Principles of Management - Lecture 02

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okay we continue with management we just finish management roles and we move on to another type and here is managers role okay here's what we have a manager a manager's role is to influence action in other words to make other people's do things okay and sometimes they manage actions directly they manage actions directly means the manager comes in class and tells me what to do what not to do and they can do this very very directly okay they can also manage people who take action okay so if you manage your own reactions you manage other people's actually okay all right hello all right we're trying let's start and also they manage information so they manage the action directly they manage the people's kudo reaction when they manage the information about for information that people get today so you can just tell people in like if you give information or okay you can just manage the people or you can go and actually do the job yourself or be sure so if for when something is important the manager usually comes and makes sure it gets done right for example for a university opening of academic year is very important and if it's very important the president will usually come and open the act here because it's very important okay all right so that's one rhetoric managers dual role that's a little bit tricky manager has a lot of many different roads sometimes they're 2 rows three rows 10 different rows you just saw on the previous example they have ten different rows okay they also have four different functions and one of them is framing the other one is scheduled framing is to frame a problem in framing a problem for example framing my work is department jarrandi explain to me you have to speak more clearly our students don't speak native English okay they need a little bit more explanation so framing means we are now in Thailand English is not your native language and language is relatively important here okay in the United States not a problem but here it's different teaching before in macao language is not made teaching in time one before length which is not so you need to understand where the problem is or English in America's not a problem English in Saudi Arabia is okay English here is difficulty okay so is the same thing but for me framing means I'm having hard times in Thai language I don't know any okay so I need to operate only in English language okay and yeah one of course for a manager is scheduling and scheduling simply means the way I explain you teach discourse Monday and Tuesday I teach management on a Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning so they scheduled whether it's the 7/11 work hours or whether it's the horse Alex okay so the manager has got a lot of different functions a lot of different roles and sometimes like the department camp they also have their own classes they also have their own lectures okay besides managing us alright let's see what else so what does it take to be a big boss alright what does it take to be a manager you can't be done right in being a manager well you could but the business is going to go back okay so you need certain skills and number one is the sexual skills okay you need to to analyze and diagnose conflict situation for example you're running in managing a hotel in Phuket town okay Orion patent right you need to understand the big picture Europe now is in recession Europe is in big trouble so you get less European customers okay tourists Britain is in a major recession oh you will not get as many British America is now in a recession you're not going to be getting so many American tourists well now Japan is also getting in a little bit of trouble you're not going to be getting as many Japanese and here is now the worst news the worst view is that the Chinese economy is decelerating meaning the Chinese economy is growing slower and when Chinese economy grows slower means you're going to get less or a lower number of Chinese tours okay so for a manager he needs to be able to end the complex situation here the complex situation is the global economy that affects tourism can cook it okay that's a very complex and they'll need to understand oh maybe this year not as good as last year meaning we will hire less okay we will not expand our business so you need to be able to conceptually understand your business and I was explaining to conceptually understand your environment the next important skill is interpersonal skill manager works with people it works with other employees so it's important to be able to communicate with them it's important to be able to explain with it it's important to be not to get in an argument okay interpersonal skill also means when two other employees have problem or argument you try to solve okay so most of the time a manager will be working on people wrong people somebody for example cut his hand or fell on the bike cannot come to work okay they need to find replacement for two weeks okay or they may be all sorts of different problems some money gets sick okay or somebody not using textbook or whatever the problem might be usually if you have people you have okay and the part of the manager's job is to manage the problems of different theme for example when I was in a university teaching before a big problem with one of our professor was he was drinking too much or all his party all night and in the morning he is still drunk okay well that's a problem in a universe okay when a professor comes an eight o'clock in the morning in class and is a little bit drunk okay that's a problem well it's the manager's job to solve these of student Austin it communicates to them to tell a book you come one more time drunk and you're okay somehow they have to tell about okay a manager will have to have technical skills and technical skills simply means manager knows the subject manager understands the subject for example the manager understands the difference between my force management and accounting okay a simple example will be for accounting course my exam is only open book open note open laptop open iPad open everything in accounting because you need to do problems you don't need to memorize in management everything closed the exam is only pen in paper okay so it is important to understand that management is very different from accountant that the one type of exam does not work for another type of exam okay another example is to understand that it's difficult to get multiple choice questions for accounting well how does it work well I don't know all right the only way it works is in accounting would give your problem and you solve the problem there is no multiple choice okay so the manager needs to have the technical skills the manager needs to understand the different subject in all yes accounting very different from managers they're different for violence we cannot have the same type of exam for these two courses they're very different courses okay because it's very easy for manager to say oh all exams the same for all courses book is our different okay so they need to know if you're managing the hotel you need to know and understand the hotel if you're managing a restaurant you need to know and understand customers cooking and whatever else is in the restaurant business okay so now the one business manager is school University okay because that's the business I'm in that's the business I'm in and finally it's actually in big business hello we got about 15 more minutes what else is talking here and we still get people all right everybody please we got 15 more minutes let's finish for today so we're done political skills and in political skills it is very important for a manager to be able to negotiate between people part of the politics is to bet to get allies oh you're going to be helping me with this I'm going to be helping you with that part of political skills is called the power base okay I'll support you in this I will support you in this I will support you you will support me back okay so part the political skill is being a to get supporters and try to do what you want to do for example you want to introduce a brand new product you say hey you want to participate in the new product you want to participate on your product or I want to participate in the new students so these managers need skills conceptual into personal ethical and political and these are very important so when you study hospitality and tourism the major part of your education will be you need to understand the hospitality business the hotel business the restaurant business you need to be able to communicate with other people that's why language skill is very important writing skill is very important you also need to know about Italian cooking and about Japanese cooking I don't know Chinese cooking Mexican whatever it is you do ok you need to know your job that's what technical skill this is job specific not ok whatever it did mean you can't open the Japanese restaurant and you don't know anything about Japanese food it doesn't work okay right like me I cannot teach course in cooking Drive high pitch finance but each but counting but each management I teach business ok I can't teach music can i well maybe I can play write great in the drift way okay and you need skills in negotiation all right so who is doing what remember the four major functions were organizing planning controlling and linear let's see hold up doing most planning most planning is on little planning more planning close play so top managers do a lot of planning so if you're a big boss you focus on planning okay so top managers focus on planning and here's what else organizing these do a little organizing but the load these do more this is 24 percent this is 33% and you see organization is a big part of top management so top management is focused on the big picture it's focused on planning and it's focused on organizing for example the president the university isn't going to care management isn't going to care about marketing right it's not going to care about specific parts okay he's going to care about doing open a brand-new campus doing open a brand-new major okay are we going to have one more major in English language okay so they are going to say okay well how many rules we need how many buildings will be how many protesters we need to hire a big part of the planning is you will find we will find out makers hold the budget but it means how much money meaning going to say we need 10 professors 15,000 age we need half a million for professors and half a million for administrators so part of the planning is also getting the budget being getting the money that it's needed to run the business okay what else you see these guys do a lot of control okay so top managers actually do they do these two a little bit less than these two less and you see top dancers do more planning they do more organizing they do more control when they do relatively little leading so who's doing the leading the leading is done by the first level measure okay so the department chair is going to do oh the leader and they will be working specifically with people trying to get this course in this data that all goes bang so top management focused on planning and organizing and low management or first level management is focus mostly on leave they still do some planning but not as much they still still do some organized but not as much okay they still do some control but not as much okay so the higher up you are the more planning okay these are some of the roles that we already spoke you see if you are very high managers okay and here's the key in small business and large business if you're in a small business you have more of a role spokesperson so small business means seven or eight people okay so the manager is going to be more of a spokesperson okay they see if it's a very small business seven eight nine people the manager is going to be also interpreter okay we've also bigger head you're also going to be leaders okay so the smaller the business the more the manager and here is is becomes a leader okay for example I got a friend Jones a radio station the radio station has all about its meaning got a manager well the manager is acting sometimes as a spokesperson he is very often an entrepreneur he says hey we can do this program we can do that program the manager is acting is a figurehead he represents the radio he goes to court he goes to the media he's also leader so they act if you're small the manager has more and more and more rows okay and here's the key if you are in a large firm the biggest role of a top manager is resource allocation they say the budget of this university is 25 million Thai Baht you get five million you'll get five million you can find you you get high okay and let us say we're five buildings you get this building you get this building you get that okay so the big boss responsibility is mostly to okay resources okay he's not going to be doing a lot of you know disseminating information the president is not going to do that to the University it's not going to tell us a lot of things okay he is not going to be introducing me he's not going to do here's the big boss okay his is about okay are we going to buy more land are we going to build a new door okay I mean he's gonna focus a big important things okay so question but okay so the key is you have to understand that managers have different roles in small businesses in different rows in large businesses and therefore they're going to have different responsibilities in big business middle management is going to more than liaison okay they're going to be acting more as a monitor it's just going to be watching house we're going to do the work they just going to watch us here there's a disturbance so if you're a big part these are getting more important if you're a small firm these are more important section we got about ten fifteen minutes five one four why is it important to study management and that's fairly simple first of all there is a benefit to it there is a benefit for you to study management okay and there is a benefit to running a business effectively and efficient it's just good to know okay I mean it is part of life for example you may need to know a lot about trees you may never have to deal with trees okay but you will be either managers or non managerial employees if you have your own fun you're still going to be manager so no matter what you're doing like you need basic management skills okay management is also important because in the managers are good the business okay so that's number two if it's a well-managed organization so if organization has good management business is good to prosper means to do very well to make good profits to be in a good business so good management means good business is specially in bad so everyone it can be here a good manager in the high season where you got a lot of tourists i but the real hard job is when the season is low when the tourists are few then a manager is a good manager in a business is a good business being able to attract the tourists when there are few of them when the season is low when business is in that's very important in number three this is the simplest one after you graduate from school most of you probably 95 percent of you will be either managers or manage many of you will begin as non managers meaning they will just start this ordinary employees me I've been teaching for fifteen years and I'm still not a manager okay I'm still just an ordinary employee engagement all right because I'm the guy who gets the job done who works with customers okay sometimes the my job is more so you need to study management because it you benefit from it because it's going to be important for your business and because you're going to be a manager or manage and finally I think this is the last section which are the factors reshaping and redefining management that path is management changing over the last 10 15 20 years all right we have 5 10 more minutes to finish so I gave you one of the many examples it's probably coming here one of the big changes is called globalization ok people coming from different countries in here as part of a tours globalization is part of this university you have professors from Bulgaria the UK America from many other countries so you've got customers who are in different countries you also have employees from different oh you got technology from different countries okay you got iPads and Sony camcorders and projectors and computers so the environment is getting more complex the environment is getting more international they're important now especially for tourism especially for the hotel industry the environment is getting more computerized everything is now on the Internet customers are on the Internet all right let's see what this guy is saying okay well the workplace is changing more computers more technology more international stuff okay more international as well you also have to deal with ethics and trust him professor okay are they really going to be good I didn't really going to be teaching and it gonna be working are are they lazy okay mean these are all well some are Buddhist his Christian is religion going to be Paul okay well some are Asian some are European is race going to be a problem okay so you got a lot of different little things to worry about okay education okay so you also have and I already explained global economic uncertainties you don't know what's going to happen by the next season in Japan you don't know what's going to happen with the Chinese economy in Chinese tourists okay you don't know what's going to happen with the Indian economy you get some indian tourists here right you also have some korean tourists here well is samsung going to be doing well right if you're buying more samsung galaxy this means maybe the careening well well but you're not buying iPhones so maybe the American economy is not there so you need to understand the global economic answer and I already gave you an example of changing technologies changing all hotel trial airlines everything is now on the Internet you need to know the internet need to understand you need to be able to use it not only for facebook but for real work okay and I think this is one of the very last ones customers customers are very important why because the customer brings in the revenue the customer comes with the money all right and the money happens to be the most important thing in business so for business the most important goal objective is actually profit in profit comes from revenue and revenue is in the form of money incoming from the customers so the only way to grow the business is to grow the customers okay so with our customers no customers no business no money no profit nothing customer is the most important in many many of you here are the customers of this University all right it is very very important in attitude for customers meaning for this university you're the customer what is my attitude how I treat you how am i sky or a bad guy right depends on your customer satisfaction depends on you recommending to your friends oh he's a great professor he's doing the camera thing or he's a nice guy oh he doesn't give us assignments right right whatever it is it is very important those who work with the customer to keep the customer the customer happy pay in coming back okay when the customer is coming back we call a repeat customer repeat customer this salmon who comes back tomorrow again in the hotel business they come to the they stay ten days next year they come again for ten days and they also bring friends okay so that's customer satisfaction and the first level of employees those that work with the customers is very very important okay and finally managers must create a customer responsive environment customer responsive environment means if there is a problem someone's got a problem you can go to the manager and manager immediately comes to me and says you don't do this you've got to do that you gotta you know for example I keep it too late they says no you cannot keep them after what is it ten twenty right say no more finish alright so it is very important that the manager keeps the employees responsive and responsible meaning servicing the customer innovation whiskey innovation okay we're not going to worry about innovation and we finished when I'm gonna cover history okay so everybody you don't need to cover history man okay so with this we are done for chapter one now next Tuesday the choosing after that we're going to have a quiz and next week we continue with Chapter two okay all right we're done for today thank you
Channel: Krassimir Petrov
Views: 173,013
Rating: 4.8789668 out of 5
Keywords: framing, scheduling, skills, conceptual skills, interpersonal skills, technical skills, political skills, customer responsiveness
Id: nz0uEZbnrzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 9sec (2049 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2013
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