Private Investigators Guess Who Are Exes Out Of A Lineup • Part 2

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hi my name is Elizabeth South I'm a private investigator with cane Associates investigations today I have been told there are two people in this lineup who have dated I'm gonna try to figure out who it is and see if there's any chemistry left maybe they can rekindle my interrogation skills are really good given the circumstances it's not a typical interrogation obviously so we'll see on the spot how I could do with this let's get into the questioning I'll still start over here you to come up here what a cute couple have you guys ever done this before walk together before few times pass you always let him take a look like that sometimes are you just quiet yeah sometime you just submissive when it comes to relationships just like you can do the talking I once am submissive enough no but she's like she's very lenient you see what you love tell me about how you guys met so we met at the office he was really good at design and so I asked him to design one of my photos for me to like clean it up make it look pretty for like a thumbnail and he'd do a really good job because I would have thought he would have said no sweetie you really don't need any touch-up so I'm gonna move this hair over here you're beautiful it's a good point but actually the thumbs were enough for me they're like things that I made of someone else for a video so tell me about the break guys this was about maybe six months ago no go ahead okay about three months ago about six months ago in the past we had hit it off just right by me six months ago just in a workspace it's not really professional and like we were like vibing as much so we can just came the agreement just to keep it a friendship yeah I mean it's better to keep it professionally no because we work together all right well you lenient to go ahead and step up there I'm gonna take these next two obviously you're nervous about something you have something to hide you're wearing sunglasses I don't know dating is like really the word we like hooked up a couple of times he split into my insta diems and then did you guys practice this earlier no why would we practice Oh whatever that's why the did you have sense I just said hi that's all I'm just so you're original and not very charming on diems hi I mean I said more than hi because we want to get into that I sent her a picture of a hamburger and she got real mad at me your voice is quivering it's not surprising that - laughs you guys are obviously very in love and this was heartbreaking the hamburger was like the breaking point wasn't just that was blame she thought that I was being insensitive oh she's one of those vegans I'm not it felt like an aggressive hamburger you know if you guys didn't date though I do want to say this you should consider it because I sent some chemistry here so either it was there and it's still there and you're not honest about it for one of you well you guys hooked up maybe there's chemistry but not that I want to see you for a long period of time text messages come on it wasn't like a serious thing so it wasn't like I really wasn't it was like the work on Monday you and your sunglasses can go up there need a little crocodile tears the moral you can stand up there - okay thank you sweetie yeah all right you two come down here if you two were together you either hate each other you have terrible chemistry y'all like stand this for our part why you don't even pull her seed out of a breakup kinda like them casual thing so it wasn't really much of a big or bad breakup he was one of those people where I realized that like okay I can't do this casual stuff anymore I think it was romanticized it was a short thing when romantics have a sense that's what I thought he is very genuine eyes he could be romantic and tell you something unexpected exactly okay okay so what first attracted you I mean pretty much everything you just said look at those eyeballs they're huge and blue well having that's kind of weird um I was actually dating someone else at the time he was at this party and we kind of were flirting and again a casual things move like Condren how did you guys meet tell me about your interaction I was alone and you know I'm kind of a natural flirt so I saw a cute girl standing by the drinks and I was just like sure let's go talk to her I see what's up leichter and got to know her didn't realize she had boyfriends and then she actually reached out to me a week later how'd she reach out to he texted you should got the number from a friend would you text him I get coffee get coffee where'd you guys have coffee go spells where cousin was it close yeah yeah there's one in Hollywood right that's where we had is legit angels it was very memorable for you which fills it was out by the way yes oh my favorite coffee the problem was like you know two three months relationships what if you guys dated I okay I need to go take a shower cuz that just hurt me even stand up I may bring you guys back for some other people could I have you down here and then can I have you back here alright so how'd you guys meet oh here okay stand back up alright so how was the break-up all right how did you meet actually not just how you broke up that was kind of mean to go straight to that we also met at a party through a mutual friend and then just started talking and yeah stayed in touch where's the party yet beverlywood I'm new here so I still got to kind of get the you know there is where's he from he's also from New York okay let me see you haven't I gotten okay why don't we roll you and you come sit down yeah you look like I don't know so I'm gonna get their hair done she buys new vans five pairs of really after the breakup it's not because the break-up it happened to happen after mm-hmm the break-up okay Merl so how did you guys meet hinge Becca I don't think I've had you and you together alright what's his name Mitch Mitchell what's her name Emily what's his last name self Phaedra what's her last she always watches my last name always trio mmm how long have you guys known each other a couple months is that upset you when she's answering questions a little bit I mean the breakup was kind of a try to say it without smiling Bonnie convinced me a little bit right now all right so how'd you guys meet how did we meet well okay they're bad you guys go ahead you and you together down here what's her name Nick her name's Nick your name her name's Liz Liz all right and what's his name Nick last name cool well if you guys know stuff that must have been very low speaking running nobody nobody can pronounce so why don't you try to convince me and tell me about how you guys met so hinge okay that unhinge actually message him first and we started talking he asked me on a date the first date which is drinks and we bandied around a couple different ideas wound up going to Isabel Fairfax what did you sit in Isabel there's like a table in the back and the bed I'll be sad yeah okay so when you go and you go right left her backs I'm pretty familiar with Isabel went in just straight ahead okay yeah straight ahead all the way to the back I got a great fruity type drink tell me about the patio outside it's really dark and it's cool because there's like trees on the inside but not on the outside there's like it's really cushy chairs that are also really nice and they're like leather and then on the inside it's white chairs and tell me about the bathroom the bathroom mm-hmm the bathroom was it's pretty memory nice but a tile floor I think oh great okay let's see have I had everyone else down here yeah yeah I need you with her go ahead and stand up so how'd you guys meet mark I moved to this office from the New York office she didn't the one that's really popular everyone what's your favorite thing about her what was your favorite thing about her that attracted like a personality thing or a physical thing well if you guys had no joy that long and it didn't last that long how'd you get two months long enough it's really like six times seven times we hung out a lot yeah it was a lot a lot for a while okay she lives in West Hollywood - I actually do live in West Hollywood I forget oh that is so interesting you forget where you live Santa Monica all right okay you guys definitely are not together all right sit down here fine switch it out well I see you guys accuse maybe you are all right what does he live he was almost foolish I used to yeah I live my pants on is that what broke you guys his parents he moved in with his parents their parents didn't like her idea I'm here cuz she posted something about like vegan food on her story and I've always wanted to try like like trying to be vegan for a little bit so I just wanted to see like I cut with the life-sized and if it really is expensive as people say it is people ask me all the time about like vegan recipes and stuff well I feel like that's a really good move if that's what happened because you know somebody would be think it's really cute they're interested in something other than better than hi it wasn't or diems what'd you say uh I forgot what she posted but I was like oh I'm like I've always wanted to try like something vegan like what is it that you're making whenever something ions as well go I don't remember this is from this restaurant honey bee is like this new vegan place and most feel is I also love almost feels not West Hollywood they have the impossible double patty burger there and I posted a photo did you make that and I was like no you can't buy the impossible ready but you can my can't you can buy the beyond burger but the impossible patty you can only get a restaurants where'd you go on your date we went to a park and had some lunch a little picnic type of thing Oh picnic she I pack I packed beef which kind of set not wrong come on you have to do better than that on what I don't know didn't SP sure I wasn't gonna be you never get to me to be and especially if you DM her oh I'll bring beef she packed it okay you guys your story stock alright alright back up have I had you I've had you with all the girls no you haven't okay come sit down here have me about your love story music festival music I was cold lightning in a bottle and they had like every type of music I love lightning in a battle really work so how'd you guys meet there we actually went down together cuz we're helping each other with videos I actually had not met her before you're just always like yeah and that's right well okay tell me about it so she was helping me film a video and so that's kind of how we started to get to know each other but then we had like the last day free to like actually experience the festival and that's how we castrate yeah yeah I believe that you guys actually did go to a music festival together okay you do kind of look sad right now though now I'm gonna guilty how did you break up we just kind of talked about it in person and tomorrow explained to me that like you know she's newly single and she like wants to explore that and like didn't want anything serious and like we had the strong connection so we didn't want to like continue it because I'm looking for something more serious and she's like not really there yet so if this is a lie like I'm feeling really emotional I feel like it's these girls right now these girls feel like right now so genuine and if they're not then like I give up maybe I should just stop P I work if you guys weren't the ones together yeah maybe I'm stupid but I'm ready to stop I feel like I know who it is I feel like the investigation went really well I caught a lot of people for sure who were lying I feel pretty confident about my choice of people who are dating or who who used to date Merlin Liz would you please step forward were you two ever dating no very good friends oh my god that was all real like the things you did cuz I was like no this is all real okay really that is you too we did good at Isabel yeah you know and you don't even mention the stairs outside Isabel the bathroom all the great photo doesn't even know what food you have a great fruity drink that was cheap shot so you didn't tell me the truth yeah they're supposed to tell me the real story this was it seriously this is no no no if you're gonna play the game you got to tell me the real story you can't lie about somebody and the things you didn't do with them so that was messed up now okay there is some chemistry over here I just want you guys to know but you guys you guys are really seem like really good friends and I could have believed that you guys totally hooked up [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 2,135,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed video, Private Investigators Guess Who Are Exes, guessing game, guessing challenge, relationships, guess who, guess who are exes, who is your exe, guess who's dated before, line up, lineup, private investigator, people guess, dating, interviews, guessing games, guess who dated, detectives, who's lying, challenge, PL-PrivateInvestigators, PL-PrivateInvestigatorsGuess, exes
Id: O7eoDLQjeec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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