Princess Madeleine & Chris O'Neill - "I’m a terrible housewife" | SVT/NRK/Skavlan

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you got innocence Congress a little slowly Long's and nothing something you said yes thought yeah see ya to first royalty uh I mean most when Leonor and Madeleine speak special about animals if it's about you know Heston kaneen and then I get it nothing more complicated than that so can Nina nor the meaning the rabbit that's one of the first words you learned in Swedish because that's that they knows little thing we can't live without the canina very little rabbit and she can't sleep without it so it's you know if we don't find ken and then it's we're not gonna go to bed that night we walked through Chelsea and she dropped it we got home we realized that it wasn't there I spent two hours getting back and forth across the street in the rain and thought I thought the the aterna in the dustbin I was looking in dustman's people thought I was crazy but I have to find it behind oh no I need you just is just Kalinin it hasn't got a name it's just just commune just come in do you do you sing lullabies oh yes all the time yeah what did you think of mine did you like my lullaby yeah yes but I was so surprised that you didn't know that the blink la la Rana well you're happy in Sweden there you go original I of course Norwegians you know Ringo and see there yes clinker is nicer probably we have it in Norway as well and I'm gonna get a lot of problems because I'm sure this is your lucky day in a way because we have an english-speaking guests here so we no need to do this in a mantastic and tell me can you uh can you recognise the fact that people get nervous around you when you when you went through a room as a royal person can you can you sense that the people get sort of you know sometimes but I try to you know smile and say hi and bring it back it's not you know I'm just a normal person I get nervous when she walks in the room it must have been sort of awkward I mean coming into this very special family being a civilian I mean it must be didn't you feel sort of I mean yeah good notice I think I would be nervous meeting you know England the Queen for the first time yeah for sure for sure but you know what in each of those circumstances they happened in unexpected way so I wasn't fully prepared and so that took the edge off um but there's no how-to book there's no guide there's no nothing so you have to learn a little bit on on the flow but for sure you definitely don't know us how do you if you if you talk to the king mmm you're your father-in-law how do you address it kiza he's always sir you know he's sorry yes sir huh she's mom how do you actually get a princess how did she make a very good question I occupy so maybe I pinched myself every day I fell we met through mutual friends in New York and we we were basically living in a way kind of parallel lives you know I kind of saw something there she didn't see something that that's just me but we there was always chemistry okay laughter sense of humor that's really the bond that I think most couples that have to kind of you know and you're a long time or through some kind of focus or nervous attention that sense of humor to take everything a little bit with the pinch of salt that helps so that's you make me laugh every day oh sodomy not with me that video was so beautiful about your life and you guys it was so nice but tell me meeting her for the first time you were quite sure quite early I mean you but what did what did you see you know I saw I think in a way I think I I read people well that's a part of my jobs what I've done and with Madeline you know you you see that big smile you see those eyes and she's very outgoing she's very honest she's very forthcoming and sweet and welcoming and she immediately cuz people as you say nervous around her and so forth and she dispels that I necessarily wasn't nervous because we met in a private setting and but yeah you just see there gregariousness and it's it's a wonderful thing so you know what did you think okay Chris well absolutely the sense of humor and you know of course Chris is a very very thoughtful person he's very very generous and you know he's a true gentleman and yeah how it has he changed you yes absolutely um I feel he felt he makes me feel very safe and I think we're a good team together we like kind of the same things and it's quite easy have you changed hittin do I don't know how I yes for sure yeah sure call me Comic Con exactly where every now I'll get on the Ross my boyfriend that tonight but we all tried to change is each other a bit don't we I mean perhaps the clothes the this is the style the something that oh the clothes is style that I can't touch him hey I say something no no no no this is who I am and that's what I like about Christie's very much about you know this is me I'm Chris and Neal and you know I'm not gonna change and and I love that I love it have you been changed by a boyfriend this is so fairytale like by the way mm no no me and you know what my boyfriend's a bit older than we'll quite a bolder than me and actually I feel like for the first time in my life so far and that that's why our relationship work so much is cuz he already is who he's gonna be but where is anyone else I've ever been with isn't quite there yet so they're always changing a lot and so I think the key to our success is that obviously we love each other but I think our age gap actually really works for me and my boyfriend but yeah I've changed loads but I think for the better it's it's amazing being a real team yeah rather than being very separate and when you argue rather than splitting up actually overcoming stuff it makes you more powerful and there's such true and especially now when you have children it's really being a team you really have to be strong together yeah you you're quite different people aren't you I I mean boom yes and now I would say I'm definitely the one who's maybe a little bit more calmer and you can sometimes you know you creep prisons very emotional guy we're just Italian Irish you know there's obviously some former Sissis there but so you you're more more temperamental more absolutely I'm so moody it's terrible so so how's the Swedish become open yeah how do you deal with that I mean when he's in one of his moods well you know the one who deals best for is actually in or she just just looks at him and say hi hi just softens you in a second yeah cuz who's the most romantic of you you are yeah we have been living in in new york in stockholm and now you live here in london and you have two kids and so a lot has happened one must say it since you met I love it describe your life here in London how is it do you live in a house or do you live in a flat or what kind of life is it we we you know we live in a very normal life right now I'm a full-time mom right now and I enjoy spending most of my time with the with our little kids and you mean Chris you work a lot but when you're at home we try to do fun things together and the weekends we try to you know go to the zoo or we go to the local market and we find some nice you know local vegetable who cooks the best that you do do you think I got a feeling it might be he's pointing at him like that I don't know can you cook no actually I I have to admit that I probably had never cooked a real meal for Chris I'm a terrible housewife tell me what's the best if you if you had to cook something yeah what could that be Swedish meatballs I was just about which is the fuzzy now that's absolutely ok lately well we you know maybe we should get a little less than going on base and the first one you're taking out the King first and says it all right there an English boy yeah know for sure I will jump on that and I think Chris will be very happy if I do this absolutely no but Chris I must say he's he's a very good chef so you know I feel I don't even want to go into the kitchen because he's kind of this is my area you know you say I try to think you know darling did you need any help I can chop no no no you're just making messes yeah precisely and he's very good chef you know so so what what's your signature dish if you if you signature dish yeah if you want to impress oh yeah I think I am we like like in the winter we like making like big soups like a ribollita our ministry you know your minestrone recipe is always by default guide thank you very much absolutely but you know as we say we've go to the market you I kind of grew up sometimes in holidays in Italy and my father's mother came from Sicily and there it's it's you know you let the ingredients speak for themselves you know and you try not to temple with them so you you know the way I kind of look at it is what you find guides you to what you're going to cook and if you find a great chicken you find a great bit of veg you let you just let them tell you what you're going to cook and you just dictate it from that way so but I like making different things decision do you remember the first meal in there that I cooked for her yeah hmm maybe my a Leo Leo spaghetti a Leo Leo I think that's your kind of cook yeah they could forget all that which is very simple but it's complicated isn't it yeah we like a martini it's so simple but you got to get it so right to make it work tell me about Leonor and unknit las' because we don't know them yet um and you just started to know them because they're very very young can you see their personality already yes I think I mean especially way with Leonor she you know it's kind of funny because she her name is actually it means sunlight or sunshine and and I must say since the day she was born she's always had a smile on her face she always you know every day she makes us laugh and she's really a fun little character she's wild she's everywhere fat okay well and the worst part about it is she already knows that she has her father wrapped around her finger so she she's got it Nicholas is is is uh is a gentle soul he he's had a tough time as of late he had a little tummy bug then he had a fever and I he's got a bit of a cough so but even so you come up to him and he looks at you and then you smile in the new smiles and it's all very gentle and very sweet she's more outgoing than he is but you know he's only six months so we'll see that's my conversation so is it are they like mini used but just the opposite in a way that's good question I don't know no I think it's a good blend of each for sure there's lots of attributes from each of us in both of them so I can definitely see some positively annoy within me you know kind of huh for sure I was quite outgoing when I was a kid I think and and you know stubborn as well and she's you wait till I get older and you're arguing with them okay and the bit that they're beating you it is the pitless you and you're gonna hear just a minute you're just faster than me and you're me and me oh okay and also you become your own parents oh yeah I mean slowly you become you have you have you have you noticed that that you become like your own mother and you yeah are you I the same kind of mother that your own mother was um that's a good question I don't know really um I think so in some way I think so and I want you know for me I I feel that my parents they were so loving and you know the most generous people I know but you know they were away a lot when we were kids due to their you know obligation as a queen king and queen and so I I feel that that I really want to give my full time right now when with my kids because that's a part that I that I miss a little bit and but otherwise yeah is that a generational thing is that is that because that was the time Thanks so absolutely I think our generation we are much more handsome the kids especially the fathers I think you know we're much more hands-on I mean you you change I don't know how many diapers you changed every mind me but but Madeline and and and and Victoria as well are are if I may say born mothers I mean it's incredible to watch them with their kids because it's it's just so natural and I can see it in cut Phillip as well because when he's with either Estelle Lillian or you know he he just his on the floor and he's playing and wrestling with them and so all three really are so warm and kind with the kids that is it's an amazing thing to see it in action you you were both well you are both the youngest yeah I mean you you grew up with four sisters oh hi sister sorry five sisters and so I mean you being the youngest boy they'd they had you in the trolley and just know I looked like Mick Jagger when I was young I had this like long hair I had these like Oh was these hand-me-down coats which was bizarre because I'd kind of like far and then they button the wrong way around and it was all very strange but of course looking back at a new day dressed it well my mother they yeah and you know looking back and it was like you know late seventies early eighties now it looks so cool at that point it was horrendous but you know um it was a wonderful thing growing up with a lot of sisters because they really I think guide you and I'm you know i mean i think if women could rule the world the world would be in a lot better place than it is today so just to say I really believe it and so I think that you know having been with a lot of strong women in my life that that's only done many positive things and are you shaped by being the the the I mean the little sister do you think that has shaped who you are yeah I'm sure it has that's no families I'm sure and you know having you mices because our parents were gone quite a lot you know my sister she really took on that role of being the oldest sister she she taught us a lot of things at early stage and she she always came up with fun plays and and my brother he was kind of in between these strong sisters so it's usually that happens with the middle child and yeah and you're still very close with your yes greatness and like when you mentioned Estelle and my sister it's so much fun nowadays you know when we spend our summer in the in an island called Ellen and South part of Sweden and it was so much fun this summer too to see that you know my sister and I we were doing the same thing that we've always done when we were kids but now with our two daughters and you know we we start off the day we go we pick their eggs from the chickens and then we go to the you know strawberry land and read some strawberries and then we go riding and and now we're doing with our daughters and it's a you can't really find him I mean you you you grew up in the limelight and I don't know what what's your memories like from that I mean being a child and so much watched by anyone every move move you made was that is that a positive memory or is it a tough memory for you you know I was poor my parents they always got a headache when we were you know having you know family photos or something like that because I always ran off and I was always hiding and they always had to drag me there and I was screaming and I never really want to be a part of it and you know one one could think that how I've had this all my life and one was thinking what would made it expect that I would be used to that by now to be comfortable you know in front of people or with photographers or journalists asking you question but I'm really not I'm I'm I think in the end of the day I'm I'm quite shy and I don't like being in the center of attention but you know as as an official person as I am I know that this is something I have to deal with and I'm I'm struggling with it I'm working on it and I'm here today how can you be kept on her down your way when you read about her when you read criticism or or just oh absolutely sure of course I'm her husband so you know for me I'm very protective and I know also that the people writing things you know don't know who we are you know they've never met us you might pretend they do but they've never spent time with us they've never hung out with us so they may say things that kind of justify their own means but aren't really you know true and you you you get a thicker skin over time you learn it and you you get to deal with it but it's always a little painful official you have to find a balance because I mean as we all know media is important and and I finding a balance and of course it saddens me sometimes when media might think that I'm arrogant or you know because I'm not answering their questions and but it's that's really not that's really not the case it's not who I am and and of course that that upsets me sometimes um but um yeah we have did it ever happen that you thought oh I wish she was not a princess yeah yeah I'm not yeah because you know there were times when you know it's interesting in England in this country and and kind of the anglo-saxon model we take privacy as a sacrosanct you know it is god-given right there's certain things in one's life private and you know it's not better or worse than a Scandinavian model where ever is very much transparent and shared very different and in hindsight I was not aware of that I was not prepared for that in a way so at some point I would have been like oh I love this girl and I fell in love with this girl and I have to now you know very much adapt my entire life towards who I fell in love with and there were times of course when it wasn't so comfortable that you said I wish I didn't have to do this they are little my new times and you know doesn't matter you have declined royal privileges I mean you had you haven't got the title well have you ever considered the same you know I feel that like Chris what you said and that if I can through my title you know point on important issues that I really think it's is important we talk about you know for example children's right I will you know I have to want to do that and if I can make a difference by just you know raising the awareness about sixty views of children this is something we need to talk about it's so important and then I'm proud of being a princess and this is this is your mother's foundation that you now work with it's called childhood tell me I did I mean you've been involved in a lot of projects what what has made the strongest personal impression on you oh that's a tough question um you know with childhood and though for those who you don't know it's it's about the we support the most vulnerable children as three children children who lives in alternative care families at risk and of course children has been sexually abused and you know my mom when she founded Charlotte she found that she saw that nobody talked about this group of kids it was you know so taboo and people didn't know really how to talk about it I think it's still difficult for people I noticed that some you know they tune off a little bit when I start talking about it but again it's so important that we do address this problem because there are millions things are 200 million of children out there who are being sexually abused and you know only in the US I think one of 10 children are being abused before the 80 85 percent of these kids are 11 years or younger so for me knowing that there's so many kids out there who are sexually abused and exploited and it makes me even more determined that we have to do something about it and we can't do you know how we can perfect the role of a modern princess um the the press criticizing you I would interpret it differently they would interpret that you should also be available to to the press yeah yeah can't cut more ribs yes that's exactly I know I and I understand it and I'm I'm I absolutely think I should do I can do both and I see myself you know now living here in England um I feel that I could do much much more for Sweden abroad I can promote you know Swedish companies they're a huge market here in UK and I think we're were fifty thousand Swedes living in London so there are lot of things I can do here so you what you're saying you could do more absolutely she's being a full-time mum that's better been a princess in my opinion do you have any even though you haven't got the title do you have any limitations as a businessman in your business I mean you're a businessman you're an investor do you feel that you this role being her husband gives you some limitations it did in my previous job and that's part of the reason a small part of the reason why I left that job because the we were managing capital on behalf of clients and they weren't comfortable and they kind of the intrusion of the press into my life and so now I've had to adapt what I do in so far that it's really business-to-business type of business and therefore you're speaking to large institutions they're multinationals outside of certain geographic markets they don't know who I am at all so you know it doesn't really come into I don't think it's really ever come up in what I've been doing for the last three or four years Who I am or what I do so that that's a plus side about it what is it you do really I mean you know sure it's good answers good question so I sat behind four computer screens for like 20 years of my life I was just trading and while I was okay what I did and I liked what I did and I enjoyed it it was time for me to not do that anymore and so I basically spent a lot of my time focusing on two industries one was payment processing and one was energy and now I've identified two opportunities in those two industries that I am trying to exploit and and and make some business from these are long-term contracts dealing with very very big companies and so it takes time to win them it's very frustrating sometimes because you you you know you have a solution that would really fix problems that they have but you know trying to make a Titanic move takes time and before before we wrap up tonight I liked what I did not sorry I I really that was that was that was a couple thing because you're here you had there's not not not the problem but you had one here down there she was like yes let's talk about the future because many people won't know what's going to happen I mean how long are you staying in England you've been as I mentioned living in New York in in Stockholm forever for a bit and now in London are you are you staying here forever or what's the plan well what who should I ask I don't know I really we're looking at each other um you know right now it's a very good place for us to be because of Chris your business and you know I find London it's a perfect place because it's close to home to my family and then my friends so it's easy for me to pop over whenever um New York was a little bit far away I'm sure you maybe felt the same thing having family here and so do you do you have a do you have a like Scandinavian home here or do you have have you gone totally British with you know carpet on the bathroom floor and everything but that thing you don't really understand I don't know carpet in my we like white clean surfaces canadian-style well it's probably thanks to IKEA anyway really like it probably was all carpets in the 80s no I think we have a mix mix they answer Leonore is is starting school when she's six years old well what do you think I mean what should be do you do have we don't think we don't really six years is is four years from now so you know what we do is we we we lay out different you know kind of alternative options and we pre-register and do all the things that one has to do and have spreadsheets come out I mean in this country I don't I mean it's incredible you know I've had I've had schools say no you're on the wait list because you should have phoned 24 hours after birth yeah you know I told when I was pregnant I should have done it but when I had it later died she died when I was pregnant bearing in mind that I just went to the local school around the corner it's a revelation to me all that not putting their names there now they've even got a name yeah so you know we we what we've done is we've said look let's let's consider every eventualities plan accordingly and take it as as it comes yeah I think it's a portal to see you know what's what's best for the kids in the end of the day and take it from there ya know a near future Christmas coming up how do you plan to to celebrate Christmas we are actually celebrating Christmas here with Chris family I see well yeah when stocking and everything or do you do stockings I don't know yeah well we we're weird in our family we we celebrate on the 24th because my mother in the Germanic side of us so we actually do it more kind of in a German style so we don't have stockings we have Christmas trees and things like this but obviously but we celebrate on the 24th and um but we're gonna be in Sweden for most of December and then we come back and have Christmas early we'll enjoy a little bit of a Swedish Gold the class meter if you have it you Tabo do you know where that is yes you know smorgasbord I'm sure yes yeah love it yeah Jude bood is something that's very typical oh yeah a lot lot of meatballs lots of me sausages and lots of the herrings sovery and what else do we have that this smoked salmon and gravlax lived face a little bit weirder things going on good I'll tell you what about you I think we're spending it here and in England and yeah Turkey I make a really good Brussels back Ratan because I hate Brussels sprouts here it's for a double cream though Jamie at and it's an American eat um I tend to make like a blueberry sort of pie thing that's amazing so yeah last chocolate flight 16 people the turkey didn't fit in the oven I'd sit with it back against the oven it was a nightmare like for a we go get you a bigger oven Delia donut you're gonna do hello for us yes your bad is waiting yes thank you so much for because real pleasure to meet you on you
Channel: Skavlan
Views: 1,412,447
Rating: 4.7186098 out of 5
Keywords: Skavlan, interview, talk show, Fredrik skavlan, madeleine bernadotte, kungafamiljen, royals, Christopher O'Neill (Person), Wedding Of Princess Madeleine And Christopher O'Neill
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2015
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