Pro Nuzlocker Ranks The Hardest Elite Four Members

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[Music] hey how's it going I'm Pokemon challenges I'm probably the best nuzlocker in the world uh I really suck at these YouTube intros so uh that's it that's all you get today we're going to be looking at all the elite four members and champions of the main Series games and ranking them on how hard they are for your nuzlocks uh let's go let's do it so the four tiers that we have we have free these are champions and elite four members that should like not be a problem for you whatsoever we have Matt which is like with a little bit of prep they should be very easy but like you have to think about a little bit tough is you have to like plan for this or you're gonna lose Pokemon and you're gonna have to think about the fight and run killer is even with good prep these are dangerous fights you know what else is tough though when you want to watch a show but it's not available on Netflix in your country well do I have the solution for you the sponsor of this video nordvpn is here to help 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this video and uh hope you guys enjoy it all right let's begin uh Lorelei is obviously s tier oh wait this wasn't the mommy dummy tier list never mind let's put it back okay so still I think both in gen 1 and in Gen 3 loral is a pretty tough opponent that Lapras can be pretty rough I think she's one of the harder gen one elite four members if not maybe the hardest she's definitely tough I don't think she's a run killer like usually if you have an electric tub you can punch through most of her water types and then the non-electric types aren't really that much of a problem but I do think if you don't have an answer for this fight um it can be kind of rough I think Bruno is I want to say free um because he literally has two onyxes that just die to anything and the hit mods aren't really a huge problem the Machamp can be a problem if you don't bring a good answer for it and you have to always consider that you have to build your team around kind of the other members as well as you might not have a huge Machamp counter Bruno is also in Johto which is worth noting and jodo he's a little bit harder so I'm actually going to average that out and I'm gonna put him in met here instead Agatha I'm sorry I mean especially in gen 1 but also in Fire Red Leaf Green I think Agatha is free like the status conditions can be rough but you should be able to play around them she can't really do anything really to do to like I I don't know it's just like the problem with these gen 1 Elite Fours is like they have like one Pokemon three times so if you have a counter tote you're probably gonna be okay so Lance is both in gen 1 and gen two I think gen 1 lands is pretty doable there's some things that I think gen one lance is somewhere in tough I think link Gen 2 lens is pretty hard dealing with three Dragonites if you didn't get a good answer for it you have to like morph your team pretty hard I don't think it's a run killer though I think he sits like at the top of like tough tier so that that's where I would Place Lance blue uh is a pretty tough Champion there's a lot of things to look out for oh wait they're separated Lance Champions here okay so I think I still think I still think gen 1 Lance is tough I mean Blue's team obviously changes depending on your starter so we kind of have to go off of that but there is a few things that are pretty hard especially in the in the Gen 3 version of the blue fight I think there's a lot of things that can go wrong you need a good answer to the Zam you need to get answered to like even Venusaur can be kind of kind of tough but honestly on average like beating a Gyarados is not that hard the Arcanine doesn't do that much honestly I think blue the the type diversity makes him a little bit rough but the fact that he has a Pidgeot honestly I think blue is meh I'm sorry so will will probably uh not give you that much trouble um honestly zatu is just not that good of a Pokemon like psychic types are hard to beat the Slowbro is the only thing that I think is the only thing that I think is a little bit tough about that fight but I I I'm tempted to just put him in free because like it's it's it's just not that hard Koga I think can be a problem because of like double teaming it's honestly also not that difficult of a fight poison types are just not that strong I can't really think of anything that actually poses like a huge threat on this guy's team it's just mostly like annoying to deal with and you have to prep for it a little bit Karen is so hot God damn it uh sorry Karen uh I think Karen can be a problem I think her Umbreon is actually really annoying to deal with but there's still just no like huge threats that are gonna wipe you the The Umbreon alone makes it really annoying but like she doesn't have anything she like there's like no tea tar or like a haunt Crow or something in like hard gold soul silver right I I just don't see her as as that big of a threat Champion Lance we talked about it earlier I think he's definitely tougher than elite four lines but I still don't think he's a run killer because like if you have an answer to his Pokemon you have an answer like you don't have to build like an entire team around killing this guy uh Sydney we're in gen 3 now dude like I think Sydney is mad like free or met um I think you do need to bring something to kill this guy's Pokemon but like mightyanna is so bad the the problem is in gen 3 none of his Pokemon do any damage because he has all these like physical attackers but he's restricted to special dark type attacks right because of the physical special split in Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire I think his team is a little bit more tough but even there like you have so many options to deal with them I I think Sydney's just free I'm sorry and then like Phoebe I I'm sorry like like the dusk lapses and this and the Sable I can be kind of annoying to deal with but there's just it's it's all ghost types like she has no like big threats that can actually kill you it's it's annoying and you have to think a little bit about the fight but not that much I think glacia glacia has sheer cold which is huge in those locks that's like a big X Factor and honestly her glailys aren't that easy to kill and like there's just a few things in that fight that can go wrong and like you won't lose to her I think but I think she can the rest of your Elite Four run I'm gonna put her in tough because of that just because of the sheer colds and the booms I think she's like at the bottom of tough tier Drake I think Drake's pretty tough I think his Kingdra is pretty annoying to deal with I think his Salamence is a threat obviously if you bring like an ice type user you can sweep this fight I don't think he's a run killer you you just basically need to bring an Iceman but if you don't have the option for that or if you're if your ice attacker sucks then um this fight can cause you some problems I'm gonna put him in tuft here uh I think Steven's the run killer if not only for the fact of his Metagross a lot of his Pokemon are kind of free and they're kind of cap but just the Metagross alone I feel like makes this fight so difficult it's actually like a really tough Pokemon to deal with and he has like a quite a bit of type diversity that you have to play around too I think I think Steven's the first run killer here I think Wallace I'm not sure if Wallace is a run killer to be honest just because he lacks the type diversity kind of um I really don't understand why they made a water type Champion for Emerald but I think Wallace is like somewhere like mid-tuffed here um I think there are some things that can definitely go wrong in that fight on like the Gyarados the Wailord can be hard to kill the mileage it can be hard to kill right uh I just don't think that there's like this imminent threat to just actually wipe if you face him all right moving into Gen 4 man quick forwarding just looking at this I think all the Gen 6 Elite 4 members are like super cap because they all have four team members for some reason anyway Aeron is like free uh bug types are just not that good I think Aaron and platinum is a little bit harder if I remember correctly I don't see anything you're actually threatening you in the Aeron fight um I think in Platinum he like probably more ma'am I'm gonna put him at the bottom of meh here because I think his Platinum team is a little bit more threatening just because of Platinum Team I think it's yeah I think it's somewhere here a birth uh I actually think Bertha is not that easy she I don't think she's free I think you need to think about this fight a little bit just because of like sure like grass types water types and everything but like her Pokemon have pretty good coverage they're pretty strong they're pretty like high status Pokemon you have access to Grass not but it's you're not you're probably not gonna sweep this fight I think Platinum Bertha is like really hard we're not we're not really hard but Platinum Bertha is like a problem right between Diamond and Pearl platinum diamond Pro can excuse this list a little bit I think she sits somewhere at the top of mint here Flint again two pretty different teams between platinum and diamond and pearl I think both of his teams are actually pretty tough like obviously he has like two fire types his Diamond and Pearl team really sucks though I mean just the fact that he has no fire types doesn't mean that he's not hard to beat right if anything the amount of type diversity kind of complicates things if anything I just think I mean like water types are pretty abundant and everything right fire types are pretty easy to counter I just think that like some of his Pokemon can pop off and I I see him somewhere in manteer to be honest I think lucian's tough I think you need to prep pretty hard for Lucian and the problem with that is actually that Cynthia is next and a spoiler alert Cynthia is like probably one of the hardest Champions to beat in the game or like in the series I I think Lucian sits somewhere at the top of tuft here if Cynthia wasn't after this fight this might be easier but Lucian like you need to bring a lot of coverage there's like the bronze on like you you just you can't just sweep the fight with one Pokemon because like either the bronze on walls you or the Gallade walls you or like the giraffe ring was like your Ghost type uh I think Cynthia is the hardest Champion probably in the series definitely a run killer uh the the guard shot alone requires like a lot of planning for your team and makes like every other Elite Four member already harder the the toga kiss can be tough even just like getting through like just all of her Pokemon they're all pretty high tiered Pokemon um there's a there's a Lucario too right like with a lot of planning you can get around this fight it's not unbeatable for sure but you have to plan around Cynthia and especially her guard Trump she will wipe you otherwise so I think the problem with some of the Gen 5 elite four members is like if you have a sweep for Chantal all you probably have a sweep for Caitlyn that's a huge issue right like a Pokemon that sweeps Sean tall probably sweeps Caitlyn because uh it's either gonna be like a dark type or a ghost type that kind of goes through and this makes planning for this Elite Four so easy that I I I'm almost like if you don't have a Pokemon like that but the thing is you're always gonna have a Zoroark I think I can't really do anything else but put these into free tier because it's just so easy um if you don't have a Pokemon that sweeps these sure they can cause you some issues but I don't know it's just so easy to build a team for these that I don't know I think like Gen 4 elite four is like pretty tough and then gen 3 can can be an issue but like most of these like later gen Elite Fours is kind of cap um Marshall goes pretty hard I think Marshall's team can be difficult to beat uh The Conch holder alone it does so much damage I I think I think Marshall sits somewhere the thing is his team is still only like four Pokemon right the the me and Xiao too Sawk has sturdy and everything I think Marshall is like the bottom of tuft here Grimsley I think Grimsley can cause some issues it's still very sweepable oh yeah and it gets us aren't on here I guess because they're not late for Champion members right I think I think Grimsley is like somewhere in manateer at the bottom of there okay I'm not gonna rate uh Alder because he's leave for around two um I think I Iris can kill your run I think Iris can definitely kill your run uh her team is so difficult like there's so many threats on that team um it's really hard to like have a good team for it like the the Elite Four is pretty easy but you like you're still kind of restricted in your planning and then you have to plan everything around Iris High drag on his tough Haxorus is tough uh I think she's harder than Steven for sure okay oh my god dude malvis oh sorry it's actually been a while for me since I've played gen six yeah I don't know I I just I think all the Gen sticks to lead fours are like so free they all have four Pokemon like I don't know what to say like it's a fire type leader too like you're gonna sweep this team like 10 out of 10 times I'm sorry seabold there is a D Dance Gyarados on seabold's team so he's definitely not free um there's also like a Starmie I honestly think seabold is almost tough but I mean like yeah you can sweep him with like an electric type is I guess the problem if you don't have an answer I I think he's like bottom of man it's just like it's so easy to sweep them with like anything that does electric type damage but um if you don't have that then you can be an issue what's this guy's name Wickstrom or some uh I mean like Egg Slash is really easy to cheese the probopass has sturdy yeah I don't know I think you just kind of sweep this fight with a fire type I don't really again if you don't have an answer this might be tough but what the is her name drazzla drazna man I'm sorry you can't bring like a you can have a four Pokemon Elite Four team and then I have like Dragon Altaria like I'm sorry the Noivern has like super Fang like this is just it's just I'm sorry it's just free like what does her team do all right and then the antha I always forget what her team is I think it's a tough fight it's not crazy I don't know why the champion has a Gore Geist um and like Aurora isn't exactly hard to beat the head smash Tyrantrum is a problem the halucha is like the only big issue and then I guess mega Gardevoir can cause some problems everything else is so free I think she's like mad best all right gen seven I'm just it's been so long I have to look up these teams I'm sorry um Z moves definitely make all of these difficult what the why does okay so in in Sun and Moon three of his Pokemon only have two moves why his uh Ultra sun and moon team is pretty tough I think hey he's man I think as he moves make every Fight Hard I think he's somewhere here Olivia oh Olivia Olivia Olivia I don't see how this fight is hard whatsoever the hardest thing about the Olivia fight is um never mind I think her Elite Four is like free acerola Frost last can be kind of hard sometimes uh I don't I don't know in Ultra sun and moon she doesn't have a mimikyu like I I don't I don't see how this isn't free I'm sorry I don't know these at least four members just suck man what the is this girl's name she can swing my golf club if you guys know what I mean [Music] uh anyway sorry this team is so free what the her robot has supersonic bro her took it on his bullet seat and screams legitimately laughter to joke from a stream but the Olivia one got me well played I can't believe that's the one they got you and I'll just sudden when she does have a halucha which is a difficult Pokemon to deal with in those locks and she has like a brave area with Brave Bird I I think yeah I still think she's like free I'll put her at the bottom of tough just for the Hawlucha oh it's Skilling bullet seed cool I'll put her here then Professor I want to touch his abs what's this guy's name Kukui he has a Snorlax so he's got that going for him um the lycanroc could be difficult I don't see how this fight is difficult I'm sorry I don't I don't think I don't know what should make this fight Tailwind Braviary stealth rocks like and rock yeah like I don't know I I don't see him I I think he's like here and then what the is this guy's name who is this why does he look like me Laney he does have a Metagross so he's not free I would I would argue but I I don't see him being above Matt's here all of his Pokemon share like every single weakness but they're all weak to Fire and ground all right and finally we have hop yeah hop that's his that's his name I don't know what you guys but yeah gen 8 somehow isn't in here I don't know but I mean Jenny doesn't really have an elite four it does have a champion though so but I mean like I don't know man I guess Tauros is kind of a thing but like what here kills you this might be the freest Champion battle I I don't know Ultra Sunder Moon's like the hardest game in the series vanilla but this champion fight is it's not free but like it's probably the easiest in the series um instead of this guy I'll I guess I can talk about Leon I think Leon's pretty difficult if so pretend this is Leon for sword and shield I I think Leon is like really tough like like somewhere up here I think I don't think he's a run killer but there's a lot of coverage in that fight the thing about Leon is you don't have to do an elite four Gauntlet beforehand so you can build your entire team just to beat him right all right boys that's been the Elite Four and Champion tier list make sure to leave a comment about how wrong I am and how the order is all messed up and how oh no Bruno was above Aeron that makes no sense I'll make sure to read none of those comments um also leave a like and only like half the people that subscribe to my channel wait no only like half the people that watch my channel are subscribed so you make sure to click that subscribe button it's down there you think you're subscribed but you're actually not so go click the button all right I suck at outro Subs go watch the next video in your endless cycle of Internet content consumption because we all know that you're not gonna stop after this video You're Gonna click the next one and the next one and the next one maybe shut it off after this go get a drink go outside you know and uh talk to a nice person in your life all right I'll see you guys later bye-bye [Music]
Channel: pChal
Views: 672,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, pokemon, gaming, pokemon challenges, challenges, pokemon challenge, pro nuzlocker, alpharad, pro nuzlocker reacts, ludwig, smallant, adrive, hardest elite four, hardest champion, nuzlocke elite four, nuzlocke finale, nuzlocke emerald kaizo, hardest nuzlocke, nuzlocke tier list
Id: NrrT2IbkTHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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