pressure washing SIMULATOR (satisfying)

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what is up my cranky crew it's either for great gameplays and today we are here in a game that i am so excited for if you know me you know i love those satisfying videos of power washing and getting stuff off of this stuff i got a power washer for that video and i still have it and i still use it on my porch and stuff but the wonderful people that made the game sent me some codes for the game early and i am so so pumped so if you want to check out the game you can go in the link down below but let's just get into it dude juggle weird and wonderful cleaning jobs and make your do my true and try to make your new power watch business a success let's go clean the van i'm so unnecessarily excited for this show dirt raise lower tablet we'll figure it all out [Laughter] [Music] oh my god look at this look at this look at this look at this oh my gosh oh my god oh my god so we got the straight i can spell poop then we've got big boy uh-huh maybe we can use this up here okay oh my god guys i am so excited about this i am so excited so we just gotta go through and we gotta clean off this car look how satisfying this is oh my gosh so let's go through and let's clean this boy good we got an indicator there we've got the hood let's clean off the windshield the windshield is real dirty let's get the edges here now this is good this is good see but some areas take a little bit longer because the dust is so concentrated you know like over in these areas maybe we use maybe we use a yellow over here because of how how mucky and dirty it is we've got a window oh baby oh baby oh baby oh baby but here's the question how are we gonna get to the roof how are we gonna be able to get up there whoa can we use a ladder is there a ladder around here oh whoa there is can i get up on top i can okay let's use the biggest boy we got perfect perfect you know maybe we should have done this first so then all the all the dirt and the grime gets washed off onto the edge of the vehicle and then you know we go from there but it's okay we're just doing what we do best we're almost there we almost have a roof oh baby that's nice see we don't miss a spot we are nothing if not thorough now let's get up here good our customer must be satisfied can we can we rotate anything oh if you press tab you can see where the dirt is we can rotate it oh my god they thought of everything didn't they would you look at that oh my gosh okay we're gonna we're gonna take out this little guy right here get the mirror all clean oh my gosh uh-huh get those uncrustables there we go all right let's see what we got left of this roof we just got to get in these creases and crevasses maybe it doesn't recognize it as a roof it might not it may not oh my gosh it's so nice all right so now we're gonna oh and it keeps going too there's a removal there's removals van outside my nightmare neighbor's place they're finally going whoever moves in there is gonna need pressure what oh i didn't even notice this until now we're washing off our own vehicle the first job is a job for ourselves self-care is important everybody do we have a wheel yes we do hubclap cleaned get these tires all cleaned off huh there we go all right the last finishing touches on this side we got the door done gotta get these little crevices here oh my gosh it looks so nice it looks so nice let's clean this boy off gotta get all this muck and gunk off of here you know you gotta be you gotta be thorough you gotta be real thorough with it see i think what i'm really excited for guys is whenever we get to do a house or anything like that is there hold on select extension wait whoa okay so these are the nozzles oh these are the only things that i have okay cool so we will unlock things in the future all right well let's finish up this van and let's go to our first job justin epic time lapse mode 99 clean where is the last where's the last bit ah the grill i see now and the bumper the job has been complete we are the cleanest bores in town look at that it gives you a little time lapse that's so cool that's so cool love that oh a back garden oh my god we have 150 great oh my god oh my god damn guys this was just in the game subscribe to crank gameplays that's insane that's so crazy that they put that in the game i mean you know i don't make the rules but you know this is a big job so we gotta clean all this huh i love how the nozzles rotate it's so nice oh oh man is it the whole garden that i gotta do that's a lot for my second job i mean i'm down for it i never say no i never say no to a nice job get that door frame nice and clean yes get the bottom nice and clean i love how you can just twist it around all right let's get all the we're gonna go around and get get all the little parts of it done and then we just have to do the wood this is so satisfying and justin was so right about me just being silent and cleaning for hours on end all right we do a nice a nice basic wash first you know get all the loose stuff out of there very nice very nice very nice that's step one okay step two going in with a little bit more gravitas as some might say go up and down smooth motions all right there's no rush there's no rush all right we got all day to fulfill this client's job and we come in one more ah a little bit bigger now hey see and then we really gotta be strategic about it up here because there's uh you know it's a big roof big roof and we've still only got just a little starting guy you know and although we only have the starting little dude what we have the others don't gusto it's almost fully clean but i can't tell what's left all right we're moving on we're getting this guy yeah we could use a big boy for this you know i feel like it's just kind of dusty i don't know if it needs i don't know if it needs the works you know there we go the lawnmower is cleaned what's left of this geez you really got to be thorough in here look at that now it's time for this oh yeah oh yes oh my god is this not just so satisfying and i can't wait to see the little time lapse at the end too and i can't wait to level up my stuff i wonder if i can level up my stuff hold on oh the shop power washers 250 oh we're almost there wait is this what we currently have i think that's what we currently have professional duty whoa oh hey why not you know the prime vista okay with the extension soap nozzle and then we'll do stone cleaner whoa whoa guys we got the soap cleaner stone cleaner whatever it is the only thing about it is that we don't have a ton of it and it's about to run out i like this attachment though it's very wide oh it's not cleaning that much though but that's that cleaner oh wait i have more you just have to refill it does it cost money oh it does it does cost money because now i have zero dollars it was ten dollars we're just gonna get as much as we possibly can kind of hard to tell how much this is doing i'm not sure but it's okay we're getting it clean we're getting it done okay we'll just walk along this oh my god are you guys having as much fun watching this as i am playing it i kind of doubt it but i am having so much fun it's just so satisfying it's so nice it's so satisfying it makes me squeal with joy you know guys this is a big job for big boys though so you know i'm i'm prepared for it i'm glad we don't have to conserve water this person's water bill is going to be nuts that much i can tell you man i wish i had more money because that that stone cleaner was doing wonders damn dude there's so many surfaces this whole yard i don't even think i'm getting that much money for this i should at least get a couple grand for this right the steps are clean wait i'm getting money on the fly whoa i'm getting money on the fly dude look at the suds look at all these suds this pathway is going to be clear i love the little suds that's the trick guys we get the soap in here all bets are off for these for this gunk the patio is clean change liquid wood cleaner now that is the stuff this is going to be incredible this summer is never going to end look at that look at that easy as pie easy as pie [Music] i found it tried to be all sneaky on me huh think i wouldn't find you i always find you 99 where is it the birdhouse where is it i'm 99 clean there's one i found you aha wait what i will find you and i will kill you i found it i have found it yes wonderful look at this look at this look at this time lapse oh my gosh oh my gosh incredible we're gonna finish it off with one last job just a little dirt bike guy easy peasy what's on here metal cleaner great gonna take us 45 seconds to do this but wait there's more universal cleaner now there it is now that's the ticket right there gotta get in those in those tires gotta get the dirt off there excellent it's excellent so many little nooks and crannies in this guy but i will find every last speck of dust every last little piece of dirt and the job is complete a perfectly cleaned bicycle beautiful beautiful beauty that's what beauty is and the fun thing too is you can just do free play locations oh you can only do it on the places that you went before okay well guys i'm going to end this one here very very fun game again huge thank you to them for sending me a code maybe i'll play more of this do you guys want to see me play more of this i feel like this is a good stream game too but anyway let me know what you think thank you guys so much for watching hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to slap that like button right in the face and i will see you guys in the next video love you all stay cranky bye [Music] bye
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 263,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, power wash simulator, power washing, oddly satisfying, powerwash simulator, powerwash simulator gameplay, pressure washer, satisfying pressure washing, pressure washing car, the best pressure washing videos, lets play powerwash simulator, power washing compilation, satisfying video, pressure washing simulator, pressure washing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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