PRIMARY COLORS ONLY Acrylic Color Mixing Tutorial (ColorByFeliks)

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hey everyone welcome back thank you for tuning in so this week we're gonna do something different we're gonna make this tutorial short and the patrons voted on having me show you guys how I use my primary colors to blend my own shades so here's the primary colors that I use for my paintings I use carbon black and these are heavy golden acrylics these are high quality paints you can use you know basics brand that is called basics they're a bit more in a cheaper and it's a good way to start off if you're just beginning if you're a beginner painter you probably don't want to use the high quality paint yet I would first practice with the cheaper paint once you learn how to mix your shades you're feeling more confident then you can start experimenting with more higher-end paint like this so what I use is carbon black right here titanium white naphtha red light cadmium yellow medium hue and ultramarine blue so with these colors you can mix whole bunch of awesome different kind of shades you'd like and maybe not every shade sometimes you need to switch it up like if you need a different shade of blue because this ultramarine blue is has this like a purplish almost shade to it like I would say Hassim maybe a little bit of red in it to make it look like a beautiful night sky so this is amazing to use when you're painting for night scapes and sunsets I love using ultramarine blue I would highly encourage you to experiment with primary colors and mix your own shades because it's easy to just go ahead and buy the orange or the pink pre-mixed colors that the store sell you and they're amazing and sometimes it's fun to use them but I would highly definitely recommend you guys to experiment because and mix your own shades because that's how you grow and that's how you like when you look at a picture and you're trying to recreate you you know the shades and how you mix the shades the way you want them to be you already know it's like it's stored in your brain because you had the experience of mixing it you know but if you just buy it from the store and go the easy route then you might not know the how that color came to be I would like to remind you that you can get different kind of shades of blue like I said red yellow you know you can get different kind of shades and experiment with them but I highly recommend doing the primary colors and you know playing around with it since we were talking about the blue let's start with ultramarine blue and what I got here I have this palette here and I'm going to use a flat half an inch brush right here to kind of show you the the colors on this canvas it gives me so what I got here is just ultramarine blue and they're pretty much thumbnail you know same size on all of them and then a little bit of I have here next to it a little bit of carbon black red natural red light cadmium yellow and then just white titanium white and so first I'm gonna you know Dad my brush in a water jar here and then just grab my ultimate blue-eyes the tube and let's see the color it gives me so what we're gonna do is just gonna add it right here in a corner that's the straight off from the tube it gives me this beautiful beautiful balloon right here and I don't know if you could see it on the camera but and if you're using a different brand ultramarine blue you know that's fine too whatever brand you have go ahead and use it if your shades a bit you know darker or lighter that's that's fine because sometimes I would buy ultramarine blue and it's sometimes I noticed sometimes it could be a shade lighter than my previous altering blue you know so sometimes machine makes the paint a little different color and that's fine it makes your paint your you know painting unique so I'm gonna clean my brushes or I mean my brush so I can have a clean brush and then what I'm gonna do next is mix just the black okay black and blue right here and that's gonna give me a very very very short for I like to use this color as my kind of like my darkest color of the sky so when I mix when you want like to add stars this is a perfect color to have you could see it's very dark but it you see that blue and that blue is amazing it's on the camera you can't like capture something drama brush but like honestly you could see that dark you know dark blue shade and I'm gonna put the rent next to it and that works really really nice with the sky so when I paint my sky I start you know have the dark here and blend it in with my ultramarine blue straight off the tube and these two like let's let's blend it real quick and these two kind of blend in nicely together so I'm gonna grab more of this color and just blend it in and I would use my fluffy brush to blend these colors in right but so that would be that would be my transition for the sky and then next what I did was I added a little bit of white right a little bit of white I'm gonna grab just a tiny bit mix it with this okay it almost will give me this like bluish gray color this color is really good when you're painting like mountains I like to use this color when it's far behind and gives you like this gray bluish gray color and if you want more you obviously can grab more and makes it play around with it you know it depends how much you want but see what colors it gives you always practice and test and this turned out to be great as you can see but it has that hint of blue in it and what I do is sometimes I look at it and and you could do so much with just a few colors I'm gonna put it right next to this one it has this beautiful grey but it has this shade of blue it almost also a really good shade for clouds you know when you have gray clouds this color is amazing so if I add and I play around then what I do is when I get a color I start off with a little bit of paint and I'm play around you know add either or more white and with white and black and blue you could you know create so many different shades so I added more ultramarine blue here and I'm gonna mix it with this and that'll give me a great color but it'll be a bluer color and I'm using just one brush so and then grab this color and put it right next to this see it gave me this beautiful shade and if I added a little bit of yellow here it almost would like give me a beautiful like like almost like a turquoise color or greenish color so for fun I'm gonna add a little bit of yellow and this is where you play around you you add like a you know just a teeny bit of yeah either red or yellow or whatever you you know whatever you'd like so you see I added a little bit of yellow and I'm gonna grab that mix it with this let's have more white and see if it could give us a lighter color so I have this color and I'm just gonna add white and right now I'm just playing around with these colors so with the green it gave you this beautiful awesome like almost almost like a turquoise color but not there yet because you would need to add more blue and I'm adding a little bit whenever you're mixing colors always add a teeny bit like like maybe a nail because once you start mixing different kind of shades and colors into your paint then the paint becomes you know you'd have more more paint in your palette right there see that beautiful blue color it's like a turquoise color right there so grab that guy's clean my brush dry it out so this color would be also good for clouds or even water - right there it's almost like similar to this but it has this like green shade to it because we added a little bit of yellow and as you could see it's becoming more turquoise and we're getting to that color and the turquoise color and and since we're heading that way why don't we go ahead and do this color first and see where it takes us okay so now what I got here is just ultramarine blue and yellow and I'm gonna mix that with a little bit of yellow I'm not gonna take all of it first I'm gonna see what color gives me it should give me a green color let's put that down first just straight off from the tube straight from the tube that will give me a green shade next next two on the bottom I mean so ultramarine blue and a green color or yellow and that gives me this beautiful green shade but it's leaning towards more towards blue and now I can either add what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add more yellow to make it a little more greener because as you this color is really good when you're drawing depth like when you're drawing trees far behind you see it's more like neutral colors and these are very neutral colors here except this ultramarine straight up from the tube as you see but this color is really good when you have when I mixed it's pretty much the same I used the same amount but now I added more yellow and it'll give me more of the green color as you could see and I have no plan so I kind of know what color it would give me but sometimes I mess around like what I did here in the beginning and just seeing what color it gives me so I'm learning as as we go as well I'm always learning because there's so many shades you can create so here we are this is with a little bit of more yellow and I'm gonna add more yellow you can see that green it's becoming brighter that means that that color that's really awesome to use like as things get closer more colorful things get to you know you could see more color so I added more the same amount of yellow and I'm gonna mix it with the same here and it should give me even a lighter color so my brick right here and that should give me even the lighter green right there and of course you know the more you add now I'm gonna just add yellow and just what I'm gonna do is and I'm not gonna mix it with everything but I'm gonna grab this great green shade and and just mix it with this yellow that we have here because I want this to be very very like almost like yellow but it has a little bit of green cuz that will be our lightest color right yeah grab this shade and as you could see beautiful green light green color and what's cool is now with this you can add titanium white and even make it even lighter so what I'm gonna do is add titanium white and a little bit of more yellow and this is almost like mixing just just white and yellow so I'm gonna just grab a little bit of this kind of the same idea how we did with this just grab a little bit of this and bring a little bit of that green you mix it here with your white and that will give you you know this lighter the lightest green shade but it's not yellow right there and I like to use this color this right here how I mix this the screen just using ultramarine blue and yellow and going from just yellow and blue you know the colors to how we hear all the way to my adding white and that gave me this color and I use this color for my highlights at the end at when I add details on the branches and trees and you know wherever the sunlight is hitting I use this color to add my highlights and it really makes the painting pop out so another way you can get to a green color is just simply using let's say if you run out of blue I use just its carbon black and yellow and of course it's I would recommend you using the blue to make your and yellow to make your green shade but this also gives you green shade so but it turns out more in a neutral site so let's let's use the carbon black and yellow here that'll give us a very very dark green this dark green is really good for will be good for your like almost like a shade of when I add my trees I just use when they're up close I just used this just yellow and black and then when I add you know before I had my highlights I have dark and then I add the highlights on top so here so that's like a very very dark green you can't see it on the camera but it's there and so now we're gonna mix and grab a little bit of it so you could see that it's also green but it has that it doesn't have that bluish shade to it it's more like I would say it's more like brownish shade if you mix it with the black and then of course you add more yellow and you can see the little little different shades but I'm just telling you right away that it will give you more of the the neutral green it's it's again it's whatever you want to paint so I'm just gonna quickly put it there more yellow and a little bit of white I'm gonna do that real quick for you guys just because I already started and I think it's important for you guys to see with the two different kind of shades [Music] now it might be a little bit difficult for you guys to see there is a change going on and really the change like I said the change is is that this is a turning out more like brownish green and this is more bluish green you know it's whatever you are painting so I grabbed this yellow and I mix it a little bit with my black here this shade right here you know same technique same idea so I'm gonna grab my shade here and they're almost the same as you can see almost the same but honestly they're still different white and this shade when I've run out of blue I would go into mixing with black and and sometimes you can add a little bit of black to your ultramarine blue to make a darker shade you know so right they're very similar but again those that's the difference and experiment yourself see the the different kind of shading you can get out of using black versus ultramarine blue to make the green shades but that's what I noticed when I mix is that this gives me more of a like a brownish neutral color and then this gives me a nice shade of blue color in my green and I prefer this one honestly okay so now let's do straight off the two of the red and the blue I'll turn blue and I'm gonna mix these and that should give me one put it right here that should give me a dark like purple color very dark also a beautiful color to add to your sky mix that and it depends what you add more of see I added more of the ultramarine blue in my palette and a little bit of red but if I added more red and less ultramarine blue it would give me a shade of like a darker shade of red instead of the blue you know what I mean so experiment see what shade you'd like but this is the I'll put it right here also see this purple color beautiful color also I use this often in my skies right there and then I'm gonna add a little more red and see if I can make it even more reddish like I said earlier about whatever color you put down first so I just mixed that so that gives me like a darker cherry color when you add red and ultramarine blue but if you add more red that'll give you a cherry color right there so that'll give you a very dark color you can see that two shades you can see this one's a bit more darker and of course you could mix add white to this and make it look like cherry cherry color going into this pinkish color here if we if we just added white but I'm gonna go back to this color this purple color that we have so I added more ultramarine blue and I'm gonna grab this red here I'm not gonna let it go to waste just a little bit and go back to this color that we have we had here and mix that red right there and what I'm gonna do is add white so white is very very important to have in your palette because why is the thing that brings out like gives us good shady so as you could see this is giving me this purple color this is really beautiful for the skies this purple color you could see it's different than this this is more adding black and if you mess around with a little bit of yellow and how we did the first here ultramarine blue and black you can either have it gray you know going into grey with a little bit of hint of blue and going into this turquoise color and I could have gone on more mixing white and a little bit of green and that would give me more towards the turquoise color but this is giving me more towards the purple color because we're adding red now so I'm gonna add a little bit of more white mix it and that will give us a shade lighter just cleaning my brush I won't carry the old paint and then here as you could see we're starting to go lighter purple and and then I'm just gonna mix it with my brush here instead of getting more white I'm just gonna mix it sometimes I do that and I just mix it like this swirl it and get it on my brush and get a lighter white color right here and then you can obviously have even the even a lighter color and yeah with white you can go all the way as light as you want this is good for the skies when you have a nice beautiful sunset that the reds are hitting the oranges are hitting the sky I would recommend you guys pick using this shade of for the sky but if you want it to be cold looking very cold and like more of like a winter scene these shades right here what this is really good for that and of course you can just use ultramarine blue and white and because ultramarine blue is it has the shade of I'll show you just straight off the tube just ultramarine blue and white it has a shade of the red in it already that's what it looks like to me but this this is how it looks like straight off the tube I'm just gonna put it right next to it so you guys can tell but it's still pretty blue you know very blue very these colors are when you mix a lot of different kind of colors it becomes more neutral but when you just use one color too mix with the other it will be more vibrant of course if you use it straight off the tube the paints it'll be very vibrant so as you could see right there since we're slowly transitioning to red I'm gonna go ahead and get my red here just straight off the tube and mix it and just put it down right in here so why I like this color because it's very vibrant and very bright this red and there's different shades of red that you can experiment with but I really like using this because when I add yellow to it it gives me a beautiful like orange transition and you know and actually we're gonna do that right now so I have this red and a little bit of yellow so right here and I'm gonna just grab just read in yellow it'll give me a very very dark orange see that right there and then I'm gonna add a little more orange or mean yellow right here and then I'm gonna grab this color mix it with my yellow here and that should give me a lighter orange I'm not using white yet I use white towards like as I get closer out here I like to use white but I tried to use primary colors first so you could see the colors are more vibrant when you because why it makes it kind of neutral you know but if you use the colors you you got here first to make your lighter shades you will really get beautiful vibrant paintings so I'm gonna add a little more yellow and just grab a teeny bit of this orange and mix it with my yellow here and that will give me a bright orange color right there and I'm carrying a little bit of the of the page from my when I mix because if you grab all of this orange a mix it with the yellow you just put it'll give you a slightly different you know shade like slightly unless that's what you want but in order to get a little more brighter you just have to a little bit like grab a little bit of it mix it with a yellow to get that a shade so you can see a lighter shade right there and this is where I add my white so now I'm gonna put more yellow yeah a little bit of white this is where I start to do that I'm going to carry this orange this orange color here with my white and that will be my brightest orange color beautiful peachy color my brush and grab this color right there and you can obviously even go further with this since I have that little space there so let's just go ahead and do that so now I'm gonna grab this color right here just a little bit this of this light orange color and mix it with my white just pure white you know make sure your palette knife is clean I usually use the paper towels to kind of quickly wipe my palette knife so I won't carry unless if I don't mind having a little bit of that color previous color move to my paint so I'm gonna grab this last color and put it in here and it really is a beautiful light lightest orange color there so let's make a pink shade so now I'm just using I'm not gonna put a straight out of the tube the red color here I'm gonna go ahead and immediately start putting my shades so because you guys already seen the color of this red so now I just got this red and a little bit of white a little bit cuz I want it to be like hot pink right there I like that I just added a little bit of white into my red and that gave me like this beautiful hot pink color right there and now I'm just gonna add my white and this is simple you guys most of you guys know how to make pink color of course and so now I'm gonna grab this mix it with my white that'll give me a lighter pink there's a little bit of more white and the same idea right there grab it and mix it play around see you know mix it see if you need to add more red or more wide to make it lighter you know you get the idea you just mix and and also I want to mention that that that once the once you lay down the paint on your canvas it once it dries it actually becomes a little bit darker than it is so when once you put the paint it looks pretty light so but once it's fully dry it becomes a little shade darker just keep that in mind that's what acrylics does I don't I don't know if all acrylics do that but or all paints do that but I know that from experience with acrylics that they tend to do that so if you just keep that in mind when you mix color and you think that you need to add when you add a shade and you think just keep that in mind that it's gonna get a little bit darker so I gotta have more white right there and then a little bit of more so I added two little whites here and under just bring that color mix it with my white here and then my lightest will be I'm not even I'm just gonna grab a little bit of it I'm not even gonna touch much of it and that gives me a very very light pink color you can go as light as you want but this color is specific color sometimes you see pink in the sky a lot of times actually but you know my lightest here almost white color you can't see it but it has that beautiful shade so here you go that's how you make pink and then of course this is cool because you can have this and then let's say you wanted to make it like remember when I mentioned it like peachy color when you add a little bit and I'll show you real quick gum we're not gonna do a line here but I'll show you what you can do by adding a little bit of so there's yellow right there and I'm gonna grab like this leftover pink here and mix it here with my pink yellow with my pink gives me a beautiful peachy color also very beautiful shade to use on your skies and on your water as well so here it is I'll just put it in between right here cuz that's where these are the colors I used this pink and a little bit of yellow you could see the transition here slightly different right there you know this peach n you can add more white or yellow to make your shade of peach color that you'd like now you can do what I did here with the red just mixing with the white that gave me the shade you can use the same technique same idea with any other primary colors like for example this blue and just add white it'll give you you know this shade this shade of blue and we're going into white and you could do that with all the primary colors that I that I showed and black make if you start off with black and adding white that'll give you great color I'm not gonna do that here because you guys know how to do that just black that same idea here with a black going into the lighter white great color but I wanted to show you guys here what all these primary colors and I added the same equally black red blue and yellow I'm gonna mix them and see what it gives me okay so this should give you brownish color okay that should give you a brownish color so you could see so when you mix all your primary colors and black except white I didn't add white that will give you a very dark brown color now there's this thing where people like to use it's called burnt umber and you can use that as like just water and that color burnt umber what that does is it's very good to use for the base to sketch out your you know your sketch of your shadows where you or the you know get the canvas covered you could do that I used to do that but I've gotten to a point where I don't need to I just paint thick and I had whole bunch of layers where I just keep adding more color and color on top of each other and it works well for me but here's this color very very dark brown okay right there now and I'm just gonna keep adding more of the primary colors but make less of the darker colors so for example I'll show you on the pallet once I'm done putting it I'll show you what I mean this is what I mean so I've got right here so I've got more yellow a little bit less red and also a little bit of less blue but more yellow and I'm just gonna grab I'm not gonna grab everything but just a teeny bit like this and put it right here and grab that red and a little bit of this blue mix it and I could I could use white but white would give me more of a gray color so that's why I'm adding colors first to make it brighter because red and blue are dark as you could see these are the just using the red and blue right so that's why I'm trying to stick with my first my colors there so that gives me a lighter brown color like a poopy color okay that will be right there see the beautiful brown color right there and now I'm gonna do the same thing one more time I have a little bit of blue left over here and I added a tiny bit less of red and I did here so I'm gonna grab it mix it and mix a little bit of this blue and carry some of this and that should give me even a lighter brownish color and from there I'm gonna go ahead and add just white okay right there this shade is good for when you're painting warm settings I like using these colors when you're painting like you know wood or and you want color in your wood this looks beautiful but you know everyone has has a different style so I can't I can't tell you what to use these colors for you know yourself and you know what color you need them colors you want to use these for it could be P course or an orange horse whatever you want you know so I just added white and I'm gonna go ahead and take this and mix it just with my white and that will give me I jumped up pretty quickly so I'm gonna grab the rest of this you go so now I'm gonna add it right there as you could see we're starting to get lighter there I'm gonna add a few more shades actually let's do one more shade because you get the idea so I'm just gonna grab this lighter color and mix with my white here and that will give me a lighter lightest brown color right there cleaning in my brush right there and that's how you create your brown color and there might be different ways to create your brown color and in different ways to create these shades but this is kind of the way I've been you know experimenting in and discovering colors so this again I just so this is also good with for painting skin color skin tones and you can add you know a little bit more red to your lighter brown color here too you make the skintone colors I don't paint much of the faces and the people I focus more on on nature scenes and and things like that and since I have one more place to fill in the color instead of doing basic black going into and adding white to gray I decided to just experiment and add a little bit of red onto my black color sorry guys I don't have a space on my palette here but I want to mix this and we're gonna add white to it and and a little bit of red as we go lighter and see what color it gives us okay so this will be our darkest right there and we're gonna add a little bit of red and white right there so I had to do touch of there's red and a touch of white and carry not all of this paint here just a little bit and just carry this with that gives me this beautiful like cherry color okay we kind of started that on top right here that cherry color but I wanted to do make it more interesting instead of just you know again adding just a gray shape you know everybody knows how to do that just add a little bit of white and that using the same technique as I showed you how to mix these colors so we're gonna grab this and that it's gonna give us a lighter color right there and then I have more white I'm gonna grab this white and grab this sheet here and we're gonna mix it here and just with white the black and a little bit of red that gives me this like a greyish purple color there's different ways to create your purples but this is another way okay you could see this is more bluish purple here when you add a little bit of red and mix it with your blues it gives you like a you could see here more bluish purple this will give you more like almost like like a grayish pink dark pink cherry color going into light that's what it looks like to me so let's add a little more white so I just added two more shades so I'm gonna grab a little bit of this color that we mixed and bring you right here mix it with my white right there and we can go ahead and mix our second so I'm just gonna grab a little bit of this and our other shade right here right there my brush and then use this as you could see and then clean my brush again and it's becoming lighter and one more just add white and here I'm gonna lightly I'm gonna just touch it a little bit because this is the lightest color right there clean my brush out and grab this slightest color it almost looks similar to this pink color that isn't right here above us right but it has that black shade that that gray almost color because we added black whenever you want to neutralize you add the gray color to your color palette and that will neutralize your colors but if you're working straight off like this one like we did here red with the yellow and then adding a little bit of the white as you can see it neutralizes but these are very vibrant because you're using straight out of the tube you're not mixing white or black onto your paint so then that's what gives you the vibrant colors if that's what you're looking for and of course you can mess around I'm just gonna grab my yellow straight out of the tube and just put it right here okay this is just straight out of the tube and then you can just keep adding white and do the same technique here so I grabbed a little bit of white mix it with your yellow I use this only when I'm adding like my son or drawing the moon or whenever I'm drawing like glue and say for example at night and I want like to draw like a fire you know little campfire this using this bright yellow really you know really helps just adding yellow and white you can see it's getting brighter and I'm gonna just grab this yellow and mix it with my brush right here and even lighter here and of course here's more white and just add more Y to it and you do the same technique so I'm just quickly showing you and it becomes lighter and lighter it just becomes white in the end right there you can almost see that transition but you know you could do that again with any of these primary colors and adding white it'll really make it you know brighter but that's how you do it with a yellow when I use this for my sunsets in the beginning going into the greens or the oranges the pinks and then going into the blues or the purple is that that's what I do with the water as well when I'm drawing the water kind of reflection of the sky alright guys this is a quick you know some of these colors maybe I haven't showed everything how I blend other colors if you'd like to know a specific type of color let me know down below in the comments and I will do my best to get back to you and reply and share how I mix my colors but I hope this was helpful please let me know down below I want to make these videos as helpful as possible so any any advice any encouragement really helps me as a youtuber and a teacher here on youtube so thank you guys for tuning in hope to see you guys next week and be sure to like him subscribe and stay tuned for next week's tutorial take care god bless
Channel: ColorByFeliks
Views: 299,040
Rating: 4.8981457 out of 5
Keywords: STEP by STEP acrylic color blending tutorial using PRIMARY COLORS ONLY (ColorbyFeliks), mixing colors, color blending, paint mixing, mix your own colors, ColorbyFeliks, art tutorial, acrylic primary colors, art video, painting video, painting lesson, painting for beginners, acrylic painting tutorial, mixing tutorial, primary colors, primary blending, step by step, acrylic painting techniques, painting with acrylics, easy art, diy art, art tips and tricks, how to paint
Id: Mv9Vdfd0Krc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 15sec (3195 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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