Primeweld tig 225 welding cart - welding cart complete

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welcome back to the shop today guys today's a new day and uh sun's shining snow's melting so you know it's it's gonna be good i mean we'll probably get hit with more snow yet but who knows uh if you're just joining us here today we are working on our welding cart this is the frame that we tacked up last time it is for our prime weld tig 225 and tank etc uh in my last video i showed you what i was doing with my wheels i picked up some casters i got these wheels off the back of an old barbecue and they got the shiny hubcaps so you know balling but i first got to final weld this up so i'm gonna get the tig set up and we're gonna final weld this guy so [Music] do [Music] so it's going pretty well uh this is probably one of my better welds here uh it's not looking too bad had some sort of decontamination there but uh it's getting better i mean uh a little bit of weird angles for a guy who's just starting but you know it's working and i'm pumped starting to look good and it's penetrating well so i think we're in good shape uh at least it seems to be penetrating well we'll find out when this thing falls apart in the middle of the night but anyways i got two more spots i'm gonna quickly weld up and then we'll start looking at the wheels and see if we can get those mounted so here's a shot of it on the cart i just finished welding up all the corners uh this is what it's going to be looking like when it's done only it'll be a little higher because of the wheels i think i showed this in the last video but it's a nice height so i can reach the reach the knobs kind of at hip height kind of thing but like i said it can be about three or four inches higher when it's done so uh i think it's looking pretty good uh it's not too wobbly now that i final welded it she's pretty good there's a little bit of a uh it's a little wobbly at the bottom something's not quite square but uh i don't really care it'll be fine it's straight enough uh it's not gonna be too tippy um so uh we'll see how it goes i think the weight of it will actually push onto the wheels a little bit at least i hope if not i can shim up the wheels a little bit so i'm gonna get going on what i'm gonna do for the wheels like i said i have barbecue wheels i'm going to put on the back and then i've got some casters to put on the front we'll see how we're going to mount those [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] okay guys wheels are installed i forgot to film when you're putting on the back wheels but imagine angle iron holding a little axle for a barbecue wheel and there you go this is what we ended up with it's looking pretty sharp still pretty stable for what it is the whole unit is a little narrow i might change that i might one day take these uh these front casters and pop them out a little bit but uh it's a nice height now it's a little higher i don't know if you can really tell from what it was but now it's about the i don't know above my hip height now i don't know but it's actually i like this height better so uh so far so good i'm liking the way it's looking it's i guess it's looking the way i anticipated so that's good but uh now i need to figure out a way to hold the tank sturdy so i think i'm gonna build a bracket that goes onto this piece here that just has a whoop and uh that way this tank has something to sit in i'm also gonna drill some holes uh and that'll be for my uh filler rods because i gotta have a place for those and then i'll put those guys kind of in here like that and there'll be a hole in that plate and i might put two holes in this bottom plate just to hold them steady so when i get these one pound broad rod packs i can just throw them in there sounds simple sound like it might work we'll see because i need something to chain that tank down so i'm gonna get cutting those up and uh hopefully we can finish this thing up soon okay so i made that plate uh that's gonna be the saddle we'll call it a saddle for our uh argon tank this is what it kind of looks like here this is actually out of stainless no particular reason i just had some of the thickness that i wanted in stainless i didn't have any mild steel so i sacrificed some stainless for this uh hopefully i'm not going to regret that later i have three holes on each side i was gonna do two but i had the room for three so i am going to uh weld on a bracket to bolt it to the tank or to the to the chassis it's gonna go on this piece of metal right here and the tank is gonna fit like that so uh it should work pretty well uh this is the piece uh that i'm gonna weld to it i'm gonna jig it up here a guy commented on one of my videos saying that i should lower my amps a little bit for stainless so i'm going to give that a shot see what that works if that helps me out at all um if not i mean i'm not too worried no one's going to see this weld not too worried but at least i get some more stainless practice in so i got that welded up uh welds looked a lot better uh maybe i don't know if it's because i dropped my amps a little bit or if uh if i find it easier welding thicker material because you can ramp up the amperage you can kind of just go uh the thinner stuff is where i kind of struggle a little bit but i did lower the amps i welded this at around 105 um and it turned out pretty freaking good guys for for me that is like a 10 out of 10 for the welding i've done so far now i may or may not show you this now that is when you put down your stainless filler rod right next to a piece of aluminum filler rod and you grab the wrong one and you fire it in there that's what that looks like so other than that um which i'm very embarrassed about but whatever even what i uh recouped with here didn't end up bad they're a lot shinier than they used to be uh so uh i'm i'm proud of that guys like that's that's a big improvement for me so uh i'm gonna drill some holes on the welding cart bolt this thing on and we'll see how it looks after she's on well guys that turned out really really well um so i'll give you a look-see here that's what the tank these are my one pound uh rod holders like i said i got three on the other side for if i ever want to bulk up a little bit more or get some weird fancy ones i think that's where i'm going to end this video guys this project was a lot of fun it's pretty simple i know i you probably noticed that this took me took me about three days i think i was in here three times working on this and uh really uh no more than i would say six hours maybe eight and that's me taking my time going out playing my kids cleaning up stuff doing other things in between this really didn't take a lot of time and like i said i had the material the only thing i needed to purchase was the front caster wheels uh those are eight bucks a piece at my local farm store uh farm supply store so i mean really all in all this thing did not cost me very much um i mean it's probably around 100 bucks worth of material if you really want to look at it that way but i think it turned out really really well and like i said i will be putting a side plate on here one day with a handle but we're going to wait for this cnc project to be done and it's becoming storage already for an update on that uh you'll have to wait for my next video but i did order my rack uh my opinion rack and pinion gears for this thing so they're on their way so that'll be the next video for that one and i'll put a card up here if you want to see the build on that that's also really close to race season uh it is what is it march march uh uh what is it march something it's march uh tracks around here usually open up may long by tracks around here i mean i have to drive two hours in any direction to do any kind of racing but i will get back onto the car projects exciting to get that out of my buddy's shop he's moving starting to get that out of there and back into the trailer and back in here which is gonna have a lot less room to work but we'll make do so uh yeah i got to do a converter change i want to do manual breaks and some other little things on there but i'll show you those videos as they come so anyway thanks for stopping by guys i really appreciate you guys i as of this video i noticed i was up at 70 subscribers that is amazing um my goal for 2021 was 100 subscribers we're almost there so uh i gave myself a whole year thinking that that was how long it was going to take so 70 as of right now is i'm pumped so thank you guys very much and uh yeah subscribe hit the like button comment down below tell me if you see me doing something wrong or something i should improve um if you do want to give me a thumbs down go ahead but tell me why in the comments i really appreciate that so i can get better as i go so anyways thanks for stopping by guys and i'll see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Letkeman Fab Works
Views: 1,530
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Fabrication, Tig, welding, Tig welding, Primeweld, Prime weld, Primeweld 225X, primeweld tig 225, Beginner, first tig, DIY, Primeweld tig, automotive Fabrication, review, tig welder review, primeweld review, 225X review, unboxing, tig unboxing, first tig welder
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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