Private Investigator Vs. Psychic: Can You Tell Who Has Seen A Dead Body?
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 1,359,366
Rating: 4.9261351 out of 5
Keywords: SffZ, average, buzzfeed, buzzfeed lineup, buzzfeed privzte investigator, buzzfeed unsolved network, detective, guessing game, guessing games, guessing out of a lineup, line up, lineup, people guess, people interviews, pi guesses out of a lineup, private investigator, private investigator buzzfeed, private investigator guesses, psychic, psychic guesses out of a lineup, regular person, social experiment, storytelling, who's lying
Id: zdsPNaYtX7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
"You've seen a dead body?"
"Yeah. My grandma died a couple years ago. I went to her funeral."
"You've seen a dead body?"
"Yeah I'm an ER nurse."
"You've seen a dead body?"
"Yeah I was in the military."
I'm a Shaniac and I enjoy the cynicism of Shane, the silliness he brings into situations that already feel quite silly and unbelievable to me.
I wish ghosts were real though. The supernatural stuff seems really fun and exciting.
But-- Here's the thing. These videos lack the humour. And while they're sometimes clever in a fun kind of way-- there's a lack of depth that could be very helpful. Maybe it's the familiarity I have with the Ghoul Bois. I've seen their stuff. I know what to expect and I like it. Whereas these other videos are a completely different format.
I'd love to see a psychic fail at conning people. That's brilliant. We don't need everything else. Just pull a Ross and Carrie. Get a couple journalists to go see a psychic. Record it before and after. Talk about the price, whether or not they believe. Have them record the session in the psychic's office. Be more thoughtful and less 'flashy.'