'President Hotdog Emoji' | Impractical Jokers

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we have a slate of programming now you don't know what the ideas are yes you wrote for each other so the first idea i will pitch to you guys kirk and darth but imagine if you will commander kirk from star wars and darth vader from star trek have to work together to save their home planet earth darth vader wants to save planet earth live long and may the force prosper [Music] i love it i'm sorry i love it oh my god prince harvey's blown away that is just an interesting combo right there yes commander kirk's lightsaber it's darth vader with the lightsaber yeah i think you mixed up two of the most famous franchises of all time no no that's captain kirk from star wars and darth vader from star trek but it's like a match up kind of thing oh she gave it to you yes it's a match-up what we've done is we've meshed them up yeah let's get into your next one preserve the 69th amendment it's the year 2100 and america is finally having a little fun again congress just raised the minimum wage to 420 an hour and now it's up to president hot dog emoji to announce the 69th amendment while surfing off idaho's coast because of the span yeah will he make it mandatory to wear rollerblades on sundays during the sixth month of christmas or fix gerrymandering so thoughts on that it's out there it is like a comedy and then it's like also a social awareness thing at the very end of an episode sure [Music] [Laughter] the name of the show is princeton a tale of wealth sex and power struggles as a machiavellian fart joke baron that's mark attempts to manipulate and blackmail his way into the elite ruling class it sounds familiar it's a life story mark so imagine a comedian moves to princeton but he's got a very low brow career with lowbrow friends whoa it's almost like a cinderella story what's the timeline i moved there two years ago [Music] i'm feeling the thriller out of it she makes it a thrill he's a fog baron yeah he's a fart joke baron all right gunner small sacks liquid shockers mario's title game is on point a woman buys a liter of cola she drinks one glass but more than a liter is missing from the bottle where the heck did it go a recipe calls for one cup of grape seed oil the man puts the grape seed oil in the skillet but when he looks there's no oil this anthology series hosted by the dimunitive but commanding kind of small sack presents to you a collection of liquid shockers sure to leave you wet for more so it's like a comedy prank show with unexpected volumes of liquid [Laughter] you know what where do i go next prince herb you're looking bad out there next one lady junior so in the 1994 film junior arnold schwarzenegger plays a man who gets pregnant with a child this series set in the junior cinematic universe prince harrify is back replaces arnold with gal gadot wonder woman and asks the question what if a woman could get knocked up too right um but women do get pregnant so what's the deal with the last line there in that universe oh so in that universe women don't get pregnant yes we're in the junior cinematic universe here i'm all for showing like the equality of like the men and female aspects and like just the social obligations wow they are all worried there's no way first turn prince got no shot yeah i'm eating a big fat sandwich herb you better bring it come on buddy i fainted you sell it get in there man [Laughter] it rub your earrings for power come on fight back buddy fight back get a load of this dr smartypants oh in this high-stakes medical drama dr eugene swope is turned into meat jelly on the way to work after a misadventure with an errant bear why are you guys laughing is it just as bad this is a good idea man i really talking myself into a home
Channel: Comedy Central UK
Views: 911,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Impractical Jokers, brian quinn, comedy central, comedy central uk, impractical jokers full episodes, impractical jokers funniest moments, impractical jokers movie, impractical jokers punishments, impractical jokers try not to laugh, james murray, joe, joe gatto, murr, prank gone wrong, prank video, sal, sal vulcano, Prank, Pranks, Hot dog, Emoji
Id: Yt0yNG2ka6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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