President Joe Biden visit to Sturtevant, talks about Microsoft facility | FOX6 News Milwaukee

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[Applause] [Music] hello hello [Music] [Applause] hello thank you thank you thank [Applause] you hello Wisconsin Nick thanks for that introduction look before uh before before I get started I want to set the record straight please sit down I went to uh a Catholic High School in Delaware taught by the norber team priest from St norbert's College you know a little kind little team called Green Bay now here's a deal we were the only High School in Delaware that overwhelmingly rooted for Green Bay not a joke I tell you why every single Sunday not only they have great teams at the time I still do but not only that my theology professor at the Catholic school I went to was a guy named Riley last name and he had been drafted by the Green Bay Packers and he decided to become a priest before that so he didn't go go but every single solitary Monday at Green Bay one we got the last period of the day off now we Catholics call that indirect bribery but it worked it's always great to be with one of the best governors in America Tony I think atony I mean it I think of one word integrity you're a man of absolute integrity and uh what I'm really doing I'm really auditioning for a job with h a little company's going to build something out here thank you for the comments you made about what we're doing together well look uh while she couldn't be here I want to thank the best one of the best US senators in the United States of America and good friend of mine Tammy Ballwin you also got a great Mar and RAC SC Cory [Applause] Mason Brad Smith president of microsof thank you for your partnership for showing how we can get things done and big things done in America and thank you for your friendship a little me M Scher president say I thank you for all you do for benefit American union movement there's you know I get called to the most Pro Union president American history I make no apologies for it I'm serious middle class Built America but unions built the middle class I've been saying that for a long time folks I'm here to talk about a great comeback story in America I'm sure you remember Racine was once a manufacturing Boomtown all the way through the 1960s power companies invented a manufacturing Windex Pro portable vacuum cleaners and so much more and powered by middle class jobs and then came trickle down economics cut taxes for the very wealthiest and biggest corporations again in the 60s we shipped American jobs overseas because labor was cheaper we slashed public investment in education and Innovation and result we hollowed out the middle class my predecessor and his administration doubled down on that failed trickle down economics along with the trial of broken promises look my dad used to have an expression he say Joey job mean sincerely my dad was a well- read man never got to go to college but he was a good man all across the board and he'd say Joey remember a job is a lot more than about more than a paycheck it's about your integrity it's about your dignity it's about being treated with respect it's about being to look your kid in the eye and say honey everything's going to be okay in fact six years [Applause] ago when my predecessor came to reine with the promise of quote reclaiming our country's proud manufacturing Legacy well we had infrastructure day every week every week for four years didn't build a damn thing he administration promised a 10 billion investment by foxcom to build a new manufacturing complex to create 13,000 new jobs in fact he came here with your Senator Ron Johnson literally holding a golden shovel promising to build the eighth wonder of the world are you kidding me look what happened they dug a hole those golden shovels and then they fell into it look they didn't shovel other dirt they did shovel some dirt 100 homes were were bulldozed they wasted hundreds of millions of dollars your state and local tax dollars to promise a project that never happen foxcon turned out to be just that a con go figure it in just four years under his administ ation instead of creating 13,000 jobs in race seing my predecessor and 100,000 manufacturing jobs rather than creating them th000 manufacturing jobs left racing 85,500 total jobs left Wisconsin during my predecessor's term but that's not on my watch We're determined to turn it around thus far since we've come to office we've created and with the governor's overwhelming leadership we've created over 178,000 jobs in Wisconsin we're going to create more here in Racine and Big [Applause] Time some of my friends on the far right have criticized my investing in America agenda my which includes my bipartisan infrastructure law the chips and science act the inflation reduction act a lot of Business Leaders supported is a key to economic growth that we're seeing now remember here you're going to recession next week recession next week no soft Landing in fact I've asked Business Leaders like Brad a simple question when the United States decides to invest considerable resources in the new industry that we need to build does that encourage or discourage them engaging the answer overwhelming is it encourages business investment that's what we're seeing now with our Administration my investing in America agenda is fueling historic boom and rebuilding our roads and bridges developing and deploying clean energy revitalizing American manufacturing and so much more so far we've created $866 billion in private sector investment Nationwide almost a trillion dollars historic amounts such a short time now literally creating hundreds of thousands of jobs building new semiconductor factories electric vehicles and Battery factories so much more here all here at America today it's another example of private sector optimism Microsoft as president already pointed out is investing $3.3 billion dollar to build a new data center here in Racine that's going to help operate one of the most powerful artificial intelligence systems in the world and I've gone around the world literally not figerly meeting with the leading architects of AI it's going to result in 2,300 Union construction jobs just to build a new [Applause] fa the 2,000 permanent workers that work in the data center in addition we're also providing a pipeline to train these for new these new jobs a pipeline that starts right here at this very spot Microsoft is partnered with Gateway Technical Community College right here to train and certify 200 student students a year to fill high demand good paying jobs and data and it at Microsoft's new AI day Center here in Racine but that's not all in addition Microsoft is continuing to pipeline going to high schools and nearby M Pleasant to train high school students for jobs of the future as the boss pointed out it's going to create a 100,000 jobs over time it's all part of Microsoft's broad plan to build an artificial intelligence ecosystem right here in Racine it's going to be transformative not here just here but worldwide it's not only significant investment in infrastructure racing but for the people racing means folks are getting trained folks are getting trained in new high paying high skill jobs that don't require a four-year college degree and don't require you to leave home you know where I come from that really matters I know what it's like when your parents have to move the family in search of work because there's no job what it does to the family's dignity my wife Jill who teaches full-time in a community college cares a lot about this as well last year she announced our first five Workforce Hub sites to build a pipeline of workers and industries that create the new hometowns yeah they're creating new their new home towns in Phoenix Baltimore Columbus Ohio Augusta Georgia pulling everything from semiconductors to electric vehicles last month I announced four new hubs to continue to train workers for the jobs of the future one of which is in Milwaukee that trains workers to help replace every poisonous Leed pipe in America in a decade and funded by the infrastructure and by the way by America has been the law of the land since the 30s but it's been ignored by most Administration past administration including my predis failed to buy America not anymore here's how it works when the pre when the Congress sends something to the president to build something whether it's a road a highway a deck of an aircraft carrier whatever it is that President's back from law that's passing the 30s it's supposed to hire American workers to build it and use American Products well on my watch and Tammy's leadership Federal projects like the blunck bridge here in Wisconsin it's going to cost billion dollars but it's all all americanmade all American products and All American work and it's create going to create 10,000 new jobs [Applause] 10,000 in addition the roads and highways and so much more would be made with American Products built by American workers creating good paying American jobs what's happening in Racine is really important for another reason we'll see more technical community colleges technical changes needed in the next 10 years and we saw in the last 50 AI is already driving that change in every part of American life from how we teach and learn to how we solve the biggest challenges from curing cancer to climate change America is a global leader in Ai and American companies lead the world in AI Innovation a lot of what we're going to see here in rine because of our initiatives American workers will power that Innovation here in America but look to get the full benefit of all this safeguards we need safeguards that's why as the president pointed out I signed the landmark executive order on which the most significant action any government has taken anywhere in the world has ever taken for AI safety security and Trust disorder helps make sure workers have a seat at the table determining how these Technologies are developed and used for real and we'll support workers in every industry by defending the right to a fair wage to organize as these Technologies emerge across the board and they're going to happen folks during the previous administration my predecessor made promises which he broke more than kept left a lot of people behind in communities like graine on my walk watch we make promises and we keep promises we leave no one behind since I took office we've added nearly 4,000 jobs in Racine as I said earlier we've added 178,000 in the state of Wisconsin the unemployment rate has hit a record low in Racine Racine has seen some of the strongest new business growth in all of Wisconsin and it's only just beginning we're seeing a great American comeback story all across Wisconsin and quite frankly the entire country the bottom line is we're doing what's always worked in this country giving people a fair shot leaving nobody behind and grow the economy in the middle out and the bottom up not the top down when that happens everybody does right everybody does [Applause] right let me close with this when folks see a new Factory being built here in Wisconsin people going to work making a really good wage in their hometowns hope they feel the pride that I feel pride in their hometowns making a comeback pride in knowing we can get big things done in America still folks I've never been more optimistic and I've only been around a couple years I know I know I don't look it but I'm on 40 plus two types why anyway but I've never more I swear to God I've never more optim istic about our future we just have to remember who and else we are we're the United States of America and there's nothing beyond our capacity when we work together nothing I mean that nothing the rest of the world looks to us so keep it going God bless you all and may God protect our troops thank you thank you thank you [Applause] don't jump
Channel: FOX6 News Milwaukee
Views: 10,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: News, FOX6, FOX6 News, FOX6 News Milwaukee, Milwaukee news, Sturtevant
Id: KHlSl7QHByw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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