[FREE] AnythingLLM v2 | The last document chatbot you will ever need

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hey there my name is Timothy kbat founder of mlex labs and creator of anything llm which is a tool I'm going to show you today that we recently just added a whole bunch of stuff into so this is technically a revision of the other video that is also on this channel this new version of anything llm is far more powerful way more beautiful and has a ton more functionality that you can use to chat with anything over time we're going to be improving this tool a ton because we just believe that you should have access to an open- Source chat GPT that just kind of does it all and also supports a Enterprise environment or a private chatbot environment where you can pick and choose what tools you want to use as opposed to hosting or using some other cloud-based service now as I said this is an open source tool you can find it on GitHub or you can go to use.com and you can either trial a hosted version that will run for you which gets automatically updated and you can also find the GitHub link which will allow you to run this on Docker locally maybe you want to self-host it on your own servers that you run for on Google or Microsoft or AWS it'll do all of that and more and you get the full functionality now I have already gone and started an instance on our Cloud hosting that we offer for all customers you get a free three-day trial right now just so you can kick the tires and we're going to start from the very beginning just so you know what I'm looking at so you can see when I go to my special subdomain of use.com this is where my instance lies now I haven't touched it yet this is the first time I'm logging in and there's now an onboarding flow this onboarding flow will leave no questions or no stone unturned and you can always look at our docs for more information but this will get your instance set up perfectly so let's walk through each step the very first step is choosing what llm do you want to use we support three right now open AI Azure and anthropics claw V2 which has the 100K context token length which is really awesome if you are trying to do some really big prompts that being said you have to get access to anthropic to use it so if you haven't applied I suggest applying on their website and obviously for open AI we offer support for three and a half turbo and GPT 4 and actually in the future we're going to have the ability for you to use your own model so if you have a fine tune you can use it here as well now I've already gone and copied my open AI API key so I can chat with three and a half turbo so I'm just going to paste it and there and click continue the next step is choosing your vector database now if you don't know what this is just leave it as the default Lance DB is a vector database that actually runs on the same instance as anything llm and it is a fully-fledged vector database so that basically your chatbot can be smart however if you are a bit more technical or understand how Vector databases work you may want to use a pine cone chroma we or quadrant Vector database all of these have their own nuances and benefits and pros and cons so we allow you to pick whatever one you want we're going to add more over time milis has been suggested PG vector or some others we'll get to them but right now these are the ones that we host I'm going to stick with Lance DB but if I needed to go to Pine Cone I would just enter in my key the environment and the index name and I would just click next but we're going to use Lance because it's a zero setup instance now the next thing that's pretty cool is appearance now we try as much as we can to have anything llm be as white label as possible so that you can put your Brand's identity into the product even if it's just an internal tool so one of the ways we do that is allowing you to customize the logo you can upload one here any Dimension or size will make it work but you just upload it there and it'll appear all throughout the app now one place that anything llm really separates itself from every other chatbot is we support multi-user instances so if this is just for you you're using this just to chat with GPT 4 because you don't have access to chat GPT Pro or maybe you're using this to talk with some special documents that you don't want to leave your machine if that's the case you can use just me or if you're using this in a more collaborative environment you can do a team if you choose team we'll start assigning accounts and passwords and you would be the admin you can make anybody else an admin and you can administrate over more users or if you just want to keep it simple will actually go and use the just you instance and you can just set a simple password so when you need to log in enter in the password and you're good to go we're going to go with the multi-user approach so that I can show you everything that is to be offered here so let's go to Team and I'll just do admin and password let's do I think Super admin also before we proceed if you start in single user mode you can always go to multi-user mode but you can't go from multi-user to single user if not just use your single account but anyway let's continue now the first thing that we need to do is make a workspace a workspace is basically a thread it is a collection of documents that you are referring to during conversation where you're chatting with your llm so for me I'm going to make a workspace called anything llm where this workspace will know about anything llm and we can talk to it which is very meta so let's click finish now because I am using Lance DB any embedded data that I actually use here will never ever leave this instance but if I was using chroma or pine cone the data would be stored there instead so first thing is let's just click on our instance now you'll see that we're presented with an empty chat and in this chat we haven't embed any information or given the llm any special knowledge so if we were to just send a chat right now all we would get is a simple response as if we were talking talking to chat GPT directly there's no special data here so there's nothing really to talk about and so you'll see we get a default response which is just hello how can I assist you today it's a very normal response from chat GPT now let's actually go and specialize some data the easiest way to do that is we can actually upload documents right now and the best part is with anything llm if we upload one document here but maybe we want to make a different workspace that also uses the same document you only pay once with anything llm we allow you to smartly reuse data in other places without messing with the original data source so let's just upload a single text Doc I have called anything lm. txt you'll see the file was uploaded successfully now we can just click it and move it into the workspace and you'll see we even give you a cost estimation because it does cost money to embed stuff so you'll see this will cost less than a penny so let's embed it and you'll see that that was done relatively quickly if you want to remove a document from your workspace you can just click this little arrow and it'll move it back over documents that are already selected in your workspace will not appear here Additionally the settings tab allows you to really kind of mess with the bits and pieces of a specific workspace so you can change its name maybe change the temperature this is kind of how random your LL will respond as 7 is pretty normal if you go low it gets more concise and if you go high it'll just go crazy so play with this as you like 7 is normal chat history now we keep a running log of chat history so that your chat knows what you've been talking about you can shrink or grow this number but try not to go too large because then you can wind up overflowing the context which is basically the limit of how much text a single model can consume and then of course you can change the prompt let's say that maybe this workspace is more for HR Specialists so you want to give more HR relative responses here you can do that here maybe Finance is more important or maybe you're a programmer you can have it respond with code here now let's send a message asking our now smart llm what anything llm is now keep in mind the default chat GPT or gpt3 model or even four has no idea what anything llm is so we'll get to see what information is used here so let's say what is anything llm and you'll see that we actually get a really concise answer what I gave it was a single text document that just had a short blurb of text about what anything llm is and it says this is what anything llm is but we also show you the citations and we give you the exact file that was used and here you can see this is the exact text Chunk that was used in formulation of the answer this is important if you are getting odd answers and you want to know where it came from we'll actually show you where in your vector database this came from if you want to go remove that data now let's start another workspace that we can just call duplicate and we'll go and focus on that workspace and use this gear icon to open up the workspace management tool again you'll see that anything llm is available now because nothing's embedded in this workspace we can reuse this document and get the same knowledge that anything llm workspace has I just wanted to show you that that was possible and of course if you are done using a piece of data or you have no more interest in using a workspace you can always delete a workspace which will then delete the vectors out of your vector database as well as just delete the workspace from anything llm in general now this does not delete the source document if we go back to anything llm the document is is still available we didn't delete the document so no data is lost in that process aside from what was specifically stored in your vector database and last but not least let's look at some of the controls that you get as a user of anything llm all of this is free there is no paid or premium anything llm if you're using open source or you're using our hosted version you get the same experience so the first thing is system preferences if you're in multi-user mode you'll see this allowing users to delete workspaces make not something that you want them to do so we can prevent that also limiting messages you'll notice when we signed up I used my open AI key well maybe I want to prevent some of my customers from going crazy and running up my bill you can limit them here also inviting people to your instance you can create an invite link here and you can just email it to them text it to them this app works on mobile perfectly fine so you could text it to them and they could sign up right there use users this is where we can see users you can you have a username a password and modify their role and as long as they are not an admin user you can also suspend them to where they can no longer log in if they've been misbehaving or you can delete them entirely if you no longer want them part of the system workspaces is kind of like the hypervisor view of everything you can see what the name is a quick link to it how many people are interact or can interact with that workspace deleting workspaces and also so adding users which we don't have any extra ones so nothing shows we can also see all of the chats sent through the system now the reason we do this is because as an admin you should have this permission in case you are worried about how your instance is being used you are paying for chat GPT or using the API so you should know what data you're paying for appearance uh here is where you can actually set the custom logo and also you may have noticed when we first used our instance you'll notice that there's like this kind of tutorial setting this is pre-written by us and it's the default message you may want to have default messaging that is more specific to your use case of anything LM on appearance settings you can actually customize these messages with system messages and you know fake user messages so that maybe you can walk through the new user through a tutorial of how they should best use your installation of anything llm and of course what would an open source Project B without an API interface now you can actually see all of the API endpoints that are available by going to API dos or by clicking this link here on your instance and you will see all of the endpoints that are made available to you and in order to use them you must have an API key you can generate one by clicking this button and here of course if you want to change the llm you're using let's say you want to migrate from open AI to Azure to Claud you can do it here instantaneously the same goes for Vector database keep keep in mind if you change this we won't automatically rebed your stuff in your new database so change this with caution exporting and importing information let's say you just want to take a snapshot of your entire database you can snapshot it here and preserve it in case for whatever reason you might want to roll back settings users chats whatever and of course security we're in multi-user mode so we can't really do anything else here but if we were in password mode or no protection mode at all we could reset the password also turn it into multi-user mode and that is anything llm this new version I'm really excited about as you may have noticed it looks extremely clean and I mean we have just really really pulled no punches in redesigning this entire app again it is open source or you can get a free Cloud hosted version through us for three days or you can pay for us to automatically maintain and update your instance and of course we have a Discord we're happy to have you join ask questions we want to hear your feedback but that is the new latest and greatest anything llm and I hope to see you using it and I hope to hear from you soon thank you
Channel: Tim Carambat
Views: 40,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f95rGD9trL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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