President Biden is 'barely able to get through a speech'

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um michael carson you might uh notice that uh in these shows lately i'm getting a bit grim the truth seems to be dead reason seems to be dead populism on the rise what are you speaking of all those things what did you make of joe biden's climate summit at the end of last week oh andrew if like it's monty pythonish i mean the whole thing is but look can anybody that's got a an active mind and is not politically biased take joe biden seriously i i've turned off watching the black i mean he's barely able to get through a uh speech uh he's all over the place i mean it's clearly the case that the democratic party has now been run by the squad and that's all he's able to do is to pander to this stuff it's it's the worst form of virtue signaling you've ever seen but i think it's making really no difference do you think any international leader was convinced that they should change their policies because of some of that nonsense that went on and i've got to congratulate you andrew your editorial was brilliant i mean you know i mean native wisdom you know it's just uh absurd this sort of stuff but um unfortunately we're in the area of the sort of political theater now the virtue signaling theater and um you know i don't expect any change in the next three years yeah well maybe we should be expecting animal sacrifices to placate the earth gods or something i don't know michael kroger but does it frustrate you that prime minister scott morrison has to sit there while joe biden trots out some gambling 19 year old who knows nothing in her first year of uni to tell him how to run his country etc and scott morrison though does not call this out that's the bit that i find so sad he does not call this out well firstly congratulations on your article in the news limited papers this morning it was a stunning denunciation of what turned into a freak show by all these uh you know left wing apparatus lecturing the world on on how they should fix themselves but look andrew yes of course uh scott should start to call this out and the best way of doing it the best way for any world leader who is skeptical about this is to say we are publishing our our our plan for net zero emissions by 2050 or 2025 or whenever it is but we're also publishing with it the economic consequences we're doing an economic impact statement on jobs on the economy on small business on exports on our currency we're gonna do a five-year plan every five years you'll see what treasury or kpmg or whoever they get to do at parliamentary budget office they're going to model the effects on the economy of what is going on because at the minute andrew it is just a scare-athon where at every one of these conferences the the the the plans became even bigger larger more extreme and it's all than ever never you know 10 years time 30 years time and the public just doesn't know what's going on you will focus the minds of the public if you if you publish an economic impact statement michael a very good one i would go along with what michael kroger said with this edition and i wonder what you think not just the cost of these global warming proposals but what's the benefit by how much will they actually affect the climate how many fewer cyclones will we get you know why don't they try that exercise because i think the results would be really really funny andrew i think they should just ignore it i think the problem with what's being proposed is that a lot of these uh firms are essentially intellectual prostitutes they'll come up with a counter report i saw one as i was walking into the studio tonight claiming that fossil fuels were costing um in terms of subsidies 10.3 billion dollars to the budget you know endless debate endless debate which is a joke the public has made its mind up this issue is nowhere near the top 10 issues in terms of politics i think scott morrison and anybody else that's sensible in policy should just continue with moderate incremental changes where it's appropriate and bearing in mind the economic consequences you know we don't want to get into competing reports because they can generate as many as we can generate the people on the sensible side it's just just ignore it and move ahead yeah but while if you don't challenge that but michael costa if you don't challenge that eventually you look like you're sneaky that you think the world will be ruined but you're going to hasten more slowly at some stage you've got to challenge it well andrew the everyone out there who's got this you know listening to the henry han sort of will all be ruined scenario and and you know we're not going to find out whether we're ruined for 10 or 15 or 20 or 30 years but once you say here are the costs to your jobs then people will focus this is a very it's very interesting that scott hasn't said much on this and he's going to wait until the november another talkathon in november if the next federal election is on global warming morrison will win he will win if it's on global warming and he he well well you know the the tsunami of press left-wing press uh you know bleating about how we'll all be ruined and the the world is about to be you know wound up basically because we're going to get burnt down etc the seas are rising um the the left-wing press is so obsessed with this uh it may well be michael it may well be no it won't be and new south wales labor for example here has got a by-election and they run away from global warming because they're scared they're going to lose a coal seat but that's in the hunt that's in the home politics the politics of this is pretty clear the public's concerned but they're not concerned as a top 10 issue and that's where it lays and you know i think you can be counterproductive in you know exaggerating the influence of some of these people yes have a cost benefit analysis but be aware they're going to get their own cost benefit analysis with bogus figures that shows the opposite uh you know let's just move ahead slowly uh with the public uh on site and the public's made a decision on this they don't take it seriously but both of you both of you frustrated me because i move ahead make incremental changes blah blah you're making concessions you shouldn't be making really economically environmental technology no difference at all i would really like one day a government to say enough with this nonsense enough with it look these are the facts but anyway that's just me i don't know i know i know i know i know that's why i never got into politics michael costello kroger thank you both so much for your time thanks thanks andrew thanks i should say the good news for the government was that uh it's had a slight recovery in the polls but unfortunately for them labour's still 49 ahead 51 to the government's 49 so some work to do but at least scott morrison as well ahead of anthony albanese's preferred leader so that's some sort of
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 521,212
Rating: 4.8613615 out of 5
Keywords: 6250474189001, bolt, fb, msn, yt
Id: HffGVVxk2sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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