Privacy Fence | 10 Tips & Tricks

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howdy friends I'm Joe for those either don't know and welcome through another blistering hot summer day on the homestead today I wanted to show you what went into building my privacy fence actually it's more like a trash enclosure area but we'll call it a privacy fence keeps my trash private and keeps the dogs out that's really the big thing I'm not really gonna show you the fence building because you can find videos on that all over I'm just gonna kind of go over some tips and tricks of things that I do that are different that make it easier maybe not different but just some little things that can make your job a little bit easier or that you haven't seen yet that might be kind of neat take it away okay tip number one wait your fence port is when you get them to really wet and they're gonna get all twisted and stuff like that and it's just no good so alright what I do is just put some weight in there try and keep it out of the direct Sun the next tip is kind of just good to have around you can use it on any sort of project reuse and a posts tip number two if you have some bar clamps take in bar clamp your level onto your post or levels tip number two point five have your wife dig the holes pull that third tip cutting a 4x4 this comes in handy anyway cutting 4x4 four by six cutting posts or beams this technique I use when I'm cutting a 4x4 I'll mark three sides of the 4x4 and then I start my cut and I don't Ray don't take my saw out until I'm finished cutting is when you remove the saw you kind of change your angle and it just doesn't come out right so just keep the saw in the board at all times Wow so this one's really handy these brackets they are called an FB 24 Z made by Simpson Strong Tie and what they focus they are just they make it so easy and they make your fence come out really nice and last longer you know what take it away handsome now these things are great because typically when you see a fence people run the 2x4 flat and you'll notice that over time they'll start to sag these clips allow you to run the 2x4 I guess you would call it vertically and 2x4 has more strength this way than it does this way that's why I like your floor joists azar ran vertically rather than horizontally like this because over there's just no no meat here to hold so these clips are really neat for that so let's go ahead and put one up take the your long board before you cut it put it in there it holds it makes it real easy for one level it out mark the bottom of your board just like that pretty simple and easy makes it real nice because you don't have to have someone hold it while you're screwing it in just sits there and hangs out focus focus on those perros there it is Simpson makes these screws and they're self drilling this tip I think it's the coolest thing I mean it just really ups the defense game um you know what let him take care of it so there's one tip that you take away from this I would hope that this would be the one because I think this is the one of the better things you could do for your fence is this board here so the way that this works is you put this in and this will be this will be just just about ground level I'm gonna bring this up a bit with gravel and then your fence boards but into that and what that does is it keeps these off the ground one they break or they're just stuck in the dirt all the time and you know II like your weed eating or your scraping through here and you just kind of beat them up but this keeps you up off the ground this will last a lot longer than then the fence boards and it also just kind of gives a clean look typically I'll pre-drill especially when you're so close to the edge [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what you get found some jackpot ones no see show me open it up down in the creek nice juicy oh sorry oh dear you're still bunch blackberries right yeah you've been eating them I can tell the puppies eat me oh yeah okay I live here you get a stomachache strings are you really pretty useful in the construction industry so yeah pay attention to this one so took the measurement off the piece over the pieces that I've already mounted over there if this is level which it is should be able to take that measurement and bring it over here and transfer it to the post here now this that mark there and the top of that fence is level I'll take a string and run off the top of that over to here and that'll give me my height level height to cut my my fence boards [Music] [Music] anytime you're doing angles just show this one off this will this will help out if you if you ever get the chance use it as you might be able to tell this board here is slope following the the grade of the the ground and I want to figure out what this angle is so that I can transfer that to my deck boards so what I'll do is I'll just take a scrap piece of what I'm using a lighter colored word so you can see the pencil and I'll mark it right along the post on the back and take the square speed square go right to the point and follow that mark and look down on my square and it says it's about six degrees so I know now that I need to cut my angle on my boards at six degrees all the way through being that this wood is very green or wet I know it's gonna shrink over time so I will measure I'm gonna go right up against the next board and I'll measure right on the edge of the other board and that was fifty nine and a half so I'll mark 59 and a half run that mark all the way through and then try not to move it you're square and find six degrees back here mark that through that's your cut and cut it and that was long point this will be my face that 59 was a long point [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] now to mark things through is a really a big deal yeah I remember when I first started you just start throwing your tape wild and then you end up with this thing that you cut and it doesn't even fit you know and then you start to understand oh I have to wear my tape goes is where my measurements are made and yeah so that's always it's always nice to happen and always remember you know to tape control tape control a lot of this has to do with tape control so you can't just stab your tape anywhere and and hope for it you want to make sure that the edge of your tape that's gonna touch the wood is right on the corner there and measure to the string you could measure over here but then you'd be off at an angle and it's not gonna give you the correct management so now I'm at fifty eight and three sixteenths [Music] hopefully this was helpful and you got some good ideas and some things you can carry in your back pocket and use later on not only on offense [Music] I'm also doing a video on that gate there I call it the ze a so stay tuned for that one thanks for watching see on the next one [Music]
Channel: JoeSimple
Views: 42,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Privacy fence, dog eared fence, fence, cedar fence, wood fence, redwood fence, fence framing, fb24z, simpson strong-tie, fence bracket, diy fence, diy, fence base board, angle cuts, top 10, 10 tips, 10 tips and tricks, homesteading, tape mesure, string level
Id: -V86mVrNVL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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