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well i mean what were you thinking because i i know i've never done a picker thing before just like i know we go back and forth and all that just remember it's for charity yeah right right um thrifting ain't easy i'm feeling creepy comp and diapers on my ebay app all right guys so this pic is going to be a little bit different i'm sitting outside an old mall it's actually the mall that i used to hang out in when i was younger it's called washington square and like many malls around the country it's kind of kind of a ghost town nowadays i think target's really the only thing keeping it together at this point there's a lot of empty empty spaces and stuff like that but from what i understand there's a store in here where the lady started it to benefit a non-profit organization that deals with foster kids who age out of the system at age 18. but because retail's so tricky she has to go another way and she's just kind of liquidating everything now so so i'm just gonna strap on the gopro and see if i can find anything that suits my needs and the amount i pay goes to a good cause so that's pretty awesome i don't have a lot of time so it may just be kind of a situation where i do a walk through hopefully buy some stuff and maybe come back later this weekend or something especially if you guys tell me some things i missed that always helps too but let's go inside and see if we can find anything to resell all right so there's washington square and there's target like i said about the only thing keeping this place together unfortunately used to be really cool when i was younger here but i think there's barely even any lights on when you walk inside the mall it's so dead very dark over there very sad it does not even look like a mall anymore there's the old dick's sporting goods i think they were one of their recent closures hello how are you i'm good how are you doing good thanks i was the one that was talking to you i'm anthony oh hi hi nice to meet you you too it's it's it's it's most of it's in the back oh really yeah okay um practically all of it has to go okay some of it's not mine and some of it i still haven't gotten out of here that i want to take with me right to my new existence gotcha but don't be shy i'm sure you'll find one of the things that's not for sale i tried to put sold on most of them okay cool um and then even the ones that say sold if the people don't show up with the cash you have my number here yeah yeah it's like back up for sale okay i mean yeah just make yourself at home okay dig around i got somebody coming to look at these so they're not available okay until after he gets here or she honor who doesn't i like all these halloween masks those are those are pretty nice i got 40 years of halloween stuff oh really yeah so we'll show you the truck the better the deal all right well so you guys sell stuff online or you go around the flea markets or what's your gear i do a lot of online stuff like ebay mercari amazon stuff like that and i'm actually in line for an antique booth right now but you know there's a waiting list right but i mean you know retail's not always great so you're right yeah thousand dollars a month oh wow that's what they charge here well rent insurance utilities man it heads up quick and in the hours you got to be here all right yeah this is i mean i'm a volunteer this all was supposed to be my big wonderful thing to help the kids who age out of foster care right so far i have helped landlords utility companies insurance company it's it's a good cause though is it the cabinet that's sold or the mask the cabinet sold okay i'm sorry if it's overwhelming oh it's most of you get in the back prepare yourself most of my picks have been lately now once you've picked what you want if you know anybody else who wants to come i'll give you 10 bucks for a person to buy something well i'm kind of figuring too um hopefully i'll buy some stuff today this video will go up probably tomorrow and people are not shy about telling me what i missed so then i just is it okay to walk back here oh yeah okay right on hmm i'm gonna get an idea and then maybe start grabbing some of the stuff that i'm seeing i like those glucose strips and that's in that stack of comics looks kind of fun so i wish i remember some of this furniture [Music] all the old symptoms figures this seems to not still 45 12. [Music] he's down somewhere let this stuff down get back a little bit further so let's make sure what's this phillips universal remote missing see if there's any uh what's this chair missed that the first time it's a sunbeam why not let's see here let me know if that shows anything cool rocking horse up there so herf jones company euchre champions that's interesting foreign let's go look up front you got a little pile going back there let me see what in this back here sure is that like some train set stuff up there uh-huh is it uh it's hl they still got the price tags on them from michael's from years ago leewards or wherever they're from that one does it here it is a dollar forty four it's from michaels you can't get anything at michael's for a dollar forty four nowadays place is expensive strange words what's that i'm playing words with friends oh yeah computer suit s-e-w-e-n it's awfully smart sea trout it's awfully smart i know that well do you want to see where we are on this go around sure and like i said i'm sure i'll be back because you're normally open on the weekends aren't you i've been trying to be yeah it's been pointless because nobody comes it's a shame about this mall yeah i've put on facebook marketplace any number of things and i've got all this here and i'm actually interested in all the halloween maths you have out there too okay i'm sure nothing belongs to anyone else oh there's something over here i selected yeah those are neat yeah i just grabbed that whole box with the universal monsters in it in the chair too okay this is the sushi setting yeah yeah that's cute well i mean what were you thinking because i i know i've never done a picker thing before just like i know we go back and forth and all that just remember it's for charity yeah right right um with the mask too well let's see without the mask first and then we'll take the mask separate okay i mean for this stuff here i'd probably be like 40 bucks what are you thinking well i was thinking more like 60 because the 60 things alone selling online for 30. okay so if we did 60 here what are you thinking on the mass thing um well let's count them up okay or how many right so there's this [Applause] thank you for calling foster in the future now this is julia may i help you it's washington square mall and then um it's the easiest way is either to enter at target and follow the signs to dick's sporting goods or you can come around to dick's sporting goods and call me and i can show you in the back right here's the wolf right here right there oh yeah right there okay let me see if i can squeeze over there if you like halloween stuff it's pretty cute little baby frankenstein [Music] i'm gonna grab something to drink you need a water or anything no i'm okay thank you so much that one is truly vintage [Music] oh really and i'm sure the eyes could be fixed so they go on and off again oh did they used to light up yeah the wires are still there let's see we got one two three four five six seven mass right uh counting pinhead yeah oh did you get that guy right there with the two three four five six did you get that one oh now i'm standing there you go oh the skeleton behind you is that that's the one yeah yeah yeah so they're seven seven of them well i know pinhead is like crazy collectible so i don't know forty dollars for all seven so be 100 for everything yeah i think that sounds fair cool i'll start collecting and then i'll pay you up and if there's any other halloween stuff you see that you like okay i will make you another pile deal on that because i'm i've already picked out the halloween stuff that i want to keep and there's one little title i am nobody to decorate for anymore you know okay so here's one two three four five six seven two wolves did you get okay i think i got em one good three okay cool i think so yeah i wish i would have found these a week ago i i put them all online yeah nobody even responded i could sit on them for a year they don't take that much room well yeah that's my problem i got it i just went out of here is there anything you want people to know about your cause or like any like websites i can link for you well the person who built my website uh you know how that goes yeah and i tried to you know my little fostering the future now on facebook nothing i share something in there like one person sees it it's just really what i'm gonna i'm just gonna try to take a whole different approach yes you know this is not the way to do it right i probably spent without exaggeration not counting my own free labor probably over thirty thousand dollars oh wow i should have just given the money to the children's beer we've been done with it you know oh man but you gotta learn the hard way sometimes at least you're trying something and these i think that are expired i don't that's okay i know anything about it people that need them need them 20 40 60 80 100. all right awesome thank you um i'll be right there what was your name again uh anthony anthony and you're julia right yes okay i'll be right back oh okay wrong place and here the phone number is good okay cool the rest of it is well it's on washington street that's about the extent of it i don't want the phone number online do you i don't care okay oh it's everywhere else nobody ever calls me all right yeah and the closer we get to the end of november they're gonna be about that well thank you so much i appreciate let me come out thank you i really appreciate you good luck sounds good thank you right right yeah exactly there you go deal all right guys we are back from that pick we're actually here at my parents house so i'm just going to show you real quick what we got inside the trunk if anyone would like julia's info just shoot me an email at froggyflips81 i guess it's getting to be kind of crunch time so she does want to get rid of a bunch of stuff so if you're able to get to the indianapolis area and you'd like to do a little pick in there just let me know and i will send you the info but real quick let me show you what i picked up to resell so i paid 100 for everything it definitely wasn't like my best pick ever but i'm pretty happy with the stuff we did fine i think there's plenty room to make a little money sorry about the car noise so first off down here we have a vintage sunbeam lawn chair this was kind of my safety net we all know that these can go for decent money depending on what time of year now that it's getting to be cold and i mean you wouldn't know that because it's like 75 degrees today but in theory it's starting to get cold so this won't be too hot of a cellar but eventually i should do pretty well with this got a bunch of halloween masks i think most of them are vintage but they're pretty cool looking not anything too high-end but we should do okay with them here is a wolfman mask this here is a decent brand this is from b something studios i think it's from like 1983 so that's pretty neat another wolfman mask right here this might end up being about the most valuable one this is made by topstone which is actually a decent ready to look for if you're looking for a vintage halloween mess this is more of a hard plastic mask i don't know how old it is kind of a neat look to it though this is another cool one this is a pinhead from hellraiser that one might end up doing okay and then the last one in my opinion is the most interesting this one is definitely vintage i couldn't find a maker's mark but it is engraved down here h a n space ju and then it's 85-125 if anyone knows what that means or who this might be made by let me know she said this was from before she even had kids so i'm guessing this has a little bit of age to it then over here just a bunch of odds and ends some things are pretty cool some things are just kind of filler but there's an old bears hat with the older logo here's a bunch of universal monsters from 1999 plush some of them still have the tags on him a lot of this halloween stuff i probably missed the mark on as far as date goes but it'll all sell eventually it's frankenstein what's that swamp thing or something here are three vintage euchre tournament trophies from the herf jones company and they're from the 70s inscribed to a gentleman named orvin teeter but there's three of them all from the 70s all to the same fella i'll probably lock those up and see what we can do with them grabbed a bunch of little vintage figures just because they were still in the package here's a little pudgeon sleigh miniature made by darice and then a couple toys made by protecto 24 cents definitely old but there's a squeaky giraffe and a baby rattle made by protecto there's a windsor canadian shot glass still on the package this i just thought was neat because it looked like a pretty nice little sushi set the chopsticks still in the wrapper and everything made by cebu cebu and then most of this stuff is simpsons halloween figures from burger king uh looks like about 2001 are they all from 2001 probably but i don't know if it's the complete set but we'll see what we can do with these next halloween and then this box down here i just thought this was really neat it's made by nevco and it's a vintage pack of toothpaste squeezers can't find any comps on it but just the sheer age and the subject matter i think that we should probably be able to do okay with this might not sell right away but it's still pretty neat i thought dukes of hazard lunchbox thermos unfortunately it doesn't have the top if it did have the top this could be about a 60 or 70 piece and honestly there is the possibility that i could just buy a top on ebay or something and make it complete which if if that's not too expensive i may just do something like that here is an old ertl carb bank it's a replica of a 1913 ford model t don't really know what this does barrel turquoise lead pointer but i did see a recent comp for about 25 bucks in the same condition dallas card game i bought this just because it reminded me of the office here are a few old sealed train set accessories this is made by lifelike and it's the general store and then by bachmann we have a ranch house and a water tank thought those were neat because they were still sealed in the original plastic here's a stack of old comics definitely nothing special got fraggle rock this one's neat because sarah pointed out that it has the old mad balls add on it which i think this madballs ad might be worth more than this comic itself i loved mad balls who remembers mad balls just a bunch of random stuff top dog brew firestorm the nuclear man hex blah blah blah just a bunch of different things nothing worth a bunch on its own but maybe i'll sell these as a lot or i actually did just get approved for my antique booth which is going to open up on december 1st so these might just be filler inventory for that more on that later i'll take you guys through the entire process of me opening my antique booth here's an old jump rope still in the package made by swiveler so it's kind of neat because they're still in the package here's a bunch of diabetic test strips and some monitors and stuff i figured i could probably lock these up and do okay with them i know there can be big money in diabetic test strips i don't think i have enough to really make bank on but honestly it's just all about the little bits at a time honeywell usb scanner without the cord though here's an old top off jar opener i've seen these go for like 10 or 15 bucks so so just a bunch of smalls it'll make me a little bit of profit over time and i can spread them over over different platforms including my antique booth which is pretty cool this is probably one of the best finds this is an old cast iron olive oil bank from popeye i saw one of these recently selling rakari for like 40 bucks plus shipping and there's a set with popeye on ebay so it's popeye and olive oil and they're asking like 130 bucks but it hasn't sold yet but i think we should do okay with this because the condition is really good for what it is so definitely an interesting little piece so that was everything i picked up with that cool little mall pick as i said not my best haul ever but i think there's money to be made and it was a lot of fun and i appreciate julia let me go through the back room and just pretty much look at whatever i wanted to again if you would like her contact info just send me an email and i will shoot that right over to you but that's all i got for you this time as always i want to thank you so much for watching the video but until next time stay safe stay healthy love you bye when they hear that cha-ching and they all look at me i guess they'll know i'm buying this crap
Channel: Froggy Flips
Views: 186,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PRIVATE PICK in an EMPTY MALL, empty mall, dead mall, private pick, garage sale, yard sale, garage sale ride along, yard sale ride along, garage sale haul, yard sale haul, froggy flips, haul video, garage sale gopro, garage sale bodycam, reseller, garage sales, yard sales, garage sale video, live garage sale footage, garage sale negotiation, garage sale deal, garage sale ridealong, garage sale with me, garage sale pov, american pickers, ebay haul, garage sale tips, mall
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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