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we've worked in the live events and production industries for over 40 years and have worked with hundreds of presenters all over the world in this video we are going to share with you our top 10 tips guaranteed to make you a better presenter so let's get started number one focus on the audience your presentation is not about you it's about the audience what benefit will the audience get from listening to you what do you want them to think feel and do as a result of listening to you once you have these clear objectives in your mind you are on your way to delivering a winning presentation number two delete all excess text from your slides loads of bullet points on your slides are a complete waste of time nobody actually reads them the brain is a self organizing mechanism if you use slides like these you're sending a signal directly to the audience to start daydreaming your slides are not your speaker notes use powerful images and pictures they are much more effective in getting your message across number three keep it simple less really is more get used to cutting out material including your presentation only what really matters this is a difficult process but think back to point one what do you want the audience to think feel and do if your content doesn't match your answers to these questions cut it out use the same language that you'd use while explaining your presentation to a friend in the local pub over a pint and try to use simple wording to to make your content clear and easy to understand rules of three can be really effective number four rehearse always always rehearse the biggest single difference a presenter can make to their performance is to stand up in front of the bathroom mirror amra her if you are serious about success then you need to get serious about rehearsing and if you don't prepare them prepare to fail number five is especially important if you're speaking at an event or away from your usual place of work make friends with the crew and the people at the venue the crew can play a huge part in your success and if you are rude and arrogant they'll enjoy watching you fail get there early make friends with them learn their names and ask them for help and advice ask politely for a sound check ask to view your PowerPoint slides on the big screen you can see where I'm going with this this preparation will ease your nerves and raise your confidence before your presentation starts number six now this is a much debated point but we always say dress to impress if you are in any doubt about what to wear be smart smart hair smart shoes smart dress sense don't fall into the trap of getting up on stage looking casual because you'll only look scruffy if it's smart casual dress wear always go the smarter side of casual better for people to say wow she looks smart rather than God she could have made an effort number seven make friends with yourself and be comfortable don't create a Pasha version of the real you someone who uses big words and tries to disguise a regional accent you are unique you are special nobody is quite like you so stick to the real you be authentic and the audience will believe in you number eight stand still everyone feels a rush of adrenaline as they stand up ready to speak in front of an audience as adrenaline flows through the body your body will get ready for fight or flight the lactic acid builds up in your muscle tissue and you will feel an overwhelming need to move this is what we call we moving an advanced stage of weaving is prowling from one end of the stage to the other lock out your hips and imagine that your feet are stuck to the floor you still have plenty of room to move around number 9 tell a story forget the corporate spiel and all those text slides that nobody will read tell the audience a story engage in a conversation with the audience and then and only then talk about targets and measurable goals I guarantee you that the audience will remember a story that relates to your key messages rather than a barrage load of slides the final point that will make you an even better presenter is be enthusiastic nothing absolutely nothing succeeds like enthusiasm it's infectious once the audience can spot that you have a passion for your subject they'll immediately begin to warn to you and will ignore any imperfections or omissions in your presentation so get passionate get excited and get enthusiastic we hope you find these tips helpful the next time that you have to present in front of an audience please do get in touch with us if you have any questions or would like to have a chat we'd love to hear from you [Music]
Channel: Rachel Willis
Views: 1,774,809
Rating: 4.9099951 out of 5
Keywords: public speaking, presenting, improve, public speaking training, public speaking tips, public speaking nerves, stop stage fright, overcome fear of speaking, speaking in front of people, personal development, public speaking ted talks, public speaking techniques, public speaking class, body language, presentation tips, presentation tips for students, presentation tips for public speaking, fear of public speaking, how to speak in public, communication skills, presentation skills
Id: Q5WT2vweFRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2011
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