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I know the year is young but I'll be shocked if I don't look back on this in 12 months and consider it one of my favorite vintage toy hunts of 2024 it's a crazy looking head yeah I know yeah somebody else is supposed to be come for this one and I'm sorry exactly the stuff I've been looking for lately bloggy flips okay what's up man hey how you doing good good how are you PR good look at that yeah this is usually what I bring to my other show so why that's why I said don't hesitate if you want to look around or something cuz it's only for your eyes only so I mean this is exactly the stuff I've been looking for lately yeah I've been watching a couple of videos so I was like man I got some of this stuff exactly um basically as far as the power Lads goes like I'm pretty sure he's complete okay she's complete but I also have her on the card that was the one that was on the card picture which it's in here too he just has one little gun but he's in really nice shape but he just has one little gun yeah kind of Clips to his chest doesn't it yeah he's complete with his weapon man they're so funky looking oh I know this one he's kind of a harder one but I don't have his weapon for him okay but he's still kind of a harder one and this one like and then I have him he's not he's just the figer and then this one here depends I mean if you bought how many you bought i' just sto him in but his leg broke somewhere along the line it's like a three-legged deal and his leg broke off but he still in really nice shape it just I don't know these weren't the best cases to put him man yeah so and then as far as power roads go and then I have also have her on the carard which also has the the line on the back or most of the line on the back it's kind of cool so that is cool is that everything or like was it a series two or anything no I believe uh there might be a series two cuz he's not on here I know he's power LS this one isn't that's it's a good chunk of it though for sure yeah I mean it's I I'm pretty sure I know like he's kind of common which I have one but he's his leg's kind of B crooked on know he's like in a box yeah that's all I have right now it's just that guy um I know she's a hard one to get and like I said I've got her complete both that's her right there yeah that's pretty cool and then and then also on the car too and they're also like different too like it's not like a oh yeah you know it's like a similar sculpt that they Reus a whole bunch of times or anything and they're they're kind of like as you look at them like as that one broke and you kind of look at him he's kind of like um very brittle I mean they're not yeah I mean that head's shaking around yeah that's cool I got so like I said I got these that's all the power L St I got and what's the toxic stuff and then the toxics I got set that right there basically toxy and kill off and the enemy and how do you find cards that look like this like just all your cards are always so awesome that was like I was really happy when I got that one and this one here he's he's punched but still his cards pretty decent yeah I mean but that's probably the best toxy I've ever seen I me the same way with this I got really lucky with this I mean it's sealed yeah that's minty and but he's good graphics the Box just got a little W to it it's awesome and then I have also and then I have pretty much he's complete which he's a hard to figure T he's complete he is pretty sure he's I can't I don't remember if he's got one more grenade or not I guess we could we got a bone bone head okay um and then I can't remember his name but I know he's complete cuz I picked up his backpack the other right there I didn't have that and I picked that up for him and then I have another toxy that I think might he might be missing one grenade I don't know if he had two three I guess I just picked up a bag of bombs for him oh did you yeah so yeah so and I got these okay and then that one that I told you oh Thunder I had that um to complete that set I didn't bring it with me on that other one so and that's from the same lot that you bought so it would look just as nice the same card and everything and then I didn't know if you'd already had that or I don't have a graded one it's pretty cool but yeah I thought that was pretty neat okay have you priced out this toad at all uh not not all together cuz I didn't know for sure what you were interested in I could do it real quick I mean you know obviously I'll make you a deal on it yeah if you want to I don't think there's anything I'd pass on you know if the price is right so yeah you want to do that you want to give me a minute and I'll uh P this all up and give you a PR oh there all right I'll look around your other stuff all right that total and like I said I didn't count the one I told you I throw it in the deal so I was at 1760 I do like, 1500 okay awesome man would it be possible to leave this for a little while AB matter of fact I've got plenty of boxes I'll box that box all that up for you cool I'll come back and see you a couple then yeah yeah yeah it works man thank you great sweet man pleasure no I appreciate it yeah are you froggy flips yes Anthony oh my God I'm so sorry I've been looking forward to this all day I wanted to I I know that you come here every year and yeah sure I just wanted to say cool man what's your name uh Jerome Jerome nice to meet you man nice to meet you I don't want to bother you you're good man did you find anything good yet uh I actually I just picked this up oh cool I'm actually getting ready to see if I can get that RP leather face over there nice but yeah man it's really nice meeting you thank you so awesome good luck to you what's up man what's up how are you good how are you for so glad you could join us getting [Music] hungry 600 I doubt it okay to walk back there oh absolutely thank you for the legendary frog lip your butt legendary what is that you want to look at anything closer just open this up okay what are these guys it's a i some old it's a crazy looking head I know I not really sure honestly they're old looks too old to have articulation but then there are I know right like heavily articulated to more I got to buy those just because okay 15 got to buy that yeah candy dispenser oh okay on that this one it's pretty gnarly I'm going to think about that one for a little bit but there's what I got for you all right couple weren't priced 30 bucks 30 bucks sure thank you sir you need a bag uh I got one in my pocket okay there you go I appreciate it thank you very much man good luck to you appreciate it oh all the bags are just a dollar a piece okay he used can make keychains gotcha so when he make keychains he would mold them he would pop the heads off of his figures that's pretty neat mold them and then cast him and stuff but he doesn't really make keychains anymore so there's just a bunch of random skor he head yeah there's man and Skeletor that's what Skeletor find something yeah oh yeah that little getting stuff Co yeah oh that's cool yeah I've never seen it and I kind of like those colorways yeah got a love a chrome figure yeah hey what do you think about those yeah just the Thunder cut stuff yeah I mean it's legit I don't know what it does look good yeah I I don't I think that's the real one there I don't know about the the uh these pieces I don't never see anything that clear maybe I don't yeah he's probably original boxes are good yeah I'm going to ask about a couple of them that's pretty cool that is neat um how much you have on these box pieces here uh it's complete is the line inside okay so I'll be asking 800 for both 800 for the lineup and what about that one this one 300 three and then what about this four four so 8 three four okay that's cool do you have any room if I buy all three um see 834 that's 15 1150 you do 1250 1250 yeah how about 12 deal deal okay thanks man yeah yeah have to find this condition with the and everything yeah yeah it's pretty cool I mean I don't really know about Thundercat stuff but I know those are nice pieces so this is um honestly I saw one for like this condition 600 yeah it's pretty cool and that's it's always missing the wings isn't it yep in the wings really hard to right yeah somebody else is supposed to rec for this one in the I'm sorry there's that for you double count that for me good thanks man and what do you have on the swords just out of curiosity uh this one for you $50 cool thanks man' you all right buddy so we made it back to the showroom I know the year is young but I'll be shocked if I don't look back on this in 12 months and consider it one of my favorite vintage toy hunts of 2024 this is an event I go to every year I've been going to it since I was pretty young actually it's build as like Indiana's largest garage sale or something like that it's really just a huge convention with no real theme it's definitely not a toy convention but I know that enough toy vendors always show up that you can kind of treat it as one so that's exactly what I do and this year turned out pretty amazing so real quick let me give you a closer look at some of this stuff so as you can see it was a pretty eventful day for a silly old vintage toy lover we'll start here with the smallest buy of the day 30 bucks all in for this pile and it includes this sewer sports ball Michelangelo so we're already looking good honestly not really sure what this little candy holder is but obviously I thought it was pretty cool got kind of a gargoyle vibe to it picked up two of these creepy little action figures these are renwal dollhouse figures from the 1950s or 60s I would guess just thought they had such a bizarre look and they were cheap enough that I had to grab them the articulation is pretty intense for the age we got the waist and the knees and the arms and does the head spin no the head does not spin but definitely had to pick those up very very odd and then that leaves us with the Vintage Motu Beast Mana eraser honestly wouldn't mind finding some more of these I think they'd make a pretty cool set if you had a bunch of different characters next we have the Thundercat stuff now Thundercats is a line that I absolutely loved as a kid the cartoon the toys all of it but I've been hesitant to get into it as a collector just because everything from this line is expensive you can pick up something like a mailaway mum for 20 or 30 bucks or maybe you might get a beater liono in a toy lot or something but when it comes to nice complete figures it pretty much ranges from kind of pricey to holy crap but I do have some Pals that are releasing a Thundercats toy guide that is actually really amazing I've seen a couple little previews of it it's available for pre-order right now I will link that book in the description I do not get a cut of it but I'm excited for it so it's definitely got me thinking more about Thundercats recently which is why I kind of jumped on this deal here kind of a complete guess but I think I did okay I picked up two pretty hard to find boxed pieces first of all we have the Thunder Wings this is the Canadian release I believe because it's got some French riding on it nonetheless pretty sought after piece amazing Graphics look at that and then we have the Luna Lasher this one has a Dutch sticker on it I believe otherwise I think it's still the American box though these were basically just accessories that came out later in the line that you could attach to your figures this is the thunder Wings right here you attach it to your liono press this button and you can make him fly likewise this is the Luna Lasher same concept attach it to your figure probably your mumra press this button on the back and it just goes blasting just like that now the problem with those accessories is the fact that most Thundercats figures have a switch on the back for the battl Matic action which kind of got in the way for what is essentially a backpack accessory So eventually they did release a liono and a mumra I believe that did not have the battl Matic action the eyes are a different color they don't have the light up eyes so being later in the line those two figures have kind of an extra premium they're extra hard to find a lot more scarce the fact that that set of Thunder Wings had this guy with it made this deal extra special now this one does have some damage he has some damage on his hair up there otherwise he's in pretty good shape but like I said hard to find in pretty much any condition this piece here would definitely be my favorite of the lot it's called the astral Moote monster normally missing his wings so the fact that they're there definitely cool since I'm just starting to get into Thunder Cats my plan might be to trade off the Thunder Wings the liono and the Luna Lasher for more basic complete figures that are like I said still kind of pricey and then definitely keep the astral moot monster because I really really like this thing just doing a little research after the fact I think a box Thunder Wings can have a value of somewhere between $2 and $400 I think it's pretty similar on the Luna Lasher the switchless liono seems like it can be anywhere from $300 to $600 even more in some cases the hair damage will definitely have some effect on that but still should have some pretty decent trade value if I decide to go that route a nice complete astral moot monster seems to run 300 plus so when you do all the math I think I did pretty good on the deal especially considering it was a complete guess and then of course we cannot forget the Vintage Sword of Omens it's one of the lightup versions Miss in the battery C but I actually had this as a kid so I was thrilled to finally see this out and about just like the astral Moe this one's not going anywhere and then that brings us to what is most certainly my favorite deal of the entire day my buddy Ben from the toy horde who I've done several deals with at various toy shows messaged me and said that he was going to bring a tote of stuff along for me to look through and it was filled with stuff that I have been very vocal about being actively on the hunt for we have power power Lords and we have toxic Crusaders not only that it's pretty much the bulk of both lines action figure-- wise I decided that I was probably better off trying to buy the whole tote rather than picking and choosing because who knows when I'll see this much of these things again not to mention the fact that I'm pretty sure toxic Crusaders are on the way up so to knock out six of the nine figures all at once definitely had to jump on that convenience factor value-wise even if it seems pricey these sealed piece for the most part are so much nicer than you're ever likely to find I'd argue that 2/3 of the value is already right there and then we still have all of this beautiful loose goodness right here as far as the power Lords go I cannot tell you why I'm so intrigued with this line lately there's just something about it they were made by a company called Revel in the early 80s they mostly made like model kits and stuff like that but when business started dying down apparently they decided to jump into the action figure Market but the sculpts are just so out there and they're so different from each other as well just some really really bizarre aliens and extraterrestrials and whatnot the other thing is they feel so fragile I'm kind of terrified to hold them so these are going to go in a display case and probably not be held for a very long time and then we have six of the nine toxic Crusaders figures that I've been on the hunt for for a while I have found some loose beaters with no accessories recently but these are all very nice with great paint and pretty much all of them have all the accessories there's a a couple little things missing but they shouldn't be that challenging to complete so aside from those couple accessories I'm still on the hunt for a radiation Ranger psycho and headbanger of course and then of course we cannot forget the minty sealed stuff we have the smog cycle hardly any box Weare at all on this thing completely sealed on both sides we have a carded powerlord sha not that I needed a carded version too but like I said had to buy the whole tote another beautiful Tonka Supernaturals we have Thunderbolt Ben from the toy hord is the guy that I bought the rest of my Supernaturals from so he did know I needed this one glad to only need one more from the initial action figure line for this and then of course we have two beautiful toxic Crusaders carded figures here's another Dr kill off this one is punched obviously but other than that beautiful card nice crystal clear bubble you can see on the back that there's no folding or creasing anywhere not away that you normally see this line and then the best part of the entire deal is this fantastic unpunched toxy figure another crystal clear bubble hardly any wear on this card whatsoever if you turn it over looks like it was just put out on a shelf yesterday just an amazing piece especially if you're into the uh toxic Crusader stuff which I definitely am that is all I got for you this time as always I want to thank you so much for watching the video but until next time stay safe stay healthy love you [Music] bye oh
Channel: Froggy Flips
Views: 154,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VINTAGE TOY HUNT OF THE YEAR!, Vintage toys, Toy hunting, Toy hunter, Vintage toy hunting, Vintage toy hunter, Toy collecting, Vintage toy collecting, Vintage toy collection, Best toy collection, Best action figure collection, Best vintage toy collection, Buying vintage toys, Selling vintage toys, Collecting vintage toys, American pickers, Froggy flips, Froggyflips, Froggy, Vintage
Id: 1DNdHmBk3uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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