Private Investigator Vs. Psychic: Can You Tell Who Has Seen A Dead Body?

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"You've seen a dead body?"

"Yeah. My grandma died a couple years ago. I went to her funeral."

"You've seen a dead body?"

"Yeah I'm an ER nurse."

"You've seen a dead body?"

"Yeah I was in the military."

I'm a Shaniac and I enjoy the cynicism of Shane, the silliness he brings into situations that already feel quite silly and unbelievable to me.

I wish ghosts were real though. The supernatural stuff seems really fun and exciting.

But-- Here's the thing. These videos lack the humour. And while they're sometimes clever in a fun kind of way-- there's a lack of depth that could be very helpful. Maybe it's the familiarity I have with the Ghoul Bois. I've seen their stuff. I know what to expect and I like it. Whereas these other videos are a completely different format.

I'd love to see a psychic fail at conning people. That's brilliant. We don't need everything else. Just pull a Ross and Carrie. Get a couple journalists to go see a psychic. Record it before and after. Talk about the price, whether or not they believe. Have them record the session in the psychic's office. Be more thoughtful and less 'flashy.'

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/real-dreamer 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello I'm a professional psychic and i'm here today to compete against a private investigator and an average person to determine who on our panel has seen a dead body I'm not confident at all I am not entirely positive that I can beat out maybe someone who's doing this professionally but I'm pretty good let's bring in our subjects all right how about you will you come join me what's your name damn damn are you from Florida how long you lived in California California since 2012 so you saw a dead body I did okay tell me about that I've really told this story to the bat many people I used to work for a company that delivered film eclipses most of the work happens in Miami so I would drive from Orlando to Miami and on the way back from one of those drives I was on the highway and we got stuck in traffic my wife came with me on this little girl friend event we saw that there was a police barricade few miles up ahead or not a few miles no few car lights we were waiting trying to figure out what's going on and then two cops come from the side of the grip truck that was driving flanked us and they have their guns drawn and long story short I saw a man being shot Mathcounts when was this this was right before I moved about 2011 the decedent was in a vehicle he was not he was a sort of bouncing between vehicles like ducking in and out of traffic okay we looked into it later and apparently was an armed robbery and he had gotten away in a car the cops with the guns so what when do you see them again they came on either side of the truck they've kind of flanked the truck driving on foot okay and then people in front of us started coming up like popping out of the cars mic pointing trying to direct the cops to the suspect and then we would just see like heads come up in traffic duck back down heads come up of police or law enforcement okay so then you drive by and you say that's when you saw the body so where was the body when you drive by that was on the right side so the passenger side of the truck and just out there on the pavement or out on the pavement it was raining so how long after the shooting did traffic get moving again or did you pass by it was strange it seemed like almost immediately they started to route cars around the body Hodge feel you felt sad for the person because there's just without really knowing the context of the shooting like you're seeing dead person like blood coming out of the mouth on the side of the road with the rain coming down it's like that's a former person alright well I think I can I can move on for now Dan I appreciate you taking the time why don't you join me please what's your name Devon Devon were you from I was born in Oregon but raised in San Diego only born first year in Oregon like first four years of my life okay do you live in LA now mm-hmm how long you live in LA yeah it's been off and on for the past 30 years told you I am 26 all right tell me about your dead body I was seven or eight and I was visiting my aunt and uncle at their place they're related by blood not married my aunt was making breakfast and she told me to go get my uncle from sleeping knocked on the door to wake him up he didn't move I just zoomed he was sleeping and just left I figured he would rustle and get up later it wasn't until my aunt was like why is he not coming out that I realized he was dead because she came out and was calling the police so technically saw a dead body didn't realize it was dead until a little bit after how old was he no it wasn't that close to him I want to say he was 30-something okay where was this this was in Salem we were visiting okay what time of day was this morning okay what time of year was it it's probably winning Turner I remember it was rainy or cloudy okay well as your uncle's name Harold you know how he died it was a heart attack so you knocked on the door you kind of poked your head in and then you laughed then what happened oh basically just went back to the table for breakfast it was pancakes so I was excited that was probably why I didn't pay that much attention he hadn't come out for a few minutes so she got suspicious I guess and went to check on him to see if everything was okay did police come yeah or like the ambulance like medics and all dream I was sad am i okay can you walk me through what happens the rest of that day well my parents then came to pick me up do they know or they just came back from this other appointment no Mike had called found out okay yeah we stayed there for a little while when my dad talked to his sister you were driving and my dad was asking me a lot of questions while we were in the car asked me about what I saw why didn't I say was there a funeral mm-hmm how soon after probably like two weeks after okay did you go yeah did you stay in Salem the whole time I think we did yeah all right well I think that's all I need for right now Devon I might I might need you later but thanks for your time Thanks your name Nate where you from from Long Beach and then I live in Glendale Long Beach Glendale you ever go anywhere else go to go to school somewhere uh anywhere out of state I've been to other states I lived pretty much solely within like Long Beach Los Alamitos when I was a kid okay and then a year ago I moved to to Glendale from Burbank you saw a dead body I did what happened um I was on a run and I spotted a man in a ditch where I was at Griffith Park on one of their hiking trails so you saw this guy in a ditch yeah it's it was kind of like a ditch it was like down lower from the path kind of were a bunch like that foliage was yeah so can you describe the path because it's different yeah I was on I don't know what the name of it was but I was on like what I was specifically like 1 to 2 mile loops how did you notice this guy what was the first thing you saw I got on the path and I was like yeah I'm gonna do this one this one's good after about like a minute or two I was like oh this is much more narrow that I thought it was and I look over and I thought I had seen like like trash or something like that at first and then I kind of like did a double-take and then I realized it was actually um like at that guy's torso he's just like a huddled up next to a tree kind of though so then what happens I freaked out okay and I called the police okay how do you mean when you say you freaked out I started hyperventilating I hadn't seen a dead body before then so you called i call 9-1-1 and what was their directive to you they wanted me to tell them where I was and to describe what I was seeing so they got somebody there mm-hmm so who was it was it it was two police officers okay and then what did they do one of them went to check the body and then the other one stayed up with me and started asking me questions and then the first one came back and and then they were both kind of talking to me for a little bit laughter they got my like ID and my contact information they told me I could leave and they said they would call me later do you have any idea how long the guy was there I found out that he he was missing for about two days they didn't want to tell me too much but I ended up finding his obituary okay what time of year was this January what year this was three years ago so 2016 or yeah like the very beginning of 2016 gotcha cool I think I'm good for now Nate thank you well I've interviewed the three subjects they all present compelling narratives I'm ready to bring in the lineup and let the interrogations begin hello I may ask each of your names Dan okay I'm Nate okay hi Dan I'd like to have you sit down for a moment nice to meet you okay how do you ever seen a dead body I'm sorry could you have your arms or your hands on cross please thank you so much have you ever seen a dead body before I have okay and could you describe what that was like the experience of actually seeing it was shocking in retrospect it's incredibly sad it was a person on the road that have just been shot by the police and to just see a dramatic end to a person's life and to just see how quickly like everybody just kind of moves on people just drive by and this person was just now dead laying there it's absolutely heartbreaking what was the context of this day it was in Florida I was at work I used to work at a place that rented out film equipment and so we were delivering equipment from Orlando to Miami I learned in retrospect it had been a an armed robbery you know robbed a gas station convenience store and when you first saw this individual wine there did you have any judgments about it that he perhaps he deserved it I never thought that this person deserved I didn't see him with a weapon so I don't think there's any justification for deadly force does your girlfriend typically go in the car with your work days no she daren't we were planning to move to Los Angeles for grad school and so she had already quit her job and I was just finishing mine up and so she just decided to make a day trip with me okay so yeah we were going to a film set so there's this point do you remember like any specific songs that we're on the radio or anything like is you guys were having at the time no issues we were having that event I think would have stuck out on the radio I know we tried mainly to just kind of listen to NPR but you don't remember any topics or anything like that I mean no no not at all okay thank you so much thank you yeah hi Devon Devon nice to meet you have you ever seen a dead body before I have okay do you remember what sex the body was yeah it was a male it was my uncle so sorry and what was the context of the viewing or that he was just in his bed and I went to go wake him up for breakfast didn't peeked in when he didn't whereas respond I didn't realize he was dead until I went back to my aunt to eat breakfast in a few minutes past and then she went back to check on him and rail I realized it what prompted you to check on him was he your like where his II did he oversleep or I know I was just helping my aunt out in the kitchen and then she just told me to grab him we just figured he was sleeping in was it a school thing no it was during a break I believe I see like so some type of like Thanksgiving or Christmas spring holiday yeah probably yeah maybe Spring Break interesting and do call but like transpired afterwards what was the chain of events my of course was freaking out and she told me to grab the phone for her and she met me at the door so I wouldn't go in and she called 9-1-1 a few minutes later some medics and a coronary came Wow that sounds very traumatic it's weirder looking back on it no yeah no doubt if you were seven and how old or you know I'm 26 were you shocked to find him or just in denial or disbelief yeah I guess I was in disbelief I kind of figured that like oh well he might seem dead but you know there's medical people here now so maybe he'll be okay and that my parents came to pick me up my dad asked me a bunch of questions about it it was your father's or your mother's uncle my dad's brother what did he say when he arrived he just focused on talking to his sister and asking about what was going on and asking basically anybody he could what happened told was her uncle though tell me uh I wasn't super close to him and I didn't pay attention to age much but somewhere in his 30s oh wow that's quite young do you recall what eventually they figured out that he died from it was a heart attack wow that's so young was he generally healthy or Vegas mid-range when he passed did you have any like thoughts or ideas about what that afterlife might be like I had been to a couple funerals prior to that and so I kind of just bought whatever I was told what transpired after that we were driving back to the hotel my dad was asking about why I hadn't kind of figured that out sooner I guess my young self was like oh god I'm in trouble for not realizing that he was dead at the time okay thank you so much nice to meet ya Jaime have you ever seen a dead body before I have could you just describe the circumstances probably around that place yeah I was on a run and I looked off to the side of the path and I saw when I found out was a dead person did you smell anything around out when it mostly smelled like water and I think it rained the night before did you like have any initial thoughts about it it took me a second to realize what I was looking at and then afterwards I got really scared and it took me a minute to calm down and then when I down eh I caught the police are you bringing in a trowel yeah it'sit's a hiking trail up by Griffith Park how old are you no I'm 28 and I see how old were you at the time of the incident I this was three years ago so I was maybe like 28 24 25 what would draw you into being attracted to run in that particular space it's just like very outdoorsy I guess it's kind of like a nature hike was there anything that interests you you about this man's story like what how did he get there was he murdered no is he doing or I eventually figured out or I learned what had happened to him he fell off the path and hit his head and then kind of froze in the middle that I essentially did this raise any issues emotionally for you or did you have to get therapy or yes at the time I was very scared I had not seen that that person before afterwards when I was there the next day to sign some stuff he actually suggested I talked to somebody and I ended up seeing them for for about two months and if I asked you today what are your thoughts about that experience and your relationship to it what would you say it's not pleasant to think about still is there anything that triggers it like you won't think about it for a while and then don't see something on the news I get triggered by it no but I haven't been to that trail since did you follow this in the media or were you getting your information primarily from the officers who investigated the scene or I asked them about it they told me just kind of like the facts that's how I found out about the head injury and then I ended up finding his obituary sometime after that did you ever reach out to his family or did they reach out to you no have you ever had any curiosity about who he was connected to or his story or I did but I thought it'd be best if I if I didn't try and pursue that all righty thank you so much thank you actually point I'm not sure exactly who's telling the truth pretty difficult to tell with this group all right bring in the lineup you all look suspicious great I'll just go right down the line hello how are you good how are you good so let's just start fresh you tell me just a little bit about your experience with seeing a dead body okay so basically I went to check in on my uncle like knock on his door to wake him up when I was seven he didn't really respond I didn't think anything of it all right we'll see you at breakfast and went back and then a few minutes later my aunt found that he was in fact dead and I hadn't realized now what did your aunt do when she found him she kind of raised her voice to try to wake him up a few times and then called me to grab the phone and bring it to her so she could call the police got it we particularly close with your uncle no not really where was this this was in Salem Oregon oh so you were visiting family for how long it was originally just supposed to be a week and then they've got short mm-hmm what was kind of like the thing for you that stood out about this experience besides that besides you know the big one I can't say there was anything particularly strange other than that Jeff yeah and then my other and then seeing other people's reaction to death I think I'm good okay thank you very much thank you for your time next how's it goin it's okay right so yeah why don't you just give me a quick little top line of your experience I was on a run a hiking path and I looked over into a ditch and I saw a dead guy where was this run in Los Angeles it was in Griffith Park and the dead guy was Bush on the track where it was like down a couple feet from the path and Mike hunched up next to a tree how long ago with this about three years ago what time of day this was really early in the morning I was trying to do like I'd like a morning run you went for a morning run how long into the run was this right away right away yeah I like I got to the place I parked I walked up a hill I picked the path I was gonna go on and then maybe like five minutes into it I saw the guy how do you think he died oh he died of blunt force trauma and hypothermia yeah like he fell he hit his head and then got with her me what did you do when you found him I panicked right after like a minute or two I kind of I kind of caught my breath and then called the police got at home to take for the police to get to the park how long like maybe like 5-10 minutes this was what time of year this was January I think I'm good thank you very much how are ya I'm doing well how are you I'm pretty good so why don't you give me a quick little summary sure so I was making a drive from Miami to Orlando for work got it and I saw a man shot by the cops I didn't see the the bullets go in but I definitely saw the aftermath so you were driving yes I don't know how and you were it so you were in the car where was the guy he was sort of weaving in and out of traffic on foot got it and the cops were pursuing him so what happened after he died did you drive off or did like did traffic resumed yes you yeah terrifyingly quickly he died sort of in the the far right lane so traffic was routed around him but he was laying there he they don't cover the body like you imagined them to and it was raining where we were headed we were headed back to Orlando I worked for a company that rented out film equipment and most of the work happened in Miami it was a Michael Bay's pain and game we're driving down to deliver a few lights we were on our way back up so it must have been sometime sometime in the afternoon so we had to be down there at 7 a.m. I think yeah won't make you relive that I don't know it's the same so no thank you I think I'm pretty sure about who's telling the truth [Music] well this task was challenging I believe it's probable that Dan is the one who's telling the truth I agree this has been spectacularly difficult to determine I think it's Nate my instinct was to pay attention to body language so I'm going to have to go with Dan I mean fad I'm sorry Dan's reaction physically speaking psychologically speaking was realistic I mean he seemed to be affected by the memory a little bit Devon on the other hand you know seemed a little cold and detached Nate's and I almost laid it on a little too thick look at Dan I felt that maybe I didn't get a good enough feel for the reaction of his girlfriend in the car and the events that transpired afterwards but yeah I kept going back and forth and I made the wrong decision I actually narrowed it down to Devon and Dan for me to bounce sorry was the simplest and it came down to the time that has passed since the story and her inability to recount like small strange details I feel like it's something that really would have been solidified there and especially around situations that stick out in your memory you
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 1,359,366
Rating: 4.9261351 out of 5
Keywords: SffZ, average, buzzfeed, buzzfeed lineup, buzzfeed privzte investigator, buzzfeed unsolved network, detective, guessing game, guessing games, guessing out of a lineup, line up, lineup, people guess, people interviews, pi guesses out of a lineup, private investigator, private investigator buzzfeed, private investigator guesses, psychic, psychic guesses out of a lineup, regular person, social experiment, storytelling, who's lying
Id: zdsPNaYtX7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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