Primer (ESSENTIAL) Ingredients

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well hey youtube it's elvis ambo here hey today we're gonna do some magic science so uh i was gonna do this without you guys and i thought you know i better just go ahead and hit the record button on this uh um this is uh this is part this is probably gonna be part of a series i guess you know of uh whatever you wanna call it i'll be putting out a video or two or three until i complete the process but one of the things that i want to do is i want to try my hand at just making just one ingredient in the uh the many ingredients that are needed to make some primers for instance so i'm just going to start there instead of complicating this thing make one thing at a time so today what i'm going to do is uh one of the things that we know is uh nitrocellulose is one of the ingredients right so uh what i'm um and uh a lot of you guys know that ping-pong balls are supposed to be made out of nitrocellulose and that kind of thing well i don't know what the what the uh you know you know if it's a pure form or a weak form or what so i just decided i'll do my best to make my own instead i did however spend some money on ping pong balls and even the high dollar ones was not nitrocellulose i found out in the burn test so anyway um so what we're going to do is a lot of you guys have uh have seen this this here before and one of my projects in the past and uh so first thing we do before we get started because we're messing with the uh you know acids and that kind of thing is uh we want to make us up a little bit of take a little bit of baking soda and put it in some water all right because what that'll do i'm probably going to use a third of it or something like that yeah something like that and and uh just what this does is it just neutralizes any acid that you get on your hands or your face that splash or anything like that you can just simply wipe it on and it'll neutralize it okay so that's our safety um precaution that's probably gonna be about as safe as we're gonna get today so so here we go uh so the idea is um i'm going to it's it's hard to find all of the products that you need so you gotta you gotta kind of uh you know just look around for stuff uh there's some products of some ingredients already had you know and uh so that was great so let me show you it's just real simple we're going to keep this short because i'm probably going to have to turn you on and off in the process because there's some waiting periods and that kind of thing and you'll see um but this is uh this is one of the ingredients that we're going to use and this is the other okay so um so that's uh some sulfuric acid and it's just a a drain opener um is what that is and and you guys most you know that stump remover is potassium nitrate um so um i made up a measuring cup so um that's two cups right there i just kind of designed my own and uh so here's how we're gonna do it i don't have any exact measurements so this is what i think is going to work so we're going to use a cup of this potassium nitrate and a cup of that and it just looks like uh it just looks like that kind of like uh kind of like a a damp uh powdered sugar or something like that that's kind of what it reminds me of all right i'm just gonna put that right in this pot right here all right that's how that's going to go one part of that and then we're going to use um we'll use we're going to go ahead and get ready to close this up let me go ahead and stir my baking soda up in here just in case i'm gonna need it if i get some on my hands i could wear gloves um you know unless you guys know what the safety precautions is for this don't don't uh don't tell me i need to be safe and put my gloves on anyway i do need to be safe and the main thing is wear your eye protection you can reach your hand so here we go this is just you know if you're a plumber you know or if you're you know a homeowner you probably you may have used something like this that's what we're dealing with all right so we're gonna put and the reason that has a color to it is probably because this company probably put a die in there all right so otherwise it would it would probably be clear so now i'm just going to add it to the potassium nitrate and i got to turn this fan on guys don't complain about the noise because uh i have no choice that is some bad steaming stuff right there okay so uh yeah i may need a bigger pot it decides to foam over on me so i got this fan on because i ain't putting my face near those fumes i don't know if you see that uh you probably see the fuse coming off of this thing so this is uh this is going to be a little bit of a waiting game guys um this is going to need to dissolve for a little while so i'm going to [Music] cut you right here and bring you back when i add the cotton and i'll tell you what i'm doing to the cotton all right it's been about 15 minutes is all and the whole idea is i wanted to just uh put this on some some ice and cool it okay so it wouldn't get too hot because that combination that acid in that potassium nitrate really heats up and you can see how this is really cleared up okay it still has a little bit of that diet color in it and uh and that's okay so i don't want it to get cold or even room temperature i want it to stay warm so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to add it [Music] i want to leave this up here underneath that hood okay there's an exhaust hood there so what i done was i got these uh cotton cotton balls large triple size they're called cotton balls and uh [Music] they look like that and uh so what i've done with some of them is i just cut them up with scissors into small little pieces and then some of them i just pulled them apart like this all right um i just feel like it's a better chance of absorbing better that way okay that's all so i pulled these apart and i'm putting them in this bowl right here and now i'm gonna pour this solution over it so it's uh it's just warm right now so i'm just gonna pour that right over the top the cotton balls and if i have to it's going to heat back up again a little bit after hitting these cotton balls and if i have to i can always set it back on that ice and uh so what we're gonna do is we're gonna nitrate these cotton balls all [Music] right all right like that and uh i can always add some cotton balls see if you guys can see that good i'm just going to slide this over just a little bit so you can see that all right and we'll just see how much absorption we get here in the cotton balls and it looks like i might be able to add some more with that amount there it was probably i'm gonna guess it was maybe 20 cotton balls or something like that that's what it looks like there's still quite a bit of solution over the top so we're just going to add a few more i'm just going to tear some up right here that's what i'm going to do i'm going to put three of them and then we'll see and then we'll let these uh cotton balls sit around for i'll do four of them i got four of them in my hand rather do too few than too many that's all just like that don't poke those down in there good yeah they're absorbing real easy i didn't want to let it get too cold because then it'd be hard for it to absorb in there you want to make sure you do this a lot you know get it down in there good um i'm thinking i might need a i might put another one or two in there let's see they're not very dense whenever you break them up like that makes it a lot easier to absorb all right so then after these things are nitrated yeah i'm gonna add uh i want to get all i can get right so i'll add what i got in my hand here break it all i up that's gonna do it and then i'll uh we'll let these uh we're gonna get that good and saturated okay and then i'll uh i'll bring you guys back whenever these things uh we're gonna let it sit about 24 hours and then i'll bring you back right now that's what it looks like right there i might add i might add one more to it all right so far so good it's been maybe 22 hours all right and i'm gonna call it good i got time to do this i'm gonna do it now um this is the cotton that's been sitting there and you can see it's got just uh uh it looks like it may have uh some almost like uh maybe it has a little sweat on top of it or something like that and that's about it it looks like that kind of like gel or something so let's see what uh let's see what this looks like so now what i'm going to do is i'm just gonna wash it out so i may have to turn the fan back on let's see what this looks like okay it looks like that that's it right there so as you remember you know i kind of chopped the cotton up instead of leaving it in balls so i think that probably allowed it to soak up a lot faster and easier i and uh and i imagine it's probably going to make it a lot easier to rinse so it looks like kind of like that now yeah it's starting to uh to smell a little bit so i might turn the noise on i knew it would but uh you know the temperature of it it seemed to uh it seemed to stay around uh for the most part 68 or something like that on average but it did go to about 90 degrees for a couple hours before the temperature was able to come down even after putting it in ice for a minute so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to [Music] i have my my baking soda solution sitting here so if i get a little splash of anything on me i'll know right away because it'll burn and i'll just dip my hands in in the in the baking soda that's how i'm dealing with that all right so now we're just going to dump this right in and now that i'm messing with it i can definitely see i don't know if you can see the the steam rising off of it all of a sudden but uh that's what it's doing so right now i have a bucket of fresh water down here i'm gonna dip in and we're gonna just do the rinse and uh i'm not going to keep you around for the whole wrench yeah you can see it starting starting back up now you can see all that steam but i have a incredibly great fan for the hood so i'm in good shape [Music] for now i'm just going to kind of poke it around see what this looks like i'm gonna give it a a good rinse i won't i won't uh keep here for the whole rinse and uh looks like my checking my battery there um i'm not going to keep you around for the whole rinse but i'll give you an idea what it looks like in the first place and then i'm going to probably do a lot of rinsing on it i gotta get all of this acid out okay because if you don't that's what makes it unstable all right so you got to get all the acid out we don't want this stuff to be unstable we want to use it on our own terms right [Music] so this is what i'm going to do i'm going to get a few initial rinses off and then i'll probably get my hands in there with a little bit of baking soda and uh and we'll finish the rims okay all right so i rinsed it a lot all right um uh my take on this was i wanted to go ahead and after uh after a couple of quick rinses i went ahead and put a little bit of the baking soda which is your sodium bicarbonate bicarbonate and um so i put a i just put a little bit in there in the beginning that way i could go ahead and i knew the acid would be dissolved out of it and neutralized and then all i had to do was rinse the baking soda out so while i was rinsing this after i felt like i had a piece that was rinsed enough i went ahead and um put a a little chunk of cotton in front of the fan and it's it's got to be almost all the way dry i think it might just like be slightly damp that's uh i think so um it feels dry maybe my hands are just cold and and wet you know from playing in the water so anyway i just wanted you to see what it looks like when you burn it so here we go this is what it looks like there you go right there it was a little bit damp so i think it would have probably burned a little quicker let's try this uh this is the only other little piece that i have left right here so we'll try that see what it looks like i guess this is the fun part all right so so it needs to needs to dry just a little bit more but um anyway i think i think that's going to be pretty good not sure exactly how i'm going to use this in my primary recipe yet but i'm working on it and of course i'll be reading through the comment section for any help so uh so now what i've been doing here is just uh just rinsing this out i've just been you know replacing the water and squeezing it out with this that's how i've been doing it and uh so i'm gonna give this uh one last rinse and uh and then i'm literally it just feels like wet cotton exactly what it feels like i'm just going to squeeze the water out of this real good and set this over in this pot and i'm gonna spread it out and uh i'm looking over there i have another little piece of cotton over there i'm gonna just spread it out and uh and dry it and uh that's gonna be all there is to it so uh i'll uh you know we're obviously gonna be doing you know i have a another recipe ingredient that i need to make and probably one more so you'll see a couple of videos like this anyway um by all means please let me know in the comment section give me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel and i'll see you guys in the next
Channel: elvis ammo
Views: 59,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: primer ingredients, powder ingredients, make primers, make powder, reload, nitro cellulose, prep, prepper, prepping, elvisammo, elvis ammo, ammo shortage, supplies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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