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I want to talk to this helper so bad hi beautiful how are you so shout out to Becky one of my accountants she got me this and like today I've been sent a video this week thousands and thousands of times Sofia Nygaard did a thing this week apparently she cut her own hair following a at-home haircutting tutorial and why grah why why are we doing that once upon a time I did a little collab ELab whatever you want to call it with Sofia and I did her hair color and her haircut and that was many a months ago her and Tyler came to New York and we did her hair and it was really fun and I was very nervous because Here I am a little Oh Brad just doing some hair or you know just a casual ten million people to see scary if you don't already know it was fun it was a lot it was a lot of people watch Sophia's videos so I did it it turned out great it was a blast and now obviously Sophia's hair is a lot longer than it was before so she took it into her own hands and followed toriel to cut around hair and I am but to watch that video and tell you guys what I think about the job that she did to her own hair hopefully it's good hopefully it's not bad hopefully her hair is still on her head I don't know why it wouldn't be but hopefully it still is hopefully she didn't shave it I don't know why she would shave it hopefully she didn't go I'm gonna start watching the video now okay so without further ado i'm a hairdresser i make these reaction videos video let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] location you're watching girls like it is it was going two general categories of self haircut tutorial long long short bobs it's up to you either way to the floor I'm looking to take out a little link towards which actively isn't a super different length than from when Brad cut my hair though his style was more layered and noticeable right into my helmet which I think worked well and good for like spring and summer but now looking for Sevilla blonde like crazy yeah [Music] listen hairdressers use the same technique if you're putting up major lengths of hair and always putting a lastik in and cut it just you have to make sure every single piece is perfectly straight at the cutting on dry hair and comb it very nicely to the front the unicorn horn method she's referring to is how you give yourself a lot of layering in your hair so if you're over directing the hair upwards you're pulling all your hair up and cutting at the same length which ends up when it falls down giving you all different links think about it might make sense some people might not but that's how it works [Music] we don't the pigtails guys were combing that's always a good sign is always a little bit she's doing a good job I'm glad that she decided not to partner her in the center and then put the pigtails in because cutting on her part is gonna give her away more even and result if she's parting that way all the time I'm literally learning something right now this is very interesting tonight we are not talking hairy school how to cut life that's crucial but I feel like for the initial chop I should give a little bit of leeway and let go a little longer and fixing it I could only go shorter that's always a good idea you guys if you're gonna cut of your hair go longer not shorter because you can always take length off you cannot replace length I learned that the hard way in your school when I was cutting peoples hair to shore and they would be like what did you do and I'm like do you only pick the hair back up off your head we can at least [Music] oh yes I guess we should see what oh yeah it's kind of bad [Music] you hacked it girl you hacked it it's majorly longer in the bag I don't know how she's gonna fix this and then try and see if I can't cut Colt a hair straight picks your hair with your fingers slide it down until you reach the end and then cut off those jagged ends straight to having a hard time with my depth perception that's not doing a lot for me like as I let go it's still really long so here's the thing Sofia because you over directed your hair forward you're gonna get more length in the back than in the front so yeah that works oh so you're pulling all the hair forward cutting it and letting it back down and all that link that was over direct to the front ends up in the back of your head yeah it was kind of sucky but that's why we usually over direct back so then you have more length in the front so that's my leg together oh I take it forward yeah she's gonna keep cutting link up a front and it's gonna get shorter and the backseat because queen and helper so bad not work because you're over directing the hair the other girls cutting and way longer language is gonna be easier to over direct and get more when even lined with a bob it's it's one of the more complicated haircuts and I do not like been together because you know when somebody did at home Bob parrot guy it's not cute okay better just points cutter Oh [Music] oh my god she's a reverse a line Bob now [Music] you can't really mess this but let's see what happens I mean she's just doing a dark hair color when your hair's already tired can you just putting dark over it it's really not that serious to be honest I've just like been so ready to die alright here's to hoping that's enough to die at my fear I would put way more on but looks by watching this by lower the color looks nice it's nice listen it's nice I just like Sophia's hair a little lighter I know you guys I always loved it to be blonde but like oh it ended up coming out just easily fixable I love the length the color looks nice and like it lighter but that color looks nice and I'm very proud of Sofia for following that tutorial incorrectly however that tutorial you were following was not a very good one unless you want a a backwards a line bob but if you want an actual a line bob which a line bob was like this then get your act the hair back and you let it go forward that's it for that cool and like I told you guys I'm starting my Instagram shadows again so today's Instagram shout-out is Gigi she says hey Brad love your channel I've already done my hair I'm too lighter blonde but I naming / white what do you think I also keep considering cutting it short but I love my hair too much to just brave it this is what she looks like and this is relevant when she bleach it from her natural whatever she has now and she said this is the original first bleach it's definitely not this light anymore okay girl I love your hair color I honestly think it looks better now than it did in the picture before you know bleach blonde hair tends to fade but I actually love this new color on you the one that just ended up feeding and also the colors oxidizes naturally so it's not always gonna love as lustful and gorgeous as it does when you first color it so hope that answer your question I love your hair now and I would not touch my face if you guys might be the next Instagram shout out of the week DM me on instagram with a picture of you without a filter and asked me one simple question about your hair you like my videos play and scream and Twitter is down below acronym NYC thank you guys so much for watching today and don't forget just to live your extra life and I will see you all next time peace [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 5,108,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HAIRDRESSER REACTS TO SAFIYA NYGAARD RUINING HER HAIR FOR 14 MINUTES STRAIGHT, hairdresser reacts, bradmondo, brad mondo, safiya nygaard, safiya nygaard bradmondo, how to, fall off, hair stylist, diy hair, hair fail, hair dresser, at home, jenna marbles, at home haircut, how to cut hair at home, safiya cutting her own hair, ruining hair, funny, hilarious, entertaining, compilation, bradmondonyc
Id: VwFSQdPZifo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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