so um vector vector translate to rotate take the scale i think i'm doing this right maybe i'm maybe i'm mistaken so some of these are rotated oh yeah but they're all rotated from zero point uh from zero so i need to do a modulo and we can rotate them from the center as well so rotate from 0.25 and 0.5 when you click drop down menu you can press the underland oh like oh wow you actually can oh my god this is going to be so much better now i need to learn all of these hotkeys now also like shift a t a would be image texture oh my god there's a whole load of really inside here as well oh damn there's i already know like 200 shortcuts for blender and now i have to learn like hundreds more the math node as well does it work better in the color ramp oh we've got them in here as well damn that's really useful one thing that i do wish is that you could search for like linear light but it won't let you search that and node mario i think it's really funny when you watch people using like maya or something else and they've got like all of their buttons everywhere and then they've got this like tiny little bit of their screen that's like this big to actually edit in and it's like buttons everywhere else and then you watch people using blender and they're basically like just typing really really fast just because of all the shortcuts they've got to learn um right so we've rotated around i don't feel like this is actually rotated in there oh wait no maybe it has actually i was gonna say it's not rotated in the middle but it has um we need to make our tiles and i think that just happens the same doesn't it we just do the same maths ping pong and then um so separate and then ping pong ping pong duplicate and we're doing 0.25 and 0.5 and then smooth minimum smooth minimum oh but we are getting this additional bit on the outside which i don't really i don't want that to happen because that's going to give us like an extra scale or like a section of a scale which is not what we're looking for we just want each start to have a single tile assigned to it i'm going to get masked out i don't think so because if we've got um i mean we can try it but i think if you've got tiles coming up like this and then the other ones are underneath you've still got a section like this bit here which is going to appear on top um i feel like the way that we could do it would be to do like an absolute here and then and then this has got us i'm also going to need to center my axes so i'm going to set this to so the center we are centering this properly the rotation and we are changing the center of each one of these tiles so we've got our modulator we're going to subtract 0.25 and 0.5 to give us like centered coordinates in each of the tiles and then we're just doing a rotate and then we come over here and we do an absolute and then we need to invert absolutely i feel like this feels like such a roundabout way but it might be a decent way to make the tiles rotate um yeah so i'm going to subtract the y it's going to be not hard to subtract um yeah i think that looks about right and then the same on the x we're going to subtract it from 2.0.25 and then we're going to do smooth minimum oops smooth minimum to both of these so this is like oh i see i've done that upside down there we go so now we've got like a sort of lozenge shape per tile this is rotating them way too far so i'm just going to add a a mix in here so the zero value to be zero so now we can get just a little bit of rotation we also want to subtract 0.5 from this so that we've got a uh an even positive and negative number not like roughly even so we've got yeah positive rotation and negative rotation the smooth minima this is giving us the roundedness which is how we want it and then we want to add in our gradient to give us the like the maximum cg lemon great day to you as well mate thanks for stopping by the uh the discord's pretty active so yeah swing by whenever you want i'm gonna find me this y gradient and then we're gonna just take that off as a we're going to multiply that by the um the output over here just how we did up top got confused um that's okay so we've got um basically what we're doing here is the same at this end we've just taken our coordinates if i set that to not do anything then we can like ignore that this is happening um this one so we've got our scale just like we did before and we've got our modulo so this is giving us tiles and we are in this one instead of it being a ping pong we're taking absolutes which is like so if i just draw out a tile here you can see it um so we've got a line down the center in the x and the y axis and then we are basically inverting that so we've got the subtract if if this wasn't tiled or if the tiles were bigger then you'd be able to see that this was um is that gonna maybe i've done something which is like really oh it's because i'm changing the wrong one um so yeah you can see that these tiles they've got now just like black space outside because before when we were using the ping pong they were just like you're getting all these tiles next to each other whereas we only want the one tile and then we want it to be like flat black on each side just so that we don't have to mask anything out later which could be like difficult so in this case we're just creating a uv tile and we're using a snap on the bottom to give us a random rotation per tile and that's before we've done anything so you can see that we've got now we've got random rotation based on this white noise so then when we separate it through our absolutes and subtract and do the smooth minimum we've got that where we were with having the actual tile but they are all randomly rotated and we can start playing with this seed um so in simon's you can see that it's not all of them that have been rotated it's just some and to do that we can just add a greater than and then this greater than will give us a threshold so we can say only rotate the ones which are white by putting this into the factor so now you can see they're all straight except from like a select view that are rotated um according to this although you should use a different seed because this is all of the ones which are rotated in this direction and as we add more um within this then it they become like more upright and over to the left so you should use a different seed just so that you're making sure you're getting like a clear cross-section of uh left-hand turned ones and hand turned ones um so yeah we just need to add color output to separate rgb oh um yeah that's a good point so yeah so separate x so i can take the color output into the color output into that and i can just use one of these other ones yeah nice good shout um yeah so it was dodge and then oh burn in and dodge and then we multiplied it yeah i can't believe how fast this server has grown it's actually really nice just to see how many people we're starting to get come by it's like what like 140 people or something now so nice honestly really appreciate everybody's coming on um coming on here so before when i did the remap on this collarbone i'm thinking maybe we can just change the uh like the value that we're burning by to 0.25 maybe that doesn't work oh maybe it's 0.75 so it's like the opposite end 0.75 yeah that's pretty close so you can always change the value in the second socket to make it uh to change the range i suppose of the the factor the way it's affecting color dodge i need to try this so r for color dodge and c for color burn i need to try and remember all of these shortcuts now uh color dodge is getting white so we can just there we go flatten them out add a math node it's just going to be set to multiply and i'm just going to pull this y into here i might just change the y so it's coming from the top down so add a math note to that and we're going to subtract because we want to be going in the opposite direction we want to subtract it from a number and that number is 0.5 great so that's our first set we can just take uh i wonder how much of this i need to repeat actually maybe it's all the way back to here just for doing those other um the other like directions so just join that together ctrl shift d bring it down and this one is going to get an add which is going to just offset by halfway 25 and 0.5 and then we put these both through a maximum and maximum is there sweet so we're kind of back to where we were before but now we've got scales being able to like rotate off towards it like one angle or other and we just need to make sure that we've got um different so these two are the same these two are the same these two are the same we need a different seed for each of these so i'm going to take a different one of these down into here and that's going to just change that seed for each one i'm just wondering what's happened here because this is like broken this one oh it's because i've taken it from i've been done i need to take it from this one because our offset was 50 over there we start to get these looking a little bit more like tiles like rotated scales and after this it's just like basically doing the same bits and pieces so i can just duplicate those down and i'm just going to line this up um so we're up to here you can do the same thing with the mask i can just actually copy this whole section shift d bring that down so we've got the difference between these and this that goes into here so this is our mask between the different layers now so now we can have this coming out we need to put something into the bottom of this divide which is going to be the value of our scale and just connect that up hey welcome who just joined um and then this is baby yoda but i can't see him hey attack welcome um what does this mix do oh this mix is for the we are making scales mate just gonna i haven't actually connected in all of the different things so up here we had this given us the index per scales you're making a superman logo nice post it in the chat if you do um yeah so we need to find out how we did these so we just used the snap values for each tile you might need some help with that sure there's loads of people around and so we can use this snap that we made early on so i'm just going to add a reroute to that and bring this up connect that into the bottom and then we can take the other one which is this first one on the bottom take that snap into the top and then baby yoda baby odor appears although we have duplicated tile values so we're going to add half of the difference to this bottom one oops not in there just on that one and so adding half so 0.25 and 0.5 is that correct yeah it's here yeah so even if you have to like doctor your node setup after you've already made it you can you can just add things into the beginning get up to the same position and then you just add the same things onto the end like you had before and this is getting the uv tiles per per piece which i can take out of this first modulo a sequin shader oh that would be interesting i wonder how we could get the sequence have a hole in them don't they in the center so that you can stitch them onto stuff that might be actually a really nice way to kind of change this up just grab that i feel like no trees like this scare off scare people off but as long as you're just like building it up fairly straightforward then they're quite easy to do now we could have taken it from the i mean we did just take it from the modular but we could have taken it from the rotated one because i'm just seeing some of these rotated nodes do not have like the rotated um rotated look to them so that's going to improve if i just put them onto the hair i know they've all got this like centered coordinate system but i don't suppose that really matters as long as you're using um like a seamless texture on it so let's have a look at sequins and see how easy that would be oh they're just like half oh yeah but you do have the hole it'd be quite straightforward i think it would be fairly much the same process it's just seeing where they overlap it's like more than halfway so you can see the 50 of the circle if you've got a circle and that's the center then these become visible here it looks like to me anyway um so we've got like 0.5 and 0.25 of the distance across and then just i don't know if that'll be any more difficult as is minus one to one the same as y oh is minus one to one the same thing as y do you mean on the batman thing we did earlier so if anybody's wondering we did like a batman batman logo um with maths um save thank you um what do we have in here um blender tests yeah we did the batman logo before and part of the formula is this curly brackets minus one to one i think that's just the range it's saying so yeah on this so you've got absolute x minus absolute of absolute x minus two minus two plus in the range of minus one to one three times absolute x plus absolute of absolute x minus two minus ten i think that's right so that last bracket is bounded to like minus one to one i mean i think i'm not 100 you should just see how it comes out when you do the um you can use a clamp node yeah you could use a clamp node actually um they're just under converter clamp or the map range yeah i mean it depends how it looks because we didn't actually need to make any kind of affordance for that in the in the batman we just left it as it was um although maybe that's why at the end we had to like uh squeeze it in and like cut off the wingtips so you might find that that's uh something you need to do yeah struggle at the end yeah that is the way to do it um i'm gonna bring this down and then connect these up oh interesting so these uh we need to have the um the displacement to be proportional to the um the scale of the material this is something that happens all the time as well just ending up with like ridiculous displacement as soon as you scale something up now i'm gonna turn off subsurf as well there we go so i'm going to take this scale um because of vertex colors yeah so you could tuck you could use the clamp node i i don't know if it's really necessary necessarily well yeah i mean try it you could use the clamp node and set it to min max with like minus one to one in there and then your i i think x value yeah probably i reckon it'll be the x value at that point but only for that second bracket yeah because it's just in that bracket isn't it where it's saying that um it's only in this minus one to one of the second bracket so you could do all of this first bit just like normal and then for the second bracket put it through a clamp node first and to see how it comes out that is probably what it means actually i should definitely learn more about like mathematical notation um so i'm just going to take the value the scale value over to our displacement node just to make sure that we're doing um the scale of this is like inversely proportional to the is that right inversely proportional so divide by would you like to announce when your stream is going to be have you got it planned on sunday yeah so if uh if you're around on sunday come and watch uh come on sharon's stream about maths and all with all fun things with the shaders and yeah if you ever want any like more in-depth math things definitely check out his videos because they are like some of the best maths nodes tutorials so yeah definitely check these out um some really fun things in here right we need a minimum as well that's coming out of here um so this is a factor coming out oh we've never actually got the um we never took this multiply forwards which is why it's ended up completely flat there we go so now we've got the actual tiles yeah so anybody who's still with us two hours into the stream if you're watching on youtube definitely come check out the discord channel because everybody's just posting loads of really interesting things each day we've got some procedural modellers we have procedural texture people so it's coming out to be like a really nice community um hi i'm cool you are cool facts you are yeah i'm not really sure where else to take this shader does anybody have a like an idea of things that we can do with that okay attack is posting mathematical formulas so you need an absolute of your x and then you need to subtract an absolute of absolute x minus two and so let's just show this in the nodes so what you've got you've got um you've got absolute x subtract absolute of absolute x minus t yeah that's correct and then that is being that is subtracting two and then you are adding this clamp yeah i think is that not right i thought that was right it looks more or less it should be absolute after the there is isn't there on this on this bottom string it goes absolutely subtract absolutely is there supposed to be another one in there i thought the third node was an absolute as well on that bottom line oh no it's fine it's easier if you look in the browser it you're not bad at math tech you're good this you're like getting that correct and also you're here in like a procedural community so you're clearly like in the right place for maths yeah um i need to connect up these color dodging color banks at the moment we've got completely hard um sections on our on our tiles here um did you put the clamp in the right place you did yeah you just need to do all of the things for that bracket they need to come into the the value socket of that clamp node so you can do like a third row underneath here that's got that last section you could always you've got two absolute axes because it's nodes you can take one of those absolute x's into the bottom one so you could go like there and ignore that bottom one so you don't always need to double stuff up on the separate lines you can have them be separate so the falloff is the color dodge and the gap width is the color burn and then the smooth minimum comes to the roundness oh things are starting to update there we go nice this is starting to look like it's not definitely never going to be as good as simon's he definitely spent a lot longer on it but this is always fun to do this kind of thing just to see like see what kind of thing you can come up with and it's nice that actually you're getting some of that additional control through the vertex paint as well uh put the value into the oh yeah tweak the roughness yeah it's looking dead flat at the moment i just wanted to have a little bit more um a little bit more of these tiles coming up hello attack uh picture oh the one that you sent um just open this into the browser so you can see um yeah that section that you've got selected there that goes into the value socket of your clamp so you just do like three times absolute x and then do that next bit of absolutely just like you did before is that right no that's not right sorry i think i've made a mistake there i think you do i think you put your ex through the clamp and then so put your x into the value socket of your clamp node and then you do that bit of maths afterwards with this new clamped value and then that is what you put into the add at the end i'm pretty sure i mean that's what i would do so okay so we're gonna have a play with the sewing out a few things with the roughness now that we've got some of this sort of sorted out increase the displacement a little bit you've got like a real difference between the undisplaced bits of the solidify the undisplaced bits and the um the heavily displaced bits so i kind of want them all to be minimally displaced and then have the rest of them be quite significant or like as displaced as they are now um so i need to increase the scale and we can increase some of the other controls there we go so i love with procedural systems how you just get so much control so much flexibility if like we were modeling this this would be such a pain to change like if a client came back to you saying that they wanted like every third tile to be bright yellow you could do that quite easily with this you could add in some mask for that if you were doing it like with with properly mesh modelling you've just been nightmare i call that reptile oh my god the puns are strong um [Music] there we're doing this add-on here but we don't want it to add too much put o5 nice so you can have a little bit of a play with the roughness just to give it some variation um we've got a few custom nodes that i've been playing with a little bit we do have one for levels uh review one for levels and we have one for color gradient or a gradient mapping so if any of you know uh much about using uh photoshop or i guess any like 2d image control any uh image editing program then you'll have come up against these ones quite a lot and so if we take baby yoda through levels so this works basically like a um like a color ramp but it doesn't make it black and white so if we add a color ramp in here we get the same sort of control but it's doing in uh black and white whereas sometimes you might just want to be affecting your colors and this is really useful for that and then we also have this gradient map one where we can put uh decent brightness and contrast node it is kind of like that but we also have gamma control um so that's like the center the center one and i suppose you could yeah put it through cameron contrast and then and then the camera one although i don't know maybe it's just it's just controlling the contrast really yeah baby yoda and then yeah so the gradient mapping one lets us use like other textures which is always fun anything for audio there it's not even yoda like you know it's like totally different one of his species um so you can put like different colors into here which are like actual textures you've never watched a single star wars movie like i'm disappointed you mean like there's so many bfx people in here um so i'm just going to be modifying this texture that we've got just to give us a little bit of variation for our have you seriously not watched any of the it's on your list okay i'm just so surprised it's like such a i don't know we do well it's like always watch it every year this is something that you see um so this is giving us a little bit of variation based on the color and then i'm just going to add a little bit of noise so distorted noise add in with i'm probably going to use a linear light which is i and using these keyboard shortcuts it's just going to save so much time and we can change this to distorted and much higher scale there we go the annoying thing about big note trees like this is just when you start like having to scroll left and right loads but you should see some of the um some of the grasshopper scripts that people come up with saha hadids zaha hadid grasshopper so like most of their buildings are designed with grasshopper and their scripts for them are just like and these will just be for like a section of it or like a piece of it and but yeah grasshopper it's like on my list of things to learn it's just so impressive i don't know if it's worth learning grasshopper over i guess it's like a more employable skill than learning like surchalk or animation notes but yeah i don't know it's just this computational stuff i just think it looks so impressive everything nodes on the way i saw something that said uh if you want to get a feeling of what everything knows it's gonna be like learn animation nodes because that's like a watered-down version and i'm thinking like animation nodes is not easy to learn now like are they what are they planning um everything nodes tech is the future plan for blender so it's basically like procedural modeling procedural particles procedural animation everything will be like available as it is at the moment with like traditional interactions but you'll also be able to do it through nodes like how you can with houdini so yeah very exciting um i want to add a solidify but i don't want it to like mess up my displacement on things just because you need a solidify if you want to use subsurface because otherwise it just does not look good oh man i'm getting like pretty pretty brain dead what's the difficulty curve for node add-ons such as spur chalk and animation nodes that's a really difficult question to answer i think that it's not crazy hard but it's it's easier if you have an idea of something that you want to do so this is verchock here and you can see that we've got like lots and lots and lots of different nodes available and this is like i don't think i've even got special extras which is like a whole nother set that they're about to add to the main to the main thing in here um so yeah there's just so many things that you can do with it and like a lot of a lot of the way that you think about procedural modeling is different to anything else because you're doing list management um let me show you what i mean actually so if we want to add a cube then we can do that let me just hide this plane um so it's showing up blue at the moment but that's just like this it's like a temporary viewer it's not actually an object it's just holding it over there the console there we can use a viewer b mesh and that will make like an actual object so there we go that's an actual object that we can like move and interact with and so let's have a look at what this is actually outputting um so if we have the look at the visualization so the text viewer text and i'm just going to put this into the text reader so you can see that we have a list here there's got a load of vertices in it and this is just it's basically just saying the position of each vertex and this list is from like zero one two three four five six seven and then the edges if i put this down below you can see that the edges are like zero to one one to two two to three three to zero so it's like saying zero to one one to two so it's picking like specific vertices and it's drawing in between them the edges and then the polygons it tells you which uh which four or three or more if it's an n-gone basically like which vertices is drawing a face in between so everything is based on the vertices so if we um like subdivided this a few times then we can do like a displaced vertex so alt space displace displace noise displace and then we're just displacing the vertices and you can see it's totally changed the shape of this but this is just using nodes and then the control actually comes if i just open the file i did recently and so i did a wave wall which is basically like a um like a just a surface that is shifted let me just hide everything [Music] so this is using curves if i couldn't find them there we go so busy air curves um so you can see that i've got all of these curves in here and as i move them you can see it's like recalculating the position of the wall and then to do this we needed to have oops um here we go the waveform so we're basically we're bringing these curves in and then we're doing something here which basically interpolates the surface across the curves um and then because we're using bricks that have a specific height in between them we couldn't have this kind of like flat section where it's interpolated it it's doing cubic interpolation so we couldn't have this because you're going to have bricks next to each other so i've got to remap all of my sets but you can see that this is just put that back so um we have like a list of vertices here and you're just having to control things basically it's definitely not like a shallow learning curve but it's also it's not like an insurmountable thing i definitely recommend getting into it everything knows is going to be like more integrated with blender so this is very much an add-on it feels like you're doing something in this verchock and then you can like export an object at the end of it like we have here with this this is a b mesh viewer which basically creates a like an actual mesh and so i've generated some some variations and you can just like duplicate that and bring it out but these variations have now been like divorced from this verchock algorithm so yeah definitely give it a go if you're interested i mean give it a go anyway is you really don't have anything to lose i would recommend animation notes though i don't think it's quite as like low level so you can't like get quite deep necessarily with it but you've got a lot more like animation kind of um yeah stuff that you can control animations with we've got a guy on this server called bradley who does absolutely incredible work with um animation nodes and actually sakura joined as well sakura and his food is just like oh man it like looks like food like i feel like i'm sending people all of this stuff all the time just incredible i'm playing this video for a week or two yeah the documentation is really really good actually um that's really loud yeah so this is all done with animation nodes like it's actually crazy and like one of the really nice things with animation notes is being able to make these like you want to make blender food right this stuff is so cool and he adds a certain number of like things in it i'll add another layer of pickles automatically i just think it's crazy but yeah you can add these like these side pieces and it'll um yeah you get like controls like it's an add-on they're also just really cute so yeah he does loads of stuff with like modifiers so all of this is actually just with planes yeah planes which have been solidified and then subsurf it's just ridiculous but yeah he's on the server yeah amazing uh where are we yeah so i would recommend learning this virtual i would recommend actually i mean i just recommend learning all of them sore car is again it's like another really good one because you've got modifiers like this one feels very much like a part of blender i find because you've basically you've got all of your modifiers and you have like selection tools um just like loads of things like this you can do a lot with saw car but i feel like um this truck is the one that you can get like deepest into and especially if you're doing like more architectural or product based things you can do some really interesting things with spur chalk and yeah check out blender sushi guy as well because he blender sushi guy um his stuff is just amazing he uses her sweatshirt for everything i think and he's just doing loads of like experimental things really fascinating to see what he does oh yeah he's doing a lot with ar as well at the moment um and he does streams as well live noting streams so if you're interested in spurchalk go and check him out on youtube um yeah so oh i need to turn off this silker thing that's vertruck sorry um right so i think we've got to like a certain point with these and also my brain is starting to fail me so i'm probably gonna end this stream [Music] nowish if that's okay and if anybody has any more questions then shout them at me no aaron i mean we can stay on if you want we can hop over into the hangout and actually like chat if you want yes okay so thank you everybody for tuning in and if you're still here then um you honestly deserve a prize that i can't give you but thank you for staying and um yeah i'm gonna be doing this every week so hopefully it will get like less difficult no worries thank you for coming by
Channel: Erindale
Views: 8,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, shader nodes, shading, beginner, procedural, material, nodes, shader editor, introduction, tutorial, eevee displacement map, eevee displacement node, blender pbr tutorial, blender pbr textures, blender pbr textures free, pbr textures in blender 2.9, Blender 2.8, vfx school online, blender tutorial, blender eevee, blender easy, blender easy tutorial, blender cycles, intro to blender, blender 3d, b3d, free, concept art, parametric, computational, design, livestream, Studio culture
Id: wssaDM0Qec4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 1sec (7381 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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