Pro Welding Table Top Kit Assembly

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hello this is Jill Malky with snap fabrications representing sort of flat wild tables today I'm going to do an instructional video on how to assemble your certaPro Painters evening your wealth table the first thing you want to do is going to look over your build sheet and make sure that you've received all the parts for your wanted once you confirm that you do have all your parts the first thing that we're going to do is look at the tabletop surface itself what we want to do is we want to find if there is a crown to the table meaning that if there's a high spot in the center of the table using a straight edge diagonally from corner corner is this easiest way to find out if there's a crown to the table and whichever side the crown is on is the side that we're gonna want down I already located the side which the crown was on and I can see a slight gap right here so the crown is down and we'll be able to suck the center flat so that's how we want to do that next thing we're going to do is we're gonna lay out the support structure which actually will make this table flat now this is a certif flat three foot by four foot protein and the other side of the table has ribs running lengthwise both long way too short way of the table and that structure is what makes the table flat these parts are cut with a tab and slot configuration to interlock into both the table and to the cross members underneath and everything being precision laser cut when this stuff is clamped together and welded together we'll make sure that this table is completely flat now for assembling your table you can really do it on any surface whether you have a wooden work bench or a metal work bench anything that's relatively flat I have mine sitting on another welding table but that's not necessary for you to do we're actually going to sit this table up on a couple two by fours so that our table is not part of the straightening or flattening process the rib structure underneath is what's going to create the flat surface of this table first thing I'll do to get this up on a couple blocks with that said if you don't have a table surface to work on that's okay you can actually assemble this table on a set of sawhorses with a couple two by fours laid across it when I lift the two by fours underneath this table you'll see that so we're going to elevate the table top for the table that we're assembling up off of the support structure that were working on whether it's another welding table or set of sawhorses now if this will allow us to do is to lay out our support structure and start clamping it together and draw any crown that there might be into the table out making this table completely flat now the number of pieces of support ribs that your table has will kind of be dependent on the size of table that you purchase this being a three foot by four foot actually has five support ribs running the short way and for support ridge running the the long and this setup the short support ribs going first and it really can go only together one way what I can say is if you start assembling it and it's not going to fit right or the parts won't interlock that just means that you put the wrong punch first so you've got our four or five short support ribs in now the four long ribs will go in and as you can see these parts just drop together it's all interlocking the ribs are interlocking and the ribs also have like I said the tabs and slots interlocked into the table surface itself really all of the components to this table should go together that easily if there's if you're fighting something you might be assembling the table long now now that I have the support structure in there my eye can see that my four corners are laying flat against the table and I can see that I have gap using a flashlight I can shine light underneath these support rails and see where the gap is and that's because we talked about the problem I put the crown down so now we can draw the center of the table in and it will flatten everything right now now clamping several ways you can do that if you have fixed your table clamps I could drop those right into these holes and use the clamp to draw the table and the support structure together and close any gaps that I might have if I had deep job vise claps I could use that C clamps I could use those one thing that is relatively inexpensive we use our u-bolts like this here just these holes are two inches on center you can find these at a hardware store I picked these up for a buck apiece and actually just right as far as the width to top down in two holes right across a pair of support rails where they intersect one another Genevan by hand tightening these nuts it's drawing that crowd down flat against the support rails the tabletop itself is not what makes these tables flat it's the support structure underneath and clamping the table to that support structure is what makes these tables flat so I'm going to take some care to clamping this down in spots where there might be gaps again using my flashlight I can shine underneath and see where there's gaps between the support structure and the tabletop itself so I'm gonna clamp this one down draw it in tight and clamp some other sections where where I do see some gaps and will come right back okay now with the u-bolts I've I've put them in each cross section on the interior of the table where the crown was at and just tighten them down snug you don't need to over torque or really really tighten these bolts down to get the table to flat now and just with my pen light here I can just look and try to shine the light underneath these ribs and and I got if I don't see any light coming through underneath the rib I'm confident that this table is flat so what I'm gonna do next is I'm just gonna drop the couple tack welds on the interior of this table because I'm I'm confident that the center is flat I still don't have any clamps on my exterior rib but I'm not concerned about them right now what I want to make sure is that the center is drawn in tight I've done that I'm going to drop some tack welds just to hold everything in place I'll clamp the exterior we'll flip the table over I'll check the table for flatten this with my straightedge again and if I'm confident that my table is flat I don't have any gaps between the tabletop and any other support structure I'll start tack welding every tab in the slot connection in the table surface and jump around the table with my tack welds once I've tacked weld at all of them I'll check the table again for flatness if the table is still flat and straight according to my straightedge I've done my job right and I'll come back and I'll finish weld every one of those tabs so what we'll do now do some tack welds on the interior of the table where I've got it clamped together and we'll see you after that now I've laid all my tack welds in an interior section of the table good penetrating tack welds to hold it all together now what I'll end up doing is I'll remove these six clamps that are on the interior part of the table and then I'll move them to the corners and probably a couple in the centers on the long side just to clamp the perimeter of the table down and we'll come back after that okay so as you can see the table has been flipped over right-side up I've repositioned the u-bolts to clamp around the perimeter put some C clamps where I needed to to draw the table down to to make everything flat with my straightedge just check a bunch of different spots lengthwise diagonally in the short way in a bunch of different places just to verify that the table is flat if I've drawn the table surface down to the support structure evenly and at every intersection the table should be flat if for some reason there would be a park that wouldn't be flat at this time that's why I only put tack welds in there if I find that I have a high spot I could go in and remove a tack weld and reposition or draw it down with another clamp if if there was a problem but as the way everything sits right now we're we're good and flat I'm happy with with where I'm at so with everything clamped in place I'll come back now with the welder and I'll tack every tab on the table just jumping around different spots so I don't concentrate heat in one spot too much and after all the tack weld I'll remove all the clamps check to make sure the table is still flat and if everything is still flat come back in with another round of welds this time full penetration wells in every tab and the tabletop will be done so tack weld time well all the welds are complete on our pro table here and one last check with the straightedge confirms that our table is still flat if you follow up the same steps that I've shown here your table should be flat as well mine is I'm happy with it if you have any if you used a MIG welder you might want to check for MIG splatter that can throw off your straightedge if your welds are up above the tabs and slots you might need to grind those off so you're not getting in your interference with your level or straightedge other than that the table is complete if you purchased our late kit you'll want to watch the next video to watch the assembly of that now if you're making your own legs that's fine too or you this table can be used on top of another work surface on top of sawhorses or another workbench so yeah this table is complete thanks for watching the video and go weld something
Channel: Tab and Slot
Views: 26,613
Rating: 4.8837209 out of 5
Keywords: welding table kit, diy welding table build, how to build a welding table, certiflat,
Id: E_SyzcCzh74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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