Presumed human remains found in Titan wreckage

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ace_Marine 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2023 đź—«︎ replies
Human remains found in the debris of the titan submersible recover before the atlantic there's stay. Investigators hope the cause of the catastrophic implosion which killed all five people on board. CNN's Paula newton has more details. >> U.S. Coast guard announced that it had found what it presumed to be human remains on the sea floor. That would be from the submersible titan. They recovered the remains. Saying that the medical professionals will conduct a formal analysis. Of the presumed human remains. And of course the family and friends of those five passengers who died on the titan will be completed by this but also feel again profound grief. Given what the U.S. Coast guard says was an implosion of the titan. Some original. What is also happening now is that on Wednesday, the horizon [1:13:27 AM] that on Wednesday, the horizon arctic retrieved debris. In fact large pieces of debris. They say they have finished their work out there. At the site of the titanic wreck. And what is extraordinary here is that they did in fact recover large pieces of the debris. You could see the two who. I had a good chunk of the passenger frame. Again that issue here is the carbon fiber material. Used to hold the passengers. Used in this kind of deep sea exploration. U.S. Coast guard says they will begin to examine all but. And again there are many investigations underway. Including here in Canada. The investigation expected to take well very. Former assistant secretary security now teaches at Harvard university. Good to see you. >> Good to see you. Right now, it is still not known how much the titan [1:14:27 AM] known how much the titan actually, cause the U.S. Government has apparently working on that number, but Canada sent more assets into the search, France was involved as well. As an indication of the cost, is part of a report from the Washington post. Three c-17 cargo planes filled with equipment from Buffalo to staging points in Newfoundland. Those flights cost an estimated $491,000 round trip. So, you, know that would seem to be a tiny fraction of the cost here. So in terms of resources come into the search, how much it is going to end up costing at the end of the day. What is your assessment? >> It is going to be much more expensive than the low numbers around million that we initially heard, you just think of man or woman, power tonight, of essentially a weeklong effort, you are going to get large numbers. And, this question of the magnitude of the search and rescue, it's different I. Want to make clear, it is different than should there have been a rescue. Absolutely, and international conventions, we honor [1:15:28 AM] conventions, we honor international search and rescue conventions, every country has an obligation to help a vessel that is under the stress. So, for some period of, time there might have been an assumption that they could have either survived, or that the submarine was floating and they could just find it, and save people. Essentially, overtime, though that became clear it was not the fact, and the magnitude of the resources that went to an incident that we call a disaster management low probability, and essential low consequence, raises a concern that those resources were spent because not because of the sort of rescue, but because of who was in it, and the public pressure to do something. >> Well, Pentagon spokesman -- who was asked about the cost of the titans search last, week here's what he said. >> When it comes to things like operating aircraft, those come [1:16:30 AM] operating aircraft, those come from appropriated funds which are already budgeted so, those are hours that already have been paid. >> You, know the cost may have alstill had to come from somewhere, just because it's in the, budget doesn't mean us free. >> Exactly. Look, I mean, an expenditure of funds in one place is going to take away eventually funds from another place. So, either we should own up to the amount that was spent, and have a reason for why that much money was spent, or begin to have an honest discussion about risk, and probability, and if you necessitate to deploy our search and rescue resources, whether it is a submarine, or a hold out on an island who won't evacuate during a hurricane, or hikers who are careless and threatened force responders because they have to be saved, all of those are hard questions. But they are one of the disaster management community is asking right now, because I think we have -- one has to suspected this quite [1:17:31 AM] one has to suspected this quite high. >> And, again just distressed, this is not about you know not helping people who are in distress, but what makes this contrast so great, is that while the world was fixated on the search for the titans summer supple, and five very wealthy people in their, the New York Times had this headline, five death at sea grip the, world hundreds of others got a shrug. And those others were the 750 migrants who died when a boat capsized in Greece. And a point lost on former president Barack Obama. Here he is. >> Right now we have 24-hour coverage, and I understand it a this submarine, the submersible, at the same time right here in just off the coast of Greece, we have 700 people dead. >> What makes it even worse is that they're Greek recruits guard did not offer -- until it was way too late, and it comes down really to a question of priorities. [1:18:32 AM] question of priorities. Right? >> It does, and what the creek coast guard did was not pursue to their own obligations, moral, obligations but also to all coast guard are, under which is, if a vessel is in distress, you do not ask questions, it does not matter what they were doing, or where they were going, or whether it was lawful or, not it is a community of response efforts that all agree that a ship under distress should be saved, as you, said it does not get to the magnitude, and I think what the submarine with the titan, we conflated high interest with high consequence. In other, words this idea that the submarine had a bigger story then unfortunately people -- the world, we can see why it had billionaires, the titanic, and all of our fears of getting caught somewhere with the consciousness of death, I get it, but it does not explain the amount of resources that were [1:19:33 AM] amount of resources that were spent to find a vessel that even if had been found, it was not at all clear how we were going to get it to surface. >> And again, obviously this is a tragic accident, very sad for
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Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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