Best Turkish Street Food - $5 EXTREME SANDWICH in Izmir, Türkiye!! 🇹🇷

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you can't come to Izmir without eating COC and yes we'll get our fill of this tasty  street food today we're going on a full food   tour in Izmir I love how they chop it here  just like chainsaw a friendly City on the   Aegean coast of turkey with 8,500 years of  human settlement history and with a complex   food culture to match it takes so much skill  to do that without having any holes in the   we'll sample fresh Aegean sardines oh taste  legendary sweets oh they're so crispy eat   an entire sheep head deboned and loaded into a  handheld sandwich that is an ultimate wrap the   size of your head and try the mouthwatering  regional kebabs but to warm up our stomachs   we're going to one of the most popular bakeries  in town why do people flock here in the morning   good morning hey everyone it's Mark Wiens welcome  to the beautiful incredibly historical city of   Izmir we're starting this food tour today with  breakfast and we're going to see what locals   eat for breakfast oh and here's uh Nuket who's  going to be our guide so Nuket where are we at   meet Nuket our local guide from culinary back  streets who's taking us around today we are at means cimit in in Turkish and they they  make the kumu sandwich which is with the   chickpea yeast which is very important oh nice  okay okay oh you smell smell the bread and the   bakery in the air and filling this entire alley  in this entire area so it looks like they have   they have the bakery here then they have almost a  little cafe then they just have tables and seats   along the side of the road and in the alley so  everywhere you need to make a queue and it's so   it's self-service you make a queue you get what  you want you order what you want you pay and then   you go sit down almost cafeteria style okay oh the  paddle goes all the way over here deep into the oven so the front of the oven is here and then  this entire thing is the oven and then that's   where right over there is where they feed in  the logs so so definitely one of the reasons   why their bread is so good is that they're still  using oak wood to burn so that's what gives it   that Smoky Aroma using I mean the traditional  way for their oven and they no compromise here   and now we're in the other side of the kitchen  and this is where they specialize where they   make some of the really Classics of the baked  goods especially the the round similar similar   to CIT and then also they do a sandwich here  that you if you look around you see everybody   orders it this particular Bread is made with  a chickpea yeast signature so he they cut it   in half and then to make that sandwich he adds  in tomatoes and then cheese goes on top of the [Music] tomato and now moving on to the other side of the  kitchen where they're making the G it's incredible   skills I mean being able to roll out two at a time  in two hands both at the same time consecutively   and they roll them into these perfect Rings quite  thin actually until they have a a good batch going oh oh look at that skill oh okay  that goes into is it what's what is the   liquid mol fig molasses oh okay oh  all those go directly into the Fig molasses and for after about a minute then they  start to rise to the surface oh yeah they're   up now and that's how you know they're  done so it just gets a a little boil   in there stir them around and that's  what gives them that darker color as well okay those go out to those go  out to drain for a little bit as well and then immediately they get transferred   over to the sesame seeds are  going to have a sesame seed B [Music] [Music] what an incredible process they have  here everything is baked fresh right   here and then the line forms right here so  literally things come right out of the oven   and to your table I mean you can eat it almost  immediately almost I me minutes after it comes   out of the oven it's your guaranteed freshly  baked bread here and that sandwich looks so   good the aroma of the toasted sesame seeds  just what a bakery what a process it's so cool oh and it comes with tomato  so tomato cheese tomato cheese okay this is an absolutely incredible Bakery  now that we've seen the process let's go eat all right so starting off with breakfast and  with this be something that is very popular very   common to eat for breakfast especially yes or  any time of the day uh any time of the day but   especially for breakfast all right and also for  the weekend breakfast you know oh okay so sort of   Leisure a Leisure breakfast where you're hanging  out where you're just enjoying life if if you   find a place here okay on the weekend it's  so popular yeah it's so popular and you can   see that these are I think compared to simit it  looks thinner as well it's a little bit thinner   doesn't feel as dense or heavy yes and a big ring  really nice beautiful covered in toasted sesame   seeds as well and take some t cheese oh it's so  good cheers yes cheers oh I love the texture of it like it's a little bit chewy crispy and  again just so Smoky and fragrant from those   those sesame seeds Okay but really the best way  to eat it is with the cheese yes okay B let's try   it with the cheese we got the cheese to alternate  bites rather than putting it inside Okay so and [Music] cheese yes so for for people  of Izmir is that a this is a must it's   a must is that a comforting comforting  combination yes awesome awesome and that   mixes so well together in your mouth the  salty creaminess of the cheese the chewy   density of the bread yeah next up I'm going  to try the hu sandwich beautiful bread again   sesame seeds and then their signature  with tomatoes and cheese baked on the inside oh that's awesomely good the juiciness  tartness of the tomatoes the saltiness of the   melted cheese and then just that Smoky baked  bread the crustiness this sesame seeds and   then the fluffiness of the the dough on the  inside that's delicious and then you can't   have a meal or especially a breakfast without tea  yes without tea it's not possible at all tea is a   must tea tea is a must we can have 20 of them a  day can you imagine so typically Turkish people   drink tea throughout the entire day or the  whole day the whole day should we try the the   Boos next and we got two different versions  We got the spinach and the leak I believe   okay let's try the spinach first oh you can  feel how it's really light really light all   those different layers you can feel how  crusty it is in your fingers let's break   it open so we can see the insides oh man  it's flaky incredibly flaky and crispy and oily oh that that is Artistic and this  is what we saw him make inside where he   just really slaps out that dough until it's  literally transparent paper thin it takes so   much skill to do that without having any holes  in the dough oh I can feel the wind it's like   a whole sheet of dough oh it's huge oh it's  so thin and transparent oh that's incredible skills oh and zero holes in it that's incredible   skill so stretchy look at how  paper thin transparent it is oh is it cream la oh la like yogurt  I think some type of yogurt goes in   the center there fold it over it's so  many different layers yeah you can tell   there's going to be so many layers  to this kind of wrapped up rolled up okay wow that is incredible skill ah  and he breaks it into a little piece   oh okay he breaks it into a  little piece into a little ball oh that's incredible oh mhm  and the craftsmanship that goes   into this the skill oh and I really  like it because most of the versions   are actually Savory yes they do have a  few sweet versions but I I like Savory yeah that's incredible I mean it has all  all those the top layers are crispy then   as you go down in layers get gooier and gooier  until you get that flavor of the spinach wow wow the ones he made while you were filming okay  okay with lbet cheese oh okay oh so this is the   type of boils as well the one with the cheese okay  try that while it's hot and fresh right the oven   very hot oh this one is more dense because of that  that uh Leon on the inside like a Cheesy yogurt almost so hot all the steam coming out oh well that's  so good oh it's not sweet actually oh it just   look like like the the salty lemon kind of a  yogurty Cheesy flavor to it oh cheese totally   melted into those layers of of the dough so  crispy that's so buttery and then just with   that that creamy cheese that oozes out when you  take a bite that one is extraordinary I love it   oh man and this one as you take a bite mhm you just like flakes just fall  over the place onto your lap onto the   road onto the table onto the tray into  your tea there's flakes everywhere oh I   just lost a little blob of leemon that's a  lot of fun to eat too very good outstanding   yes delicious incredible thank you thank  you yes that was outstanding that's a Next   Level Bakery and it's extremely popular but  now we know exactly why it's a gem of Izmir [Music] [Music] next up on this food tour in Izmir  we're going to a bakery to have a little   midm morning sweet snack something  that's extremely popular let's go M we are at okay and and they're famous for what are  they what do they serve here for the Turkish   dessert okay yeah this is the master  oh okay oh good morning good morning what is the name of this tulumba Turkish  churos okay so uh they don't have the sugar   ice sugar but the syrup okay so there soaked  in syrup yeah and he's been making them for   over 50 years 50 years of experience under  his belt he knows exactly when to take them   out of the hot oil so they're golden crispy  then they go immediately into what is a syrup   just made from sugar and water they get a  full dunking into the syrup they're going   to totally absorb that sugary syrupy sweetness  and then just so it's like a like a really wet   like doughnut like stick FR oh they're  so crispy and just saturated with that syrup so fast all handmade look he takes  that dough with one hand squeezes it out   of his palm into another hand and he  with his thumb he makes a little hole   in the dut this is something that they're  most well known for the LMA which are it's   it's similar to a dut but it is a little  bit smaller and it has just has a little   thumb uh hole in the center and he does  it so fast you see immediately as they   start to Bob and Float uh because that  that dough is quite wet and also quite [Music] Airy okay and that immediately goes into the  syrup and this syrup is different from the   other version this one is a little it's  not quite as thick and sticky you can   actually hear that crispiness of them  though even as they're within the the liquid what's the best way to with your fingers  or with the the fork the best the best way oh   you crunch it down oh look how crispy it  is okay if it there would be a syrup yeah   it will take so it oh you can see it gushing  out the syrup gushing out the crispiness but   you can see it's kind ofo on the inside  oh that's just completely saturated with   the the syrup and then from there you can like  you can break it yes okay let's go together oh   NAD is showing us the real proper way how  to eat it and dusted with a little bit of   cinnamon as he served it you can see the  inside okay cheers okay Cheers Cheers yes okay oh [Laughter] yes oh it's really good  it's very sweet I love the texture of it cuz   it's crunch yeah crunchy on the outside then  really soft on the inside and melts in your mouth that's so good delicious and then  I do have a Turkish coffee to follow with that oh yeah to balance the sweetness it's really rich and really sweet  but good very good okay here we go   I'm going to try for the lumba now  oh these are denser and heavier and crispier wow yes that is Rich and sweet m so  crispy but almost pudding on the inside it's   like a totally wet soaked crispy donut but  just full of Juicy sugary syrup as you bite down W Master Bakers yes and brothers Brothers  Brothers Master Chef Master Chef yes 50 and 30   years of experience that's incredible oh  excellent and the new generation still   completely family run this is the amazing  family and it started in 1930 since 1930   almost 100 years that was excellent Family  Heritage still family run fourth generation   and from here we're jumping back in taxi  and we're on our way to the next place [Music] [Music] so next up on this ultimate food tour  in Izmir we're right in the Heart of the City   near the agora we're going to walk around the  market we're going to explore and we're going   to eat a lot of food coming up okay Enter  the market I immediately love the colors   the energy looks like a market where you can buy  everything all of your daily culinary needs hello   would be available here uh from lamb and meat  to fish and seafood to all the fresh produced   vegetables and herbs lots and lots of parsley  there's strawberries another herb that you'll   commonly see in Izmir is the Rocka or the rocket  or the arugula really big leaves they're really   juicy and green and kind of like mild peppery  so Nuket was just telling me that this Bazaar   it's an ottoman Market open air Bazaar where  there's something like 10,000 shops are here   within this Bazaar and it dates back over 400  years ago and I mean we're mostly focusing on   the food I mean because we we came here to  eat but really it's a market where you can   find just about anything you're looking  for from clothes to Gold shops to food to   Everyday Necessities they're all available and  sectioned out in the correct areas within this market so we're going to stop for  a quick pday as we're walking along   in the market and P is like a stuffed  bread uh can be with cheese can be with   meat and so they make it into a real oval  shape kind of like a canoe canoe shape   and then they're going to fill it with a  mixture and that goes directly into the oven once they have all that dough stretched  out then they go in with that meat mixture   oh which is kind of Juicy actually very  juicy looks like there's some tomatoes   in there oh tomato juice the minced meat  there looks like some parsley in there as   well and then they'll wrap it up so that the  edges uh hold in all that juice as it bakes oh the butter swipe that's incredible and I love how they chop it here just  like chainsaw just chopping it into bite-sized   pieces they have a few different versions again  that you can order of the pday but the one with   the minced meat and the egg scramble okay the  egg gets cracked in some parsley goes in he   whips that up with his fingers oh he scrambles  it and then that get just gets swiped directly   and then again when it comes out of the  oven they swipe it with butter and then   put a little blob of butter on the top as well  grab a bite here oh and you see how thin how   thin and how light it is just incased the meat  and egg mixture is just encased into the dough oh wow who I almost fell on my chair oh  that is stunningly good oh man first of   all it's baked in a fire oven so you get  that smokiness immediately the dough is   crusty and crispy but then what really stands  out is how juicy that meat mixture is oh yeah   the tomatoes the tomatoes are making it juicy  as well as the flavor of the parsley and then   the egg just kind of holds it together gives  it some body and kind of like casseroles it   rolls the entire meat mixture together oh that's  incredible then the flavor of the butter to give   it richness hot fresh perfectly baked oh that's  stunning let's grab another piece oh this is   where that butter blob was in the center this  one is going to be extra buttery I will add on   some of the the chili flakes they're pretty  much bite-sized pieces you can just fold it over yeah that is Sensational okay that one  is extra buttery when you bite down it just   squeezes out butter and meat juice and tomato  juice oh man that's good oh fresh back and dough all right so you can't come to  Izmir without eating COK and COK is   the Lamb intestines which are tightly  wack into an entire skewer right and   it just sizzles over the fire kind  of smokes and grills at the same time then it's amazing how he slices off the pieza  and then it goes on to the hot iron dle to then sear little test of the best best part is coconut  okay what what part is it it's this is the outside   best one crispy and inside okay first taste test amazing oh wow you feel all the different  layers of the intestine the thin layers crispy   so much flavor so you got the bread please  check the bread okay check the bread yeah   you must make the crispy good okay is that good  right there you crispy crispy okay keep the the   bread bread put it here and then we take the take  the lamb take the lamb is that good or yeah it's   good okay you put that little bit color change  you see it's white that se on it okay we'll put   that down turn down down like this and then you  slice it up SCE three three or four slices okay   very soft oh it's so soft slice it directly  into the bread that way all the juices get   get on that bread salt goes on yeah fix okay some  cumin goes on little bit more okay perfect if you   want spicy spicy yes please go and put some of the  chili as well perfect okay have the cloth and C PE okay like this perfect yeah okay and  there it is my first I I just made   assembled my first cocon sandwich in is  oh the bread is really fluffy and toasted   and you can really feel the juiciness  the juiciness of that cocon oh with a   whole piece of coconut on top all the fatty  the fatty jigglin and crispy at the same time oh we're getting a reasoning yes  cumin chili powder chili powder I'm   getting a little shower of seasoning  yeah cool what an environment what   a atmosphere here right within the market  the busy lanes and then just fresh smoking Coco oh that's tasty oh and I love as soon as  you take a bite and your nose goes into the   bread you smell that Aroma of the cumin the chili  powder the crispiness the juiciness of the coconut   the fattiness of it has this little  bit of a bitter flavor to it coming   from the intestines which just increases  the complexity and the flavor and then all   just wrapped up all that fat all that oil  just gets absorbed into that bread it's so Smokey that is so tasty when you think  about Izmir one of the things that you   absolutely have to eat is Coco DCH the coil  of lamb intestines try some of these pickled chilies just put one right put one  right there in my bite just just one   or two my gu thank you I'll add in okay  I'll add in some chilies oh thank you okay some of the hot the hot pickled chilies oh those are incredible yeah I mean anytime I'm  in turkey and I see those chilies I have to go for   them they're so good A little burst of heat plus  that great pickly brininess saltiness sourness   next up for the the juice and this is more like  a pickle juice you got to shake it but made with   the the turnip like the turnip pickle juice  and spicy as well all right you like it I know   okay I'll love it and he said this is the best  combination to eat cocoa with this turnup pickle juice oh wow oh that's incredible oh man  that's like pickle soda literally but   not sweet at all it's just Briny  a little bit spicy the sweetness   of the turnip coming from the turup  only and then just salty and pickly oh yeah oh I love it oh that's  fantastic oh oh oh [Laughter] oh oh incoming lamb intestines oh man that's salty  oily chewy everything oh a little   bit of cumin thank you raining  cumin and chili powder and lamb juice okay look at that swipe it in that that cumin Chase got to chase with a chili chaste with a chili chase out with a bigle juice oh that's a combination  in your [Music] mouth amazing Coco thank you very much yes excellent oh that  was so tasty very good oh I absolutely loved that   COK really friendly location and that is top of  the notch highest quality Coco delicious [Music] this oh okay the med oh thank you oh  amazing the MUSC are rice in   there oh that tastes so good it's  like a whole little meal in one bite oh these are the stuffed sardines oh with some parsley okay so I would just to put some of the sauce  okay into the bread oh you make a little make   a little sandwich okay okay and put and  put one in thank you okay all right oh so   we have we have bread and then you take  one of the sardines yes oh yeah you can   see the skin side there fried until golden  crispy put that on top squeeze some lemon perfect oh and then one more topping you  put on this is the unexpected topping of   pomegranate molasses yes why not  so that would be popular to do   in Izmir like that this is my sty  oh that's your style okay here we go oh yes that's so good so good and now  we're getting a taste of seafood that's so   famous that's so popular in Izmir and sardines  are one of the greatest especially small fish   that you can possibly eat so buttery so creamy  all that the combination with that really soft   bread with the the mayonnaise tartar sauce  that squeeze of lemon and the sweetness   of the pomegranates with the Savory fried  creamy sardines oh that's so tasty that's so good oh what a combination that sardine just  melts in your mouth and the midad one of my   favorite things to eat in Turkey oh I can't get  enough of them open this up I already had a taste   test as we were standing outside the restaurant  but open this up you've got the muscle you've got   the rice and the spices on the inside then you  take the the cap or the lid scoop it out as the spoon oh a perfect bite now the only thing we  need squeeze of lemon I like to go quite heavy   on the lemon so we almost have a a beverage  on the inside of that that shell [Music] oh that's so good even the texture of the  rice is fantastic and it just absorbs all   the flavor of the muscle just embeds within it  light seasoning and the freshness of the lemon juice Seafood is loved by people of Izmir but  yeah we've eaten a lot of incredible food so   far today on this Izmir food tour but we have  a lot lot more to go so we're on our way to   the next place oh yes there's just so many cool  places what's incredible about this Bazaar and   this Market is that it really is an everyday  market for so many people living in ISM people   come here to do their daily shopping to eat  to converse to hang out to just walk around   and stroll and you can just get lost in these  Labyrinth of alleys and this just like non-stop   energy and action friendliness delicious food  and ingredients for everything you need this is this is the most uh difficult uh noun word in  in Turkish k k k means head oh okay so this place   is famous for their sheep head yes and this is a  dish that is also classic iconic to Izmir iconic   yeah to Izmir because uh the Izmir prefer them uh  cold ah the on in sheep head yes so we've got some   sheep heads ready to go oh yes okay all the jiggly  bits all the gooey bits but cold at the same time amazing so he's deboning it all all the  little bits and chunks the cheeks the   the Head meat oh yeah the eyeball  socket comes out there it is okay   so he's just totally dismantling that sheep's  head and yeah I mean I've eaten quite a few   sheep's heads around the world but I can't say  I've ever had the cold version of a sheep head   usually it comes out boiling hot or it's grilled  or roasted or baked and it's all crispy uh with   gooey bits but this is going to be a totally  different style of a sheep head experience   here's another sheep head okay brain pops out  oh it just pops out yes okay Tom yes okay so   this is the dur parsley onions G on okay all the  different parts are here so he slices them up oh   oh nice slices up really finely oh that all goes  in okay then the tongue yes we've got the tongue here oh man I love how he slices it really thin oh that goes in oh it's fully  loaded is is some of the eyeball eye socket a brain oh okay a half a brain goes in oh and a tomato man I love his chopping  skills so thin and so fast oh yes   cumin got to season that with some  cumin salt oh yeah chili will be good oh the double oh it's huge oh  and then it's wrapped oh oh that's massive oh that's gigantic okay thank you  that is an ultimate wrap the size of your   head oh I can't wait to dig in that's  like a whole head within a wrap let's try oh it's spilling out oh that's incredible hold sheep's  head it doesn't sound the best but when   it's wrapped up like this with all  those spices and ingredients it's   just so refreshing and so good you never  quite know what you're going to get you   might get some eyeball you might get  some brain you might get some of the   cheek some of the tongue all with different  textures that's part of the joy of eating a head oh I got some of the brain it almost has a  Cheesy effect in your mouth like melted cheese oh yeah that's so good okay no wonder they  eat cold sheep head in Izmir said there   we should come inside to see something so  everybody makes sech uhhuh but this one   is with music with music oh okay  we'll come back for you a little timeout oh cool [Music] [Music] great Bravo yes yes that was excellent okay and I got to try some of their special  Peppers oh these are toasted and fried I mean   I think just dry toasted you can feel how  light they are and they said they're very spicy oh it's so fragrant and crispy so Smoky oh that's delicious that's like a Chili chip   then take a bite with all  that chili flavor in your mouth those chilies are incredible they're not  really that spicy but have incredible fragrance   and smokiness and then you definitely once  you taste these fried chilies or these toasted chilies you're going to want that in your  mouth with every bite that really good though thank you thank you thank  you thank you very much thank you   very much oh that was excellent superb  and they're so friendly as well so nice   uh and again that's something you can't  miss when you come to ISM yeah that was flavorful so next up we're at a popular grilled  meat restaurant and we're going to eat one of   the kebabs that's very popular in  Izmir and it's called the manissa Kebab oh there's a pan of melting butter  over here we've got Tomatoes going we've   got the little actually they're quite small size   kebabs some bread and then some roasting  Peppers as well oh none of the juice goes to waste for oh that's tomato sauce yogurt yogurt  okay some roasted Peppers roasted tomatoes   there they come directly onto the bread  and we've got the melted brown butter   all onto the top of the bread and the  kebabs oh what a move oh what a plate   sprinkle of sumuk sumuk sumuk and parsley goes  on that is the mana mana Kebab manissa Kebab oh   what a plate squeeze the lemon and the salt onto  the Rocka so that sort of a rocket salad on the   side of the kebabs I'll grab a hole I like that  that move you have some experience a whole Kebab   in one bite then get the bread I'll get the bread  that's already saturated with the butter and the   tomato sauce dip it into the yogurt as well so  you've got a little bit of everything all in one [Music] bite the flavors are just keep keep building in  your mouth and there's a lot of contrast going   on in your mouth as well from the tartness  of the Tomato to the sourness of the yogurt   the meat really has a meatiness to it and I  think it is a combination of beef and lamb   yes it is oh the chili yes yes the chili cheers [Music] yes oh it's juicy fragrant spicy a little  bit yes and again you were telling me that the   the Rocka is very famous in Izmir uh yes because  that it has the thick leaves and very fragrant   and uh the Moto of Izmir also is RA Roa B which  means R arak our uh our best alcohol oh yes okay   Roa the ret and uh B is fish M so those are the  three signature flavors that that Izmir is known   for rocki that's the the ana seed liquor then  we've got Raa it's a must and then fish and fish I love Rocka yeah I love it oh this one  is nicely peppery yeah mhm that has a   nice pungency to it so green and yeah as  opposed to other places where I've had Raa   before the Raa here is so meaty and juicy and  thick and then really has a nice fragrance to   it and they're bigger leaves than usual  too yes I in some places oh that's so   good I love going in for that whole whole  little meat Kebab let's do the whole combo again the Mana combo bite yeah oh what a combination and then for that this bite   I'm going to chase it with one of the  they have those same roasted peppers oh yeah oh those are incredible not  really spicy but just so fragrant and   so crispy and so Smoky as well oh those are  delicious it's just a burst of this red chili flavor that's such a well-rounded meal just a just a little bit  okay sure cut cut sure sure okay oh thank you oh a little a  little taste test of the donor oh oh delicious oh very nice  oh that's tender that's juicy   that's salty cooked over with the fire okay Thailand Thailand Thailand yes today has been  fantastic this Market is a true living piece   of history and you can spend the entire day  just walking around this Market eating your   way through this Market learning about the culture  but really A fascinating City I want to say a huge   thank you to Nuket uh she's from culinary back  streets uh they do amazing off the beaten path   Local Food Tours they'll take you to the SP where  real local people go to eat so highly recommended   I'll have their information in the description  box below and I want to say a big thank you to   you for watching this video please remember to  give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and also   remember to subscribe cuz you're not going to  want to miss this entire Turkish food tour where   we're going around the country from Istanbul to  gaziantep eating some of the best local Turkish   food so stay tuned keep on watching thanks again  for watching and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 709,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Izmir, Turkey, Turkish food, street food, Turkish street food, Izmir street food, Mark Wiens street food, food tour, Turkish food tour, Turkey street food, Türkiye, Turkiye street food, Mark Wiens, Mark Wiens food, Mark Wiens videos, things to do in Turkey
Id: VqGK9vo4FKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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