I Built a Secret Room to Hide from Preston

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I'm building a secret McDonald's um excuse me Preston that was my intro I'm building a secret Starbucks and today we're going to be figuring out who is the best secret Builder whoever loses is in for a big surprise okay guys the rules are simple all right I'm going to be judging you on how well hidden your secret build is I'm going to be judging you of how closely it looks like to the restaurant that you were assigned and then also the customer service and functionality lady and gentlemen are you ready yes sir ready at the shot of my gun you are ready to go in three 2 one build build build build I'm locked in right now I'm muting up I'm going to find the best part in this mall to build my secret Starbucks it's going to be amazing it's going to be wonderful and it's going to be super secret yall already know dude this one basically has a built-in secret entrance already look at this nothing right but then if you come over here what do you see oh that's right a secret entrance that is almost already perfect for my secret McDonald's restaurant wait I'm really excited right now I won't lie so if I have enough time what I'm going to do is I'm going to make a couple more of those throughout the mall so it doesn't look too suspicious now what do you think of when you enter a Starbucks first of all a volumptuous mermaid woman but second of all the color green I'm sure you've never seen something as gorgeous as you're seeing right now Preston's build's going to be a lot better than mine and then y'all are going to bully me and I don't like that please be nice look it ain't going to be McDonald's without the big yellow arches you know what I'm saying why does this not look like an M no it looks great it looks great anybody who says otherwise is wrong okay how do we make this place look okay what does the inside of McDonald's looks like you know there's a lot more Browns than I'm remembering I won't lie green is not my favorite color but it's Starbucks's favorite color and with a clap watch this room change I totally did that without any help are you guys impressed wait yeah this is looking good okay now we're cooking now we're cooking baby okay perfect so this is where all my Cashers are going to go which of course they're going to be villagers put the barrier blocks around them make sure they're nice and trapped okay perfect oh no no no oh wrong area oh no oh no I'm so sorry I'm so sorry my first employee and I have to kill you I am terribly sorry about this this was a very oh gosh please do not file for unemployment I'm sorry what do people often get excited about they get excited about organic products and what could be more organic than having your own cow at Starbucks we will not harm the cow we will just get its milk okay don't worry I am an animal Enthusiast so you walk in obviously we need to make their habitat wonderful give them some grass is this enough room for a cow hopefully um okay and then we're going to put some chests in here so we can keep keep the milk just like so spawn in some cows I feel like four is enough don't you oh maybe less than four this habitat is relatively small organic milk from Betsy awesome there's multiple betsies in this universe beautiful I don't need the customers though seeing what's going on in the back you know what I mean we can't release that secret sauce okay now we got to get our Cooks in place oh there we go there we go oh look at this guy he's turned up and ready to go dude okay let me know in the comments what is your favorite thing for McDonald's genuinely Big Mac or nuggets those are the top items from McDonald's so this is going to be the kitchen area so we're going to kind of enclose it cuz we don't want you know when you're getting served you don't need to see the madness behind the scenes I think we should use some doors unless that's like too much no I'm not going to lie I think Preston's going to go down down even though he has way more experience like with building and stuff than I do this is looking pretty cool so far okay now we need signs we're going to also need a ton of item frames we got mcf flurry we get our fries fried rice I do not know McDonald's that sells fried rice what the heck I have an idea I'm going to make things a little bit spicy okay there's nothing like a bill battle without some little sabotage so I'm going to get Preston to sabotage Bri Bri to sabotage Preston at the same time hey Bri can you hear me you just terrified me yes s sorry that's what I I have that effect on people I don't want to I don't I don't want to scare you Bri uh um but Preston apparently is about to sabotage you in like 2 minutes no she's like actually I'm doing a really bad job and I feel slightly emotional right now because I'm really stressed hey hey don't don't be stressed be you I know you got this thank you um don't don't tell Preston I told you this I won't I promise there's no way he's sabotaging me he wants me to succeed right also I probably should not put a campfire inside the building yo Pete P going uh it's going pretty good you know it could be going a little better I'm a little slow you know okay well okay this is perfect then Preston um I don't want to scare you but Bri is on her way to sabotage you why because she doesn't think she's doing well right now so she needs more time yeah I'm already struggling as it is I don't think I need any more S I don't need any sabotage how how does she know where I am the security guard dude the security guard bro I'm trying to make my menu right now and you're distracting me what do you want me to do with my life sabotage your wife but I I I'm going to all right fig break announcement Chase has an announcement Whoever has the worst build has a very shocking punishment wait wait wait wait since when that was not in the rules I am the rules Preston there is a punishment that I need to figure out what is real quick server has added 2 minutes on the clock we just got some time back I needed that oh I needed that so bad dude Preston I know you want to sabotage I'm good boy I will not sabotage we don't have time for this okay so guys I would really like to have a villager as like a greeter when they enter the restaurant but the thing is is they make sounds server can you can you please I I want like a silent greet yeah I'm the server by the way okay while the server assists me with that chase just said baaba Bri what you doing you know you know about the punishment right okay I briefly looked down and you're like whoever loses is like in for trouble okay can you tell me a little more about that okay fine do you promise you won't tell Preston that I told you what the punishment is I will never tell a I mean it'll Mak whoever loses cry I'm not joking what yes so you you promise you won't tell Preston I promise okay super secret punishment whoever loses the secret build battle challenge yeah it involves oh gosh hello guys you won't even tell me he's trolling me all like I'm back we are so behind on this I'm calling in some backup ladies and gentlemen Robert yo you know what to do buddy all right how do we get to the back there's not even a door okay but why would we want to go to the back oh dude wait I think we need actually restrooms I was thinking this was going to be like management office but no I think we close this off and actually make bathrooms okay oh dude yeah we only have 10 minutes okay we need to go like ASAP Rocky okay bathrooms in here you're on the bathroom job can we put a villager that's quiet right here behind the register another one that takes a long time to do and I got to walk all the way across the mall I'll be there in a minute I guess see the server just feels bad for me he can tell that I haven't done one of these in a while and he's he's trying to help me out you need to figure out how to make this entrance secret I know you're good with redstone yes what do you want some sort of piston thing yeah just something that makes it super secretive to get inside or to find the stairs yo does it need to open from inside the Secret Door uh I I mean probably nice to have it yeah okay working on it I'm cooking there you go I think that's the right villager right now no sir he can't be aggressive get him out get him out of here what about this one she'll do nah there you go that's a star you're amazing thank you server can you make the arch look better cuz I feel like the arch is what SEALs the deal and the deal is not sealed like this just not look good you know what I mean wait it's not even an M that's what I'm saying it's like I we need something better don't laugh at me man this I was trying my freaking artist I literally was try my artist in my hardest was not good enough okay seriously I want to I'm going to try to find Bri I feel like bri is going to do the painting method while Preston's going to do some sort of redstone Contraption so I think Breeze behind this wall but how did see a secret entrance which I guess is good wait just one painting sticking out from nowhere how's the M look don't worry about the stairs bro the dude the secret entrance is atrocious I'm going to make it more secret dude the M looks awful this is what it needs to look like Rob that looks nothing like what we have right now I see okay okay I can fix this come on man come on thank you should probably ooh yes I was trying to make like a water feature over here you know every Starbucks has a water feature I don't know why I'm going to put fish in here but I am oh no wait I kind of like the way it looks this should definitely be flooding over right no server's helping out because that's what the server does uhoh no never mind server's not helping very much y um secret entrance almost done wait this is actually dude The Greenery is saving this place I'm not even kidding like this looks so much better Secret Door done okay let me see how you got to hide it the customers can't see the Secret Door my guy bro bro bro bro bro you said you were going to Leaf it up okay let me see let me see okay it's off on oh wait this is sick wait this is sick it's got to be in here oh I found I found when it comes to a secret hiding spot that's the most basic of the secret hiding spots you can do so Bree's probably not going to get the point for that one I'm going to Insight some violence you call that the secret entrance okay we have more fun going on in the front cuz a lot of times when you go to a coffee shop you want to read we have an enchanted book we have very little time and I don't want to forget we need to place more paintings outside right because this is like the only you call that a secret entrance PE that was terrify fying wait did he actually find it no clean up my dead body you can't have that cuz Chase should we just have like a bunch of dispensers and then yeah yeah yeah like this wait watch watch ready yep that's good that's good okay oh I like that yeah oh okay not that that kind of like if you look hard enough bro I mean I got to look real hard so this was our entrance but what if we did something different so next to us is a secret of abandoned building we could make this even harder for Chase because there's broken glass you would have to come through here there's nothing in here obviously behind this wall behind the trap doors guess what it's my restaurant no Betsy come back but what if I place a door here I do feel like that would be way harder to find what wait no actually wait brilliant idea oh my God wait no no no no no no sauce at the tables sauce at the tables customer satisfaction get sauce at the tables actually so much better than having to go to a sauce station and then we need like Trident or something as like an homage to a mermaid mermaid stuff nice 60 seconds remain oh gosh I mean I do think I'm pretty done I think this looks pretty nice guys let me know in the comments one to 10 what would you say my build is oh now we got to go honestly guys like I was really sweating this build and now I think we have an absolute dope build Kos to me it went from like C tier to S tier yeah okay Rob did do some work I appreciate you he did cook a little bit not a lot of bit but he did cook a little [Music] bit all right the time is up now it's time that I get to look for Bri or Preston he's right here what I'm pretty sure Brie spot was around here wait okay I actually don't know I don't want to destroy any blocks I feel like it's cheating oh I found I found oh I your footsteps she's she's behind this wall okay okay uh the tri trip wire is there anything with a trip wire he's literally right outside how did he immediately find it if he destroys my wall I will be so upset yo how do I get back there I see a door make buttons oh I did not see these before okay one of these buttons has to be it okay maybe those buttons activated did something over here the buttons move the at glass okay sweet okay I'm about to find somebody I do hope I get to give Chase a tour because I'm pretty proud of this place now yes yes yes yes excuse me how did you find me wait it was the buttons right it was the Minecraft buttons no okay the server helps you 100% no no honestly no I I I was looking around and I could not find it can I give you a tour yes give me a tour but Bri you cannot tell me what the the restaurant is um so this is mermaid Trident mermaid Trident oh it could be Chick-fil-A we have some wonderful things in the chest I like the colors I like the wait oh Bri is this Dutch Bros no uh mermaid Bri this is Starbucks yep exactly ooh I like it a nap there's a you can nap in the Starbucks yes oh I love it oh I love it um then we have pay this guy right here guy like like your fine is coffee sir I don't have any emeralds Can you spot me here I'll just give you a free coffee on the house that is that's pretty good customer service oh oh oh oh is this an aquarium oh and it's an open aquarium I love it employees oh Chuckles let's go super Chef Chuckles y are these Enchanted coffee beans yeah that's why it was so good you died oh I I didn't have much uh you know I didn't have many expectations but you kind of crushed it is that a refrigerator really yeah that opens up oh my goodness I let me take my final notes and then I got to go find Preston okay Chase Chase what's up what's up I heard a very close to me and obviously my two villagers don't speak so right wait are you trying to he Preston's build close by I think he's nearby okay thank you Bri don't tell Preston that you told me that wait I hear it I hear it I I heard the village I heard the villagers it has to be somewhere around here now where's the secret entrance where is okay this is actually pretty well hidden um I see him I see his name yeah what's he freaking doing huh I don't like it I'm I'm I'm I'm uncomfortable okay this is wait wait a second first guess all right let me how do I is this how do I get in there okay maybe we should let him in okay oh yeah let him there we go Preston uh I mean why are you D why are you holding it like that right the secret entrance I'm not going to tell you what Breeze was but I would say that's an eight out of 10 that was really eight out of 10 that was all Rob oh how did you wao okay don't tell me what it is don't tell me what it is okay so there's a lot of greenery I'm seeing yellow I'm seeing red oh gu if you can't tell me what this is out of the gate I'm going to be measurable Chick-fil-A psych no dude this is McDonald's this is McDonald's oh you got six piece chicken nuggets oh you got the 10 piece nuggies can can I eat that I want to know how accurate this looks to the actual restaurant that we were given oh shoot is okay oh you even got the red booths the red seats and you got sauce dispensers guys if you want to look fresh and clean for spring go to bre merch.com right now to get the new tie dye Crown tea with a neon Crown you're going to look fresh and clean for SP you are innovating good sir then you can ask our beautiful cashiers here but also you can just go up to the dispensers and get your own food oh oh my God and I don't do I have to pay preferably bre didn't make me have to pay for coffee it is literally optional okay then we have our drink section over here if you come over a little drink station excuse me sir where's the Dr Pepper D there wasn't any in this mod what the okay well let me see we got Coke oh my it that's right now try the Sprite oh the oh okay Sprite oh my dude it looks like Sprite the big flurry is always out of order so all you have to do is come back over here and then flick the lever that's on the back and you'll get a McFlurry ice cream like this Chase Hey sir are okay okay customer service I'm taking notes around that no okay I have to pay I thought that was pretty sick a little pushy pushy what else we got p uh then the last but not least we have the rest oh nice let me just yeah I try to color code them you know just one second one second okay just making sure they're up to okay that's just more than I need to to here to be honest all righty dude you got bathrooms I will say Bri didn't have bathrooms I've taken my notes meet me at the beginning so before we get started I have something to say it's okay if you want to just already announce that I won oh H well I um that's not going to happen Chief okay okay um okay so that concludes the secret builds and let's just go through the rating Preston you're going to be red Bri you're going to be pink andir only one point for each category so starting with the secret entrance who had the most hidden entrance oh come on I know this is mine dude I know this is mine so Bri had the classic classic just uh secret painting but she pivoted to a button Redstone system that opened up glass what I don't know what you're talk nothing wait the secret painting insance is actually based I should have done that I'm going to give this one to Preston wow because I could that is a shocker I knew where he was and I still couldn't get into it now moving on to the looks and the vibe now I will say I I know I'm winning this one I know I'm winning this one M look so good okay o oof oof okay how do I Bri you you had the colors you had The Moxy it was a little cramped I will say okay but you did have an aquarium which was really nice I I got to give you that one but Preston you had you had the burgers you had the colors on the walls you had stalls that looked like the Stalls in McDonald's um Preston you were actually closer to what a McDonald's looks like to a te so I'm going to give this one to Preston or no sorry to are youit oh yeah I'm giving this one wait to who then oh wait no chase yeah what the heck Chase wait this means Bri doesn't even matter Bri when's customer service changing it Bri no Bri had cows in hers I'm giving her to I'm giving it to Bri that is actually garbage dude I'm the host here that's such garbage I put the most effort into the looks of my place man I freaking hate you whoa okay and that leads us into customer service Bri offered me free coffee Preston said the pricing was optional which was kind of pushy I'm giving this one too h no yes no yes no yes what are you doing oh I'm giving I'm looking away B Look Away fine I'm gonna give this one too turn around that's such garbage man we wins the secret build battle that's so you guys look at the punishment on the back the loser has to show up to work wearing the other's clothes are you Kidd he's done that before yeah jokes on you I actually like wearing these clothes what he's pulled off a dress before what
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 166,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: M-U4nfijyhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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