Preston Was Buried Alive In Minecraft!

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preston has been buried alive in the deep dark but scary monsters are lurking everywhere can i rescue him or will he be eaten by the deep dark monsters oh my gosh so preston is directly below us in a coffin and we have to rescue him conveniently enough maybe because i'm a texan woman we have a tractor is this a tractor uh we'll look up terminology later i'm coming to save you preston whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this place is amazing but mind you we almost squooshed preston in his coffin thank goodness we didn't probably because you liked this video before i tumbled to my potential death it looks like there are a few locks here different colors and different parts of the map that may correlate to a puzzle to get a key preston i will save you don't worry how about we press this removing oxygen i just pressed a button that is removing oxygen from the coffin and he has only an hour we have a blue log maybe we start with blue this way follow the blue path oh gosh well how would it break do you want this cake uh yeah i do hey buddy could you just give it to me just really quick i hate to tell you this but oh if you can't complete my minigame you're not getting the key excuse me good luck oh i'm gonna need it this is like a game of wipeout i am using shift to make sure i don't fall we are going faster now oh look i can stand oh i think yeah that was fine all right that was a happy face which means we're definitely going to pass through this challenge and save preston what the crap is that okay so we've reached level three and we are being attacked by a strange crafty warden bye buddy mini game completed i'm still being attacked by slime this seems unnecessary huggy sir if that is your real name i'll give you the key just get over here okay how do i do that thanks editors here's your key thanks sir hugs a lot okay preston i'm coming for you you're not allowed to turn blue since we unlocked the blue lock let's go to the white lock next okay guys i have no idea what lies behind this wall is this a graveyard thomas no i loved you once that's not true i just made that up there is a gravestone on top of a throne maybe this serves as the key actually wave one of course there's always a wave of something no no i hate these things who else do i have to kill oh no that was almost bad i'm literally out of breath and i've done nothing oh my goodness sir you are supposed to be extinct i would like dinosaurs to still be alive but right now we're focused on preston i'm covered in arrows and i'm fighting a dinosaur oh okay i'm sorry buddy um we'll be back to make you a fossil later not only did i require the next key i also acquired a totem of undying which i feel like i could use later in this video we need to hurry up because there's less than an hour of oxygen remaining in this coffin we gotta get snappy with it let's go to the black lock next this is gonna be a piece of cake look the key is literally right here um what the heck who are you not so fat that's my key to the batcave you got to beat me and my son robin here nick you have hexagon wait robin's your son we don't talk about that okay i'm down to beat you in a minigame i'm super super trained just as well as you as a mega superhero well then let's get started whoa all right what's happening oh the floor is falling guys this is like the ball guys game so apparently i am trying to beat these guys at this game and this looks really difficult oh geez i made a mistake i made a great mistake robin get free oh gosh please don't do that you know what batman you have so many powerful skills and abilities maybe you can jump in and save him you're right robin come back here he actually did it subscribe and bring batman and robin back to life that's how it's going to work ladies and gentlemen let's go place the black key so without further ado let's head towards the red key whoa guys this looks kind of ominous i recognize that face oh hey baby jerry how you doing i'm not giving you my key until you get rid of these bullies baby preston your father's in danger these are can man wardens do you happen to have anything i could use to defeat the oh thank you i put out so i have a baby preston oh sword and it gives me knockback that's good so it looks like i just need to knock them into their own separate traps to then seal them inside a trapdoor it's magoogold really just yeah just just go just ah as you will see on the left can man there's a beautiful hole which is now your new home um maybe preston since i set the other one on fire in the lava does that mean i defeated all of them yes thank you so much sir now did you hear me your father's in danger so maybe you could help me with the rest of this video i gotta give him manners i'm gonna tell your father about this and head to the yellow follow the yellow brick road and chickens always follow your chicken and if you would like a chicken of your own just like this super chuckles who is about to be available you should go to and chuckles can be your buddy too so we are in chuckles carnival oh my gosh hey buddy you must be leading me to the next key oh that looks like some sort of intense minigame that we have to do to get the key doesn't it oh click for the key easy but first chuckles you're coming with me whoa chuckles you gave me so many eggs all right so it looks like we have to hit a certain amount of targets to unlock the key now we have a ton of eggs thanks to chuckles and i think we just have to do a little bit of this i threw an infant chicken into the abyss i'm so sorry baby that was really sad okay just like that stop walking off the edge yo stop it really could you calm down we can do this demolish these targets guys this is really stressful i'm running out of eggs crap um chuckles what do i do i need more eggs to save preston and oh wow you are a majestic chicken wow my inventory is literally full thank you so much oh we're it's fine we're good we're good okay guys i think whoa the platform got smaller this is scary because i'm having to look up and i can't see also i'm killing numerous chickens and that is very unfortunate i don't think the platform's gotten smaller so maybe that was just like a one-time thing you know pen her mind he got smaller again love it love to see it this is just a very emotional situation we're spawning chickens they're falling into the abyss my husband's running out of oxygen i have poor aim this is all bad also i have a question guys put in the comments what you think preston did for somebody to bury him alive i have ideas but i want to hear yours okay i cannot do this alone this is taking far too long chuckles i need your help now chuckles be careful the platform is slowly getting smaller i don't want you to fall off chuckles hurry we're almost done with this task chuckles it's full thank you so much all right i'm gonna go save preston now and make sure you don't break your beak again that looks a little funky i love you anyway though let's go to the brown one how many more do we have left one two that's it okay i definitely think we can do this in time guys i have no idea who lies beyond these walls it's new body golden throne get it noob you're killing the game with your dead trees okay hi bri i'm only giving you my key if you give me 20 dirt blocks yo please don't set yourself on fire where can i get the dirt blocks noob over that way hey there's there's a zombie that looks like you in here i assume what lies beyond this wall is jerk blocks easy and simple right whoa so i just picked up speed and i have a zombie noob chasing me love that so much now we have two dirt blocks already but we gotta get really fast with it because that noob is actually pretty agile how is that noob keeping up with us guys oh my goodness i'm a little freaked out that zombie is seriously keeping up with us take a dead bush you're gonna love it go go go [Music] heck yes we didn't noob not only did i get 20 but i got 26 dirt blocks for you how about that dart blocks are a present for my girlfriend here's the key he's a sweet guy my girlfriend is the zombie help me wait what noob you gave me the key i thought i was good to go oh no oh okay i'll be back to help oh my gosh never mind no time for small talk we have only one more key to get after this and not much time i uh little friend a little birdie named chuckles just told me we have five more minutes until all of his oxygen runs out and we only have one room left so let's place this key and head to preston's favorite creature on all of god's green earth louise i am so excited i haven't seen eloise today and i miss her she's the cutest kitty in the world oh she's taking a cat nap we don't want to wake her because she can be a little cranky sometimes if we just go really slow grab the pinky all we have to do is sneak out of what was that maybe she was purring she hi ella how are you um i'm sorry i woke you from your mouth but ow ah eloise why would you do that to me oh my gosh this is the most stressful thing i've ever done in my entire life whoa oh gosh run through the portal breathe oh we're back where we started eloise guys i think maybe she went to go take a nap somewhere else i'll find her in a little bit i'll give her a treat but guys we have five seconds until preston runs out of oxygen we have to hurry oh my gosh preston you almost ran out of oxygen i saved you just in time come on hello there this is very clearly pressed announcement of preston plays fame i am currently performing a challenge which requires me to stay in this coffin as long as possible please go away my dear wife also i hate hello ease that is all rude are you freaking kidding me preston you're coming with me anyway oh no a real warden is right there guys oh my gosh it's really hard to run with this thing in your hands the warden is following us you're heavy i haven't trained for this no the warden is right on our tail run run run run run run run preston if you would get out of this thing this would be a lot easier for me oh my gosh i hesitated for a second there's grass so that's a good sign we're probably getting close right i just remembered wardens cannot be in the sun hey buddy hey how's it [Music] [Applause] hanging it works awesome well guys that's how i save preston from being buried alive even if you want it to be
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 1,117,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: FGpztQPpwL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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