Pro Nuzlocker Ranks Every Gen 1 Pokemon

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[Music] all right ladies and gentlemen welcome i am pokemon challenges i'm the best nuzlocker in the world and today is a very special day because we will be ranking every single pokemon in terms of nuzlocke viability we're gonna be ranking them all how good are they on average on your average nuzlocke if you catch them um let's go over a few terms first so this will be mainly based on nuzlocke viability i'll be mainly basing it on normal nuzlak rules maybe some things regarding hardcore nuzlocke rules we'll be going into it as well also we'll only be doing evolution lines overall right so i won't be doing bulbasaur ivysaur and venusaur i'll just be dragging venusaur and that'll be for the entire evolution line okay let's go over the tears okay we got ester do trade evo separate it's a good idea i think we'll do that so i'm personally a fan of doing like five tiers um like insanely good good average below average and bad right i'll do an additional tier of band or you should ban this and then additional tier of don't have enough experience with that pokemon this is just going to be very very basic like this is how viable i feel this pokemon is so s tier is going to be excellent a tier is going to be pretty good b tier is gonna be average c tier is gonna be below average and f tier is gonna be like unusable bad don't use this all right i think venusaur is a solid a tier pokemon it's definitely above average um it's not insanely good grass types not really the best don't have a lot of defensive coverage you got kind of got to work to make them good but in gen 1 having a grass type for the first three gems is pretty damn useful um lychee is an incredible move um it's very defensive it's good if you're playing a game where you can get like a mega like pokemon x and y this is obviously also pretty good um pretty great i think the entire line very usable all right charizard in my opinion is average b-tier i think char i think fire types are great and i usually advise people to pick the fire type and nuzlockes however gen 1 does have a lot of fire types available and especially if you're playing like actual red blue yellow gen 1 this move pulls pretty bad flying fire has so many weaknesses uh it it doesn't really excel against any gyms except like erica where like you're doing probably pretty well anyway i think charizard is a solid b tier i think also in btr sits the blastoise line i think blastoise is okay water pokemon are pretty good this is going to be pretty useful early on i know the speedrun uses this pokemon obviously i would rank it above charizard however the problem with water starters and this is going to be a pretty big pattern in these water starters the problem is you get so many free water types in your nuzlox right you can fish you can surf you can get so many encounters getting water coverage is the least of your worries so picking up a water type as your starter can sometimes be a little bit of a waste butterfree so butterfree is an interesting case and pretty much every game where you can get it butterfree excels incredibly early game and then falls off later in the game in later games compound ice sleep powder is really really really useful it gets really useful moves early and it evolves incredibly early you can just grind your caterpie it being [ __ ] as caterpie metapod doesn't matter because you can just grind against wild pokemon for a bit um and butterfree is really strong however it falls off so much late game but it's so useful early game it kind of evens out at i would say about average i think i would actually in terms of usefulness i think i would rank this above the charizard line just because early it's so much more useful um this is where i would rank it beedrill i think beedrill is incredibly underrated i think bedroll is actually also really useful early game like in gen 1 and stuff it can be a really useful misti counter in gen 1 using twin needle and stuff like that actually gets really good damage gets really good um it's decently fast actually very usable special defense um but again falls off really quickly i think this is worse than butterfree for sure i think it's also worse than charizard but i do think b drill is a pretty average pokemon it's like on the low end of btr i would say um because it's a b uh i think beedrill very underrated pokemon give it a try sometime when you get a get a weedle don't just box it level it up get it to level 10 get it across that finish line easy uh continuing on pidgeot line you're probably gonna have you're probably gonna be using one of these i think um it's okay it evolves decently early the move pulls kind of [ __ ] in most games it's decently fast though you might be using it throughout the game just because you need like a fly slave and stuff but honestly it's a very very average pokemon it's okay bulk okay speed not the greatest typing not the greatest move pool all around i think it's a little bit more useful than b drill because it's just a little bit more consistent throughout the game um however it's also not like it doesn't excel at anything it's not great i'm going to be ranking it in b-tier as well here i guess raticate just didn't load home guess what we'll be putting in rattata all right they forgot raticate boys i think raticate is actually pretty great um for one reason and one reason only um rattata can be pretty strong early because it gets early hyper fang in most games and raticate can be incredibly good because why can't it be good chat knows this chat knows this i'll be turning down the music a little bit hold on super fang super fang return wait you guys really don't know it's not super fan guys superfang is garbage hustle guts it's guts that's right guts is incredibly underrated in nuzlockes because you can poison or burn your pokemon before you go into a fight by just like sending out against a weedle or something and get that boost immediately and then your eradicate is dealing incredible damage with hyperfang it also evolves at like level 20. this thing is actually pretty damn strong and i'm gonna be ranking it about between pidgeot and charizard i would say [Music] i think actually it's more like honestly i think it's better than butterfree yeah it's like here firo i think is really good in gen 1. um normal flag types are actually pretty good in that game fearow is decently fast and does good amounts of damage it's not great though i think it's better than pidgeot for sure in most games it's a little bit less bulky but um it's a little bit more aggressive it can deal some more damage i would prefer using firo over pidgeot most of the time i'm gonna be ranking it about here there's not much to say about it though going on the arbok line okay so pre gen 3 this is just garbage poison types are pretty [ __ ] bad it doesn't get a lot of great moves later on you do get access to intimidate but only sometimes sometimes it will be shed skin that's kind of garbage um intimidate is i would say the best like the best widespread ability in the game for nuzlocke's intimidate is incredible however this is one of the worst pokemon to get intimidate um it doesn't evolve super early it doesn't get any good moves later on you might be able to do like stockpile rest strats or some really dumb [ __ ] like that in general i think arbok is very very solidly seater um i guess i forgot to do a low eradicate i would rank it around like the same pretty much being dark type kind of helps though dark types are pretty good it does get coil in later games that's an okay move but that doesn't really make it any any any better all right raichu you're gonna involve pikachu when you go to thunderstone that's pretty good electric types are very useful in nuzlockes um it's a very good defensive and offensive typing there's a lot of water types and flying types that you face raichu is about like the most run-of-the-mill average electric type that you're gonna be getting in your nuzlockes it's not fantastic it's not um it's not fantastic it's not bad either it's just like it's above average because it's an electric type but it's not much more than that i'm gonna be ranking about where firo is in my opinion somewhere like here it's pretty fast does thunderbolts that's pretty good alolan raichu i personally haven't used i think i used it once in one of my runs um i would probably rank it a little bit higher it gets good like psychic typing is usually good it's better offensive coverage i would say um still gets walled by a few things but i think having another stab there the psycho typing doesn't necessarily bad at all you know what beedrill is more of a high c to your pokemon i think you're right okay alolan raichu i think is better than raichu i think it's probably better than butterfree too it's somewhere around here uh alolan sand slash i've never used if i had to guess i'd say it's probably pretty bad because it's a defensive ice type but it's also steel so who knows um sand slash i would say sand slash is like okay uh defensive pokemon get a lot better when you're using healing items gotta remember that it's move pool is abysmal in most games actually abysmal um i think this is a very solid c-tier pokemon it's better than arbok in my opinion it can be useful ground types are nice for pivoting ground types are nice for electric type gyms which there are a lot of it's pretty readily available but man it's just very underwhelming it doesn't get like any really good moves all right neato queen and nito king are going to be ranked pretty similar i think new york king is a little bit better because of offense ninja queen is a little bit better in defense but overall they're about the same you can get these pretty damn early and in most games you're not really sacrificing a lot of your learn set it heavily depends on which teams are available in that game on average they probably rank out to be pretty damn good though you get moon stones early in a lot of the games um if you're doing like item usage x accuracy horn drills obviously insane late game i think this is well above average i think uh later on you might even be able to get shear force or some [ __ ] if you're playing like a romhack um overall i think nidoking is like a low eightier pokemon and nidoqueen is probably also somewhere in that range clefable very interesting pokemon uh pretty easy to evolve um pretty good like stat distribution very very good move pool it depends heavily on the gem that you're playing sometimes it's fairy type sometimes it's normal type very type's a lot better obviously um it depends heavily on what tms you have available what abilities you can get on it very variable on that i think on average i think it's just like a good like uh like like like joker to put on your team to just fill up pretty much any role it can be offensive it can be defensive um i think it's a little bit above average not too much though i think cliff fable is probably on the high end of b tier somewhere around like blastoise i've never used the little nighttails if i had to guess it'd say it's pretty bad though it's fairy type so it's probably pretty okay nine tails is pretty pog um if you can level up vulpix to get flamethrower it's a fast flamethrower machine basically most games you won't be getting drought right but flash fire is also really useful for pivoting having another immunity is really nice um bringing this to fire type gems is usually pretty good um fast fire type probably around where charizard is i think it's a little bit better because it doesn't have that flying typing you can evolve it pretty early to be good later on you get [ __ ] like nasty plot and [ __ ] um i think nine tails sits it's i think clefables rank too high i think lefable is around like here and then i think um nine tails is probably around like here maybe here you have to wait quite a bit to get flamethrower [Music] all right wigglytuff pretty much a worse version to clefable in any in like every sense of the word no good offense way too big of an hp pool if you're using healing items so it takes way too long to heal up doesn't get like any good moves like in of itself uh it's like a very very it's like clefable if it was like just way way less useful i think wigglytuff is like somewhere around here that's about it oh i'll just be doing crobat here i think crobat do i think i think crobat is not s tier i think crobat has too many weaknesses to be asked here however it's very very high eight here um crowbat is really fast has a really good move pool and um actually like despite having a lot of weaknesses it also has a lot of resistances um to pretty common types um building crobat defensively is usually a good way to go however offensive crowbar can also be great just um being fast with a lot of resistances and stuff it can switch in on so much um using it with healing items and stuff is pretty broken uh gets pretty good moves like crowbar is pretty [ __ ] great it outspeeds like basically everything you're going to encounter speed is a very important stat i'll also be ranking golbat because there is games where you can only get golbat i think golbat is way [ __ ] slower uh and doesn't deal as much damage not bulky enough to get some utility moves but that's pretty much it i think it's like somewhere like here yeah you can also always get a crowbar at 23 if you just friendship grind which is really really really early honestly yeah i gave wiggly yeah we need we need some pokemon left here all right i think vileplume is pretty useful um it depends a little bit on the game that you're playing it in sometimes it's lauren said is better than other times but i think for the most part vileplume is like just the right mix of like dealing a good amount of damage and being bulky enough to just land like around average there's no venusaur um but it's decently bulky you can get it decently early um once you get the leaf stone so it can be useful for a lot having at least one grass like poison type on your team can usually be like pretty damn good coverage it's basically a scuffed venusaur it's very very average it's not great it's not a it's not bad it's i think it sits solidly somewhere in b tier somewhere around here maybe i know i don't have a d tier holy [ __ ] guys i can read yeah i know okay hold on i'm not gonna be adding a sixth tier just to never mind you guys are dumb as [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i think parasect is really terrible it has way too many weaknesses it's way too slow the only redeeming quality it has is spore and maybe some weird like swords dance substitute strats but that's so [ __ ] niche that i can't give this any higher than f tier and almost all of your runs especially because parasite is usually a pretty early encounter and spore is so [ __ ] late parasect is just absolutely terrible um venomoth has compound eyes sleep powder on its side and with its which is nice but in comparison to butterfree it gets it so lame internet's such a late game pokemon usually venomoth just doesn't if it was actually bug psychic which it should be in my opinion it would be so much better but as it stands as a bug poison type it's just terrible maybe in later games you have like some quiver dance sleep powder strats or something but i've personally never seen anyone do that i don't even know which games that would be in so personally i think venomoth in almost all cases are just is just going to be terrible um you get it way way way too bad if you got this early in venema and then that evolved early it would be a little bit different but as it stands i think venomoth is um [Music] low seat here decently like sleep powder is is useful it's got one redeeming quality okay i think if the pokemon has like one redeeming quality i think it can go and see here i'm kind of like if i want to put crowbat an s here um i think we'll be okay nah [ __ ] it it's low est here [ __ ] it i don't think i've ever used a lowland dog trio it's probably pretty good though whatever i say about dick trio probably applies to a low industrial except it's probably better um arena trap isn't really useful what's good about doug trio is that it's really fast so the the one thing duct tree is it actually doesn't deal that much damage but stab earthquakes stab digs even are pretty okay and it's really really really fast arena trap doesn't matter in those locks the enemy pretty much never switch it when it does it's so unpredictable it really doesn't matter however dugtrio is fast enough it can switch on electric types that's why ground types are good um and it just kills [ __ ] it's basically an electric type counter exactly i think doug trio is a little bit above average i think it sits in low eight here just because of its speed stat um i've never used preserker it's probably pretty good though i think we used alolan no i don't think we use the lowland persian all right they'd oh yeah here's persian okay um persian is like okay it does get technician especially if you get technician as meowth that's pretty good however if it if you're like playing gen 1 or gen 2 it's just garbage um it's very fast which bumps it up quite a bit um and then in gen 1 it has uh like uh guaranteed crits with slash which is insane so in gen 1 it's really good because of that and then gen 3 onwards you get like some some like weird technician [ __ ] um so i think it's like but it's it's not great by any means it doesn't get like amazing moves does it get naturally hypnosis in any landsat or is that usually like an egg move i think persian is like just like super average it's like somewhere around here gold duck is garbage in most games uh maybe you'll be able to pull off some swift swim strats but that's extremely unlikely it's like oak it's stats are actually kind of okay once you get it but that by that point like i mean it's a water type but by the point you get it involves so late like psyduck is so bad um you got to get it up quite a bit i i don't really see where you would be using your golduck um maybe doing like some weird hypnosis strats i can't really think of anything else it's it's like a decently bulky water type with decently good damage which is a redeeming quality so i think i'll be putting it in c tier prime is decently fast which is nice fighting types can be really useful in some situations um i think primeape is like okay especially if you're using it in gen1 it doesn't get too many good fighting type moves there though um usually you get like a brick brake tm or something to support it but it's just like very very it's like a very bare bones like kind of fast fighting type and fast fighting types can be hard to find but for the most part i think like i think um i think primape sits like somewhere here um arcanine is really good um intimidate is really good it's really bulky it's really fast gets cool moves um gotta kind of look at the lauren set to see until when you delay the evolution but arcanine is really really really really good um i think it sits in high eight here i think it's uh insane um i don't think it's ester i think it like carries entire runs but um it's like one of the better intimidated users one of the best fire types you can get in earlier games i think arkansas is incredible all right so we'll be doing trade evolution separately because some people play with trade evolution some people don't but i i guess we do polywrath first i think polywrath is pretty good uh it's very bulky gets hypnosis it's decently fast um fighting types are useful although a lot of the times it just doesn't get a good fighting type stab um also an earlier gen's not getting physical water type moves really hurts it but special attack isn't like super garbage though real time welcome back for 34 months i appreciate it i finally subbed more months than years i've been alive actually holy [ __ ] that was true last month too oh true thank you so much real time i really appreciate the support thank you thank you so yeah real time real time yeah so yeah polywrath pretty good pretty bulky does good damage gets hypnosis you can get it decently early um it's pretty fast it's above average it's like somewhere here all right cadabra is pretty good psychic types are insane usually it's fast does good damage um it's hard for the ad to counter psyche types there's no dark type gems um cadabra is pretty pretty a tier it's just very very frail you got to be really careful with it um it doesn't like kill a lot of [ __ ] but cadabra is pretty good you can get it pretty early too pretty hard to catch though um and then alakazam easy-est here super fast just one shots [ __ ] left and right doesn't even need a good move pool uh complete almost bandworthy in the in gen 1 i think um alakazam is insane absolutely insane all right everything that i said about cadabra times 100 all right machoke is like super average uh it's like the fighting type of it's like the gold deck of fighting types except a little bit worse um it's decently bulky it can do some good damage like it has it has pretty good damage output i will give it that and it's a fighting type which can be useful so um i think i'll rank it somewhere around with sand slash i think it's a little bit better than sand slash and a little bit worse than golduck machamp however it's pretty great um you can get some crazy noguard strats um if you do allow trade evolutions machamp's really good it's so bulky it deals so much damage holy [ __ ] machamp kills so much hit it's actually like not super insanely slow either um it's like one of the best it's definitely not the best but it's one of the best uh bulky fighting types and lighter gems it gets access to a lot of good [ __ ] um machamp is really really good machamp is definitely a tier it's a little bit slow um hard to switch in sometimes but it's very good 130 bass attack is not bad at all victory bell is definitely worse than vileplume in my opinion especially in earlier gens its stats are just really awkwardly distributed um i it does get sleep powder which is always a very very strong redeeming quality and if it's the only grass poison type that you can use it's usually good to put on your team you can do sword stance strats which can be like run saving sometimes so that's another pretty good quality i think victor bell sits somewhere around here at bt uh swords dance can be like not very useful at all if you're like pre gen 4 though so be careful ten accrual is very good very readily available um um very defensive very fast deals really good damage uh water poison typing is pretty okay um it's bulky and fast which is really really really strong in those locks um cruel is definitely an a tier pokemon i think it's actually better than machamp and a little bit worse than arcanine all right um i've never used a loling golem you'll see a lot of gen 7 pokemon will end up in this tier because i've only done like one run of gen or like two runs of gen 7 ever okay the golem line is incredible i guess i'll be ranking graveler and golem separately though um however um both will be ending up in a tier here because of geodude um because geodude is like incredible early game it can usually be obtained really early and it's just so damn good stab magnitude incredible stab rock type moves incredible if you're a little bit careful play around water and grass type moves like you should because you're a good nuz locker you should be able to always keep it on harm's way later on it even has has sturdy if you're really really really bad i think just because of that graveler ends up in like mid 8 here or like low 8 here somewhere around kadabra actually graveler is really really strong and then if you can evolve into into a golem it doesn't get like in like that that much better but even with golem you can actually like late game even do like some rock polish strats and later gens and [ __ ] um so i'm gonna be ranking it somewhere around here i think it's better than venusaur um resisting normal type is really useful okay uh rapidash is really fast and that's the only thing it can do terrible move pull in almost every single gen um being a fast fire type can save your ass sometimes flash fire can save your ass sometimes but all around it's just a much worse version of nine tails and for that i'm going to be giving it high c tier fire types can be useful though for that reason alone gets seated um gallerian rapidash i'm pretty sure we've used and it was pretty good um the typing is great fast fairy types are great um very different from mappadash obviously but great coverage um very fast i think it's like i think it's like here okay i've never used galleries uh alolan slowpoke gallerian slowpoke all right slow bro is insane uh not even talking like regenerator that you get in some rom hacks just like physically defensive calm mind available kind of late but once you get it it's insane obviously gen 1 is super broken with amnesia psychic types are really really good physical defense plus calm mind is insane it gets slack off or you can just heal it with healing items if you play with that i think slow bro not doesn't quite make it to s tier available a little late and like kind of um you kind of need to know how and when to use it and kind of rely on coal mines sometimes but i think i think it's high eight here for sure all right um oh okay magnetonline uh i guess i'll be ranking magnazone as well the magnamite line is incredible it's so good still the only the only way magneton gets a little bit worse here is because of gen 1 it doesn't have a steel typing other than that magnemite is insane um if you get it early it just plows through everything and deals a lot of damage even as magnemite it resists like everything you only pretty much need to be aware of like ground and fighting types um which are pretty easy to dodge a magnet pull can actually be an incredibly useful ability in later gens because it lets you encounter more steel types and steel types are insane i think um let's see magnazone all right uh magna zone is here i think magna zone is easily s tier um it's not better than alakazam but it's definitely better than crobat um and then magneton ends up in a tier i think bumped a little bit down by gen one but it's silly if you get as a magnum it's insane even late game it's insane steel types are so damn good it's like rock type but a billion times better um it's probably somewhere here uh maybe here we'll get to slow king oh i guess we can do slow king now we're talking about slow bro right where is he i guess i also skipped polly toad whatever we'll do them later um okay so um we'll we'll be looking at surfetch later i guess farfetch'd is garbage it doesn't get anything it gets swords dance but it's never good it gets pretty good slash right a general arm it's just not good enough outclassed by every single normal flying type i don't see what this gets that's good at all at least it's a little bit faster than parasite and has a few less weaknesses and stuff so it can maybe tank a hit sometimes but that's about it farfetch'd is garbage even if you equip a leak for it all right dodrio is basically a better phero in every single way it's faster it deals more damage um so that alone puts it like somewhere here i think it's better than persian um dugong is really average um it's bulky i guess uh a stab ice beam is pretty good but also being ice type makes it weak to fighting and like rock which kind of sucks i i think it's that average is around to be a little bit worse than golduck i think you also only give it get it like late it's probably worse than a choking sand slash actually okay um muck is the problem with muk is it gets like no good moves and it's typing isn't great it's stats are actually pretty okay but you also get it so late um [Music] i think it's a little better than arbok actually just because it's so bulky um but like that's like about it um i don't think it's better than dugong um however alolan muk is really good dark poison typing is so much better than pure poison type holy [ __ ] um it's insane the difference that makes um this bumps it up by like two tiers honestly i think alolan muck is like solidly eightier it's like somewhere here um getting dark type stab and like losing like almost all of poison's weaknesses is really nice only being weak to ground is incredible [Music] um so so good it's like everything that this muck wants to be okay cloister gets shell smash which can be very cheesy and very good but other than that i think cloister is really garbage um it has really good defense that's another redeeming quality i think it's not f'd here uh stab ice type moves can be good maybe you get like skilling icicle spear or some crazy [ __ ] like that um i think uh it can be good in very very niche situations but most of the time it's just gonna be bad so i think it ranks i think it's more useful than dugong for sure that's about it it's very niche okay um okay we'll be doing honda and gengar separately um i think gengar is really good um until gen 4 it was a little bit limited by not having like good stab moves that are special right but even then gang grows really fast normal type immunity um really good special attack kills a lot of [ __ ] if it hits it super effectively and if you can't hit it super effectively can most of the time take a hit um also getting levitate and gen 3 made it pretty good i think pre gen 3 even pre gen 3 it's like decent and then after gen 3 it's like really [ __ ] strong um pre gen 4 makes it like i i think it's s tier in gen four plus i think it's a tier before then so i think it just sits like at the high end of eight tier i think it's not better than magneton by any means but i think it's better than tentacruel and then haunter is like okay um it's not great it's like here uh fast hypnosis some fast moves it can be okay um it just doesn't pack the punch and it needs to pack the punch to compete with its big brother all right i guess we'll be doing onix because it doesn't always evolve onyx is garbage um onyx is faster than you would imagine but it literally has less bass attack than oddish it's so bad um it's it can be okay if you get it like super early like an oarberg mine or something but even then that's like it it's good because you can evolve into a stelix later onix is so bad so so so bad i think onyx is legit f here um i can't think of anything it does that's good if you can't evolve into a steelex it's just not worth it it can be okay early game i guess um i think it's here golbat's probably a little bit too high but i am hypno hypno has a really good special defense it just doesn't deal enough damage but it's still insane in gen 1. um psychic types are still so good uh getting sleep moves is good getting insomnia can be useful it's like you're being psychic type already bumps it up by quite a bit i think it's somewhere like here honestly alolan raichu is so much better than i ranked it's probably like here i guess i could get wish later huh it might actually be better than i think late game especially with healing items yeah you know what i think hypnos better than kadabra okay kingler is actually very underrated you can get it quite early um you can get it quite early it's actually faster than you think it takes a lot of hits and man does it deal a lot of damage even if it doesn't have a water stab move even if all you're using is like vice grip or strength or something you're still dealing quite a lot of damage you're bulky you don't have a lot of resistances you don't have a lot of weaknesses like this can come in a lot of [ __ ] out speed and just kill it um i think haunter is like high b tier and a hunter kingler it falls off late but if you get it early it's pretty good um i think it's somewhere i think it's as good as raticate but somewhere here okay um electrode electrode's pretty good it out speeds everything and has stabbed thunderbolt that makes it at least average it can set up screens really quickly it's outclassed by a lot of electric types in later games but i think for the most part it's really good um as voltorb it kind of sucks but usually you get at a point where you can evolve into an electrode um explosion can save your ass in a lot of earlier gems um and i don't mean that as a meme in nuzlax explosions can be really useful to like reset your tempo and kill something um i think it's better than doug trio um and i i don't think it's better than alone right you it's like here um exeggutor so i haven't used a loan executor at all um exeggutor is pretty damn good sleep powder stab psychic great um great defensive stats man if it wasn't grass type and just had the same move pull and just didn't have that grass typing this thing would be insane um as it stands though it's really really good it's definitely better than hypno i think it's definitely better than gallerian it's definitely better than polywrath and the neatos it's a much better venusaur i think it's rather than golem i think it sits somewhere around tennerkrul's level of power probably like here it just has so many weaknesses man merrell whack is like a little bit better than sanslash and that if you can get thick clump it's a lot better um i think with thick club it's like high b tier and without it's like a low beat here i guess it averaged out like around the middle somewhere here i think not the greatest base stats but it deals so much damage with thick club so that's pretty good dealing a lot of damage while you're slow isn't the greatest thing but it's also as okay bulk so hitmonlee is definitely better than hitmonchan um iron fist makes hitman channel a little bit better but still hitmonlee is just especially later on when it has like pretty good special defense and stuff um him only is like a pretty good fast fighting type it's definitely better than primape i think it's better than dodrio and raichu um probably sit somewhere around here it's not great though um still dies of like physical flying moves and [ __ ] um high jump kick is risky and i don't know how like you get it kind of late sometimes but i think on on average uh hitmonlee's pretty okay and then hitman chan is like before iron fist it's just like probably like worse worse machoke in like every single way and then post iron fist that's a little bit better depending on which elemental punches you can get um so it's like somewhere between here and here so it's probably like around on average i think i think i'd rather have a choke than a hitmonchan most of the time um it's probably like here licky tongue is garbage in every single way it doesn't have any redeeming qualities and i've never used lickylicky where is it i guess we can get to it later i think wheezing is pretty good um better move pull than muck i like the physical defense like a lot um but it's also not great um poison types are just so limited um but i think for the most part wheezing is pretty average um kind of under rank because i don't have a lot of physical a lot of like but being physically defensive is so much better than being special defensive it's like insane how big that difference is actually you face so many more physical attacks um i think wheezing is actually pretty good like probably the best defensive poison type that we've had so far um i think wheezing is like honestly low eight here um actually insane the the move pool plus the stat distribution makes it so much better um i think gallerian wheezing is much better than normal wheezing glare and wheezing is actually really good it's like somewhere around a lowland muck i think i think a lowland muck is a little better though well that's probably like here so you would think that like right on um rydon gets just better in later gems because you can give it an evil light right it's probably it's worse than like gen 4. um rydon's really good though you get it pretty late and rhyhorn is like complete ass um but it deals good damage it's pretty bulky rydon and golem are very very similar in power level but i think rydon edges it out just a little bit because of like move pool and the ability to get evil light in later games somewhere here um chancy with evia light is insane um chansey without evil light is like pretty good i would say it's like a tier you can like pretty if if it deals special damage and you have toxic you're killing it if it's not like a poison type if it has physical attacks you might be in trouble if you have evolate you don't even care about that and if you're using like healing you need a lot of healing them to heal it up but late games just it doesn't matter you have like hyper potions max potions who cares um it's a little bit worse mid game but chansey's pretty good um i think it sits somewhere it's a little niche so i think it sits like somewhere around like hypno tangela uh tango is pretty good not being poison type helps a lot of the times it's move pulls kind of ass getting evie light is nice though um it's underrated but it's move pulls so trash in like gen 1 gen 2 gen 3 would i ever use a tangola probably not and later on we're probably just using tank growth over evil tango tangle is pretty ass actually tangle is really bad um sleep powder is nice that's the only redeeming quality it has not being weak to psychic is pretty good too um i think it's better than cloister i think it's better than him on chan too i don't think it's better than sand slash okay um kangaskhan uh i mean you usually don't get the mega right i think kangaskhan is like okay it deals okay damage it has okay bulk gen 1 it just dies to special attacks um stab return is always nice it's just really average it's really rare that you even get to use one and when it's probably gonna underwhelm you i'd rather have a dodrio or a victory bell on my team for sure um or oria or fero or a victory bell i'd probably rather have a prime ape too or or a pidgeot i think i mean kangaskhan's like okay um sidra is complete garbage there's no reason maybe smoke screen cheese but i guess smoke screen gets it like here actually cedra's offense isn't even that bad it has okay physical defense right never mind yeah cedra is not that terrible it's worse than golduck for sure though i think most of the time i'd rather have dugong or cloister uh you can get horn drill strats in gen one that's a redeeming quality um that can like help you like cheese a fight if you're really desperate otherwise go see seeking can be okay in later gems too if you get good physical moves early on that's usually reserved for like raw hacks most of the time seeking learn says just complete ass um a lightning rod later on that's a hidden ability though right i think it's still okay in oraz but i'd rather use like golduck honestly [Music] um but you can cheese some [ __ ] with it so i'll put it like here okay goldeen is complete garbage though that's the problem right goldeen is so bad it doesn't get any moves um stormy's incredible this army's so good even without like the crazy regenerator [ __ ] that we're doing in blaze black starmie's great really fast decent bulk psychic water is a great typing psychic types in general are great you can get this pretty early you can give it like any tm um i think on average within like earlier gens and [ __ ] i think this is better than gengar i think it's like here starmie is pretty great getting recover for no item runs too is really good uh you can make it defensive you can make it offensive stormy's pretty great very very very very versatile pokemon mr meme so i haven't used the um i haven't used the gallerian version it's probably pretty bad ice types are in general pretty garbage whatever i say about jinx probably applies to mr mime as well oh wait this isn't even like the fully evolved right mr rhymes the fully well who cares whatever scyther can be pretty okay it's not very good in general one because it doesn't get like any good stab moves but once it gets like wing attack and then later like technician and like good special defense and later gen scyther becomes pretty okay um it's very fast deals good damage um access to u-turn is really really good um most of the time you probably just want scizor but you can slap like an evil light on this in later gens and like go ham as well um i think scyther is low eight here i don't think it's better than wheezing being four times a week to rock kind of sucks being weak to fire sucks that's it's really not the best typing and usually you don't like get good bug moves in later gems it's pretty great in earlier gens it's pretty bad so it averages out around like here all right um we forgot kanto mr mime it's really bad i think it's one of the worst it's definitely it's like a worse version of hypno in like every way um i honestly don't know what this gets just being a psychic type probably makes it average though on like honestly being a fairy type later on makes it a lot better um it's kind of like a psychic version of marowak except worse i think it's probably better than persian though jinx is really bad you get jinxed super late always um fast stab ice beams or nice fast stab psychics are nice this dies to like everything though it dies so quick fast stab ice beams are good though but you get it you just get it so late that you can pretty much never like actually fully utilize it to like its full potential it dies so fast it's better than haunter for sure no it's like nine tails kind of somewhere like here actually has decent special defense you know i think it's better than i thought also 115 i thought it was 100th base special yeah yeah this is probably better than i think it's probably better than doctrine okay all right uh electabuzz it's like okay i'd rather just evolve it in later gems right fast thunderbolts it's okay bulk it's probably better than electrode it's probably like here magmar i mean magmar the thing with magmar is it has the fire blast um which makes it pretty viable um but like for the most part it's outclassed by like every other fire type it has pretty good special attack i'd rather have nine tails or like arcanine i think magmar is like here andre is way worse than this by the way founder is so much worse than like dodrio haunter's honestly probably below average it's like better than rapidash all right uh taurus is pretty great um gen 1 it's borderline broken although you'll probably never get it um later on it gets intimidate move pull isn't great for a normal type but it doesn't really need it it's just very fast does a lot of damage stab return you know pretty good intimidate pretty good this is a tier for sure probably like here why would you use pincer i mean it's better than most bug types it has like decent attack it's just so slow and it doesn't really have the bulk to back it up it's like the hitmonchan of bug types kinda gyarados hello ester borderline bannable available really easily in every single game intimidates crazy um it's a little bit worse than earlier gems but not even um like not even because like gen one it can get like it has a hundred special attacks looking like thunderbolt and blizzard [ __ ] um if you get it with a mega you can probably ban it um but yeah gyarados is insane you get it for free in every single gen it's so good incredible typing incredible stats deals so much damage gen 3 is at its weakest i think gen 3 gyarados is probably like mid 8 here but even then it's like pretty okay even if you're just using like some non-stab like uh like like return or some [ __ ] you're still like having intimidating incredible like like gen 2 is probably it's weakest actually when it doesn't have a special attack anymore uh that's when it's at its worst um other than that gyarados is like on average probably the best nuzlocke pokemon in the game in the series all right um um lapras is pretty good lapras gets really good coverage learning thunderbolt and stab ice beam is really good stab surf it's very bulky um it's like a better version of doogong in like every single way it's everything that dugong wants to be and it actually pulls it off being linked to fighting and rock kind of sucks but it's for the most part fine it's not super slow either um i think a lapras sits like somewhere around here it's very it's very good i think most people would be inclined to put ditto and f tier i think with imposter it can actually be pretty okay i think ditto in very very niche situations can actually be okay the problem is it's like impossible to grind that's the main issue with ditto you can exp share it though so that becomes like okay i think in gen 1 it's unusable i think in gen 2 it's probably unusable i think it can be very very very nichely used sometimes if you absolutely have to it's not going to be useless because you have always have the advantage over the ai or just being up by the fact that you're not an ai like that you can play better than them and if you're using healing items you probably have an advantage too so i think ditto is actually not f tier i think ditto is probably sea tier having to take a turn to transform and probably being slower is pretty bad though all you could have that held item right or like even joyce scarf or something if you were like really like if you're doing some crazy rom hack i think ditto is so niche but like sometimes sometimes it'll be okay i think arbok's kind of getting [ __ ] here but whatever okay eeveelutions let's see jolteon's like a better electrode and a better electabuzz i think it's even better than like kadabra um or yeah it's somewhere here um jolteon's pretty good all right vaporeon is a pretty great bulky water type um so defensive if you're using heliums it's pretty crazy it's probably not as good as lapras but um it's a very good bulky water i think it's it's just its stats alone um and like interesting move pool um make it so good i think it sits somewhere around here i think it blends pretty great wish is pretty good but if you're using healing items that doesn't really matter okay flareon's pretty garbage and every single gen until like gen what when does it get playable it's like gen six before then it's unusable i think um after that it's like one 130 attack is pretty good but it doesn't really have the speed or the book to back it up i want to put it in like low c tier or f here god it just doesn't get anything being a fire type is okay and like even if you're just using flamethrower i think it's like seeking level i guess it can get oh yeah it gets guts right is that hidden i think that's his hidden ability though right it's usually flash fire porygon 1 is completely unusable omastar is actually not that bad in gen 1 i think it's pretty good and jen one almost starts so much better than afterwards its stats are way better and then like later on it gets shell smashed just like between gen 1 and gen 5 it's so bad but you usually don't get it in those games anyway but i guess randomizers are a thing right um i think omastar is not bad at all um pretty underrated actually i think omastar is like a vile plumed here all right um kabutops is worse than omastar for sure some gems it's a little bit better because of a better physical attack it's so slow swift swim is rarely going to be used i think on average kabutops is worse than omastar um it's probably still average it evolves so late man i guess that's another point against omastar huh kabutops is probably like here and i think because omastar but i get you i guess you also get it late i guess the speedrun of lgp uses kabutops right it's like not actually terrible maybe kabutops is like here um aerodactyl's really good it's move pole is lacking sometimes but it's so fast um it's definitely above average i think it sits somewhere around here with like these fast duders um you the only problem is you get it super late game right um but i think for the most part aerodactyl is really strong uh it doesn't deal like insane amounts of damage but it can still be pretty damn good [Music] i think it's like here snorlax's s here super bulky good special defense weak to only fighting and even like other physical moves it can usually tank does insane amounts of damage um has the bulk to back up the strength guaranteed encounter in a lot of games i think it's worse than crowbar uh i don't know if that's true actually you can set up curse in a lot of games too honestly i think it's like here snorlax zest here for sure snorlax is pretty [ __ ] sick i don't think articuno is bandworthy it's pretty good i think in gen 1 i would ban it um because of like how good blizzard is the it has so many weaknesses but i i think it's like eight here it's kind of hard to rank uh because i like i haven't really used it it's also a guaranteed encounter maybe you should just ban it no i think snorlax is i i think if you're not banning snorlax you're not betting articuno i think articuno is worse than snorlax um it's really good in gen one and afterwards it's like okay um lg lgp and fired leaf green i think i think i'd sometimes use it um it's it's it's like here i think i think for the most part you should be banning zapdos i think zapdos is way too good um moltres honestly not that good it's like a better charizard a really really good special attack but it also dies pretty quickly i think it's worse than articuno i think it sits like here [Music] okay obviously you uh so i think dragonite is really insane uh because of dragon dance and before then it's just like okay i don't think it's very good in gen 1 at all um and like the the thing is it's it's a static encounter in like her gold soul silver and crystal right and for that it's pretty good in those games i would probably just like almost ban it i think i'm not sure i think it's like high eight here i think sometimes the move pulls a little bit lacking you get it so late that like you just don't get the potential but even dratini is like okay with dragon range if you get it right i think it's like high tier is it better than slow bro yeah probably dragon dance is pretty insane i don't think it's s tier though i think it's lacking in too many games um okay obviously you're gonna ban mewtwo plus it's post game i think mu should be banned two um move pool's way too good for its stats all right [Music] [Music] you
Channel: pChal
Views: 1,692,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, pokemon, gaming, pokemon challenges, challenges, pokemon challenge, best nuzlocke pokemon, pokemon ranked, pokemon tier list, all pokemon ranked, tier list, best pokemon, nuzlocke
Id: 0DJK7sbaVgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 20sec (3380 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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