A Back Plate And Wing Discussion

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what's up guys it's Brian again from Lake Kariba marina and it's Lake tonight it's past close to town and I've got a blue thourough of different back plate wings here a lot of you guys see us wear these in our videos and no we're not doing a lot of technical diving on one of the dogs that we do on our recreational diving however there are some more hardcore style diving that we do because we're a salvage company as well we're a public safety company and we've wear the equipment because it is durable and it's going to hold up to the tops of diamond that we're doing even though these are more considered technical related equipment we don't necessarily use on protect without it which is the purpose of this video I want to talk about some of the misconceptions of backplate wings that your instructor may have told you or what you maybe you've read online where you've seen in a magazine so I want to real quickly go over what you're looking at here and then I'll kind of talk about the different purposes that we personally use them for in our day-to-day business so ever here on the ride this is one of the new SSI pro model Red Devils this is an aluminum back plate it's the exact same model that I've got here it's just the red devil system that they come out with a couple years ago what is the pro model what is the dawn pro model and truthfully the only difference is the harness even though it's the same harness it's the same key rings what just simply says Mario's ex arm which is their tech line one says SSI Pro and if you're an SS off-road each year when we renew to come an instructor a dive master again we get a special buy end that kind of lets us pick out certain types of gear whatnot and we get it really good deal and that's what it was about a year ago when we did a renewal that made the SSR over of the Red Devil now once again these are aluminum plates they work good for travel they work good if you're saying you can use a looking plates maybe if you're diving aluminum eighty doubles maybe you're in a wetsuit the ocean aluminum is a great way to go it's going to create a great platform but it's not anything to be a lot of weight so a lot of people that get into diving a back plate wing because they want to eliminate weight and they try to get a good deal with aluminum plate they're missing the point of having that weight in their system verses that have weight system itself aluminum is not going to give you a lot of weight so we use them not protect Ivan we use them more for travel than anything else now as I move on over this is where my personal ones here now I personally dive a steel back plate wings whether I'm doing recreational diving whether I'm doing technical diving whether I'm doing Salvage diamond or public safety diamond I personally prefer the steel plate over the record over the aluminum plates and it doesn't matter if I'm in a dry suit if I'm going to wet suit maybe I'm in a skin or a shorty or something like that I still prefer they still play now one thing about still placing a lot of people have a misconception is they'll get into back play Queen bobbin they'll get a still play and then they still overweight theirself they tend to put the same amount of weight on as what they would an et typical say jackets Tyler even backing plate system and they can negate the fact that the steel plate weighs around five pounds now this is a three millimeter steel plate it's coming in at that five-pound Marga's also makes a six millimeter plate it comes in around eight pounds so depending on what plate you get you're going to have to manipulate your weight system you're going to have to take off some of the weight now one of the other misconceptions about a back plate wing is you don't need say digital weights and that's still not necessarily true you should always have some type of digital weight in a situation where maybe you're a little bit low on air you don't think that you can make it to the surface of time you want those ditches wait now for me personally you'll notice that unlike these two systems where there's weight pouches built into the safe to the waist straps my systems where they still play I don't have weight pouches now one of the things I do because I'm such an old-school diver I have a balanced rig basically what a balanced rig is is regardless of the depth that you go to you can always swim up from that head and be positively buoyant now one of the ways that I do that is I do trim myself out appropriately for that dip so yes I do have weight pouches back here on the back that I can put trim weights in to get exactly from whatever depth I'm going to once again you got to understand I do a lot of public safety diamond I do a ton of salvage diamond and it's not like I'm going to explore in walls or I'm going into shipwrecks and things like that I have a very specific purpose for the rig I'm going to a very specific depth and I'm spending a certain amount of time they are doing work related dives so for me personally having that extra weight across my back versus around my hips or in my waist it works out best friend me and that's why I choose the still play over the aluminum plate for my personal preference now moving on over I also have a salt plate you guys have seen this you know ton of my videos especially in my traveling video instead of going with the aluminum plate for travel I personally chose the salt plate over the aluminum plate a lot of divers off here especially when they're new and they're just getting into diamond is that won't that steady platform they've got to have the aluminum plate or they gonna have the steel plate because it's steady form with the tank and I'll be honest with you with a salt plate like this guy here I've never had an issue of that tank wobble and whatnot he comes with obviously two tank straps so it's going to be locked in and even the weed that I use I use a 22 pound wing here I use a 34 pound wing here they have the built-in tank adapters or the tank cradles built into the back of the lane that tank is going to be stable so if anyone ever tells you the Salt Lake is not going to be stable enough to hold your cylinder that is a complete lie just run from them but I use this personally for travel when I get on an airplane come on get on an airplane I'm usually a warm tropical environment I don't need my dry suit I don't need the extra weight here I don't really need that stabilization from the harder place and the aluminum plate look up this is going to give me plenty of stabilization and you guys have seen my packing videos with this I really like this so now let's move over to these two because in reality these two back plate wings are identical to the first ones as well it's still an aluminum plate it's a lot harness with aluminum d-rings you'll notice that this one has weight pouches on it this one doesn't these are two of our divers here both of these guys work for us mr. Michael they don't see us you've got seen our video a couple of weeks ago where he Hydra did this I'm home fixed to talk about customizing your system and whether that's a good thing or a bad thing but basically all he did he wanted to match his dad's Red Wing which was over here or not sorry not the Red Wing that's OMS but he wanted to match the Red Devil system so what he did was basically Hydra dipped it's matching he put the white pouches in two matches dad in his dad's one of our instructors all of our instructors here we wear back plate wings so he wanted to be like a dad so we building the system to be just like his dad now moving over to this this is the new blue battle system from our is this is what actually replaced the red devil system you'll notice that it does not have weight pouches it doesn't come with wake pouches if you want to add them you can always add them in but the reason I'm going to put these two in this video is I'm going to talk a little bit now about customizing your system as you can see we have one two three four five we have six different back plate wing systems here and of all of us go on a trip together and they all look the same is going to be a little difficult to determine sometimes whose gears whoo now it's pretty simple with us we got the SSI program we know which professional has that we have the red devil system right now currently we only have one Pro doubt set obviously I use the steel for everything that I do I also use the salt plate I'm the only one here you so play so it's pretty easy to determine whose is whose of course we have the hundred version which you guys seen in a different video we know that's going to be Michaels and then we've actually got another Michael horns for us he has this system here so when we customize these we customize them for two reasons would it's just so that we can identify we know whose system lose because all our pros here and all our salvage divers here we wear back plate links the other reason we want to customize them is it's our personal gear we want to adjust them to fit us properly we want to be comfortable more underwater and then hey if hundred everyone makes you feel more comfortable by all means how very different if you don't want a plain Jane red or a silver back plate and get the camo color back plate it's okay to do don't get bought into these philosophies where everybody has to be identical not a single system here is set up in the exact same way I'll give you a prime example if you take my system here all right so money is more of a tanky style ring I keep the extra working double ender here I've got my flashlight mounted here but I don't have no weight pouches I have very specific lift bags and snv's that I use if I move over to Michael's system again what your you're gonna see that he has weight pouches which I don't he does use shears like I do but he has them in a different location so no we're not that so that that philosophy of that team-oriented we haven't customized for us and guys let me be the first one taking in his okay to do that whether you are technical job in your recreational diving your cave diamond your side mount diamond your just fun teaching scuba over water diamond customize your rig the way you want to it don't let anybody don't even let me here on YouTube influence you customized Ettore you feel comfortable if you're gonna be feeling comfortable underwater you're gonna be safe while diving guys I know there's a lot of rambling in this video and I hope it makes sense to you but I just kind of wanted to show you what we do and I'm going to explain while we do it I want to talk about some of the myths about what you can only dive steel you can only da balloon one they got their specific purpose yes you can dive whatever you want to as long as you're being saved it is set up to be personalized for you you're going to be found on the other one but as let me know what you think about these pcs and let me know if you like the Red Devils the burglars and let me know if you like the new blue battle a custom hydra gave the soft plate or my skill let me know in the comment section below which one is your favorite and also tell me about your rig down below let me know what type of system you bid for what top the system need to build before you because i hope you like to see you've got any questions please put it down the comment section below i'm happy to read your comments and I'm more happy to answer your questions as well because I really appreciate you watching this video if you did like it simply smash that like button for me and definitely share it as well as always make sure you follow us on Instagram and Twitter like us on Facebook pin us on Pinterest subscribe to us here on YouTube gals we really appreciate you watching our videos if you liked it make sure to give us a big thumbs up if you're not a subscriber simply hit that subscribe button for us and make sure you hit the little bell to turn on all notifications if you want to see some other cool videos make sure to click these links here they could be scuba tips that could be diving videos search-and-recovery videos or gear reviews once again guys we really appreciate it
Channel: LakeHickoryScuba
Views: 11,816
Rating: 4.936255 out of 5
Id: ajgO8qyzI-s
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Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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