Probable Cause | Full Crime Drama Movie

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[Music] [Music] let it go [Music] yes [Music] what that let you hold something yo i told you ain't got no money man is you crazy what now is not the time [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] i think it's gonna kill you [ __ ] travis what you doing so [Music] well look who finally decides to show up bam man i didn't mean to do that [Music] your pockets look a little flat tried it wasn't my fault all right it pulled me over on the turnpike what was you doing to get pulled over with my money in the car yeah i swear man nothing it was a checkpoint or something they asked if they could search the car i said yeah i didn't even see dude take the bag with the money can't believe they got us all their breads us i don't hear that [ __ ] trap that's between you and the state troopers all i want is my money man i ain't got that kind of bread man well i suggest you find a bakery anyways at least gonna take me a couple of weeks man before i can get that oh a couple of weeks you got a couple of days so i suggest you get out there and start hustling up my money all right and hurry up try this the next time i see you please have my money oh it's going to be all bad it's business not personal [Music] he slammed it up i was gonna check listen man copy's better than mj was at that age i'm sorry man you tripping lebron james better than both of them at that age yeah lebron's better than all of them listen y'all i'm a lakers fan to the day i die i don't care jerk's better than all of them yeah and ain't neither one of them joker's paying no bills around this joint so let's b-ball more fate night yeah you all right back there man oh melissa must have you on the russians again gotcha ask her yourself funny man she in the back oh uh no i'll pass thanks mr travis oh my grandma told me to give you the money this time yeah jayden your grandma knows her money ain't no good here put that in your pocket can i still get a loan [ __ ] yeah of course little homie you just make sure your grandma gets some money back this time right all right all of it okay give me some all right next good people yeah but me and my boy had to coordinate a little something for the festivities if you know what i mean well let me get out of here then i want to mess up y'all coordinating are we looking baby i'm looking good um i'm gonna go to the bank go pay these bills and go home and get dinner started cool oh y'all be back i'm gonna walk out to a car no babe i'll be fine you ski work on y'all coordinating i don't want no excuses tomorrow sure bye bye now all right man let me hit yeah i've been on the streets all day and i called every marker i got and we still short i didn't know i needed an invitation to come check out my little brother it's really not a good time right now but what you need i need to talk to you later now's not the time this is you and ski not now later later all right let's see how you do me man peace my brothers peace [Applause] then another thing i know you're trying to do the whole change man come on man you know i don't allow guns in the shot man yeah you gotta get that out of here yeah but bear is not playing by his money and i'm definitely for designer boys you know how to get that you run around town with all this paper in your pocket you don't need a little security so if you want one in the shop take it outside and put it in your truck it's just getting out of control man definitely how am i gonna get bad's money i've been thinking man i might got an idea i hope it's a good one [Music] let's get this paper man this is just money let's get this paper man y'all i know the streets like the back of my hand and keep the numbers on they think keys to the grams my name bringing the streets know where i am and keep it so sweet they call me candy man i'm on the block all day going hand in hand just stacking grass with me and my main man you know the script you stick to the plan you don't know a damn thing cause i ain't trying to run from the boys so i keep it clean and i don't leave it right [Music] get it tonight [Applause] hood man i mean oprah and jay-z they international people that's why they give away to africa but see me i'm local i want to do something that you can see the change on the streets every day that's why i got what they call the give a grill foundation for people with missing teeth you can understand this cause you ain't got no teeth i mean you can't go to no job interview definitely ain't gonna get no lovin you got low self-esteem so that's why we got a sand to make y'all feel better it go just cause you toothless don't mean you useless maybe you really made this a great night so i see everybody's having a good time bottles on the table pretty ladies man i'll do this in front of his wife man that's right it's only business look like that boy brought a [ __ ] to a bear fight man it was [ __ ] up man [Music] [Music] travis i don't believe you you promised me that you would be done with it if you don't understand what i was i mean i am clearly you not if you owe me money mello's gonna be all right we got a plan we what the hell you got to do with this [ __ ] ski i know your ass not back hustling again cause if you are i will leave your black ass for real this ski had nothing to do with it all right between the renovations at the shop and the stupid interest rate going up on the house we've been strapped for cash so i did a run for bed got pulled over and the crooked ass cops took the money now we only look for 50 stacks 50 000 did you go and run drugs from him travis no baby no it wasn't like that i never saw drugs i never moved any drugs i got pulled over on my way back with the cash and now what huh if you can't pay him tomorrow then what happens where are we going to get 50 grand from now it's not going to come in that we got a plan really cause bear don't play the cops can't even touch his ass baby damn can you just calm down don't tell me to calm down ski this dvd boys kill people okay so right now y'all need to tell me what you plan on doing to get us out of this mess for real hello [Music] [Music] don't answer your baby hey don't answer it baby don't don't answer it it has to be important at this time come on baby only thing that's important baby this time of morning it's what we doing in this bed right now so let it go to voicemail are you freaking kidding me malone alone oh my god here we go again are you seeing this oh all right you can and you should look i don't like my wife just leaving out of the house at all time in the night this is crazy baby act like i'm going to the club so just party interruption huh come on craig you know i love you why are you being difficult i'll be right back i promise it won't take long well don't be difficult please as soon as we have this process sir absolutely yes yes we have it completely under control sir absolutely i'll be in your office pronto thank you nice of you to show up captain we came as soon as we got the call i've gotten three calls from the mayor's office already with the election in less than a month away everyone is all over there so please do everything with excellence and buy the books garner you were the first officer on the scene why don't you bring everyone up to speed 9-1-1 dispatch just to the location at 12 26 a.m a neighbor noticed the door cracked peeked in and saw a body on the floor we entered the premises and noticed an adult black male 25 to 30 on the floor close to him was a black female 20 to 25 she was found on the sofa we also recovered two more bodies in the basement black male and hispanic female both in their mid-20s the first floor back bedroom we recovered two children one black female 12 to 13 deceased one black male 5 to 6 barely alive ems rushed him to university hospital now the four adults were all killed by gunshot wounds but the two children were bludgeoned with a bat recovered on the scene later that's all we have captain thank you officer the city has never seen anything like this so there's going to be pressure from the mayor's office as well as the community stevens yes i want you heading up this investigation i want this scene fully processed don't miss anything we need to close this case quickly i don't want it hanging over my head so what are you doing standing around let's get to work [Music] it's my brother there [Music] here you go miss jones mr sadat i just spoke to one of our officers at the hospital your grandson is still in surgery i need to be there we need to be there when he wakes up yeah we understand that we just need to ask you a few questions questions about what i don't know anything we don't know anything somebody goes into my son's house and kills our family now i need to go can you think of anything anything at all that would help us know who would want to harm nobody would want to harm my son and his family everybody loved melissa and travis look officer my mother ain't gonna be no good to nobody until she can check up on little tj and miss calloway is outside waiting to take her to the hospital i'll stay and talk to you i'm gonna stay and talk to these officers you go ahead to the hospital so you and me can meet you there i'll be there when i'm done why you need to stay here we need to be together mama i'll be fine i'm just going to talk to these officers and answer their questions and then i'm going to be right behind you we'll have officers take you to the hospital we need an officer protecting us at all times i want my family protected i'll be right behind you mama [Music] [Music] hey have you heard anything from anybody no make the nurse said he's still in surgery but nothing else [Music] i'm friends with confidence difficult time but you need to trust him here baby yes ma'am thank you mama i went by the house they had the whole block clock though miss calloway told me you're here tamika tell me it's not true they killed them baby girl too what the hell happened they saying dvd did it dvd that'll make no sense it don't make no sense did you have over any money yes i mean no this don't make no sense hi i'm i'm dr curry doctor please nephew suffered several blows to his head and andy caused severe bleeding and swelling to his brain doctor what does that mean were you able to save my grandson we were able to stop the bleeding and we think that we relieved the swelling you think man please understand that this is a very delicate injury we must receive a caution so is he awake can we go see him fortunately he's not awake with brain injuries like his sometimes it could take days or even weeks for a patient to regain consciousness the fact that he made it through this type of surgery defies all conventional logic with the injuries he sustained well let's just say little travis must have something to say because he's fighting harder than anyone that i've ever seen in the u.i i need to see him i need you to take me to tj right now he's in the icu i'll take you to see him all right this is what we know so far these two victims lived in the house these two victims were visiting from out of town right that's travis and melissa jones they were the first two victims killed in the basement the cousins were killed next there was a no visible sign of forced entry so the victims obviously knew the assailant assailant as in one you mean you think one person came in and did all this it's a theory so far for now captain but we really don't and it's really too soon to be sure but it's looking that way okay so one known assailant came in and killed five people how does that happen how did no one get away well we're waiting on a ballistics report but it looks like all of the victims were killed with one gun and when he ran out of bullets that's when the kids were bludgeoned any word yet on the kid that left in the business yes captain he just came out of surgery he's in the icu we have a uniform at the door ready to take a statement the second he regains consciousness what kind of animal does this to kids what about dbd any solid connection there well according to statements collected at the scene travis actually did have a very public fight over money with a one mr theodore kelly last night and we know how mr bear feels about his money all right let's bring him in well captain we want to get a statement from the brother we don't have any time to waste stevens i want bear in here on what grounds you have witness statements linking him to the victims don't you talk to the brother and see if he can corroborate any of that but bear bear is a known criminal who the victim owed money to which in my book is probable cause wake up a judge get a warrant and bring him in here now i want his house and all of his business property searched tonight tonight yes captain say police captains with their ass on the line for 500 alex i guess we need to go find a bill and see if he can give us something we can use my wife just called she said tj made it through surgery it's in our lives hands now sir we're all prayerful that your nephew makes a full recovery we know you want to be with the family so we'll make this quick mr sadat we have to establish a timeline so when was the last time you spoke with your brother me and my wife attend service at the masjid on baxter terrace every every friday night i called trav to tell him i was gonna come by after service to drop off some cash and what time did this conversation take place um i talked to tribe maybe maybe around seven service ended like 10 30 but it was pouring out so we fell as [ __ ] for a while and until it cleared up i dropped selena home then i headed to my brothers but by the time i got to tram i was too late well i think we have all we need for now mr sadat why don't you go to the hospital and be with your family look my phone's been blowing up with people talking about the fight between bear and my brother y'all got to lock him up before he hurts somebody else in my family the man's a killer and ain't going to stop until he take us off you understand that sir your family will be protected and we'll have uniformed officers escort all of you to a safe house tonight you have my worry on that okay and just leave bear to us focus on your family for now okay we'll be in touch thank you so you know why we're here right well well detective stevens it's nice to see you too cut the [ __ ] teddy this is serious it must be you calling me out my name in front of company where were you between 11 pm and 1 am last night let me ask you a question am i under arrest because 10 squad cars running my house is a little extreme just for a convo we have reason to believe you were involved in homicides it's 16 runner so i'm on the rest of my free to go you're being held on the grounds of probable cause excuse me i'm sorry probable cause yes as in a reasonable amount of suspicion supported by circumstances sufficiently strong enough to justify a prudent and cautious persons believe that certain facts are probably true probable cause so don't tell me you're trying to study for the bar or something or something look at all night wise ass no just wise enough to know enough to talk to you two about any murders and also wise enough to know that you can only hold me for 48 hours without charging me a gentleman and a scholar that will do you well in prison [ __ ] how would you learn by now teflon baby come on now well mr teflon done you can sit there and be quiet all you like just let the streets tell me exactly what i need to know [Music] and they are now's now the time to play dumb over half the town so you have a very public altercation over an unpaid debt with that victim you think i killed all these people because this person owed me money [Music] i thought you knew me better than that mine [Music] i know you to be a ruthless killer i just haven't been able to prove it all right this meeting is over can i leave now oh no we still have 41 plus hours of our little date well if i hadn't known that this is going to be a date i would prosper others they don't use them where you'll be going not when you're getting your [ __ ] pushed in my client has nothing more to say and if you insist we wait this frivolous holdout we can do it together don't worry counselor your client hasn't said anything that will incriminate him looks like this is going to be a long night i hope you don't mind if we play a friendly game of chess you've got to be shooting me you can play all the games you want teddy we have all the time in the world but if you didn't kill them you damn sure know who did if now in fact that's the word i've been waiting for in the spirit of cooperation mr kelly may have some information spit it out teddy well since you're so busy listening to the streets next to where my money is oh so the victim did in fact owe you money like i said the streets have been beating you in for actually what my paper is i said no he didn't take it with him or should i be checking in pockets of your boys in blue when was the last time you saw travis jassy's thursday how much did he owe you you said he owed me money look we have a boatload of people popping out of the woodwork telling us that you beat mr jones to a bloody pulp all over an unpaid debt you see i'm a businessman if anybody owes me money why would i kill him that mean don't pay dance so maybe you thought you'd never get your money i'll always get my money okay i i'm um a bit tired of this fishing expedition my client leaves with me now or what or you what or i'm gonna call some reporters down here and tell them how you're wasting my clients time instead of investigating the real killers i saw keisha vazquez in the parking lot and i know she's just itching for an exclusive johnny can i see you outside so now what so now you build a case hey there is somebody out here that i think you guys are really going to want to talk to who is it well he claims to be travis jones's closest friend and he says that travis really didn't owe bear the money everyone is talking about so now in addition to having the mayor breathing down my neck i now have someone that might be able to exonerate my number one suspect and fiona edwards threatening to go to the press tonight still young malone i want you to get in there and let his lawyer know that you will be letting bear go shortly stevens get this new witness and you bring him in the room i want to see the reaction when he and bear come face to face move first let me offer my condolences to you on the loss of your friends i'm sure it must be difficult i can't believe there was such good people can you tell me how you knew mr jones meet him meet adam in bed we all went to avon and driving me with the same home in shabazz you look familiar you went to shabazz didn't you oh no central well then um so you were talking about how you've known mr jones since grade school um can you tell me about the events leading up to his death everybody trying to put this on bed but tribe had bears money he was going to pay him and you know that because because i was there when he called bear tell me he was going to pay him how much money did he owe 50 stacks and how did mr jones get that kind of money see that's why i got to plead the fifth floor now hey it's detective now how could you be so sure were you there to collect the money i just want you to catch whoever did this trav was my people you did and he had bears money why because i seen it and he was going to pay bid i was there when he called better tell him he had the money can i speak to you outside to take the balloon thank you [Applause] just done that up bear says he didn't kill him because he owed him money this guy says travis had the money and told bears much up to me travis paid him the money bear killed him anyway all we got to do is prove it i'm keisha vazquez coming to you live from the scene of yet another senseless crime five people were murdered and one clings to life neighbors have created this memorial for the victims whose age range from 6 to 28. police haven't made any arrests yet and an anonymous source has put up a 50 000 reward for information leading to the conviction in this case reporting to you live from wblc tv 7 i'm kisha vasquez what on earth are you doing here i'm sorry i'm sorry okay i didn't mean to scare you the police brought us here to keep us safe how did you know you know me all my life you gotta know i didn't do this that little boy i knew long ago is gone teddy i think we both know that mama what you doing up so wrong i could ask you the same thing then i guess i already know the answer no he said he wants to talk talk you got them back out on the street seeing you you got to fight with him at jazzy's didn't you no your brother was some balloon payments on the house he came to me for some money so i sent him to pick up some cash for me so what about the fight at jazzy's he lost the money he was late family back there wasn't no fight i hit him once just to make a point and then what you sent your goons after him to take care of the rest when he couldn't pay you back you know they almost took out my entire family that could have been me and ryan in that house i'm sorry about your family meek i swear to god i am but look you know i wouldn't do this [ __ ] it ain't my style and i never let anything happen to you and my son no that's my son that's my son oh meek don't make me my brother isn't dead my cousins are dead my niece is dead my nephew was in the hospital holding on for his life when you've got to stand here in the states i am sorry travis was my friend and i swear to god i never let anything happen to you or your family you know me me okay look at me you know i did not do this for me [Music] going back in the house go through lions avenue and get them [ __ ] straight tell stats i'll be there one hour where's jax i mean he called he saved me in like five minutes so what the hell happened out there it was crazy what happened you you told my travis yeah trapping him man somebody killed him and everybody in the house i mean who do some [ __ ] like that look i'm moving i mean this neighbor is falling apart get jazz on the phone my phone is on the charger what do you think this is funny [ __ ] no man it's going to charge it get jazz here right now i'm calling i'm calling get him here right now yo what up you [ __ ] up [ __ ] what happened out there i i don't know you don't know huh i sent you to the [ __ ] house to watch them and make sure don't let them funny happy with my money i know we were there but what happened look we saw trail go in the house a little after nine but we did what happened jazz i mean we uh okay i left i sent you three [ __ ] to guard my money and you left my money is gone jazz five people are there and you know the best part of the [ __ ] up story is everyone thinks i did it i'm gonna need you to think real hard for me what happened at that jazz and i swear you better tell me every [ __ ] detail i'm telling you it was all good when we got there we i saw trap walk in that house around 9 30. i mean you remember it was raining hard last night now i mean like real hard the airstrike yep yo that's probably that money in that bag too yup [ __ ] get off the phone yo i'm gonna hit you right back all right i thought travis out the game [ __ ] mind your business you ain't getting paid to think yeah why are we out here the freaking hurricane anyway [ __ ] trav got bears money jazz told us to watch the house and watch him and that's all that's all so i'm supposed to sit in this car all night in the rain i can't see three feet in front of me how are we watching the house [ __ ] we ain't look i got [ __ ] to do i'm about to call jazz and he can sit out here all night if he wants okay go ahead yo what up yo jack what's up [ __ ] we really gonna sit out here in the rain all night i can't see past the little car but you got some place to be no it's just bad out here yo town we just seen noah's ark flow by so what do you say there's nothing disease being dumped all right man it is getting a little worse out here i'm gonna stay a little long y'all going to bounce word good luck all right i'm gonna hit you in the morning [Applause] you heard what he said let's bounce [ __ ] how many ham used on the phone but let's bounce so you calling the shots now i'm telling you to stay you telling [ __ ] to go so we having a power struggle nah it was really bad last night it was thundering and light so let me get this right my money is gone over some thunder and lightning nah babe wasn't even like that man so what was it like see tell me what was it like well what had happened i told you we should have stayed i can't use the damn light you ain't told me [ __ ] man what you sitting in the car on the phone with you do rag making laughs shut the [ __ ] up sounds stupid yo bear look i [ __ ] up i'm gonna get to the bottom of it yeah you better because it seems like you was the last person seeing travis live i know but that means you was the last person to see my money and because of your little audible the police are all over my [ __ ] my money is gone now i'm the police prime suspect but you three [ __ ] are my prime suspect so yeah yeah you want to get to the bottom of it before i do and if i find out that any of you [ __ ] have anything to do with this [ __ ] i'm on it well get on it good afternoon detective good afternoon mrs sadat please call me selena okay selima um i'm sorry to disturb you but i did want to speak with you and the rest of the family oh well abdul my gels into maker at wiggums yes but somebody needs to be here with tj have the doctors giving you any information on his condition i don't look to the doctors for anything detective allah's in control and he will make things right um the day of the murders you and your husband went to the masjid on baxter terrace on your way home did you notice anything ever i never missed friday june detective and aside from too much rain i didn't notice anything unusual or out of the ordinary no understood okay hey detective any news we're still investigating we have a team combing the block for new evidence right now why y'all let bear go i'm really sorry mr sadat um but i can't comment on that you can't comment the man that murdered my brother is free on the street and you can't comment he stopped by the so-called safe house this morning you can't comment he did what some [ __ ] girl can't stop him that [ __ ] need to be locked up under the jail junior this is a hospital why don't you calm down how long you gonna protect him meek huh how long he probably went told him where was it [ __ ] you don't stop talking to your sister like that thank you so much miss calloway believe me i understand this has not been easy on you i love that family like they my own blood i still can't believe it let me assure you we're going to do everything we can to solve this case and when to bring those responsible to justice yeah i think we might have something there's a surveillance camera on that house over there that's the growlers camera growers they're not on my list uh were they there last night oh no they're out of town it's gonna kill ginger she used to babysit travis when they lived in the project when you think they might be back wednesday ma'am do you know if the camera works child leroy loves that camera somebody was still in this newspapers and he took that camera and called oh sorry buster collins about how long ago was that man maybe two months ago thank you very much miss callaway i really appreciate your time i want a black and white around that house around the clock to that family gets back we got to get our hands on that camera see if there's anything we can use right to that i'm on it gotcha yo suarez good work thanks malone you're my sj hit me back i think we may have something oh yeah he gets on my damn nerves well if the safe house is compromised then yes he has every reason to be concerned oh come on detective do you really think that bear is a threat to my family abdul is just making me trying to seem like i'm i'm stupid like i'm still just hung up on bear but if he didn't do it he didn't do it right do you think there's a threat to your family i don't think he would do this to me i don't do you look just like i told your brother i cannot discuss the details of this case but but look if if you thought that he was guilty you would have arrested him but he walking around free so obviously he's not a suspect right what did he say to you when he came today he said he didn't do it and that he was going to prove it do you believe him yeah yeah but according to ab that's my problem that i've been believing there since i was 14. i hate to bring this up um but i saw your son and i noticed that he yes yes i was i was in love with me some bear when i was a kid him and travis were best friends and he knew i had a crush on him and he was older and he had a bad for me so we were wide open for each other young love i remember it well so in the 10th grade when i got pregnant my mother and father they sent me down south to live with aisha and pookie and they never told travis and i'm told that i was pregnant well what about baby bear i never told them anything i just packed up one weekend i moved away and never came back so he's ryan's father okay besides travis and god you are the only other person i've ever admitted this to no one and i met a nice country boy and he was cute and he was real good to me he knew i was pregnant and when ryan was born he gave him his last name what happened when you saw bear again well they suspected but he couldn't be sure but he's been real good to me since we've been back probably because he always felt so guilty guilty yeah when i moved away he started seeing some cheerleader girl at central and he just forgot all about me meet the cheerleader girl from central high school me no way you stole my man detective no that's not it if it makes you feel any better at all you know we went to the prom yes but a few months later i went off to college and he forgot about me too well he took me to the prime he definitely kept you in his heart that's why i don't think he did this i mean he might not be the same boy that i fell in love with but he has the same heart right i hope so i really hope so hurry that up yeah thanks so much tell me something good two for one day is super smooth that's what's good got you a little orange delight there it's a little melted but uh i think you'll like it perfect exactly what i'm eating okay so what's up well it keeps pointing back to our favorite neighborhood games to bear i have a sense that some know more than others but it's like that whole dbd gang has a real stronghold in that entire community it's like they're just flat out scared okay you can't blame them alone i mean if they killed an entire family next door to my house i'd be a little tight-lipped myself don't wait there's more need more spinach the house a couple doors down has a surveillance camera points right towards the street did you watch it what did you say family's out we'll be back to wednesday they're out of the country on vacation you're kidding okay well then tell me how we're gonna get in there before then well i've called the owner but it goes straight to voicemail but i did manage to get the make and model of that camera it's motion sensitive download straight to a hard drive somewhere inside that house so if the killer comes out makes a left we should see something so we let mr bear go where's my next suspect detective um i guess your silence means you don't have anybody you don't have anybody who's sitting around here drinking smoothies i don't think that the killer's in here so bye-bye go find me a killer hey i'm not playing go beat the streets knock on doors go detect detectives she is tripping i'm not tripping and what are you still doing in the building you don't want lucky man with 50 g's in his pocket jazz damn bear damn bear i'm down 50 stacks cause you're sorry ass is scared of a little rain and all you can see is damn bear look i just came from [ __ ] block all right i'm over there i'm asking questions i'm trying to see if anybody know anything at the same time i'm checking to see if anybody acting suspicious like they just came into some cash and the only thing they talking about over there is when you hit track ain't this some [ __ ] the only thing you can come back and tell me is that the hood still pointing the thing at me look i swear to god i'm on it you own it what the [ __ ] does that mean look i even talked to her snitch at the station the cops ain't got [ __ ] so that's supposed to make me feel better claiming they wait on the kid to wake up so he can finger somebody you know what i'm gonna get at that [ __ ] ski ski yeah and he got to know something he never really had the balls to be a killer but no no i don't seem crazy and [ __ ] i'm on that you tell them to misfits you gotta call soldiers i got a job for them what you need boss strawberry cheesecake from j.o.s all right i'll tell them to get on oh and since the weather gonna be nice and they scared of rain you tell them what they sorry is up there and get it all right is [Music] it's not fresh thanks i think no way she's waiting the wednesday no way we don't come up with a suspect quick we might be back at home to be for real well that might not be such a bad thing what's that the great detective folding up under the pressure harley come on one question neighbors have created this memorial for the victims whose age range from 6-28 police haven't made any arrests yet and anonymous sources put up a 50 000 award for information convictions in this case any dogs from the hospital give you anything nope but as soon as he wakes up we have an officer on standby what about leads from the family aside from what we already know bear is not a slam dunk they said that the sister did the brother didn't i mean the brother is convinced that he did it the sister's hoping he didn't hoping gut feeling you know i kind of think she might be right i mean something is just not adding up adding up listen math was never my strong suit and i'm not ready to rule out mr bear just said all right now i'm not saying he pulled the trigger but he did run dbd dbd's been known to do some foul what's going on over here yo man what's all this about you know i'm asking the question first question where's the money money what money don't [ __ ] play dumb with me skee all right where's the 50 stacks the barbershop's open i guess one monkey don't stop no show isn't that i swear to god when i left trav was down there counting that money yeah let you tell it right now you looking like the last person to see tram and that money all right now you up in this man shot you running [ __ ] now man [ __ ] you jazz travels like my brother i didn't kill him and i damn sure ain't steal that money let's ski oh that's travis's best friend he's the one that told us that travis actually raised the money for bear well who's that he's talking to he looks real actually does and come to think of it what's to say you didn't take the money everybody know you'd be skimming off the top of bass paper and you killed my boy and had to cover up your tracks i had to cover my tracks i had to cover my tracks i could kill your ass right now huh but you still wouldn't have the cash would you okay we have miles j davis aka jazz second in command to mr theodore kelly word on the street is he handles all of the dirty work so the boss can keep his hands clean i knew he looked familiar gold star for detective stevens kenneth colbert aka skee closest friend to victim number one travis jones and the only person alive that even admits to seeing the money he's clean though just because he hasn't been caught doesn't mean he's clean amen and what do these two have to discuss in an alley well maybe they're on together i mean two killers always made more sense to me no ballistics said there was only one gun and no ligature marks or defensive wounds on any of the victims means nobody was restrained so maybe they both weren't in the house but no fourth century means ski could have walked right kill the family walked out with the cash and now jazz is trying to figure out where his half of the money is suarez i want eyes and ears all over that funeral see my guess is we follow jazz and ski one of them will lead us to the money and our killer you better detect detective that's it come in hey um i saw the limo pull up are you ready i don't think i'll ever be ready but as soon as i fix your tie we go downstairs your uncle jeff tell me how to tie time oh no wonder he's always have to fix his ties too he can never get it straight either well how come you could tie one better than him no because daddy taught the boys how to tie a tie but mommy taught me how to fix him oh dang ma you do try todd good time no your mama is the bomb i know i definitely know don't worry mama i got you back did i miss anything at the cemetery it was more sad than the funeral if that's possible you know i can understand wanting to get it over with but having to bury a mother and father and daughter on the same day is not an experience i care to have anymore i can't believe salima put all of this together bless your heart brothers and sisters at the mosque wanted to support us even though tribe and militia wasn't muslim that was very nice oh this [ __ ] did junior wow are you kidding me subtle was never one of the strong suits i just wanted to say i thought it was a better service teddy you got to be [ __ ] kidding me right you now abdul i just came to offer my condolences to your entire family for your condolences after you murdered my brother and his family and why don't y'all just leave just to sleep would you just stop still defending this sorry ass maybe when you put a bullet in my head you know what's up meek like i said bruh i just came to express my control system my jones i've forgotten what we've talked about i got you i know you do okay hey baby what you doing what day is it monday no matter what day is it [Music] the trustee dinner every first monday right right i'm sorry sorry why didn't you call them remind me oh so it's now it's my fault you know all other spouses seem to remember my boss's wife she remembered the mayor and his wife they remember baby i said i'm sorry and for the record i did try to call you i left several messages on your desk today and i tried you on your cell phone but it's going straight to voicemail you know i started to worry but then i uh turned on the tv and i see my wife had a funeral that i don't even know the people well baby you know i'm working this case well might tell you what you need to start working this marriage what the [ __ ] is this okay i miss one little dinner craig and you gonna leave me really that's so mature what the [ __ ] you mean that's your bag you packed it you serious right now so you obviously forgot about the retreat this weekend yeah the one where i'm winning the war for the highest selling branch in the region i just thought that yeah and you must have forgot that we both agreed to go up a little early to make a mini vacation out of it you know i'm working this case i know you don't expect me to leave i'll tell you what my i'm going to wednesday evening like you are not playing yeah we and if you expect me to come back that's totally up to you and you had a while what's wrong with your hands they broke his hand you stopped me me i'm just saying why she got to get up and make your plate like you her master or something what's wrong with you i expect something like that out of you which is why your life turned out the way it did what's that supposed to mean and don't you dare disrespect me in front of my son all right you two that's enough baby i'm tired of chicken and corn can you um make me some spaghetti what we got all his food here and you want her to make you some spaghetti i thought i told you to mind your business no you didn't yes i did i'm the man of this house you gonna respect me you might not respect yourself but you're gonna respect me who you think you talking to i'm talking to you i know a nice brother down at the masjid straighten you right on out you know y'all salama fakem asses not trying to play me you know i don't know what the [ __ ] you think you talking to but it ain't working with me tamika i'm not gonna have that language you know what they say mom trashy girl trashy mouth junior that's enough out of you too lost your brother your cousins are gone somebody killed baby girl and god only knows what's gonna happen to tj you're gonna stop tearing each other down i'm not gonna have it we are a family you see what you're doing to our mother that's you hmm maybe if you keep your mouth and your legs closed instead of running pp cluck cluck behind some murderer like some chicken we wouldn't be having this conversation with him see now i know you didn't lost your mind what you embarrass bunny and clyde now hmm is that how it is he started off and you come behind him and finish a job is that it you know what i'm so tired of you and all your [ __ ] got everybody around here running after you like you the second coming of something you're wearing that stinky dirty varsity ass jacket like we still in high school you only wrestle one match what you know about it huh you too busy getting knocked up down in the country you know what you are sorry ass [ __ ] you really are you really are you always been a jealous petty ass bastard always i'm the bastard you know what that's enough this is my hat now haven't we lost enough already i'm not going to stand here and let my children kill each other i raised you all to love each other not kill each other once you add some of that ham that the good baptist people brought over last night added to his sauce i saw your sorry-ass husband stuff in his face with it last night a liar no need to sleep now please all right thomas great please literally hi thomas please have a seat thank you we've cued up some footage here pay attention to the monitor on your right now we've narrowed down the footage to the last half an hour where we think the murders were committed jen's cars look familiar to you no no no all right um i'm alone show her the guy what guy if you pay attention to the monitor on the left there's actually a man that walks towards the direction of the house we can't see his face but hold up go back go back what stop right there you recognize that person [Music] you're looking like malcolm x why you at that window again yeah i'm just trying to make sure that everything is all right i mean uh you said we couldn't just rely on the police to protect us we're the men of the family right uncle lab right but i don't want you standing guard all day plus i think we're pretty safe it's a patrol car out front nobody really knows we're here well except for a guy bear why was he here the other night i mean everybody says that he's the one the one that did it they don't have enough evidence on him yet and this bear guy he should he's an old friend i'll get it don't you even worry about him i see him creeping around here again i got something real nice upstairs under my bed for his ass hello good morning is mrs jones available nah she's sleeping this is a son can i help you dr curry wanted me to let the family know that tj did open his eyes a little while ago well he's been in and out of consciousness but the doctor said that this is a good sign he may be fully awake in just a few hours okay i'll um i'll tell my family thanks what i'm glad oh tj's um he's waking up now i knew he would i knew it i knew he would look i'm going to the hospital right i'll be back i want to go no i need you to stay protect the house all right okay remember you're the man in the house now hello ryan hey uh honey who's at the house with you it's just me and grandma what's wrong where's my app well after the hospital called and say tj was waking up he ran out to be with him the hospital called how long ago about ten minutes mom what's wrong you're scaring me okay ryan listen baby nothing's wrong just lock the doors and put the chain on and do not open that door for anyone do you hear me i don't care who it is do not open the door and i'll call you back when i can okay baby i gotta go [Music] hmm hey brother-in-law i didn't know you were coming by yeah yeah i was in the neighborhood i thought i'd give you all a shot what's up family nobody come over here to play with y'all to bed let's go i'm gonna give you something to all man about oh get upstairs that's right mama get this no playstation either hey man i was hoping we'll see before we hit the road yeah guys she had the message friday night service i thought y'all left yesterday yeah we were gone weeks today but with all that rain out there we changed our minds we're leaving in the morning though i hear that they are what's rather you know where he is downstairs in the man cave all right well all right man i'm gonna check you completely yes sir [Applause] okay what do you want to have i've been calling you all day how can you hit me back so i've been busy i ain't got time for it right now bro i got a lot of [ __ ] going on hey you mean you ain't got time for me you do that big time now here we go i know you've been calling me about money man i ain't got it all right coming by the barber shop i knew that's what you was asking for again it seems like only time you're checking for me is when you want something when i want something all i've done for you little bro and that's how you do me i just need like 300 to catch the rent this month you can't stretch me that to wednesday i ain't got it you ain't got it [ __ ] every time i see you there's stacks of cash everywhere and i can't hold 300 till wednesday mind your business ad [ __ ] you got to have at least what 40 stacked in this bag right yo yo don't don't don't do that man don't don't touch your back look at this you got all this yo i ain't rocking playing with you man [ __ ] you crazy your hands on me why don't you ever [ __ ] out of my house [ __ ] is wrong with you i want you gonna shoot me now what shoot me there [ __ ] [ __ ] put the gun down get the [ __ ] out oh broke ass jailhouse muscle why'd you do that what's going on here ah was that thunder oh my god no clip don't please [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] abdul what are you doing get out of here this ain't got nothing to do with you got everything to do with me you know what i knew when that detective asked about friday june that you were mixed up into some house it's not what you think what is it i never meant for any of this to happen it's too late now no it's too late no it's never too late i'm not gonna stand by and watch you hurt this baby get out of the way listen no what you gonna kill me too my husband i stood by you then i prayed that the lord would make this right and now that he made it right you got to end this the right way after the right way right way yes look at me there's only one way to end this selena i'm sorry silly no i'm sorry baby oh i'm sorry no no look i asked you to why didn't you just sleep why don't you just sleep when i step away from the bed mr sadat don't make me ask you oh i can't believe these clowns went all the way over there for some jrs cheesecake this is not mtv you know what man to tell you the truth i forgot i told them to go get it i ain't surprised man but i'm glad they did though man because my jones she loves it yeah and her mom used to drive there once a week to get your strawberry cheesecake right yeah and hopefully man this cheer up yeah yeah i guess she needs it look i'm gonna drop this off at the back portion so somebody can see it all right all right i'll be right back keep that picture cause i'm showing them later on whoa what's up little man i heard somebody you think so you thought you could sneak in to finish the job and kill the rest of them no it's not it's not like that i just brought your grandmother some strawberry cheese that liar you came to kill us but no you know how much your grandma loves to yours hey look so you think you can wrap this up look i still have time i can catch craig if i hurry go go go do all the paperwork good job hey bring me something back yeah right gotcha so why maybe just tell me why i didn't raise no killer i know that much say something say something to let me know the child i raise is still inside somewhere it was an accident mom i didn't mean for it to happen we started fighting and i grabbed that gun next thing i know everybody was dead next thing you knew everybody was dead no you got to do better than that how could you do such a thing i don't know i don't know [Music] you just stood [Music] you watched us you watched us worry about teaching how could you none of it you know how you trap gordon sometimes i guess we just went too far cute i would i'm sorry mom i'm so sorry i know you're sorry [Music] but a thousand songs can't put our family back together again you did that [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 13,348
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Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Probable Cause, Lisa Arrindell, all black cast, urban movies, Drama Movie
Id: z2mkNA81TNM
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Length: 87min 11sec (5231 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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