Building a custom welding cart for primeweld 225 tig and titanium 170 harbor freight mig welder

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[Music] all right i just picked up some steel for a wild card that i want to build to accept this prime well take 225 along with this titanium harbor freight big welder uh it's gonna be two shelves online i want the primo to sit on the bottom and just to sit on top basically so that i can open that no problem not have any issues [Music] but so i'm gonna get doing some measurements i think i got enough steel might have to make another run but find out here shortly also the reason i'm building a card instead of just buying one is because i can't really find anything that's going to basically work for both welders that's perfectly set up for there's nothing out there that's perfect for it i'm sure there's some stuff that's close but i could screw it i got the balls i might make my all right i got the base done got everything all well prepped and cleaned up ah that goes back right there so this is just gonna be the base that that welder will sit on it'll basically come back to about right here and then this will be a spot for the tank and i think i'm gonna put another support right here for the tank and i think i don't know if this is gonna be a wood top yet or uh or like a sheet metal we'll find out but i think these will be fine without any more supports just just where the tank goes i'll put one in there yeah now i'm gonna take it all up and weld it together i wish i had a table and you know that'll come later i guess okay if i had a table how i would do this is basically clamp this whole thing up tack it check for square attack some more weld some more but since i got my workbench till i get a table in here this is how i'm squaring everything up i just use some clamps and i'm just going to go through like one by one and square all this up all the way down it's kind of pain the ass but gotta work with what i got so i'm gonna throw it on time lapse and do it that way all right so one of my cuts probably this one right here was a little long should have checked them and put the longest ones on the outside but i thought they were fairly consistent but so we ended up having a gap right here so i just take this block out because my clamps aren't big enough i'm just gonna bring that in and close that up and then square it up and weld it in all right i got to brag a little bit so we're going to check for square here corner corner 35 and three-quarter and 35 and three-quarter not bad for a wooden bench [Music] [Music] all right that base is all done and no rock at all let's see i wonder if it stayed square let's find out 35 three-quarter and 35 and three-quarter yeah the problem i got this thing on it's only hooked up to 110 it can do 220 volt 2 but i haven't ran the wires yet so it's popping the breaker every once a while just had to slow down welding but i mean overall that's a great welder for the price all right so i got the top the top rack or whatever you want to call it for this welder all cut up and well prepped what are you ready to weld now if i was doing this for a customer what i would do here is pop holes in between each of these and then one out maybe one of the bottom probably the middle one uh just to let the air escape because i'm sealing it all the way up with weld and a lot of times what you'll get is the hot gases inside the tube will blow out like where you try and close it up um but since it's just for me it's just a little wild card it's not going to be a big deal at least it's not going to bother me so but yeah i'm going to go ahead get that tanked up weld it up and then we will start assembling the bottom which i did put in this brace for where the tank is going to go and but then i got these cut up which are the legs or not the legs basically what's going to tie in the uprights to tie in the bottom to the top and then uh then we'll get the casters on there too so i'm gonna get to that show you what i'm doing so here's a little thing i do so this overall is 22 inches and then so center is 11 inches and this is one inch two so to each edge would be ten and a half inches from each side so instead of marking it out all i do is this is one inch two three six nine and then a half inch right here so that gives me ten and a half inches from each side so we got [Music] ten and a half to the edge of the tube here which would be also ten and a half to there just a easier way to get it on center instead of marking and lining up marks okay so this one's all welded up and it does have a little bit of play here i don't know if you can see the gap yep right there so now if i had this on an actual table i would clamp down here and here maybe throw a little shim under this one while it's cooling down to hopefully cool it and it would be flat but is what it is for this project all right here we go got the top all done just mounting the bottom to the top now i'm just using these blocks to line everything up [Music] coming out good all right so if you notice here it's not a square not a whole lot so what i'm gonna do is try and pull it back into square with weld so i'm gonna place my welds i'm gonna start with these two oops and then these two up here and in theory what that should do is it's pretty much close up his clothes pull them together so if i were to pull these in tighter that should push this thing this part back out that way and square it up it doesn't gotta go a whole lot so i think it'll work all right so like i said did those two those two and now if anything it's a little out on top but that'll balance out as i'm welding all out all the inside i'm gonna weld the inside first so it kind of pulls all in on each other and then do the outside there it is put some casters on it nobody gave them to me you just had them laying around but i just i just spot welding them on there plug weld them just in case they ever need to be changed out it should be nothing but the grind goes away and put some different ones on yeah pretty happy with it so far got to put the wood on it gotta paint it and i think i'm gonna put a handle here some other stuff on the side for hanging leads [Music] not bad almost there now i just got to make make like a little pouch for this to sit in gotta find the angle the little box that i think i'm gonna mount right about here all right so it's all done now i put this on for the foot pedal the handles the hooks the gussets i just gotta be painted [Music] that's pretty cool and then i just gotta grind these down put some wood on it while my grind nose paint it and then put some wood on there and i'll show you guys what it looks like after it's all finished and with the welders on woo it is finally done i did go ahead and put the hooks on for the tank because i was like well why i came this far why not just put the hooks on but i'm glad i didn't make it any welder wider because uh it wouldn't have fit back there i would have had to change some sort of stuff around but i think it came out pretty good i'm happy with it okay i lied i'm not too happy with it because if i need to get to any of the grounds i got the grounds back here and here for the mig this is where i got to make stuff on this side all the tig on this side but i don't want to have to pull this thing out every single time i need to get to a lead so i'm going to have to move something around change some positions of some stuff and yeah because it's just not gonna i might have to do for now but i am gonna change it but anyways that's it so there's like a four day project should have been like a day and a half project maybe but i didn't draw up anything i just kind of started building and as it went i cut stuff and added stuff but if i were to do this again i would obviously go ahead and draw it all out get a cut list and uh tack everything together and weld everything at once but it'll work for now okay change my mind again maybe this will work actually because majority of the time would be i'm gonna have a table right here um one that i can sit under at a chair and then just turn around and grab my torch but majority of the time it's gonna have the ground hooked up to the table already and i'm just running along the ground right here um maybe i'll set like a jumper i don't know if i can i should be able to set a jumper up so that i just run one ground for both machines that way i never gotta hook up a new ground if i switch from make to tig but yeah all right that makes me feel a little bit better
Channel: Justin Johnson
Views: 412
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 9JKMKq-ZD3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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