Amazing Ham & Bean Soup using Forjars Canning Lids

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hello everyone and welcome to sutton's days today we are going to be canning up a family favorite we're going to be canning up some ham and bean soup this is a quick easy meal and it is super tasty and super convenient and i'm gonna be putting up seven quarts of it uh for phil for later on this year and i wanted to bring you guys along with me for this i'll put a link to my recipe down below how i make it okay um but the link is going to include fresh ingredients which is not what you're going to see here no because um i don't feel like running to the store and buying something i already have on hand um i am going to be using first ham hocks that i had in the freezer but in addition to that i'm going to be using thrive onions thrive carrots and thrive garlic if you don't have those don't worry about it because i will have the ingredients listed in the recipe for fresh ingredients and how to take care of that we're going to be using cannelli beans these are so good yes they are and of course as always we're going to be using four jars candy lids because they are the bomb yes they are we'll talk more about those a little bit later but we're going to get started here you need to do a few things before you start your soup so i will put a link to this down directly below there's been a lot of discussion over the last few months about whether or not we can put ham in with our soup because ham is not a meat that is approved for canning at this time because they have not tested it and they believe that any cured meat um has a uh the density is different it's a you know there is more density to it than than uncured meat and so they just haven't tested it to approve it yet um but like we discovered when i did the beans a while back um they do approve of you putting a little bit into the beans you know for flavor so we did a little deep dive on it i reached out to my friend linda at tuleelu and she dove even deeper because she has some resources that i don't have living here in the state of michigan but um the thing is you can add it to soups that's the easy answer right there okay so you can add ham to soups you cannot can um a jar of ham because of the density issue they just haven't done it yet but if it's an ingredient to add flavor then you got this go ahead and do it but you're going to want to do it per the national center for home food preservation and how they have it set up to canned soups so vegetable dried beans or peas meat poultry or even seafood soups can be canned yes they can these directions are intended for use with ingredients that already have separate canning recommendations for these foods so that being said do they have a separate recommended canning uh thing for the for ham no they don't but they do add it to beans you know it's it's kind of like this great big game of chess you just keep moving stuff around okay so um we are going to make him a bean soup there you go remember that when you're canning soups do not add noodles or pasta rice flour cream milk or any thickening agents to home canned soups if dried beans or peas are used they must be fully rehydrated first yes that's right you have to rehydrate them first okay so that's what i did there's my pot of beans that i cooked up they are good to go and we're going to be adding some fun stuff to that you want to select wash and prepare your vegetables okay you're meeting your seafoods as described for the specific foods in their own canning instructions so if you're doing carrots you want to prepare them the same way that you would prepare carrots if you were doing that just a jar of carrots you want to prepare them the same way and you want to prepare them the hot pack method okay so you want to get all of your vegetables and your beans and everything set up that way we have done that but we are going to be using thrive life because well it's easy it's convenient it's here and i don't have to spend any more money so let's get started i have my ham hocks here and i put them in the instant pot for a hot minute and cook them up and i'm not going to be using okay so i'm not going to be using the fat you know that just automatically goes to the side but that beautiful piece of meat right there that is going to end up in a jar and so what i am going to do is go through here and separate out the hunks of meat and put them onto my cutting mat you want to make sure that you're not bringing any bone along as you cut it up i'm sure you'll find cartilage if you got any onto your cutting mat okay but there's some nice pieces of meat in a ham hock it is smoked it is delicious it has amazing flavor and the best thing to use them for is soup in my mind now cornbread oh my gosh some ham hocks some cornbread okay i digress because i'm not doing that i'm making soup we're gonna make some absolutely delicious eat your heart out ham and bean soup the bones are still hot um for phil oh there we go and that way he has some easy meals later on in this year uh when i won't be cooking and if you've been with me and caught that video you know why i'm not going to be cooking for a little bit but that's okay i'll still be cooking just not for probably a week or so afterwards okay so we'll cut the fat off of there so this is what i got from the ham hock so first you want to go through and just cut that up okay you want to make sure that you didn't miss any bones or heavy cartilage or anything like that any big chunks of fat i take them out um we raise our own pigs here you see like that that won't stay okay we raise our own pigs here and so when we have them processed my goal is to keep as much as i can respect that animal as much as i can and use everything possible and the ham hocks are one of those things that a lot of people are like well what do i do with it i'm like i don't i don't know i i make ham and bean soup that's what i do with it so phil loves ham and bean soup it's a super simple recipe you guys and i haven't found anybody that's not a huge fan so let me know in the comment section down below what's your take on ham and bean soup so again i'm just going to cut this up this is not a ton you know this is not a ton of meat and it's going to fill seven quart jars this is flavor most of your protein is going to be coming from the beans itself so this is a great recipe for leftover ham if you've got ham hat hawks ham hocks um you know you don't need a ton of meat to do this and make it a good hearty meal which is probably why it's so popular because it's actually a very frugal meal to be able to enjoy oh yeah look at that okay so now did you check out the knife yeah okay um those of you who don't know this is my favorite knife in the whole world and there's a link down below to it if you're interested it is absolutely fantastic and i know some of you picked up the knife too so if you love the knife throw it down below tell everyone how much you love that knife okay okay now let's start adding stuff to the pot in my lovely pot i have my beans what i did with my beans is i put them in my instant pot for 45 minutes and cook them up and then i let them depressurize on their own okay so these beans are almost 100 percent rehydrated that's okay they will not be mushy beans trust me they're not going to be mushy beans now we've got about three quarts about three quarts of water in here um and the beans okay and now we're gonna add all of that beautiful ham hock in there too we're gonna get the pieces that tried to escape there you go so when you're making a soup you need to remember that only half of the contents of the jar are going to be solids the rest of it is going to be liquid um that is how to safely can it okay so we're going to add just a teeny tiny bit of garlic i have a measurement down below but i'm doing you know i'm doing the thrive garlic because it's handy i have it and then carrots if you are using the thrive carrots by the way let me show you these these are thrive carrots you guys okay they're dehydrated they're not freeze dried they're dehydrated and they're diced up perfect little carrots like you would find in you know commercially made chicken pot pie or something but what you have to be careful of is that they can be very sweet so you don't want to do a whole bunch of them but if you're doing uh fresh carrots whole different ball game okay and with phil the carrots are kind of like ooh bonus and if you want some more carrots we'll just empty a jar carrots when he opens it up but that will be enough for flavoring and to add a little color to that fantastical soup and then i'm gonna put in the thrive life onions now remember if you're stocking up on thrive you guys you're going to want to practice with it a little bit to learn how it works to learn how it acts when you are cooking so we're going to turn up the heat here poof cooking with gas and we are going to just heat this up for about five minutes and then we'll start spooning it into jars if you don't have enough liquid in the pot oh wait i forgot an ingredient i forgot to add a little time so probably like a half a teaspoon of thyme and again this is for seven quart jars um but i can already tell i don't have enough liquid so i'm going to add another quart of water to the pot and then we'll get busy i have my hot soup in the pot and how i do this quite easily is to scoop it up strain off most of the liquid and then go about filling the jars okay because i want to get that halfway point with the solids and that's the easiest way for me to figure that and then i will take the liquid and bring it up to an inch headspace so that ensures that i get a little bit of everything and follows the national center for home food preservation guidelines to bring it up to uh half solid half liquid okay let me turn down that heat okay so there we have our first jar half solid half liquid poof super simple and easy soup is another one of those things that's actually pretty easy okay so as long as uh the ingredients that you're putting in are safe for canning then you can make soup no starches no thickeners none of that fun stuff just approved foods and such okay so you can make up your favorite soup minus the ingredients that are not allowed for canning and you can throw in a jar why can't you make up the same stuff why can't you can cream of mushroom soup or cream of broccoli soup well because broccoli is sulfurous and it will taste like your foot it's terrible what your food tastes like i don't know it's just an expression so you can't do it okay because there's no safe way to can broccoli but there are safe ways to can vegetables there are safe ways to can chili and as long as you're doing it based on these recommendations then you're good now chili is one of those weird ones because everybody has a different chili recipe right and the national center for home food preservation has a chili recipe or two but they may not necessarily be to your liking or have everything in them that you like so take a look at the ingredients that you use now when i can chili i'm not gonna lie i can chili and i can it for the meat time so that that removes any issues can you use dry beans no now here's a fun fact for you okay if you've ever can dry beans number one trust me i did not get this waistline because i eat crappy tasting food okay i get this waistline because i eat good food um when you can dry beans a lot of people will notice that the liquid is completely sucked up into the beans because the beans will continue cooking during the canning process like everything else and they will absorb any of the excess liquid so we should not see a lot of liquid loss when it comes to this soup i'm not going to get seven jars i don't think which is totally cool by me too means i get to do it again i have more ham hocks um so when if you were to do dry beans in this it would suck up all your liquid and you would not have soup you would have ham and bean sludge okay and that's not good that's not what you want you want soup you want something that you can stick crackers in or whatever um phil okay tell me if you guys have heard about this i need your help with this one okay phil grew up with a ham and bean soup that had dumplings in it dumplings i have never in my life heard of such a thing but i will tell you because i made it for him it's good it is good um so you could actually do that with these jars of soup too because there's enough liquid in it that you can make dumplings when you heat it up you can cook the dumplings in there it's phenomenal it is this is so good okay so for the last bit in here i am going to use a slotted spoon that makes a lot of noise and i am going to get everything and put it in here oh no i'm not that's just more trouble than it's worth just tip the pot lisa it is what it is so this one may not have as much it's going to have plenty of the solids in there but that's okay i can smell the carrots this smells so good that i think i even have like a teeny tiny bowl left over for phil for lunch yay okay now we're gonna get these cleaned up for this recipe you see i'm scraping the bottom there tiny bowl of soup for fill now we're going to clean the rims it doesn't matter if you're using a funnel or not there's going to be something on the rim guaranteed so i use vinegar and a little paper towel and i go around and i wipe down each one of the rims to make sure okay you want those clean you want that point of contact with the lid as clean as possible let me move that over here there we go i've got my canner heating up on the stove now while we get all of this prepared so this net me five quarts of soup which is super cool where's my drawer with my lids we are going to be using four jars canning lids as most of you know i've used these exclusively since the beginning of the year they asked me to try them out i tried them out i am beyond extremely excited and full disclosure i am now an affiliate of four jars canning lids okay so i wouldn't bring this to you if it wasn't a really great product it's not just lip service here you guys know my reputation's on the line by saying that they're good so i'm not gonna do that okay so four jars candy lids absolutely phenomenal lids and they have white mouth they have regular mouth they have the button do we see the button there's the button i love the button it's totally unnecessary but i love the button one of the best parts about this is that they are perfectly priced their price point is spot on and a lot of people have been having a lot of issues lately with the standby lids that have been around forever right with them not sealing my failure rate with these is practically non-existent the three fails that i've had this year were 100 percent my fault it was a jar where i didn't check a i didn't find a chip you know and another one oh just recently had a chip that i didn't catch and then another one i think i overfilled so the failure rate that i've had with these you guys i can every single week i can something's going into jars at least once probably two to three times a week something is going into jars to fill that pantry i want to make sure that we are stocked up and prepared and the best way that i know to do that is to get things in jars get them out of the freezer make them easy and convenient so that if anything happens to me mine are taken care of and if anything happens in the world which you know right now is on fire that we are taking care of that's my number one important thing i also want to mention because it's a very common question okay now that it's in jars how long will it last if it is stored in optimal conditions meaning between 50 and 75 degrees and it's dark and it's light you know it's sorry dark it is the right temperature and you're not shaking it moving it it's not moist you don't want anything with high humidity these foods can last in these jars for years however over time you will lose some nutritional value the standard disclaimer is 18 months so when you see it on anything it's 18 months well that's the liability clause okay after 18 months things start to lose some of their nutritional value that's what you have to you know be aware of as you're moving forward i don't can to have something on the shelf for four five six seven ten years i can to have things available for the next couple two three years and to make sure that my freezer is okay if the power goes out if the grid goes down then i need to know that i have enough jars okay to take everything in those freezers and fill the jars and get them canned up so that everything i have is shelf stable that to me is very important it is priority number one i love shelf stable foods i love shelf stable protein you cannot can everything that you can find commercially canned unless you're going to invest the hundreds of thousands of dollars in that equipment in order to do it the way that they do it as a home canner we are restricted to a different set of rules and guidelines based on the equipment that is available for us so that is why i say we need to follow the national center for home food preservation because personally i'm not playing russian roulette with my family's food it's not going to happen now we're going to put on the rings yes we are so you want to put the rings on finger tight and the easiest way that i've figured out how to show you guys is two fingers right there you want to take it to where it stops with those two fingers okay i'm not holding the jar it just stops that is what you want to do does it matter if your rings see i purposely pulled that one out just to show you guys that is just not a great looking ring but guess what it doesn't need to be it is not an engagement ring it is a tool period so it doesn't need to be pretty it needs to work when it gets to the point where it doesn't work then you need something to worry about okay then you replace it with another one okay there we go and as the more that you practice with the finger tight the better you get with it if you over tighten them that is when they buckle so if you over tighten it number one uh it doesn't allow the air in the jar you know anything above that inch head space to escape and that's what you want that's what the canning process does is it evacuates all of that excess air in addition to bringing it up to a temperature that is good for killing off any of those microorganisms so headspace very important very important if it siphons it's not a deal breaker it is not a preferred outcome but it's not a deal breaker okay so don't worry so much about siphoning if you're if it's siphoning it may be because your temperature is fluctuating too much or is it too high of a temperature or the jar is too full you know there there really are a number of factors that play into whether or not it will siphon but if those lids buckle that means that you put the rings on too tight we are putting these hot jars of soup into the water or the canner with the hot water okay so you want to do that you don't want to put the hot jars of soup into the canner with cold water because it could result in thermal shock you want to make sure that the temperatures are somewhat near each other wow those are hotter than i thought they were okay so we're going to get all of those in there now here's the fun part you guys you know if you've been with me at all because i'm huge into canning proteins that if we're canning proteins then there's a certain amount of time that you have to do it for right and if you're canning like quarts of chicken say then it's normally for 90 minutes an hour and a half but for the soup in quartz it's 75 minutes why is that that is because there is not as much solid in there the meat is not in there to the degree that it is if it's just a jar of meat so the heat will penetrate everything the way that it's supposed to the liquid in there acts as a conductor to make sure it gets through everything it's a beautiful and fantabulous process here's my weird fact for the day that popped up right away so i've got some pressure building up in there already that's weird look at that oh nope came down never mind okay okay here's my fun fact for the day the lid is on and we have the heat on high to build up that pressure in there and when it starts venting there's no way you cannot hear that even if you can't see it you will hear it so when it starts venting you'll hear it and that's when you want to take a look at it make sure it's a steady stream do you have to see it no but you can and i'll show you how by using a canning lid how do you know when it's venting a steady stream of steam do you hear that okay that you can hear the steam but you can't see it right okay but if you take a lid you put it over it you can see the steam you can tell also on some occasions your pop lock will come up if liquid comes out of your pot block it's normal it's normal it will stop okay but that is how you know when you have a steady stream of steam so now that we have that i'm going to set the timer for 10 minutes the timer went off it's vented a steady stream of steam for 10 minutes you can still hear it okay so now we're going to put on the regulator i am using the weighted regulator which means i do not pay attention to what my gauge does if you have the regulator that came with your canner then you pay attention to the gauge we'll see you in 75 minutes that's not right either when when this starts to do a hula dance i'm going to adjust my temperature on my stove so that it's doing a slow hula dance but when it starts to tula dance go ahead and set your timer for 75 minutes adjust your heat if it stops moving for longer than say 10 seconds you're gonna have to readjust again and bring it back up okay and start your timer again but just very slowly turn it down until it's a nice slow hula dance don't crank it down because then you're just moving the temperature to you know the temperature too much so just turn it down slowly but when that starts moving doing a tula dance then we set our timer my definition of a slow hula dance what are you doing what do you what are you so we've let it completely depressurize on its own it's set here for gosh five ten minutes give or take okay always open it away from you always always and now it's time to take them out okay oh man that looks so good let me reposition the camera oh you guys i'm so happy look at that okay you saw we have the taste test of approval from mr sutton who i caught sneaking it out of the pot i'm telling you okay now you know me i'm all about being prepared right being on top of everything so with everything being the way that it is if you can i highly encourage you to stock up on your canning supplies now remember that four jars canning lids are a fantastic fantastic canning lid they are quality like i have not seen in a very very long time okay um so if you are interested in stocking up on your canning lids which i highly recommend then you can do so with the link down below and using the coupon code you can save ten percent i appreciate it i thank you very much as i said i am now an affiliate for four jars canning lids and i would not be doing that if i did not 100 believe in this product i believe in this product a lot so i'm standing here talking to you and i'm noticing that this one is not doing the bubble bubble so i will let you know on monday night live whether or not that sealed i don't see why it wouldn't but um the rest of them are definitely bubbling and bubbling away and you see it still has half solids half liquid and i don't believe it's over canned at all phil said the taste is spot on i luckily he can't fit his head inside the pot that's kind of a a bonus right so remember four jars candy leads you guys because i want you to be stocked up and prepared to me that's really important that's why we do what we do to make sure that we have everything that we need when things get rough and i think they're going to get rougher so right now stack it to the rafters my friend stick it in jars put it in buckets put in a mylar do whatever you have to do to make sure that you and yours are secure for the future okay until next time everybody please be safe
Channel: Suttons Daze
Views: 18,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bean Soup, Bean Soup with Ham, Bean Soup with Ham Recipe, Best Bean Soup with Ham, Best Bean Soup with Ham Recipe, Easy Bean Soup, Easy Bean Soup with Ham, Delicious Bean Soup, Delicious Bean Soup with Ham, Nutritious Bean Soup, Nutritious Bean Soup with Ham, Ham and Bean Soup, Ham and Bean Soup Recipe, 15 Bean Soup, 15 Bean Soup with Ham, 15 Bean Soup with Ham Recipe, bean soup recipe, how to make bean soup, bean soup recipes, pressure canning, home canning, canning
Id: 1faYON0ad80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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