11 Habits Of Highly Effective Managers! (How to improve your MANAGEMENT SKILLS!)

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in this presentation i am going to teach you 11 habits of highly effective managers so if you are either applying to become a manager or if you are already someone who has experience of management but you want to improve your skills and qualities make sure you stay tuned because this presentation will be highly beneficial now as time goes on you are going to develop strong habits that will make your life as a manager much easier and the aim of this tutorial is to accelerate your learning by giving you these 11 habits that are going to help you to become an outstanding manager quickly now i want to talk a little bit about my managerial experience and how these 11 habits helped me over time to become an outstanding manager now my name is richard mcmahon i spent four years in the royal navy and i then spent 17 years as a manager in the fire service and i have managed teams of up to 66 people and the 11 habits within this tutorial helped me throughout my managerial career and i have also spent the last 15 years managing my own business so i have lots of managerial experience that i want to share with you also make sure you connect with me on linkedin i've put my linkedin link in the description below the video and it's always good to connect with like-minded managers and professionals such as yourself so let's get into those 11 highly effective habits that will help you to become an effective manager now habit number one successful managers always take ownership of all situations within their remit you will never hear an effective manager say that's not my fault that's not my team's fault they will take ownership of all situations and once you start to do that other people in your team will follow suit and they will take ownership of situations and you will then see quickly that you will start to be much more productive so develop a habit where you take ownership of all situations habit number two effective managers always set high standards from the get-go this is something i learned very early on in my fire service career now if you set high standards this will give you a reputation as a manager who will not settle for anything but the best you should always say to your team from the start we are going to set very high standards and we are going to stick with them and always remember this if you lower the standards at the start it's much harder to raise them later on so it's very easy to lower the standards once you've set them high if you choose to do so but it's very difficult to raise them later on so always take pride in what you do and set high standards because then people in your team will take pride in their work and it's all about getting your team and yourself to develop strong habits that will stand you in good stead for the rest of your managerial career habit number three highly effective managers always look to improve and they never think to themselves i have reached the pinnacle of my career now i am 50 next year but i am always looking to improve and develop i will never reach the point in my career or my business where i think yes i've reached the pinnacle you should always look to improve ways to improve include reading so for example i've been reading this book this year it's called extreme ownership by jocko willing check it out if you are somebody who likes to read i have placed a link to that book on amazon in the description below the video and that ties in with one of the earlier tips about taking ownership of situations you will find that if you always improve and you take ownership of situations you as a manager will be outstanding habit number four this is a brilliant one and it is very very important great managers listen more than they speak now listening gives you more time okay so always listen to people it gives you more time and it also gives you options of what to do because when you are listening you are gaining information so listening gives you knowledge which gives you power so always listen more than you speak just because you are a manager does not mean that you have to be the person who is the most vocal in the room listen more than you speak it is a great habit that you should learn right now as a manager habit number five great managers realize the importance of building a support network around them so great managers will treat people with respect but they will command respect to and you should learn this early on in your managerial career you should build relationships with people build relationships with your team members professional relationships build team members with contractors suppliers stakeholders and also other managers in your organization so that you have a solid support network around you when it is needed so if you think about your personal life if something goes wrong right now do you have people that you can call upon yes you do people who will help you and it's the same as a manager if something goes wrong you need people to call upon and you might even need to call in favors at times so always be nice to people on the way up because you might need them when things are going wrong habit number six this is another very very good habit of highly effective managers sometimes they do nothing and again in the fire service i learned this from an early age i had a brilliant senior manager who took me under his wing and he said to me richard sometimes do nothing you don't always have to make a decision so as managers we think we must make decisions all the time and this is not true there is power in the words let's wait and see what happens so whenever something happens at work as a manager ask yourself this question learn to develop the habit of asking yourself this question this question do i have to make a decision right now because if you wait it might give you more information that will help you to make a better decision later on now of course there will be lots of times where you have to make decisions straight away of course but there will be more than not times where you can wait and see what happens and try not to make decisions in the heat of the moment unless absolutely necessary habit number seven great managers master the art of filtering what do i mean by that well as managers we have information coming at us all the time senior managers managers above us will be wanting us to do things and we have our team that we need to look after as well you will have an abundance of information coming at you and you need to learn the art of filtering so step one draw up a list of things you really need to do during that particular week or that particular day and prioritize the most urgent and the most important tasks and do them to a very high standard and the rest can wait so i always do this now i draw up a list of things i need to do so i have a list next to me right now next to my mac that tells me what i have to do this week and there are numbers next to each part of the list prioritizing which task comes first and there are some at the bottom which have been on there for a few weeks because they can wait they are not important so master the art of filtering habit number eight this is a good one now it does not matter how big or small your team is you could have a team of two people or you could have a team of 50 people get to know your team members get to know your employees the people you are responsible for speak to your team members speak to them engage with them listen to them find out what your team members strengths and weaknesses are now when you know what their strengths are what they enjoy doing you can allocate tasks to them quickly so when you have to delegate as a manager if you know your team members you know who to delegate to and more importantly know their weaknesses because if you know their weaknesses you can help them to improve and that will make them feel valued if you know your team members weaknesses you can send them on appropriate training courses or you can even coach and mentor them yourselves and again they will feel valued and appreciated find out what your team members career aspirations are now everyone in a team has different aspirations some people in your team as a manager will want to come to work just do a good job and then go home and there's nothing wrong with that but also find out who the people are in your team who have high career aspirations who want to develop and help them to develop encourage them so find out what their career aspirations are the people in your team and then use that knowledge to your advantage also make sure you praise people when they do good work don't get into the habit of just praising people all the time only praise your staff when they do good work but make sure you praise them that is very very important because otherwise people will get demotivated also provide honest feedback they will appreciate it so provide honest and open feedback to people in your team because that will help them to develop and they will respect you for it habit number nine of a highly effective managers they seek feedback themselves now highly effective managers are not afraid to ask for feedback but once they receive the feedback they then decide which parts are useful just because somebody gives you feedback it does not mean to say you have to take it on board you are in control you are the manager use feedback to your advantage yes always ask for it it's very important so if you are unsure about how you've done something ask someone within your network for feedback and then take the bits that you find useful and use it to your advantage and remember you do not have to listen to all feedback you don't have to tell them that you're not going to listen to that just keep it to yourself and remember knowledge is very powerful to you as a as an effective manager habit number 10 this is another good one as a highly effective manager make decisions based on facts not emotion it's very easy to make decisions based on emotion how you are feeling at that particular time you get into conflict with a another manager or you experience difficulties with a contractor or a supplier it's very easy to say the wrong thing or fire off the wrong email in the heat of the moment again learn these habits do i have to do something straight away or can i wait how am i feeling in the moment am i feeling emotional am i feeling angry or frustrated should i sleep on it should i wait now many a poor decision is based on emotion or what i like to call in the situation thinking now of course when i was working in the fire service i would turn up to fires and road traffic accidents on a regular basis and of course i had to make decisions right there in the heat of the moment but when i was at the fire station when i was a station commander at the fire station i had that that leisure if you like that benefit of making decisions that are based on fact so i could wait not in the heat of the moment so many a poor decision is based on emotion or in the situation thinking take note of the facts of what's happening around you and then make your decision and as i said previously if you can wait and not make a decision straight away do so because you more often than not you will find that the decision you make later on is different than in the heat of the moment habit number 11 great managers have someone to help them a mentor now you might have someone within your organization who can help you but if you have someone more experienced than you to guide and help you you will learn much faster trust me you will now i am offering to help you and be your mentor right now so if you click the link let me just go back to here if you click the link in the top right hand corner there of the video it will take you through to my website managementskillsmasterclass.com and you can get instant access to my online management skills training course now there's years and years of experience in this online training course there are 30 modules let me just quickly go through some of them so you get 30 instant access modules to help you to become a great manager so we have an introduction what makes a great manager the qualities needed to be a great manager seven actions of great managers the responsibilities you will have how to set team values you will get a team values blueprint how to develop your team you will get goal setting modules and pdfs how to deal with conflict proactive management versus reactive management or not even halfway through how to make effective decisions also performance review training so i said to you one of the highly effective habits of managers is to conduct performance reviews of your stuff sitting down with them finding out what their strengths and weaknesses are i teach you how to do that how to delegate as a manager a swot analysis blueprint hiring hiring and developing the right staff setting tasks they are all there on that page so you can get access to this by clicking that button on the page so you get instant lifetime access to that management skills masterclass course so make sure you check that out i hope you've enjoyed that i love teaching you how to be great managers and how to pass your interviews and your tests don't forget to subscribe to this channel we have over half a million subscribers now and lots of you are developing within your careers as a result of the content i don't want you to miss out you can also as i said at the start connect with me on linkedin please make sure you connect with me on there because it'd be great to build a long-term relationship with you and finally please give the video a like because that motivates me to create more content for you thank you very much for watching and i wish you all the best for becoming a highly effective manager have a brilliant day
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 811,064
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Keywords: ! Saved as draft, management skills, manager training, how to be a better manager, how to be a great manager, management skills training, What are the 5 key managerial skills, What are the 3 skills of a manager, How can you improve your management skills, What are key management skills, Can management skills be learned, management skills training courses, online management course, management skills training pdf, manager interview questions, leadership and management
Id: f4CF-qBDu5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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