Pretending to be SAD in Roblox to VOTE PEOPLE OFF...

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you guys might notice something different about me I am NOT currently wearing socks right now no um I already made a video about this by the time this comes out I did dye my hair I'm like there's a possibility that I might have cried while leaving this along because I'm not sure okay wait be nice to me by hey hey I'll follow me on instagram too yeah it's my it's different now um yeah I already went over this in other videos too just go watch the other video this video is gonna be irrelevant in like two months we're like everyone's used to my hair like this so whatever so I am a little bit sad about it because I'm just I don't know I don't know how to feel about it I haven't really gotten like feedback from you guys yet I've only had like a few opinions and I think I don't know I kind of don't like it whatever though I decide how can I use this newfound sadness to my advantage Oh survivor is perfect for that bro every time I see myself in this stupid camera okay I look different sad survivor there we go yeah probably that helps it follows a girl because I feel like everybody hates boys because like the boys that wanted like you know get be cool with girls and the girls won't be cool with the girls sad survivor he doesn't even really want to survive right how can I make this guy look it's just as like wrecked as possible emotionally hi this guy needs some money right now make them look bad and then want to get into game and I will just tell how bad and then maybe they'll take their pity into all their empathy they all my god this guy's he's not doing too good right not vote from let me ask let me support my boys oh no you know what you know what face is like really really sad this one this one is like I have nothing left everything soft I didn't get enough sleep last night my wife left me this is that face this is what this face screams to me and I love it I think that's really all we need to just look terrible because we look bad otherwise it's like we have to have a balance we have to be sad we also have to be ugly no way we could dress like in all black like like as if we're attending a funeral sad hey this one's go my god this is so perfect all right let's see it when you ask this guy if he's okay well you should Oh time to survive ha ha ha ha I can't get over this it looks so bad just in the chat there's always he sighs hug Hey in that three seconds nobody asked me what was wrong custom name what's the point sad sad face huh my grandma's tuba cheated on me with my wife why did her tuba have to do it $3,000 for a tuba okay now I didn't want the tuba anyways yes this is how I feel right now sighs [Applause] it's like none of them know that feelings exist well she's just having a bad day yay nobody ever picks me hey he picked me you fell into my trap you fool no one picks me hey shut up Maddie that's my job I have already made one enemy and I'm very proud of myself oh I got mr. far shut up at least you weren't picked last like her Chaidez are purposely like like messing up the whole team and be like sorry I've just had such a bad day I'm so sad so sad I need to sit this one out sorry guys guys I'm not gonna do it I'm just too sad oh boy Wow our team is kind of trash if you ask me all right wait I'm actually gonna do this because I'm gonna get voted out immediately if I don't I'm really hoping so it just gets that one right there and if they know we lose and you know what the probably still vote me out so I should probably just go back guys no one back here I would press this but I'm too sad hey stop it all right well I'm pressing it what are we missing right now Oh all these guys why are you not doing it guys there's a world of buttons over here I can't tell there's like buttons underneath the water um so yeah we're probably gonna lose Oh God this one right okay ha ha I would be way more sad if I was the other team because they're so bad well you guys just cheer me up mm-hmm oh well we won um you know why cuz I carried it y'all trash instantly negative yeah oh yeah your trash eyes I think luckily she didn't actually see what they said let's say scary stories one day there is a tuba and a woman one of them betrayed my trust she got sucking it no my heart got stuck in I hate everything the tuba fell in love with my wife and my wife did too and then they beat Samantha with the tuba yeah that's right Samantha you're weak now you're too poor me big robux biggest what whatever big-big not little big money money cures happiness beating for are you okay yeah you were just like staring off into here i think i think we need to be more concerned about you than me uh uh okay for some reasons like for people on their team and like eight on ours but they kicked out like four people they had a big dispute they all got really mad in their own team chat um Samantha I'm pretty sure you're a spoiled brat um excuse me yo mama how about that one take that too I win you lose I can mess everybody up and I think I might I'm trying to turn everybody against beating for it hey guys I have a good idea let's vote out bean for it he is the reason behind my sadness oh I can't swim I can't swim go I can't swim okay oh saying I don't fill this pool with my dearest Boise naka and the great thing is I really hope you cut the head out she said something really really bad to me look all right her chat message is gone well I'm not gonna say who but one of them said I've really been more TV shows that yeah because you already knew Roebuck skill hey Samantha a little too slow Samantha I'm a little too sad to do this one hope you don't mind TV Oh Samantha it wasn't supposed to be like this hey sister sister Samantha alright so now I have to convince everyone to not vote for me this is going to be very difficult I like how they won and they only have three people all right purple sheep we're gonna have to vote you out I am only doing this because I think you can't talk um vote Lizzie wait what Lizzie wants to be voted please vote for her I wish I could vote my sadness out wouldn't that just be nice huh Lizzie Lizzie said yes go to Roberge so maybe that will be my out for this maybe I won't get to hug just killed in this fire right here okay we'll vote for you since thank you your homework see I'm trying to speak for everybody just so they're like oh okay we're all the same page here let's vote but listen she has a newer Hobart though so it doesn't count I'm not being me Oh Lizzy I'm actually really nervous I don't want to be bored at all all right once the votes are read I have a really bad feeling about this right now first vote purple yes yes Queen I told everyone to vote that guy out Samantha that's not me Lizzy yes now these are me Wow that's me Wow that's also me that's two votes what's the point oh oh that's also me second Lizzy I will kill all of you why would you do this to me I didn't do anything wrong I got three awards you made us lose hat nah that was you cuz you're so bad I hated that dude XD now I'm even more sad oh god ah something happened something happened I'm back in it somehow it was Redemption round there's a really really good chance I'm going to lose this um and you know what I've come I accept my death at this point alright what is she gonna do oh I could I could get her good right here I could get her good right here click look I think I just made her stuck ok no way I think I got this I think I got this right now so you have to like box other people in and then people will get voted out or something no well obviously people get voted out it's survivor I sound stupid right now yours got you gotta cut people off I'm gonna trap her in here and then oh my god I might actually Oh God ah I didn't want to I didn't want to oh god I'm gonna lose no wait wait if I just go alright click ok click yes No why are you doing this to me I okay I did it I did I got the right I got the good spot she's really trying to like she's trying to take me down this girl's gonna win she's so good just gonna win I hate that about her why does she have to win I'm just gonna go here or whatever I'm gonna I'm gonna lose oh my god she's so good just gonna win and something in my eye too so why start crying it's not because I'm sad I swear well I'm stuck with this guy now yes teeth four legs I'm so excited to play more survivor don't vote me out I'm trying to have a good day if I had to go through that heartbreak again I'm gonna be so mad what a beautiful day oh god wait Samantha one she's the one that hates me well I made her hate me I pretty much force her to hate me I didn't force her into making me more sad though Bessie hey bestie Samantha all my beautiful besties are here nope shut up don't vote me out don't make me go through this again I really can't take it no no no no anything else brothers yah sisters wait well maybe I can change now I'm sad again cuz I saw tubas no James char Charles you know they're gonna try to cancel me like they try to cancel James Charles I'm not gonna let that happen I don't have a choice and letting that happen sisters everyone here is so beautiful and happy oh my god I don't have a chance I don't have one was I'm I mean is is oh why I can't vote for her maybe I'll vote for dr. Phil really she's really calling me out every single chance she gets she's calling me out I'm it is beautiful that was you said was well I meant is idiot I'll read the votes okay then I'm just now now I can make it oh oh look how sad he is you're Bigham Jordan yes yes dr. bill yes I think I might have in my boat that one for him I just recovered young trash news freaks can you guys really believe this after all I've been through and then I had to bend through it again and they did that have you ever experienced heartbreak twice in one day look that was even me I was this guy the whole time what the see what's happening see isn't this such a sad day for me look they're throwing the devil is trying to take me under just pretty sad today hey guys have you ever gotten voted out so hard and survivor that the devil just tries to take you into his lair yeah well I have let me know anything else you'd like me to do a survivor there's actually a new survivor game coming out maybe in like a couple months so I really wanted to play that so I might hold off on survivor stuff until then unless you guys really want me to certain let me know brothers and sisters yet sisters [Music]
Channel: Flamingo
Views: 5,753,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ROBLOX, Roblox survivor, Roblox vote, Roblox voted off, Roblox funny, Roblox funny moments, Roblox
Id: _dqC8u0KwGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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