Chef James Reviews.. Chef Ranveer Brar's BIRYANI Delight!

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this video is being sponsored by Squarespace from websites and online stores to marketing tools and analytics Squarespace is the all-in-one platform for building your brand and growing your online business after our very first video with Chef Ranveer making his butter chicken I got a lot of requests to review here's briyani and since he has a couple videos today we're going to be seeing this one first if you are new my name is James makinson I've been cooking for many years in the U.S England France and Spain and I have plenty of other recipes on my YouTube channel as well so if you do happen to enjoy this video then be sure to check out my other videos as well and be sure to share like And subscribe now let's get started for everyone that's living in India be honest do you order your Biryani or do you make it at home because if it is the most ordered dish in the entire country that could be a good opportunity to open up a little business well obviously when he puts it like that there's 60 to 70 ingredients it takes three to four hours yeah it may be a better idea just to order it if you want something quick instead of spending all that time not just making it if you don't have the ingredients you have to go and buy them a lot of houses here don't have all these ingredients we don't use all these spices but if you get the recipe down and you know how to make it well it could be a lot better than ordering takeout let's see how this turns out I think it'll be good I think it will be because the butter chicken looked delicious last time cooking the rice about 70 80 percent means that the rice still has a little bit of a bite to the center so you have to check the rice you have to taste it check it and if it's still a little hard take it off and that's good enough because this is the first step in the process of making it you're going to be cooking the rice again later on this is true if you want to make chicken biryani you make it with chicken and if you want to use mutton Biryani you make it with mutton every type of meat needs to cook it a little bit of a different time those are pre-fried onions this is very interesting because I've always been told that biryani originates from Persia and that it is a rice dish that the most important ingredient is the rice I really like these little story times that he gives with his videos if anybody could corroborate what Chef Ranveer is saying then please do because I'm sure he did his research but this is just one of those things that's like you do not hear a lot of that's a good little trick and it's true I mean if you're going to be using chicken he's also using chicken legs though um you're not gonna have to cook it for as long I'm not recommending to use chicken breast but if you do use it you need to cook it perfectly because it's very easy to overcook and if you overcook it you're going to have rubber chicken it's a good thing uncle Roger hasn't seen this video anytime that he sees anybody straining any race he freaks out I mean I absolutely freaks out one quick tip and this is not to criticize Chef Ranveer how he's making this at all but if you want to put a sear the chicken and if you want to put some color on the chicken instead of putting a bunch of chicken into a small pan I would suggest either using a bigger pan or putting half of the amount or a percentage of the amount into the pan and sear the chicken instead of leaving it in a safe to drain he's also put this onto more of a flat surface to allow residual water to evaporate that is a very interesting thing because in the previous video I was asking everybody in the audience those who make Biryani for a living what rice do you have to use to make Biryani not everyone a lot of people though did say that you have to make it with Basmati that if you don't make it with Basmati it's not biryani hmm that is the same or a similar concept to paella we use bumper rice or other variations but bomba is a type of rice that has an ability to absorb large amounts of liquid to then become flavorful and when you make it right it's delicious I like his idea of adding the rice to the bottom to make it crispy because crispy rice is tasty but in the previous video Joshua added raw chicken first to the pan to the bottom then put the cooked rice on top of that and I agree with Chef Ranveer like rice on the bottom because it gives you that crispy layer all the fat from the chicken and everything will help make that Rice Crispy that is very true that is a problem we can't smell it saffron all right okay hmm fried rice fried onions salt this recipe is looking like a much easier recipe than any of the other recipes that we've seen ah okay this is one ingredient I think in the previous video he didn't add more saffron laughs overall looking at this recipe it looks very easy and very simple to make it does have a few ingredients but overall it looks easy like you said in the video the sad thing is we can't smell it and we can't taste it either so if you have made this then let me know your thoughts in the comments down below and be sure to share like And subscribe if you did enjoy my commentary and be sure to check out my other videos especially this next video right here that's coming up and I will see you guys again very soon until next time take care
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 354,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, food, how to cook, kitchen, James Makinson, Chef James, chicken biryani, chef ranveer brar, chef ranveer brar chicken biryani, chicken dum biryani, pro chef reacts, pro chef reacts to chef ranveer brar, pro chefs react to indian chef, pro chef reacts to biryani, making biryani at home, how to make chicken biryani, Chef James reacts, cooking videos, uncle roger, briyani, biriyani, biryani reaction by foreigners, biryani review by foreigners, indian food recipes, yummy
Id: 1WLUe-Ag0c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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