Principles of Management - Lecture 01

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all right so as much as we can so managers in management chapter one and first of all what we're trying to do it's very straightforward to tell who managers next part is defined management so what is management after we define management we want to describe what managers do we also say themselves who the managers are what is management number three describe what managers do the next important part for today is explain why it is study management and the last piece is some of the factors that are changing and last night I explained that one of the major factors is globalization globalization is very important all right we're beginning with part one if you guys should buy the textbook next book is this little thing management by Stephen Robin and scope a and you should buy the textbook so you can actually pull from the textbook too so number one tell who the managers are and where they work and managers work in organization an organization is a collection of people who work together for a common goal they try to accomplish the same objectives in the primary objective usually for any business is profit managers work in organizations your organization's usual is sometimes for a government organization which will not be Battlement organization like release it will be low crime but they all work together alright and organizations have certain characteristics so every organization has specific goals with this university which is a non-profit University the goal is education raise the young generation and allow them to have good careers to build and grow your own country in your own economy and make good wives for themselves for yourselves okay for the police it's low crime and for all of the businesses it simply simply profit so the next characteristic is that organizations have build of people that's natural okay this is not a zoo with animals so Police Department as people University business has people and finally it has a structure structure means there is some one of the top then there are people beneath it and beneath there are people and there are different we call levels different levels of organization so this is an organization hello girls class begin okay next time a little bit okay so organizations have structure and it's called levels of structures and is it coming to in a minute you're gonna have a top level of structure middle level structure and low water all right this is a simple picture for yes and the picture is you see the goals okay you have certain goals you have certain people and this is what else back to the looks like of course let me show you here here you're gonna have here okay and the structure is like a tree okay for a big organization you may have six or seven levels of structure in other words they're going to be mini-boss they could be bigger boss you're going to be making loss and they're going to be the top box okay you're going to be have a lot of level of management all right so every organization has two types of employees the first one is non managerial and here at this non manager no managerial employees are not responsible for anybody else they're responsible for all work yesterday my name is an example that I am an on managerial employee this means I'm at the lower level in academia I'm not responsible for any I'm responsible only for my own work so I'm not a manager managing basically means you run and that's the characteristic of manager these are individuals or people who direct the activities or the work of others who direct the work of others so if somebody is responsible for other people is a minute if he is not responsible is not and that's the basic difficult difference are responsible for not response me as a faculty as a professor are not responsible to other people's work now I am responsible for you okay which are not working you are customers okay and remember what the primary characteristic of a customer is the primary characteristic of a customer is someone was paid for a good or for service so your aim tuition you expect for that tuition together in this case service and the services education and where is you see using a lot of Technology camera powerpoint computers you all got iPads to improve the productivity of my work as a teacher was a job and for you and now this technology is no different then you've used a motorcycle to go from here to there it's two minutes with motorcycle history and minute one next one next one is management levels so many has structure and structure has level and this is just one example example talk managers and top managers represent the level they have mil meant middle management is the middle layer for the middle level and they have the bottom man and bottom managers are called first line managers first line manager is the mentor who works only with no manager of employees who is actually responsible managerial employees now in major corporations in the United States you may have six or seven or eight letters six seven or eight levels because the organization is big the organization may have 100,000 people and hundred thousand people organization it will have seven eight or nine semantics when I am working year 2000 to 2003 big American corporation it was a cc patience I had a kind of a cool boss my tiny boss head of a goat bigger boss this is within the sales department I was in sales operations so my little bossman a little bigger boss and then we had the big manager of sales and sales operation well she had a manager of the software division in the manager of the software division and the manager of the whole corporation so you have five levels of levels of Management okay we call this structure ok so what do managers do what's their job ok and it depends on the position so for we say the top management which we call big boss will have very very very different responsibilities than for example the president of the university well completely different completely different job then here the department chair the president of the university would think should we buy more land should we build a brand new department should we build a brand new building now was he will be focused on the big picture he will be focused on what we'll discuss in Chapter four okay strategy is about the most important things related to the corporation this is the same as the direction in our case the university for example when I was working in another country the president of the university said oh we want to have english-speaking program and employees meaning other university professors and manage care but the big boss said it's important for us we're an Asian economy rear of the famous developed economy we have to have English program the English program is important for us and whether middle management of all minutes but like it or don't like it is the boss he decides he tells them somebody doesn't like it what a middle management middle management is usually coordination middle management is trying to communicate with management's and at the same time with low-level manage so what they do is coordinate activities between the top management and the lower level management and they say manage the activities of other lower management this is not exactly it's not just managing the lower it's coordinating between the top in the bottom in other words if the president says we need an English program then these guys will hire new professors with English skills and so on so they'll trying to see that what the big boss wants what once he gets eventually and finally first line managers simply direct non manager matalas for example the department chair will be managing me now the part of the chair will have a boss who's going to be the Dean of a the Dean of the school in this case of the faculty the faculty of hospitality tourism so this is what basically these guys do oh these that's also had titles okay remember for the university we said that the university was a hazard for excellent but sometimes gonna be chief executive office sometimes it's going to be a vice president it's going to be vice president in finance they like to call themselves VP VP meaning vice president to the middle manager is going to be district manager division manager sometimes it could be called regional manager okay they all like to call themselves some sort of a man and finally it's just going to be supervisor all right section number two so we're going to section number one section number two is define manage to define mean what's it mean what is management okay what's the subject okay and we move on process take a look how its italicized it's a process okay so it's not one thing it's a process so it's a number of different steps getting things done effectively and efficient so you got to do it effectively you got to do it efficiently and I will be explaining now what is activeness what is efficient there's a big difference based in English they sound the same that they are different to be effective means to accomplish the goal achieve the girl mean doing the right things okay so you want to get the job done getting the job that's what effective means means getting the job done but accomplishing the constant for effectiveness my job is to teacher and the mentoring management or principals event my job is to teach you and for you to work and understand basic management but also have another goal another object in the other objective is to teach you to communicate in English easily and part of the exams will be open questions where you actually have to write sentences in English sentences okay so I have to have two jobs one is teacher general English in the language skills where you can also communicate them right in English the other one is ma'am so that's effectiveness efficiency is associated with getting things done quickly getting them done with little resources so efficiency is about the ratio between input and output output is the effectiveness effectiveness what's the outlook how much you learn but efficiency is about was I able to teach you in two weeks or in five weeks or so efficiencies how much work you do to get there okay so example of efficiency is you want to go from here to 7-eleven which is about how far five minutes away two minutes away it depends it is two minutes away if you go with a motorbike okay but if you walk it's five or eight minutes okay so the goal is you get to 7-eleven in by yourself much okay but it is in addition to walk because it takes seven minutes it is more efficient to go on the bike because one man okay so the fishes you still come separately you still go and eat okay but with a motorcycle it is so that's one type of more efficient another type of more efficient is what we sometimes do in PowerPoint today you do not need to print out why because you already have it you already have it on your LMS system the LMS system is actually known as you can download and I was an exotic form is more efficient than the paper okay paper things electronically electricity all right so efficiency is associated with resource usage so in efficiency you use little resources in get a lot okay in our case the resource of going to 7-eleven was time more efficient means we take one minutes put about one minute to the motorcycle he takes seven minutes okay well if you want to be more effective it's going to take more resources so if we wanna teach everyone excellent English or excellent management it's going to take more time more exams more resource so we say there is a trade-off between efficiency and effectiveness if you want to be very efficient usually not very effective okay if you want to be very very effective you're not usually efficient so if you wanna achieve a lot of gold people you need a lot of resources it makes it innovation and the opposite is true and that's why these here resource usage goes down in respectively go potato all right when they say reversed usage for efficiency efficiency associated with ways here's another good example of efficiency efficiency is about education now we're having here let's say four to five students but the whole class is divided skills so for example maybe 10 students are attending class ok one other way to achieve the education for all 55 is we have a separate classroom two and a half or two hours okay and teach those ten so that's one way to do it but there's another way in Yahoo a Skoda camera we recorded in the camera put it on YouTube and then they can watch it later at their own time this makes it more efficient camera is Santa's motorcycle it's a it's time okay someone could be sick someone thought they can use the camera for better efficiency okay so number three section what do managers do what is it angel oh we got different views we got different philosophies so you have a different it's called approaches there is what's called the functions approach or the functional approach in the functions approach was proposed by some French industrialist okay that managers perform certain activities so according to the function functions approach it depends on which or which are the activities the managers do and these are for which we'll see now in a minute which you'll remember which is as I mentioned to you yesterday something like the question on the quiz the question of the quizzes which are the major functions in the functions approach okay here is the answer the answer is the four major for the poor primary management functions are planning organizing leading and controlling these are bribery punches our whole textbook the whole textbook and our course is organized according to the functions approach now if you by chance happens to open the syllabus or you happen to open the textbook you will see that section one they can try to zoom in here yeah section one is the introduction and section two is planning section three is zip work organizing section four is leaving then section five is controlling right cameras more interesting right yeah okay you got it back now you can zoom out right good so what we are doing is we organized this whole course assumption the waitress time air conditioned to go [Music] ah so we organized the whole course in time based on the four primary functions the four main functions and over the next ten or eleven weeks I'm going to spend maybe two weeks here okay three maybe two or three weeks here two or three weeks here in two weeks here and remember we got about two weeks of introduction an introduction that three chapters okay so probably for the International we spend about two weeks and for each of these we spend a lot so planning what is planning and planning is you want to find out what's the goal what's the purpose what's the objective but you want to be a little bit more specific you can't just say educate kids well you want to say something like we want to educate 3000 children and give them more graduating with a bachelor's degree okay that's more specific oh then you also say we also want to have 500 masters students in now I am and a major goal hello still in question job simulator for us me okay I mean I'm your main consultant here okay and the university has a new goal or your purpose of opening in developing in growing the page so they want to say we want to have a PhD in five majors in five major field so every organization will have a specific purpose and the purpose here says it is education okay the purpose for a typical hotel is profit but you want to say we'll want to make a 1 million or 2 million ok sometimes part of the planning is we're going to open the new campus now you got understand this university here yes five different branches and the very president animals do say all our major goal is to open campus number six okay and campus number six is part of the strategy of the big picture this number two is organizing okay well in this university organization first is done in five different campuses five different locations okay here in Phuket right the wood you have how many faculties we got International Studies right you got a faculty hospitality tourism bureau students right you got a faculty of engineering and maybe two or three more okay so you got a total of in this university structure structure is the same as organization so the organization means some structure so the structure here is in two so that's what the organization in there is so organization has arrangement in two different structure the structure here is called in this university that in a corporation the structure may be called division okay so the structure will have a specific name in a typical University if the main structures for the school the Business School the law school medical school and within Business School we're gonna have finance department management department marketing department Economics Department so you will have different departments okay the next third function is leading leading is the same as directed for example the department manager tells me you teach management and you teach accounting what am I supposed to say supposed to say yes boss right okay how many groups she says two groups and management one group in accounting I say okay box where is the classroom okay okay so leavening means manager managing other people could be other managers or could be the first level employees and it is associated with directing directing so basically department manager says leading you teach management the teacher counting you teach myself giving us different type of work and part the lady is also keeping people responsible and keeping people responsible is controlling so you watch them do I come time do we actually do work do I actually teach you do I give you a good exam so they actually see what we do well can they see what we're doing here in class and the boss see what we're doing well two ways to see one is asking you hey is he actually teaching you are you really learn it so that's one way but there is another way and stuff camera they can actually see that I'm teaching and actually see I'm doing it so next one is comparing there are three professors in management let's see what is this guy teaching what is that guy teaching and also correcting correcting means maybe professor layton students 10 minutes earlier okay and say although you've got to keep them till the last minute or maybe professor comes 10 minutes later classes over you got to come back or correcting these you cannot give them five quizzes five quizzes way too much right or maybe they say the opposite no you gotta have a police so correcting is seeing something that is not right and telephone you gotta fix this you gotta do it right okay so these are the four major management functions there will be most likely on the first quiz okay it have to explain a little about one or summer okay now there is a different a different type of approach explaining what managers do is according to their roles so one strategies you look at the functions in the functions of war but a completely different approach is the approach the management brokers yeah you can also sometimes assume in a little bit right a little bit so they can see because these are very tiny try to zoom in the first year as i zoom in later here so the first one is called interpersonal roles and number one is you have a number of like ten we're almost all the people the first one is called bigger and bigger campaigns is the big boss details on he's everybody's looking up to him he provides example with his behavior with his clothes okay with his attitude so in a sense in a sense but a little bit different user leader and leaders number two figurehead will be when they need someone to show up on TV and say all our university is great within this and not the figurehead is the guy who's gonna show up on TV just gonna smile if she's gonna say our university is great we're number one in southern island all right so she's gonna be the one she's gonna present or represent the university in media just gonna represent the university in newspapers when there is a big event is going to be the University and final within the interpersonal world people's managers will function as a liaison liaison is the nasty French word which means connection connection so I gave you the example of a liaison middle management middle management provides connection between top management and lower level and sometimes for lower level management they call it bottom management yeah button doesn't sound good they can go you don't want to be at the bottom right so they don't say bottom menus when they say first line first line it sounds nice but it's bottle down okay you got a tough management you got a bottom mental and liaison will be middle management providing connection between the management and the right man a completely different role so you see that three thousand rows row number one is interpersonal with these three the second is information in informational group has a monitor monitor role will be basically the department manager manager department chair looking at me as a oh are you two products are these kids listening by they study how are they doing basically to monitor needs to watch the others the lower level people do their work we just watch them and see if everything is okay partner monitoring is to see if things get done he work gets done in if it doesn't we said later on there is correction okay control after vomiting monitoring there is dissemination dissemination is dissemination of information dissemination means to give news to spread the news so I get from my boss every couple of days news what we got to do this this and this you got to give them so many exams you got to do this you got to do that you cannot do this you cannot oh yeah okay there will be no class or part of the dissemination is there will be on this week on which let's say number eight there will be Victor and in the meter your exam will be with this group of management on whichever date okay so they tell us certain things that are so they inform us it's about information and finally they act meaning the manager acts as a spokesperson so spokesperson means someone from the department will come along and say oh based on our department where so many so they will be representing the department okay department is that st. P well who's gonna talk about the department well it's going to be the department chair neither was the manager will be the spokesperson who represents that business business utilization in finally you got decisional rocks and decisional role is that entrepreneurs you're familiar with this word entrepreneur means someone who tries to do new things and those new things to accomplish maybe new goals or to do something different or to do something differently and better now I'm acting as an entrepreneur by introducing the camera to the class okay listen can you have other professors who use camera record everything know what sometimes managers will act as yes well as a hey we can develop this new product or the department chair who say oh we can have a brand new course coursing I've known and in cooking for Mexican kitchen or Mexican we say cubism right well you know they can have some idea about introducing a new product or a new service or a new way the next one is actually very important disturbance handler this is the same as if there is a problem it's the manager's job to fix it for example if there's a problem in class or came over you are not happy about something you go to the manager and say oh I'm not happening from this professor he's not teaching us or he's bad to us ok it's the mr. bad guy right so basically the major function of a manager is to coordinate if there are problems to fix problems these problems they like to call disturbances but this service will be for example we you know where we have offices or professors and there are eight professors of us in jobs let's say four on the Left four the right okay a lot of the professor's stirring up his music okay and say well by work here I'm trying to get work done okay says I don't care okay well what do I do I go and beat him up a little Thai kickboxing is this how it works in you guys understand but not a professor having his music up right loud I can't work what do I do well I can't go and beat him up okay I go to his manager and say look your employee is disturbing us with his music he is too much of a trouble I come here to work could you please tell him to lower his music - okay so you don't just go and kick him in the face right okay the next important piece is resource allocator resource allocator will manager will decide you get $30 and you get 50,000 you get that's one way to allocate the resources another way to help get the resources you have management you wanna teach in 4504 whatever the classroom 8 video tells you teach in this classroom you teaching so that's a resource another type of a resource allocation is time you say you teach 8:30 in the morning 10:30 allocation is you teach accounting you teach - you teach management ok so basically they try to distribute the work and they try to distribute the resources part of the resource allocation is my manager comes when I arrive three weeks ago says this is your office and this is your king ok so office is a resource for us and the last number 10 is negotiator negotiator is I like to teach finance in he like to teach - in we're at an argument okay well this is where the manager comes in says okay if you want to teach this you gotta give him that or you know whatever the problem is for example you got let's say 7-eleven 7-eleven 24 hours okay and there's a night shift and there's a day shift and the two employees arguing one says oh I want to work in the day general says I also want to work through thick okay so if there's a problem they say okay you work this week during the day trade and you work next week during the day so they try to negotiate the same well but one we've got an occupation and to say okay in June you weren't during the day in July you work during the night okay so they try to work with different employees and try to negotiate if there are problems so these are the primary roles that managers you guys want a little rate like a five ten-minute break yeah okay let's see there's a question there and we take a break [Music] anyone okay which is getaway spokesperson oh they're unfortunately they're very similar suppose person is someone who represents the ideas of the department or the Business School and he speaks for the department for example you got a Business School in this would be the chair of Finance he speaks for finance in the chair of management he speaks for management chair of economics speaking for economics chair of accounting speaking for accountant and chair of marketing speaking for marketing so when there is a school meeting each manager will be speaking for his little department okay so he will be representing his particular young all right let's take a five seven minute break and then we continue boss
Channel: Krassimir Petrov
Views: 1,003,837
Rating: 4.8603277 out of 5
Keywords: Management, Organization, Managers, nonmanagerial employees, organizational structure, top managers, middle managers, first-line managers, supervisor, CEO, CFO, COO, VP, Effectiveness, efficiency, resource usage, goal attainment, functions approach, planning, organizing, leading, controlling, management roles, figurehead, leader, liaison, monitor, disseminator, spokesperson, entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator
Id: lj7ZnyskZuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2013
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