Prince Philip's nickname for Meghan Markle REVEALED - 'He wouldn't say it to her face!'

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today uh 3 years since the death of Prince Phillip uh he was 99 years of age he died at Windsor Castle and he was the longest serving Royal consort in history well joining us now to talk about his life and Legacy as the editor-in chief of majesty magazine and the Royal biographer ingr Seward um good morning to you lovely to have you on the program it still turns me cold um remembering that moment that I found an operation forth Bridge was coming into play that was to say that all the plans that the broadcaster is in indeed the civil servants and the royal family and all the courtiers had in place was was being enacted because Prince Phillip had died and it was the first you know major Royal death that we had had in in an incredibly long time do you remember where you were when you heard the news three years ago today I was actually in the market in Henley on temps buying some buying some apples so not not in a very dramatic place but I do remember the funeral very very very well I think I think we all do because it was so poignant and it was I think it was the the queen followed her government's covid restrictions so it was very very paired down and also just to to let Amma know he was Lord High Admiral Prince Philip there we go thank you yeah very Wonder Isn't it Lord High Admiral and he could and he could have gone all the way with his with his Naval career but but he put that to one side didn't he well he had to when uh the Queen's father became really ill and he was he was um um on service in Malta and he realized then that his Naval days were going to be over and that he really had to you know had to do what what he was destined to do which was support his wife the queen as Monarch ingred tell me about I mean we we talked about his military career there so he was used to giving and taking orders there um did he take orders in the Royal household or did he make the orders well what happened was Philip started to make the orders because he saw that the household was run in a very inefficient way and he was extremely efficient man and he wanted things to run really smoothly so um he became a little bit unpopular because he started making quite sweeping changes within the Royal household to make it more more efficient and um it wasn't always popular with with the sort of o old established members of of the staff that were there love story between the pair though um certainly the Queen Elizabeth um II was was madly in love with him and um I suppose what they had in common um apart from sort of both being aristocratic and Royal was a love of the country a shared love of the country I think they all what they really had come on with this amazing sense of Duty and Philip always said you know my duty is to support my wife as Monarch and and that's the position he never wavered from what whatever else he did he was always supporting his wife the queen and I and I I think that really big sense of Duty was what held them both together over the years apart from the other obvious things like his sense of humor his loyalty um and he his ability just to get on with life and get and make things happen he made things happen yeah he he was uh I've been saying this morning in in my opinion he was very much the enforcer um you know he was the sheriff and town uh he made the the rules and um people would come to him for advice and I'm sure he would tell them what to do uh in in no small way how would you see his role in the general Family Circle well in the Family Circle he was in a way I suppose he was a bit of a house hus Al though he would loathe that expression because the queen was was you know when her father died suddenly in 1952 she was propelled into a position that she hadn't expected for for at least another 10 years so Phillip had to take over the running of the household the the the running of the family um he made the decisions she 100% agreed with him and and then he got on with it you make of his relationship or how he viewed Megan Markle I think Prince Philip was very canny about people um and he didn't always see bad in them he he tried to see good in them but I think he just couldn't get away from the fact of the similarities between uh Megan and Harry and uh Edward and Mrs Simpson if you like there are so many similarities there which is why he used to call her uh The Duchess of Windsor mean not to have face obviously we used to call her da do what about the relationship that was sometimes fra especially in the early years with our now king um what do you think Prince Phillip given what you know of him and you've written books about him would make about um King Charles's Reign so far and I suppose the challenges that the Royal Family are now facing do you think he would agree with this slim down monarchy given you know their health and and apparent Frailty at the moment I think he would totally agree with the slim down monarchy and I think he would be very very proud of his son he wasn't always proud of his son I mean he was a very tough father and they didn't get along in the in the early years obviously they did later but I think he would be really proud of the way that that Charles has sort of immediately implemented what he said he was going to do he said he wanted a slim down monarchy and that's what he's organized that's what he's now got it is a little bit uh too slim down at the moment perhaps but he's coping he just doesn't want the burden of too many Royals upon the British taxpayer well we'll remember him with fness today on this April the 9th the third anniversary of his passing ingred thank you very much indeed for for sharing your thoughts and your opinions with us today thank you
Channel: GBNews
Views: 399,064
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Keywords: GB news, monarchy, royal family, leadership, queen, king, king charles, duchess of sussex, duchess of windsor, meghan markle, meghan, markle, prince philip, philip
Id: -hvqqbGFGVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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