Procedural Rock Generator with procedural Rock Shader - Blender Geometry Nodes Tutorial

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hello everyone in this tutorial i want to show you how to create a procedural rock generator with procedural material using geometry nodes you can customize the size the shape and the structure of the rock so if you want to know how to create that just watch that video [Music] so we will start with our default cube activated click on geometry nodes tab and create a new jump to node setup and we disconnect geometry the input from the output and we will start making our rock with creating a cube that would be our base shape and what we are going to do now we are going to extrude that tube that cube um sometimes and to get some kind of random base shape we want to deform that cube um to get the random shape and after we have that random shape we are going to put some noise texture over it and first of all we are going to extrude it with an extrude node so let's have a look at it and now we plug the extrude mesh right in between there and of course that um looks too even that's not a good base where we can start at and to create some more randomness we are going to extrude only some of the sides of the cube and we are going to do that with a math note which we set to less than um of course if you have other ways to deform that cube so it has some random shape you can use your method that is nothing like that has to be done that way um i've just made made some experience and um that's the way i found the best for me and we will no a normal note where is it normal note and we will plug that into the upper one and the value goes right into the selection and now when we decrease that value you can see only some parts of the cube are extruded because we are are only select some of these normals and now if we decheck the individual button we have already something that looks pretty random and we can continue to extrude it even more so maybe something like that and with with these values with the offset parameters you can change in some way the randomness and to get even more randomness we will copy that a third time and what you can do now is you can also connect these selections here of course for example you can select the top output of the first one and connect it with the last one that gives you something strange or you can additionally connect the side one with the last one that gives you some some different results so you can play with that like you want i will go with these parameters now and now we will need some subdivisions subdivide mesh and that will later on define the the the detail level of our of our rock and what we're going to do now is add a transform node and with that transform node you can change the length of each axis or you can rotate it and that's pretty much the base shape of our of our rock so let's make a group around that part and we will name that hit ctrl j and now f2 to rename it and we will name that rock base shape you can also make some experiments with other other base shapes for example you can use an icosphere and you can connect it with the mesh and you will get a totally different result so you can play with that um for now or we will go with the cube and now um we will add the the noise distortion to our base shape of our rock and to create the noise distortion we will add a set position node we will need a vector mass node and another vector math note we will need a position note and my favorite noise texture of texture and now we connect the position node with the upper value of the vector mass node and we take the distance output from the voronoi texture and connect with the lower one and important set this to multiply not to add and this one will be some kind of um multiplicator to our noise distortion so connect that with the upper one also set it to multiply and connect the vector with the offset and we can't see anything because these values are set to zero and to change that um to change them all at once we will make a value node and connect that with the vector and now we can change that a little bit maybe to 0.5 and you already see our rock is distorted by the texture um you can also set the 3d to 4d so you have some kind of seat for your noise texture and we will set the scale to something low maybe like that that depends on how big your rock right now is and that looks um still a little bit shitty so we will need a subdivision surface node sub division surface node right here and we will need a set shade smooth note and now you can increase the subdivisions of your mesh and you already see that looks pretty much like a rock without texture and now as you can see the shape the base shape you can play with the scale of your texture and with the v parameter you just change the seed of your texture and with that one with the multiply you can change the strength of your distortion let's make a frame around that one hit ctrl j and f2 and we will rename that um rock noise this torsion and now we are going to add some more details to the surface and to do that we will need another set position node position node and we will need a vector mass node again we will need a precision node and now we will need a noise texture no polar noise texture and we connect that one with the vector mass by the way the position node gives you the position of each vertice of your mesh and with that position of each vertice the object will be distorted with the noise texture or the voronoi texture and that one we also have to set it to multiply and that will go into the position and the factor goes into the lower one and now we got some distortion on our surface of course it's much too strong we also can set it to 4d in case you want to change it and we have to set the scale much much lower example 0.05 0.01 and again um that value depends on how big your uh your your object is and we can increase the detail and we can increase the distortion and now it's we have some more details on our surface now if it looks a little bit too sharp maybe so we can set it back to 0.3 and now um there's the now is the point where you can play with these values for example you can play with the amount of vertices of your cube so something like that that looks like a cube you can now play with the extrude values and you can play with the scale until you get something that looks like the rock you like best i will go now with that one that looks like a rock and now let's make a group around that and we will name that rock surface details and there's one thing left that we have to do and that is we would have to give it a material with a set material note um i'm not sure if we need a realized instance note um i think we can leave it um at the moment um maybe we can add later on i but i think we don't need it um and of course i prepared a material and i've called that procedural stone let's have a look at it so very important because i've got many comments much comments now many comments in my my videos sometimes the material won't work and that is because the standard texture coordinate is that is connected with the uv output but it's important that you set it to object or maybe generated does work too but object is the best for the procedural material and i've made them um noise textures and just plated played around with it a little bit it's uh that layout is nothing like that is the one uh stone texture um but if you like to copy mine one um you can do that or you can create your own stone texture so we now we will go through it we have a texture coordinate node a mapping node and we have six noise textures i won't explain it in detail because i just tried tried it out try and error so i will leave that screen for a while so you can copy it the textures goes in into color ramp the color ramp lower one goes into a bump map that one goes into a bump map too that goes into a normal map and that one also goes into a displacement map which goes into the displacement output so nothing fancy here um let's go back to our geometry nodes and let's have a look if our material looks good and we have the rock that we saw in the intro um now at the moment it looks a little bit too too too uniform and too strong to change that you can go to the material and you can change the overall scale like here maybe you can also add a value note and change the size of your texture you can play with the scales of each noise texture some has some noise textures have more effect on it and some have less and of course um the important part is where is it is that one with the extrude mesh and of course [Music] the voronoi texture that's a really hard word for me sorry and you can play with the scale here and you see uh that has more effect on it like the texture itself so um one thing uh it's last if you want to have your controls right here in the geometry nodes panel just take a group input and connect the values you want to change in the site view with the with an empty input of your group input and you instantly have control about your rock in the modifier panel so again you can change you can play with some different primitives right now i'm curious how a cylinder would look like [Music] yes it keeps all is also a valuable result so feel free to make some experience i hope you learned something and hope i see you next tutorial bye [Music] you
Channel: BlenderDude
Views: 23,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender Geometry Nodes, Procedural Rocks, Procedural Rock Texture, Procedural Landscape, Geometry Nodes Rocks, Geometry Nodes Landscape, Procedural Stone Shader, Procedural Stones, Blender Rocks, Realistic Rocks, Blender realistic rocks, Geometry Nodes realistic rocks, Rock Shader, Blender Rock Shader, modular Rocks, Blender Rock Tutorial, Geometry Nodes Rock Tutorial, Geometry Nodes Beginner, Blender Nature, Blender realistic nature
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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