Pressure Canning Beef Stroganoff

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good morning and welcome to rose-red homestead today is another pressure canning adventure this time we're going to be doing beef stroganoff for those of you who may have watched our meals in bags video the beef stroganoff was featured in that video although I didn't give any kind of a recipe I just kind of unpacked a bag and showed you what I keep in that particular bag and I've had some requests from local people who are my friends here who would like to have us do a video on the actual recipe and canning of beef stroganoff so that's what we will do as soon as we come right back [Music] the first thing I thought I would do is show you exactly how I pack beef stroganoff in my meals and bags first of all here's what our beef stroganoff will look like when we're all finished with it a little bit later today so it's just a quart jar a very liquidy mixture for beef stroganoff and we'll go through that recipe here in just a minute and then I also have a vacuum-sealed pack of rice so we have our beef stroganoff over rice or noodles and this particular one was packed with rice and then I have a couple of small containers of powdered sour cream and oh my goodness do I ever loved having powdered sour cream on hand we live 20 miles from our favorite grocery store in town and often when I am fixing a recipe from scratch that calls for fresh sour cream I look in my refrigerator and oops I don't have any and so even though Jim is always willing to run to the store for me but just for sour cream no and so I just take the sour cream powder out of the cabinet and mix up enough for the recipe and it's very convenient so once we finished today and after these are cooled later on this afternoon I will be packing these brand-new 7 quarts of beef stroganoff right here and my meals in bags my goal is to have 50 of these out on myself and I'm getting closer and closer but the other thing that we use the meal is in bags for or just a prepared entree is that it is so convenient as and we can rotate through those bags out on our emergency shelf when we come home from work and we're too tired to cook we will just go out and grab one of those bags and beef stroganoff is kind of one of our favorites and so that's why I'm needing to replenish it today because our stock out there is getting quite low the recipe that we will be using today comes from this book I have changed it just a little bit but this is the all new ball both have canning and preserving and as you can see from all these little bookmarks I really love this book and I use it quite a bit so complete instructions for doing beef stroganoff in a quart jar can be found in this book although I will be giving you the recipe today we are going to start by looking at the ingredients I have everything already here last night I chopped the meat well chopped it I cubed it it's a nice little 1 inch cubes and then this morning I sliced mushrooms and onions and boy were these onions strong I had a good cry over these onions and then I have some tomato sauce and other recipe calls in the in the book calls for tomato paste I looked out on our shelf this morning and we don't have any tomato paste so I'm just going to use probably 3 tablespoons of the tomato sauce in place of the tomato paste and then we have Worcestershire sauce pepper parsley and thyme and I'll be giving those amounts as we go forward but before we get started I did want to show you a cool little tool that I have that helps peel garlic so I have peeled four out of the seven that I'm going to be using today so Jim is going to come and do a close up while I show you this particular tool here is this tool it's just a little rubber cylinder and these are already peeled but these are not peeled and so all I do whoops one got away from me there is just place this right in this rubber tool and rub it like this and it comes out peeled and the peeling stick on the inside so I'm going to quickly do these other two and then we'll get to the recipe and that's all there is to peeling garlic it is so convenient and I got this at a kitchen store there you go I have all the ingredients assembled here and we are going to begin by putting the meat in the bottom of the jar first and I have my little kitchen scale right here now this kitchen scale can measure either metric or standard so my kitchen scale is now set to ounces that was easier than going all the way over to pounds so I'm going to be putting in about 16 ounces of this meat in the bottom of each jar and this will take just a second that takes care of the meat now we will move the mushrooms and the onions over let it take a second here and just wash my hands now I have these jars all lined up so it should go fairly quickly here and my half cup measure right here so it's 1/2 a cup of mushrooms and this is you know approximately I just kind of stuff them in there we love mushrooms so we always make sure there are plenty of mushrooms in this each jar of beef stroganoff [Music] [Music] if I push down I'm going to be able to make some more room for mushrooms and I think I'll just equally distribute these and there we go now for the onions and is also 1/2 a cup of onions and we like our onions and beef stroganoff not diced but just a little bit larger chunks and you can see this is a very generous half cup of onions with a few more to distribute around so this is our big stuff now let's go on to the other things that we have to add so I'm going to put about three tablespoons of tomato sauce in each one this gives the broth just a little bit of a redness and a tomato we taste which is very nice there we go and then for time it's one teaspoon of time so I am just going to actually eyeball it you know when you've been cooking as long as some of us have been cooking it's easy to eyeball what a teaspoon is but if you're more comfortable measuring exactly by all means do that and then another teaspoon of parsley I'm going to do the same thing and these little green speckles in the beef stroganoff are a very nice feature plus the taste of parsley is very nice and then pepper and for pepper it is just a half of a teaspoon well if I can get it open thank goodness a lever always works nicely and this recipe does call for salt but as many of you know Jim and I are focusing on a healthy lifestyle and so I'm not putting any salt in any of our canning anymore and what is really interesting is that it took a little bit of getting used to at first and all my life I have heard older people I guess I now fall into that category who have to be on a low salt or no salt diet and we don't have to be it's just what we have chosen to do that that food has takes on a wonderful taste after they're no longer using salt and I have to say that has happened to us as well I'm really enjoying the pure taste of food without the salt in it okay now in the Worcestershire we need a couple of tablespoons in each one so there's one and two and it is this Worcestershire and the mushrooms that really give beef stroganoff its distinctive taste one two this is such a lovely meal to be able to just pull right off the shelf and have it almost all done now to actually prepare it you saw how liquidy the one in the bagged meal was and that is because when we can we don't put any thickening agents in I'm about out of Worcestershire sauce so I had to go to my shelf and get another bottle of Worcestershire sauce that one was all gone and so for the last two so I had started to tell you that what you do to finish this meal and it's very liquidy you don't ever put thickening in anything that you're going to be pressure canning because that would cause a frothy mess inside your canner and so what you do after your these are all done and you're ready to take it off the shelf well in fact let me just show you with this one so once again you can see I'll slosh this around you can see how liquidy it is so I take the band off and break the seal and then I pour off the liquid into a pan keeping all of the solids in the jar and in that pan I will add I will whisk in a couple of tablespoons of flour another thing that you could do is that you could also open a can of mushroom soup and put the concentrated soup in the pan and stir that around that would also thicken it up but whatever you do whatever you might want to do to thicken it up you do it after you've drained the liquid into the pan and then you heat that until it's thick and then you can pour the rest of the solids in and then you will have a nice hot beef stroganoff to go over rice or potatoes or noodles or whatever you would prefer the last thing I'm going to do is I'm going to put one clove garlic in each bottle all right I've had this broth heating on the stove so I'm just now going to pour it from the pan you may remember from other videos that I have done I used to try to pour things from my two cup measuring cup and it just always leaks all over the place so this pan is a good poorer so I'm just going to do it from there and I've made up this beef broth from this brand of bullion we really love this brand of bullion it's very very flavorful and I always get it in the industrial size strength so because we go through it a lot so now I will run this knife down the sides getting trying to get rid of any air pockets that might be in here and then add just a touch more broth and now this one is just about ready this just smells so good they make fancy little plastic things that you can run down in your jars some people say you need to be very careful that you don't score with a knife like this a table knife like this that you don't score the inside of the jar otherwise it might crack when it's processed well perhaps that happens I have never had I've never broken a jar in over 50 years of canning that has never happened to me and I think it means partly I'm lucky I really don't attribute that to any particular skill okay now I'll do the rest of these jars off-camera but I want to show you what I do next so I just got a paper towel and I dampened it and I'm now running that around the lip edge of these jars then I will put a lid on and a band and finger tight my pressure canner is already out side on the patio and it is simmering and ready for it to receive these bottles so when I get all finished with this Jim will meet us outside and we will put all seven jars right in the canner and start them processing there's number two and then here is the third and I'll see you out by the counter in just a few minutes here are the last two jars going into the counter the counter has been out here simmering the others jars are in there so we'll place these in and now I'm going to put the lid on and the weight is here but I'm not going to put it on here yet those of you that are experienced counters know but what happens next is we have to bring the pot to a boil to where steam just blows right out of this vent and we need to let that vent that steam for ten minutes so that the air inside is replaced with steam and then once this has happened for ten minutes then we will put the weight on and then mine is a dial pressure measurer so we need to be sure that for us at 5000 feet of elevation we do all of our canning at 13 pounds pressure per the USDA so when the dial gets between 13 and 15 we keep it in that little range right there and then we will start processing for 90 minutes then once 90 minutes is finished then we will turn the heat off and let it cool down naturally which is very very important and when we then are ready to open up the lid and see the results we will bring you back so that will be probably in about two hours our time so we will see you then it's been a little over two hours and our mail is down to zero this valve has fallen I always check to see if there's any steam left in there no there isn't and we're ready to open it up always away from my face look very steamy everything looks good pull one out and let's take a look Oh beautiful all right looks like there's still a little bit boiling on the inside I see mushrooms and onions at the top right where we put them meat still on the bottom none of these have popped oh this one's hot nope okay here they are now these will have to cool for several hours and once they're completely cool then I'll take them in I always take the band's off and wash them with warm soapy water then I'll put the band's back on loosely and then I will bag these four meals in bags but we've already done a video on that part so I don't need to show you that one more thing I do like to let you know was that we filled these jars really quite full and so I was wondering how much brought it would take to fill these seven jars and so off-camera I measured what was left in the pot and we had used exactly two quarts to fill these 7 quarts so if that might be useful information for you there it is when you make up the broth and failure Joris for those we did so this completes pressure canning beef stroganoff thank you for joining us and we will see you next time [Music]
Channel: RoseRed Homestead
Views: 26,420
Rating: 4.956923 out of 5
Keywords: beef, stroganoff, entree, pressure canning beef, beef stroganoff, food preservation, meals in jars, meals in bags
Id: TJr6FaU7qaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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