New sun-driven cooling period of Earth ‘not far off’

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this is very important last night Peter and I both got to working over on the ABC Peter on Q&A no I was on cue tonight Peter was on media watch that's pretty bit of a novel experience for you on that program media watch which has zero credibility I tend to be click bait but then allegedly and I'll demonstrate in a moment what I mean by allegedly if you're talking about QA and reporting on QA I got a quote-unquote roasting by news limited I thought that's this was reported in news and I thought we worked for news limited anyway I'm referred to as a shock jock being quote slammed by a panel of science experts all on the one side they are experts according to their own evaluation of themselves I was accused of downplaying the human impact on climate change of course no attempt was made to contact me so that I could offer a defense that's the ABC but one of the guests was Professor David Corolla referred to as an Australian atmospheric scientist based at the CSIRO and a questioner asked professor karoli the following I saw the radio commentator Ellen Jones on TV recently and he said that 0.04 percent of the world's atmosphere is co2 the question went on and 3% of that is created by human beings around the world and of that 1.3 percent is created by Australians the questioner said is that correct and if so is human activity really making a difference a pretty good question professor Crawley replied not everything Jones says is factually correct now under he's stumbled in seeking to repudiate me he were not to say that while it is correct that 0.04 percent of the world's atmosphere is carbon dioxide quote Jones's statistics around humans I think it means human beings causing climate change and the role Australians specifically play is completely false he said I'm a climate scientist and Alan Jones is wrong all his other numbers are wrong they remember he said point oh four of a percent of the world's carbon dioxide was correct the other numbers that the question referred to were three percent of that is what human beings create around the world and 1.3 percent of that 3 percent is created by Australians károlyi said though all his other numbers they must have in those last two numbers are wrong well on the 25th of May 2011 I interviewed professor karoli on radio let me just play you an extract very brief of that interview it was very courteous and very friendly just listen to this mr. Crowley good morning how are you I'm very well thank you can I just begin firstly with a little bit of maths so that we can agree on a couple of things would you say it's unarguable that the level of carbon dioxide in the air is less than 0.04 of a percent if I'm at that point because nitrogen we know is about 78 oxygen about 21 and then there's argon and things like that but co2 in the air about 0.04 of a percent okay do you agree that the UN IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says that of the Earth's annual production of carbon dioxide this point o4 of a percent that's in the air nature produces 97 percent and human beings 3 percent of the annual fluxes that go in the nd annual fluxes that come out yes that's it so I just wanna get this clear on maths because you're the scientist I'm not point o4 of a percent of the air is carbon dioxide and of that point o4 of a percent 97 percent spre deuced by nature and human beings 3 percent now of that 3 percent all Australian human activity transport industry agriculture mining power generation that stuff we produce 1.3 to 1.5 percent you're absolutely right that ends that but he slammed me according to news limited for implying that Australians contribute a negligible amount to global warning well a point io 4 percent isn't negligible and 3% of 0.04% isn't negligible and 1.3 percent of 3% 0.04 percent isn't negligible then the word negligible has lost its meaning it's called a slam dunk Ellen and of course this is the ABC they get away with it they get away with it I'm sorry professor Corolla you can't be right on both occasions you told me back in 2011 those questions I asked is 0.04 correct yes is 3% for human beings yes is 1.3 percent of 3 percent correct yes absolutely I think you said then of course on television you go on Sol last I'd say no Jones is wrong of course it's conventional click bait to bring Alan Jones into the deal there was no one there with an opportunity to tell professor Crawley that what you're talking was in Contra distinction to what you said all those years ago however however let me go on let's just put that aside I stand by what I've said for years we are talking about a global warming hoax demonizing carbon dioxide demonizing coal-fired power which has led us into this economic suicide mess business can't afford the energy bill people at home can't afford the electricity bill why well we export our coal so that others can have cheap electricity but we're not prepared to use it so that we can have cheap electricity because carbon dioxide is destroying the planet that's what karoli and the mob on QA would have you believe well today on radio now I don't ever do this as you know but bear with me I spoke to Nils axel mourner dr. Nils axel Warner the former head of paleo geophysics and the geo dynamics department in Stockholm he's a world authority on sea levels he was on the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change chairman of a significant committee he is saying that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is misleading humanity about climate change and sea levels and that in fact a new solar driven cooling period is not far off he has said he tried to warn the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that it was publishing false information that would inevitably be discredited and he said they ignored him so he resigned and discussed and has decided to blow the whistle I spoke to him this morning from Stockholm in Sweden now it isn't possible to talk to him on television tonight but Peter and I thought we should do this because it's immediate and urgent in the light of the rubbish of the last 24 hours it was important anybody had to say so I just hope you'll bear with me I know this is difficult this is 11 minutes and 30 seconds of climate change dynamite and I suppose he'll be vilified for his trouble as we all are this is how it began well here in this country in Australia children are being taught at schools that Bondi Beach could finish up at Bathurst you've been tracking sea levels at various parts of the globe have you not for 50 years sea levels rising worldwide which the climate change apologists keep telling us is happening no certainly certainly not in the northern hemisphere and especially in the European air we can prove and attest that absolute absolute sea level is not rising more than about one millimeter per year if we go to the equatorial region and now we come closer to Australia it's not even rising at all amazing and it has been stable for the last 50 to 70 years and that is attack there you have the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says that claims changes in climate and sea levels because of human emissions of carbon dioxide co2 you're saying it's solar activity which is the dominant factor and not carbon dioxide yes you're saying the carbon dioxide which of course we've said many times on this program is the essential gas required by plants it's being exhaled as you and I speak now makes up a fraction of 1% of the so-called greenhouse gases present naturally in the atmosphere so you're saying oh you know that the co2 argument that this causes climate change in global warming I think your words absolutely not yes you said quote there's something basically sick in the blame carbon dioxide hypothesis yes for sure and when it was launched more than hundred years ago and almost immediately excellent physicists demonstrated that it that the hypothesis didn't work then later in time for the IPCC process it was dug up and used as a tool to promote this terrible idea right new Iran the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and you tried to warn your colleagues on the UN body that the politically backed hypothesis about co2 driving temperature changes those hypotheses were totally incorrect am i right in saying that that was the advice and they ignored you yes and they won't discuss what I was the chairman of it the only International Committee on sea level changes and as such a person I was elected to be the expect reviewer or the c-level chapter written by 38 persons not a single one was a c-level specialist three were from Austria Austria doesn't even have a coast so it was very weird for the beginning I was shocked by the low quality I mean it was like a student paper it was it was just very low quality all through but I went through it and I told them that it's wrong and wrong and wrong and wrong and in one case I said look at your own diagram because the diagram you have been it shows that what you are writing is wrong and what did they do they took off diagram and lift through their writing and of course you made the point also that they won't discuss it and you have said have you not know in science we discuss we don't forbid or neglect if I could just interject here dr. Mona you may be interested today but my listeners would be that I'm regularly attacked here on the ABC and last night on the ABC there was a allegedly a science panel a Q&A science panel and the headline this morning says radio commentator slammed over climate change remarks I might add I wasn't even on the panel well here we are now talking about views on climate change what about the argument dr. Warner that 97% of scientists agree that is so terrible so we cannot even discuss it but I used to say in the contrary ok if you want to keep this 97% discussion keep it for yourself but I will tell you that 97% of what we I am saying is correct you may have 97 of the persons but we don't count persons because in our business is the scientific truth and the scientific truth is on the side of the skeptical people and when you come to the the idea of 70 this is just a lobbying trick I get money I have hundreds and hundreds of thousands of high ranked scientists all over the world which agree agree that no no co2 is not the driving mechanism and everything is exaggerated sea level cannot rise there's no no way sea level can rise by two meter in the beginning of the next century this is against physics can I just come back to this business about carbon dioxide driving temperature changes which you've said is totally incorrect and the International Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ignored you and they won't discuss it with you you say that in the field of physics have you not said 80 to 90 percent of physicists know that this carbon dioxide hypothesis is wrong yeah I agree with that yes right and amongst geologists all the astronomers at most of the geologists of course metrology is there they they believe in this because big business that's because of their own profession right yeah I just want to repeat what dr. moon has said in the field of physics 80 to 90 percent of physicists know the hypothesis about co2 is wrong amongst geologists and astronomers 80 percent know the hypothesis about carbon dioxide causing global warming is wrong you say or you suspect that behind the scenes promoters of the man-made warming hypothesis have ulterior motives yes here's one of them the fact that if you say this governments will give you money yeah one is that and then it's a wonderful way of controlling taxation controlling people I mean here in Sweden we have the left we have the right we have the all the environmentalist for the first time they all go together dr. mori you know scientists around the world you know dr. William Hopper who was a world-renowned physicist from Princeton University he advised President Trump on climate change he too has denounced this warming alarmism and the demonization of carbon dioxide and professor hepa is said and am i right in saying this that there's nothing to worry about from alleged a man-made global warming or human emissions of carbon dioxide he says carbon dioxide will be good for the earth and co2 levels are unusually and extremely low by historical standards and more carbon dioxide would be a good thing do you agree with that yes surely and we have the Oasis with at least 10 to 20% greener now to the this little extra co2 and in one of the worst deserts in the Sudan they suddenly had got into a step phase in this not because of rain there's no more precipitation but it's small carbon dioxide could just come back you say the promoters of manmade warning hypothesis will ultimately expert be exposed you say it's unscientific that they've ignored facts and then one day it will be revealed as nonsense but then scientists will lose their trustworthiness that's the unfortunate thing because in a decade or at the most who we are will be in another phase of low solar activity you've said this is this is this whole carbon dioxide manmade global warming stuff this is the most dangerous and frightening part of it how such a lobbyist group that's this IPCC have been able to fool the whole world and you said these quote organized and deceitful forces were dangerous and you expressed shock that the UN and governments would parade children at UN climate summits and you say what do they know they're very nice all of them but they should be out playing not talking at the United Nations and you say it's a little evil the children would be used as propaganda props it's an insult to science yes yes that's exactly how it is that's exactly how it is and in spite of sorry and this I mean they have been able to fool and change the world it's so dangerous for the survival of the society that people can do that and this is what have triggered me to go out on my own professionally and also speak up loudly because we must get this co2 disease out of all science good on you it's great to talk to you we must get the co2 deceit out of silence yes I'm grateful for your time dr. Nils Axl Mona thank you for speaking to us at this hour of the night in Stockholm very very grateful we'll keep in touch hmm it's astonishing by the way don't expect any of that to be reported anywhere in the mainstream media it doesn't suit the agenda of the left
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 602,514
Rating: 4.8051124 out of 5
Keywords: yt, fb, jones, 6049514488001
Id: ViY2J3LPgN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
Reddit Comments

So there are scientists speaking out, but it looks like the majority are too afraid to bite the hand that is feeding them.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/guvbums 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
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