When You Say The Wrong Thing In Prison ( Prison Story )

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you know one-liners are really big here on after prison show sometimes Dave or I mostly Dave sometimes we say some pretty slick things that are just kind of catchy Eminem MGK you ain't got million on these punchline one-liners did after prints she'll be coming up with but sometimes yes we come up with some pretty catchy one-liners just like this one that I want to share with you that I myself came up with that I'm pretty proud of this one y'all ready for this beatdown from the seat down it's not really it's not really as good as I thought it was is it but think about that beatdown from the seat now boy you look like you just got beat down from the seat now I don't know but I promise you beat down from the seat down most certainly applies to this prison story that I'm getting ready to share with all of you and what this story is about is about saying the wrong thing in prison and how doing so could lead to detrimental results and you know I'll be the first to admit that this has definitely happened to me I have definitely said the wrong things while locked up in fact a perfect example of that is a guy who was nicknamed Tyson that I myself would end up fighting I definitely said the wrong thing to this dude and you know we would end up fighting or more so this guy would end up knocking me out all stemming from saying the wrong thing while in prison but thankfully for me in this story it's not gonna be me getting knocked down as much as I'm sure a lot of you out there would just love to be hearing all about Joe just tell us all the stories about all the different times you got knocked out I'm sure you got knocked out quite a few different times and yes well in that quite a few but you know I did get knocked down a time or two or maybe three times I don't like reliving that doing and you know some of it I can't even remember you know why cuz I was knocked out and the story that I'm getting ready to share with you though it won't involve an individual getting knocked out it definitely involves a really crazy fight that took place and it all stems from saying the wrong thing now with this story I cannot give this guy's real name and their and the reason for that is because this guy he's a friend of mine on Facebook like some other folks have been friends of mine on Facebook too who we've told stories about so I'm gonna have to give this guy in alias because just like other folks that we've given aliases to this is definitely a very embarrassing story and you know there's gonna be things that happen to you while you're locked up that you were just gonna want to forget just as soon as they happen such as me again mentioning that Tyson fight you know when I got knocked out and then when I recovered and and I was laying there on the ground inside of a cooler in a prison kitchen I was wanting to forget about that just as soon as I was picking myself up off of that crown as groggy and discombobulated as I was doing stuff so I'm definitely gonna be using an alias in this video and asked for the other guy in questioning this I don't even remember his name and the crazy thing is this guy was my cellie so the story begins with an introduction to both of the prisoners who were involved in this unbelievably crazy fight that took place that again I've kind of feel responsible for because I probably said the wrong thing but first I want to introduce you to my cellie and again I cannot remember this guy's name you know that's crazy to think about being just how crazy this story is altogether but my cellie this young black kid who was super frail real skinny kid and ultimately I thought he was pretty cool when he first moved into my cell you know we had no issues we had this top corner cell in the cell block we were out of the way you know I love this cell for whatever reason those top corner cells are sometimes bigger than the other cells and this cell was one of those bigger cells it was again away from all the craziness and you know that could be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time the corner cells are those back cells in the cell blocks or oftentimes where a lot of fighting takes place a lot of illegal activity a lot of crazy activity if you can read between the lines tends to take place but it's also a luxury cell in the cell block again it's bigger than most of the cells and it's away from most everything else that's good it's about as far away from everything in the jail or the prison as you can get you know still being locked up and this would be the cell that I would share with this young kid now again to describe this kid he was young he was skinny and he had gold teeth and now I didn't know too much about gold I've never had funds I've never you know I might have wanted them when I was younger god I can't even imagine what I would look like with some damn Gold's in my mouth but you know to paint the picture of this kid he was young he was skinny and he had goals and now when you get locked up you know if you've got gold usually you could take those Gold's out those fronts out and you know they'll put them in your property well this kid he didn't have his taken out but in fact these things were cemented in his mouth and I guess that's like an option that you got whenever you get these things in the first place you can get them cemented in but what I would quickly come to realize is getting gold fronts cemented in your mouth it's not something you should ever do and the reason for that which again I would quickly learn about it's because when they're cemented in your mouth you've got no way to brush your teeth no way at all so those teeth that you've got underneath that a little itty-bitty bit of gold in your mouth out of it like I don't even know how about some gold fronts already like 150 200 I know they ain't very much at all now for some basic ones at least and then a little bit of money that you're gonna spend on them gold teeth it does not even begin to compare so how much you're gonna be paying in dental repair bills trying to get your teeth fixed to the decaying underneath those things and again all of this is news to me I'm seeing this kid he comes in he's got these golds I'm like wow I didn't know you could have goals in the gym boy you started you start you got some gold teeth a what what is this smell as soon as the dog walked into the shell I mean it was like do it God boy you smell like you belong on an episode of The Walking Dead man waiting to God dude is that your socks I'm being a sock for brand-new where's the smell coming from you know it would actually take me a little while to recognize this smell was coming from his mouth from the decay and that deterioration of his teeth and gums and gingivitis and all sorts of stuff it was taking place inside this man spit box it was nasty and you know you don't really want to call somebody out immediately as soon as they come he said I don't know this kid yeah he's young skinny frail he's got some gold teeth but I don't really know he could be trained to go and I gotta be honest but Joe ain't really built like that I mean if I can pinpoint exactly what the problem is I'm gonna call you out on it but I'm trying to figure this thing I have no idea where this smell is coming from all I know is as soon as he crossed that threshold into the cell it went from regular jail smells which isn't very good at all to immediate waiting the gap my god it feels like my eyes is watering did you bring that in here with you what you got in your luggage what you got bang we got a body in there it would take me a little while to pinpoint where the smell was coming from in the way that I would be able to do so is this guy found out that I was doing tattoos he was super lucky I want to get a tattoo hey could you put V a on my neck absolutely man I got you just give me like just give me like three ramen noodle soups man I don't make commissary I don't have a dollar to my name three ramen noodle soup well that's like Thanksgiving for the kid I need that and any none but a VA I mean we could do that all day you know I should have probably got hazard pay on top of that because as I'm tattooing this kid's neck you know he's asking he's like how how's it coming as soon as this guy began to muster the first syllable the first H in house it was like what that's coming out your mouth gasps with that smell that smell is coming out of your mouth and you need to get you some cement what you got to get that out your mouth kid you too young lad your mouth smell how do you own a conversation with anybody before they probably locked you up because of that that's not malicious well it isn't a so charge you speaking to me as an assumption I'm ready to go down to the magistrate right now and take out shop what legitimately that was probably one of the toughest tattoos that I ever did in my life because I literally had to do that tattoo like this so don't say that that it's so much done can't remember the kid's name though that's the damnedest thing about the situation not remember his name you don't want a sake of this video let's call this kid the mouth the mouth or mouthy mr. Mouse mr. mouth now I gotta go ahead and introduce you to the other contender who would do battle with the mouth mr. mouth mouthpiece mouth guard we're gonna call him Colgate Colgate boy that's a strong prisoner a coke a kungai ain't that the name of toothpaste yeah that's exactly what you need in your mouth you need to eat that stuff breakfast lunch and dinner eat a whole tube of it Colgate they got it on commissary Colgate is contestant number one let me go introduce you to contestant number two who would do battle with Colgate now I definitely know this guy's name because again he's on my Facebook friends page and you know if you're seeing this video I apologize but you got to admit this was probably the craziest situation you've dealt with while you were locked up and I'm sorry I still would like to have you on after prison show contestant number two we go call this dude we're gonna call him white boy I don't mean that to be any kind of racial thing at all but that's what I want to call this do because you know Colgate he's this young skinny black kid young kid well white boy was the same exact thing except he was a white dude and my cell he was a black dude now the reason I want to use this nickname is because mind you in this jail I was the only white dude in this cellblock until white boy came up in there and this just sounds crazy to me even using his name Joe you probably should have thought of a better nickname that someone sounds bad I don't mean it to sound bad I'm just really giving you like the demographics I need to portray this for whatever reason my white boy would end up coming into the cellblock and you know he sees me and he kind of like latches on to me probably a big reason for that is because we're the same color or the same race or whatever but whatever you know I talked with this kid from time to time but I talked to everybody in here you know I'm cool with everybody and it just so happens that this young dude white boy he tries to kind of latch on to me and you know he's also having some problems with some of the dudes who were locked up in here and I got to emphasize like everybody who was in this jail in this cellblock they are all snitching they're all jumping all cases and they're all proud of this and this is something that I don't do it all this is something that guys will literally come up to me and be like Joe you ain't telling why you ain't telling I mean for red you need to try to give back some of that time y'all needed water damn dude you definitely don't need to be giving me no advice I'm gonna be I'm gonna do mine as crazy as this is this is legitimately the way that it was and I didn't really know nothing about white boy the greatest thing is I saw him on the moves I saw what he was getting locked up for and then all of a sudden comes through the cellblock and it's for some pretty bad charges nothing violent but bad charges nonetheless charges they're definitely gonna carry a lot of time and all of a sudden here goes white boy into the cellblock like I know why does he kind of latched on something and again this dude was having some problems you know I don't know why he was having some problems I didn't really have too many problems in here and honestly I don't know what I did not fit in in here at all I wasn't telling I wasn't down with the whole snitch crew but maybe it was because of the fact that I was older and I am kind of a big dude you know I just look like this though don't get it twisted I would be the first to admit that in most cases I am big for nothing but let me also clarify from time to time I do beginning my thing off I do I do begin the duck it may be seldom it may be very seldom I don't know why it was that I didn't have problems I don't know why I was this dude had problem maybe it was because he was young maybe it was because he was like just a skinny little stick figure of a dude he was tall like I remember that I don't know maybe they thought he was a fish he was fresh meat he was the newbie I had been in this jail at this point for almost two years so maybe you know I was kind of like an OG I'm really just trying to honestly figure it out for myself as I explained it to you guys why I wasn't having problems and he was I was also a tattoo man as well so that you know that probably as crazy as it is to admit this that probably definitely carried a lot of weight I was needed whereas this kid didn't really bring to the table but with the fact that this kid was having problems from time to time I will never forget this this kid comes up to me this one day and he's like Joe I need you to do me a favor can you watch my commissary bag and this kid's got one of these Christmas bags full of goodies zoom zoom zoom and where's ramen soups have everything and you know what I also gotta admit this maybe that was why I kind of allowed this kid to latch on to me you know you're gonna have friends wildlife dump that are only your friends because of what benefit they can be to you and I know that sounds horrible but it's the truth this kid had comments and I did and y'all white boy you could definitely be my homeboy and it's my homeboy I don't want the problem I ain't gonna protect them but damn okay I got a cup of coffee you know this is embarrassing for me too to admit these things but I'm always gonna keep it 100 with y'all he comes up to me one day and he asked me if I could watch his commissary bag he's like I got to go do something today and I'm thinking to myself we locked up with you what you gotta go do that me and what you got an appointment you got a job interview like what you got to do we locked up you got court you're gonna see your lawyer I don't know if it was like me being naive or me probably just not wanting to admit what I probably already knew which was if you tell me you got something to go do you're probably going out there to do something you probably shouldn't be doing how many times did I just say probably right there take a shot for every time I already know but he asked me if I could watch the commissary bag Joe can you watch this Christmas bag of goodies I got right here you know help yourself to anything you might want you wanna you wanna Rama Shh you are it's all about Hell myself definitely eat meters this icy white hi thank you I yeah but watch it okay get this honey buns ooh I got you man you bi go take care of job interview or whatever the guy with what you got a doctor's appointment i watch the commissary bag this kids gone and you know he's not gone for an hour two hours is half a day this kid's gone all day and you know now I'm already knowing okay I'm kind of hoping he don't come back cuz I want this Christmas babbling boy hope you don't come back all these damn eyes you wait for my girls and Christina Aguilera's I got right here blob fool you don't used to be in the hungry man while locked up now I got I got something hope he don't come back I hope they transferred him but throughout the course of the day while he's gone you know some of these other snitch prisoners who I have to deal with because that's all I'm surrounded by you know they're coming up to me and they're like hey Joe a white boy white boy I don't know he just told me had something to do it might be I have no idea you might got swimming practice or something they got a pool within Joe you know what he out there doing don't you you know what he out there do I don't have the slaves I don't care you know he'd finally telling weight telling on me because he don't know nothing about me I told him I was locking for the chain walking charge you ain't gonna snitch on me my boy done told me don't tell nobody in here about my case she told me how bad y'all wasn't here think I'm tellin ya got 14 jaywalking shots and face in life you can tell me what you want to tell them yeah I watched me cross the street when he was supposed to it was a green light he cross that Street he did it right there that was that bad legitimately that's how bad does jail was it was sometime in the evening time I want to say like five or six you get locked down a little bit before that they do count they pass out trays eat your tray in your cell and then they you know they let you out after count after dinner raise it's about 6:00 6:30 in the evening time so they opened the bars up and we're able to come out of ourselves and you know he comes back here he comes damn why you have to come back I thought it was transferring you man I could see him walking down the hallway being escorted by a guard it's nothing but plexiglass windows you can see a lot of what's going on out in the hallway so I see him coming back he comes in he comes right up to the shell comes in my cell he's like yeah Joe hey thanks for watching my bag man you know thank you and when he gets in there he smells straight like cigarettes this kid smells like a pack of smokes cigarette he smells like an ashtray and so I'm like you know I'm used to smelling bad breath now I'm smelling nothing but cigarettes so he tells me he's like man boy you'd never believe why was that today Joe why you ain't gotta tell me I could smell it I could smell it I know what you was that you bring back any cigarettes you did Joe man they done took me down to the station dog they took me down to the station you know this gotta be the face stop looking at my complete dumbfounded like why do I care why are you even telling me this and he was proud of this too you know like he was proud of it would you eat for lunch today baloney is cheese you you eat some sweat meat mystery meat for lunch I eat chick-fil-a Joe chick-fil-a's would offend me I got to smoke some cigarettes you know you put like four syllables of cigarettes I got to smoke me some cigs cigarettes I tried to put four I name I don't know how to do it and I got to see my girl today Dana you got all that just for telling Jim complain tell it to I ain't got nobody come see me but chick-fil-a sound real good right I shouldn't even laugh a joke about I never snitch never would no matter how many chick-fil-a sandwiches visits from a girlfriend that I didn't have at the time oh my cigarettes you would allow me to smoke that's sounds like a great deal you're gonna throw somebody else's life away just so you can get a number one combo from chick-fil-a and spend ten minutes with your girl and smoke a couple of Marlboro menthols yeah you you will stand up do man stand up but he's telling me all of this like he's proud about I'm like do it take your stuff you know now I'm keeping you at arm's distance for real I'm disappointed like I'm not only disappointed I'm like you know God I said no and any time I shouldn't know and though I would keep this dude his arm's distance I would be lying if I said here told you I didn't still continue to kick it with the dough because I was kicking it with all snitches it was the only people that it was surround to me if I wanted to talk to anybody in this housing unit or cellblock there wasn't telling no matter I didn't know if my cellmate was telling the young kid that you know with the bad breath I didn't know if he was telling Colgate I didn't know him well enough to know him you know he was doing any of that just yet the only way that I could concrete like absolutely guaranteed that I wasn't talking to somebody who was telling and if I wanted to have a conversation with that person I would have to talk to my pillow or a roll of toilet paper draw in a little Wilson face on it that's the only way I could guarantee that I would not be talking to somebody who was testifying against somebody else about to throw their whole life away just in an effort for them to get a time cut so of course the people that I would have to associate with that was the type of people where people who were most certainly and probably testifying on somebody else but I'm saying all that because it was somewhere along the lines and it probably came up in a conversation about tattoo hey Jill you'll be doing tattoos you damn right I'll be doing tattoos try and get a tattoo it's only gonna cost you that entire Christmas bag of comments that you got right there oh damn I see white Christina Aguilera white girls and then regular honey buns you got Odin zum-zum a man whatever you want with tattooing on you with your telling ass he was like oh did you do this dude the VA on your celly neck [ __ ] wouldn't look good yeah I did that it wasn't pretty doll I had to do the whole tattoo like that somewhere along the lines I said the wrong thing I said something about my cellmates breath to this guy white boy the snitch how to call a Christina Aguilera that sounds like a better name Christina Aguilera that's what I'm gonna nickname man so we got Colgate and Christina Aguilera because you know a nice you white honey bun a honey bun with white icing on it they oftentimes refer to these as white girls well locked up or also pretty ingenious if you ask me a Christina Aguilera and you got em Christina Aguilera was over there too for three I got two you give me three back when you go to the store you don't even go to the store you ain't get enough of me I said the wrong thing I know I did because he wouldn't know about my my cellmates breath any other way so I mentioned all of to get to the climax of this story the fight and this fight would happen sometime after breakfast time you know you lock down your sleeping they roll the bars or they feed you breakfast first they feed you while you lock down so around like 6:00 in the morning they come to pass out trays it might be 5:00 5:30 they're passing out the breakfast trays you get up eat your breakfast and then they open the box for whatever reason I was outside of the cell like down at the table doing something had to be because I remember when this took place I was in the day room and this fight would take place in the day room now oftentimes after breakfast guys will eat the trade go back to sleep make their bed lay on top of her blanket and their sheets as long as your beds made you can sleep all day here some guys they wake up maybe they'll start working out first thing in the morning maybe they get up and they read because in the morning time it's gonna be the most peaceful time because most everybody's asleep I'm out of the cell and something else that takes place during this time when guys go back to sleep or will get up and just you know do their little morning routine is you'll have guys who are laying in their bunks and they'll be having conversations with other guys who are laying in their bunks hey yo do do do do you see that game last night you should enter the game the game will crazy about on the radio you are in cell 14 this dude is in sofa why are y'all talking across the entire cellblock and 622 in the morning get up and take the conversation out to the day room is something I never said never cuz again Joe wasn't really built like that so I wasn't gonna be all wrong but you would definitely be thinking that you're trying to go back to sleep where most people are and you got two guys from complete opposite sides of the cellblock trying to hold a conversation like the Sports Center boys you see that time template dude dude hey dude oh you up I'm pretty sure with the whole housing units up now you rude person have some common carrier wait we locked up there ain't no such thing as common courtesy but there is respect no you're better has some spec you better put some spec on a name but you're gonna be a spec stain on the floor so I want to paint that picture for you because that's kind of how the conversation begins with my cellmate Colgate and Christina Aguilera and now mind you these two dudes they were kind of cool cuz they were both young they were probably the two youngest guys in the cell block and when I say y'all they were like in their early 20s I believe like 19 or 20 but these two dudes begin like laughing and joking with each other and mind you Colgate is my cellie we're all the way in that top corner cell Christina Aguilera's somewhere down in the middle he's on the bottom tier somewhere down in the middle but they're talking to each other from the cells and again they're laughing and joking with each other and one thing about laughing and joking with somebody while locked up is it is very easy for that laughing and joking that little friendly commader ii that little friendly haha to be take it to the fight level it's very easy all you got to do is just say the wrong thing offend somebody and boom it's time to put your shoes on and knuck if you buck for real and ironically just to throw this in here that whole fight that took place between me and Tyson started out the exact same way we were friends first and we were just laughing and joking at first and then I said the wrong thing and then he said the wrong thing and then I called that dude out why did I do that again some things that happen well locked up you just want to forget about him soon as I had but cocaine Christina Aguilera they just laughing and joking with each other me and Christina Aguilera says something about my cellmates breath and you know by this point the entire cellblock all of the prisoners who were in this cellblock this is sort of like a little inside joke amongst each other they all know about my sillies breath in fact when they talk to my selling cuz they like them but when they talk to him they hold a conversation with him like this I go get what you was talking about hey hey Cole Gary hey turn that way when you talking to be cold I can still smell your breath they all know my cellmates breath stinks and I'm not really sure if anybody's really brought it to his attention up until when Christina Aguilera at about 6:20 2:00 in the morning make some kind of a funny little haha joke about Colgate's breath and when he does this all of that laughing and joking and a little friendly haha stuff goes completely out the window and when Christina Aguilera makes that little joke about Colgate's breath the entire cellblock even the guy that was asleep bust out by me laughing you woulda thought you was at the comedy club or something and then you guys just imagine your Colgate you're set up in your bunk and you hear this you hear Christina Aguilera make the joke and then you hear the whole cellblock just go times that by 10 because you probably got at least 30 people in this cellblock that's gotta be an embarrassing situation for gold gate to find himself in and obviously it was obviously it struck the wrong chord in him because it would be immediately then my celly mr. Colgate was running down the stairs and I don't know if it was hearing them footsteps coming down them stairs here and my celly jumping off his bunk but Christina Aguilera oh you were gonna go he was ready as well and you know he jumped up and you know this surprises me because again I'm sitting in the day room I'm watching all of this take place I'm I'm hearing my silly jump off his bunk I see him running down the steps and I see Christina Aguilera running out the cell with his shoes on as well it is surprising because I'm like damn I ain't even really know Christina Aguilera was gonna go like that I thought he might just like copley you know Stan - Stan man down stand down stand down before you a man down another one-liner right there with Christina Aguilera running out of the cell and my silly colgate running down the stairs these two would meet in the middle right there in the middle of the day room and again mind you Dave room bunch of plexiglass windows you got the hallway right there right across from the hallway you got the guards booth bunch of pledged glass windows right there they definitely go see what's about to take place and when these dudes met right there in the middle I don't know if it was like pre-loaded but my cell he was coming down them stairs like this just winding up and he hit Christina Aguilera with like this Three Stooges typo over the head haymaker bum when Colgate hit Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera kind of tumble but he caught himself and when he caught himself he grabbed Colgate and we grabbed him he scooped him up boom and he dumped them and I'm like damn Christina Aguilera boy damn how you eat that over the head wound up tornado haymaker and then you were covered enough to get I mean you just took out the garbage would they do Christina Aguilera dumped Colgate boom boom sound effect boom Colgate I mean immediately right on his feet but now now he's only got one off he's only got one when throwing to buy and I'm not paying attention to what's going on because you know my cell he's flapping around like this this is what he's doing and this thing right here just ain't working at all so I'm like did he break is all the Christina Aguilera just break Colgate's on like what happened I'm watching my celly fight Christina Aguilera with one arm and I'm watching Christina Aguilera eat a lot eat eat like a feast like a meal eat a lot of these one-arm jabs from Kogi but he's still trying to go but with every Jam Christina Aguilera gets a little lower now I don't know how long this fight actually lasted for but it felt like it lasted quite a long time it might not have no but I am in fraud in this situation like oh my god boy colgate got one hand he got I want to say he got them hands boy ain't Co get you got some hands don't ya he had one hand because the other one was broke linked in Christina Aguilera you know he was actually doing I in this thing even though he was eating a lot of the money into jabs he was fair word okay at least I thought he was because you know this this other person to do the snitch guy for sure it had to be a snitch because everybody in there was you know he says to me as I'm watching this he tapped on my shoulders like Joe Joe do you see that that I see a lot of that but what you talking about that I'm looking up here what you looking at this other prisoner Sesame says Joe do you see that pointing to the ground I haven't been looking at the ground at all last time I looked at the ground was when Colgate was getting dumped on the ground and then getting up with a flat tire I've been looking up here at these one arms hands that's what I've been looking at but down there on the ground it was brought to my attention and I looked down there and I see something I don't even know what I'm seeing I'm like what is that what is that and ladies and gentlemen what it was was doo doo doo doo balls and I'm not talking about that prison meal that we made that one time talking about legitimate ones and they're trickling dead like it's almost like a candy machine like a candy bar you put the quarter in you twist the thing he wasn't coming down Shh you pull it out that's sort of like what this is except it's way more disgusting but you know you don't have to wonder for too long like which one of these guys is getting beat down from the seat down see how that threw that one line or in there right now comment down below and genius Joe genius you don't have to wonder because the culprit the man responsible for the man taking the beat down from the seat down it was Christina Aguilera because when coat and like you know I think I fancy myself somebody who knows how to put a puzzle together and like a mystery and investigation even though I've never been a police and I've never totally and ironically I feel like I'm good at solving unsolved mysteries or mysteries or whatever but from what I gather from what I pieced together when Cody came downstairs swinging that swinging that round up Three Stooges type of overhead tornado haymaker he connected I mean immediately he connected like Jose Canseco button out the park with that joint and I'm gathering from what I gather it was from that connection when Christina Aguilera stumbled a little bit you know that the that the grip was like though they let go and all the while while she's engaged and wit cocaine but bun-bun it's almost like you just Co gets just pushing a button because you can see this coming down his pants Lenny I immediately am and like what I got no words nothing I could say describes this any more than in how I've described it does far so watch two guys fighting one guy with a with a blown hubcap the other guy looking like a gumball dispenser except it's not gum to watch this take place it's probably one of the craziest things I ever saw while locked up most certainly it is maybe I kind of like I'm having a hard time remembering exactly what happened next all I know is the guards are in the housing unit next door in the cellblock and both of these guys are kind of like laid down so maybe the guards came in and we like get down get down get they do something like that or maybe they just beat each other down one guy did it with what all I'm the other guy did it being like a gumball machine but you got Christina Aguilera laying down on the ground over here and you've got Colgate laying down on the ground over here and the guards come in and they're like oh my god who did this who who do dude I imagine that had to be the most embarrassing moment in this guy's life it had to be his face you know it said it all he was super embarrassed by this this guy's grippers let go when he got hit that first time and just continuously did so throughout the course of this fight and as if that wasn't crazy enough you know the guards they're picking this dude up this is probably something they don't see very often at all maybe they do I don't know I don't know how often it I've seen this happen in the UFC before person literally get beat down from the seat down and end up with some brown stains on the shorts you know so I know it does happen but I can remember the guards they picked up due to man I mean uh Christina Aguilera they picked him up and they're taking him out of the cellblock meanwhile gumballs are still just falling down his leg and they went to go get Colgate and you know when they try to get Colgate up Colgate's like hey hey hey I got my own ma I need to get my shoulders dislocated I need you to pop on back in this man fought a fight with an arm dislocated with his shoulder dislocated and his opponent was getting beat down from the seat now and you know all of this stemmed from saying the wrong thing got to be more kept you've got to pay attention to what you said some stuff that might start off as a joke can definitely be taken to a level that you didn't expect it to go to I didn't expect it to go there with Tyson even though I called him out I'm the one that reacted to that situation as stupid as it was for me to do so Christina Aguilera didn't expect Colgate to react the way that he did you got to think about the things you say you got to pay attention to the words that you utter when you're serving time and you know what's the craziest thing about this is you know like I said I feel partly responsible because I'm sure it was me who brought it to Christina Aguilera's attention in the first place talking about Cole gates breath the words that would ultimately be the fighting words needed for this situation to get to where it got to so if you like blame me for this and feel like I'm the bad guy you know karma would certainly play a play a part in this because when Colgate was removed from my cell taken to the whole having his arm like jerk my guards to get back in the socket and christina aguillera the same situation taken to the toilet and probably to the hole as well I would be left without a cellmate for a couple of days and you know it's the greatest feeling in the world to have a cell all by yourself especially a top corner penthouse luxury cell all the way from as far away from all the other riffraff and commotion as you can be but you won't remain cellie less for very long it might be add a couple of days a week at the most they're gonna find somebody they lock people up I don't know if you know this but they lock people up all the damn time and I will never forget I was downstairs talking to somebody maybe talking about tattoo I don't know I can't even sit here and act like I remember the conversation I was having but then all of a sudden I see somebody new coming into the cell body you can see him coming down the hall getting led by a guard through those big plexiglass windows and just do it is huge you know the guys in the cellblock they started to talk and they started squawking this way we got what we got we got a new guy new guy new guy fresh meat whatever it might be so you got all the prisoners saying new guy new guys hey new guy coming in and it's almost like it's a slow-motion you know because I'm hearing this and as I hear it it registers him a man Joe you've got the only open bunk in the cellblock whoever this guy is he's gonna be your cellmate I'm thinking this these are the things that are beginning to register in my mind as I hear those crows calling and then I'm slowly turning around and by time I turned all the way around and I see the guy coming through that door a big dude look like debo but his walk weren't like Debose at all in fact he wasn't doing too much walking he was kind of switch you know what I mean with the little Jew knees and when you see a man switching while locked up you already know what that means cuz not only would this do like switching he was old he was almost like diva he was like a diva window like he was acting like he was on a runway in a beauty show but he wasn't no beauty model he look like debo but he walked like he thought he was delicious which is exactly what this guy's nickname was Big D aka delicious hey look that's all the time I got for right now you know maybe some other time I can relive the time that they moved a guy into my cell that looked like debo but was nicknamed delicious what come a comma is something Georgia should have never said what you said that led to Colgate Christina Aguilera bum-bum-bum-bum and then you ended up with dirty D delicious Big D and you're silly but hey look that's it hope you enjoyed this video and if you did so please leave a like in a comment letting me know exactly what you thought about it as always until next time enjoy life the free world never take a moment for Brandon and make the most of every day please [Applause] you
Channel: AfterPrisonShow
Views: 651,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after prison show, afterprisonshow, the after prison show, aps, when, when you, when you say, you say, say the, the wrong, the wrong thing, wrong thing, in prison, prison stories, prison story, joe guerrero, you wont believe it, wanted to tell, what will happen, what's it like, true facts, things you didn't know
Id: 2pusAVFRcFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 27sec (2187 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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