Did Elvis Presley fake his death? The Elvis is Alive theory explained

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Today's episode is brought to you by Manscaped  On August 16th 1977 Elvis Presley passed away   at the age of 42 and millions of people all  over the world went into mourning but almost as soon as the news broke rumors started that he  faked his death and went into hiding  on today's episode of Strange and Unusual Tales we're gonna  dive into the history of this conspiracy theory   and try to separate fact from fiction in order to  answer the question did Elvis Presley really die?   but before we get into all the details if you like  these kinds of videos take a second and subscribe   to the channel if you haven't already it's a small  thing that makes a big difference all right with   all that said let's get into it   Did Elvis Presley really pass away? I saw Elvis Presley at Weinsberg Inn in Clyde Ohio the search is over ladies and gentlemen Elvis lives and we're gonna prove it   Now the gist of the Elvis is alive conspiracy  theory claims that in December of 1970   President Nixon swore in Elvis as a Federal Agent at Large.  Elvis then spent the following years working   undercover with the Bureau of Narcotics and  Dangerous Drugs and through this appointment he   eventually gave up information to the FBI that  led to the takedown of an international crime   syndicate with ties to the mafia. In retribution  the mob put a hit on him and Elvis was placed   into the witness protection program. His death  was fabricated by the U.S. Department of Justice   using a wax dummy in the open casket funeral. Since  going into hiding Elvis has remained in contact   with his family and has been seen in the public  on rare occasions. In the early 90s believers   of the theory thought that he would return to  the public spotlight within the next few years   This of course has yet to happen. Now the bulk  of this theory comes from three key components   his real-life involvement with the U.S. Government,  the suspicious circumstances surrounding his death, and lastly the various sightings of Elvis over  the years. Let's start with his connection to the U.S. Government By 1970 Elvis had become an avid  fan of law enforcement and started to acquire a   large collection of police badges, often getting  one from every city he performed in. Some of   these even carried honorary titles such as captain in reserve with the Memphis PD and this is important   because when he wrote a letter to President Nixon  in December of 1970, i think he really just wanted   a badge to add to his collection. But in his  letter, Elvis expressed interest in becoming   what he called a Federal Agent at Large. Which  is something he either heard or made up because   it doesn't really exist. He went on to say that  he was concerned by what he saw as a decline in   America with rampant drug use and communist ideas.  He felt that he could be most useful in getting an   anti-drug message to the youth because and i quote  "the drug culture, the hippie elements, the SDS, Black   Panthers, etc do not consider me as their enemy or  as they call it the establishment" he later added   i'm right in the middle of the whole thing where  i can and will do the most good" Also the fact that   he asked not to be given a title or an appointed  position i think led some people to believe he   became an undercover agent. Anyway after dropping  off the letter in the morning of December 21st   1970, a meeting was scheduled later that same day  between Elvis and Nixon at the White House. During the course of their conversation Elvis showed off  a few of his police badges and then reiterated   his knowledge of drug culture and communist  brainwashing techniques. He expressed his desire   to serve his country and help out with the drug  problem any way he could.   Nixon agreed and towards the end of the meeting Elvis asked for a Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs badge to add to his collection Nixon asked his aide to look into it  and Elvis departed. Later that day he was appointed   as a special assistant to the BNDD and received  his badge but that's as far as it went.   It was an honorary position with no real authority he wasn't  sworn in nor did he become an undercover agent   Alright let's fast forward a bit to May of 1976.  Elvis was looking to sell his JetStar airplane   at this point he had several private planes and he  needed to let this one go because it wasn't even   air worthy. His father Vernon who handed all of  Elvis' finances, was tasked with finding a buyer   and through his search he met with a man named  Frederick Pro who encouraged Vernon to agree to   a very complicated leasing arrangement with his  company World Aircraft Exchange   Unknown to Vernon was that Frederick was actually a con man and a member of a criminal ring with ties to the mob   by the Spring of '77 Frederick and his partners  managed to siphon off more than a million dollars   from the Presley estate. Now at the same time the  FBI were conducting an undercover investigation   into this group. By mid-August of 1977 they were  ready to bring their case to a Grand Jury and by   pure coincidence Elvis died around the same time  so you can kind of see how people got the idea   that Elvis ratted on these guys but here's the  thing the case really didn't involve Elvis at all he was purely a victim in the whole thing and  even the FBI agents involved the case say that   elvis had no idea their investigation was going  on before he died   which brings us to the fact that we really don't know what killed Elvis    we know that his girlfriend found him unresponsive on the floor of the upstairs bathroom and even though he was officially pronounced dead at 3:30 pm   he most likely passed away between the hours  of 9am and 11am that morning. An autopsy was   performed at 7pm the same day but the report  was never publicly released and even stranger   the Memphis Medical Examiner announced that  the official cause of death was a heart attack   but this was in the afternoon way before the  autopsy. The pathologists performing the autopsy   thought this was possible but also suggested that  he could have died from polypharmacy since he had   at least eight prescription drugs in his system at  the time of his death in the years since several medical experts have looked the report but  none of them have come to the same conclusion   which leads some believers to claim that this is  evidence of a cover-up but determining a cause of   death isn't an exact science and Elvis wasn't  in the best shape. We know that at the time of   his death he was suffering from diabetes, glaucoma,  an a regular heartbeat, high blood pressure, liver   damage and constipation. The last of which was most  likely caused from all the drugs he was taking   this fact alone led at least one medical expert to  conclude his heart stopped when he was straining   too hard on the toilet as those who saw him lying  face down on the bathroom floor say it looked like   he slumped forward from the toilet. Believers will  also point to the fact that the autopsy report is   private and not available to the public meaning  it's another piece of the cover-up however the   reality is because the overseeing doctor concluded  that he died from natural causes and not from a   drug overdose or foul play the report remains  private. Had he concluded otherwise then it would   become public record ultimately this has more  to do with Tennessee law rather than a carefully   arranged cover-up. Then there's the issue with the  medical examiner's report in which some people   claim Elvis wrote himself. Even a 1991 TV special  got a handwriting expert to claim this as fact but   When i look at both documents cited i don't  see a connection it looks like two different people to me And this brings us to the funeral  which happened two days later on August 18th   now there's a theory that a wax dummy was used  in place for the open casket viewing and this   comes from a photo of Elvis on the cover of the  September 6th issue of the National Enquirer a lot of people thought it didn't look like Elvis  of the 70s but more like a 1950s Elvis with a weird pug nose Those that were at the viewing say  Elvis looked really bad in the casket and that he   might have even been wearing a wig which contrasts  with the photo. Most likely there was some photo   manipulation done and / or they faked the photo  using a picture of a younger Elvis. We'll never   really know the full story since the original  negative was conveniently destroyed in a fire   Also with over a thousand people in attendance you  would think one of them would notice a wax dummy   There were also reports that the 10 pallbearers  had trouble lifting and moving the coffin which   supposedly weighed 900 pounds much more than a  normal casket this led some to speculate that it   was fitted with some sort of cooling system which  made it heavier this system was used to keep the   wax body from melting under the warm Memphis sun.  However when i look at the footage of the funeral   the pallbearers look more like they are struggling  to walk as a group. Plus Elvis' long time friend and   road manager Joe Esposito said the casket weighed  900 pounds because it was made of solid copper   And finally we have the curious case of his  gravestone spelling his middle name with two   A's when his birth certificate has it listed with  one A. Many see this misspelling as another clue   but i think it has more to do with his grieving  father respecting his son's wishes  According to Marty Lacker, Elvis' close friend and co-best man at his wedding, in 1966 he asked Elvis why he spelled   his name with one A. Elvis replied it's because his  parents weren't great at spelling when he was born   Elvis then turned to his father and said from  now on i want my middle name to be spelled with two A's just like in the bible His 1972 divorce documents confirm his legal name status with two A's And this brings us to the last component, arguably the most infamous and entertaining the Elvis Sightings Now i don't have time to cover  them all but i'll go through the most well-known   starting with the earliest in which someone claims  to have seen Elvis at the Memphis International   Airport on the same day he died. Elvis reportedly  bought a ticket to Buenos Aires and went by the   name of Jon Burrows which is what he used  when checking into hotels to avoid attention   The only problems the Memphis Airport did not  offer flights to Argentina at that time, there's   no record of a passenger by the name of Jon  Burrows and there's no source witness. The next   big sighting occurred on a New Year's Day tour  of Graceland in 1978. Mike Joseph snapped a pic   of the pool house and only after getting the film  developed that he noticed what looks to be elvis   sitting in the pool house. It was later determined  to be a photo of Elvis' security guard and touring   wardrobe manager Al Strata but that didn't stop  the photo from making the rounds within Elvis fan   circles and probably fueled the conspiracy theory  around the US. Also in 1978 the book Orion was   released and it was about how a famous southern  singer faked his death. The singer character was   very clearly based on Elvis, in fact many of the  details of this conspiracy theory come from this   book and it even inspired singer Jimmy Ellis to  don a mask and call himself Orion. His first album   was released in 1979 titled Reborn with a cover  featuring a very Elvis looking guy in a coffin   because he sounded so similar to Elvis this caused  some listeners to believe he really was Elvis   and of course his record label did nothing to  stop such notions as it was good for record sales   Eventually he became his own artist releasing  several more albums throughout the 80s   and even scored a few hit singles  for himself on the country charts   1981 saw the emergence of the singer Sivle Nora  or Elvis Aron spelled backwards this included a   book, an album, and even a videotape of the back of  Sivle which was meant to be proof that Elvis was   still alive but now going by Sivle to avoid  attention. In reality Sivle was just a really   good Elvis voice impersonator by the name of  David Darlock. Then in 1984 a photo was published   showing Muhammad Ali with Jesse Jackson and lo  and behold in the background is Elvis Presley   Now this wouldn't be that far-fetched if Elvis  was alive since he and Muhammad Ali were friends   but the truth was the man in the photo was Ali's  agent Larry Kolb. 1988 saw the release of the book   Is Elvis Alive? bundled with a cassette featuring  an exclusive interview with someone claiming to be Elvis In truth the voice on the tape was David  Darlock again. As for the book, this was really a   rebranded version of the earlier book Orion, with  the same ideas but now in direct reference to Elvis Regardless the book became a huge seller  and led the author to give TV interviews on   Geraldo and Larry King Live, further popularizing  the conspiracy theory. Also in 1988, a string of   sightings occurred in the Kalamazoo region of  Michigan beginning with a report of Elvis at   a Burger King. These sightings became a lucrative  subject matter for the supermarket tabloid Weekly   World News, whose outlandish coverage turned  the conspiracy into a phenomenon in league   with UFOs and Bigfoot sightings. But i would say  the peak of the conspiracy theory revolves around   two live TV specials: one in 1991 titled The Elvis  Files and the '92 sequel The Elvis Conspiracy.   Both were hosted by actor Bill Bixby who worked with Elvis on two movies. Both of the specials featured interviews with experts authors eyewitnesses  and even has some glorious, over-the-top reenactments  And even today the conspiracy persists even  in strange places such as the 1990 film Home Alone A recent theory claimed the bearded  gentleman in line behind Catherine O'Hara was Elvis   but he was later identified as Gary  Grott, Then in 2016 this footage of a man on   the grounds of Graceland surfaced leading some  to believe this was Elvis hiding in plain sight   Of course this later turned out to be an employee of Graceland. So yeah i think it's pretty clear that Elvis is dead and not coming back anytime soon i think back in the late 80s and early   90s most people accepted the fact that Elvis died  but the books and TV shows selling the conspiracy   as well as all the Elvis sightings gave some sense  of hope and I think that hope is what fueled the   conspiracy i mean who wouldn't want Elvis to come back for one last tour but even if you're still convinced Elvis is alive, these sightings can't go on forever even if you live to 100 we only have a few more years of plausible sightings. In the end I believe elvis really left the building in 1977. As you may already know Elvis' motto was "Taking Care  of Business" and that's exactly what Manscaped is   all about. They are experts and men's grooming, from  looking your best, to feeling your best, they offer   great products for taking care of your business  downstairs and upstairs including the Weed Whacker   this is the best ear and nose hair trimmer I  have ever used but their flagship model is the   Lawnmower 3.0. This nimble little trimmer is the  perfect solution for those hard to reach, sensitive areas It's got skin safe tech, an LED light, it's  waterproof and the battery lasts up to 90 minutes. Trust me if this was around when Elvis was alive he would be using it And Manscaped can also help you stay smelling your best with their signature cologne Refined. This has woodsy notes and overall fresh, clean scent that i really love, it's not overpowering at all Right now you can help support the channel and get 20% off plus free shipping with the code VINYLREWIND at manscaped.com  That's right, 20% off with free shipping, just follow the link  below and use the code VINYLREWIND at checkout   Alright everyone that will do it for today  be sure to let me know what you think of   the conspiracy theory. Have you seen Elvis?  Let me know with a comment below Until then, thank you all so much for watching i'm your  Vinyl Geek and i'll catch you on the flip side You know it's funny when i was looking through  the White House files from when Elvis stopped by   one of the funniest things i found was a couple of ideas that the White House came up with on how best to work with Elvis  One was an hour-long  TV special where Elvis would sing popular songs   and then translate the lyrics to educate parents  on the drug and anti-government themes present   And another idea was having him record an album at  the Federal Narcotic Rehabilitation and Research   Facility with the theme being "Get High on Life" I  can't help but think this was inspired by Johnny   Cash's Live at Folsom Prison album. Sadly none of  these ideas came to fruition. Anyway thanks again   for watching uh if you haven't already check out  this playlist for more music conspiracy theories   or watch my video on my Elvis decanters over  on my other channel Mixing with the Geek
Channel: Vinyl Rewind
Views: 2,854,188
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Keywords: Elvis presley, elvis, elvis aron presley, elvis aaron presley, did elvis die on the toilet eating a sandwich, who died on the toilet, how old is elvis presley now, how old would elvis presley be today, elvis presley cause of death, how did elvis presley die video, how did elvis presley died on the toilet, graceland, rock and roll, the king, presley, 1977, priscilla presley, memphis mafia, coverup, elvis is alive, elvis sighting, elvis sightings, vinyl rewind, is elvis alive
Id: Ue-EvH4Rqnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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