Present Truth, The Shaking, & the Straight Testimony | Pastor Ivor Myers

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so the Bible tells us here that God is going to bring all things into judgment everything into judgment even the secret things according to the book of Psalm 90 verse 8 the Bible says thou has set our iniquities before thee our secret sins in the light of thy countenance God cares about what's happening in our hearts God cares about the secret things God cares about things that we may not be able to see ourselves God searches the hearts he searches our inward parts and he tells us in the judgement that he is going to judge secret things and secret things can be things that are even hidden from ourselves all right there we go we got this working Jeremiah 17 verse 9 the Bible says the heart is deceitfully wicked above all things or deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it so not only do we have to deal with the idea that God judges the secret things the things that may be hidden to ourselves he then tells us that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked now I'm setting something up here now I want you to follow this carefully in the book of Matthew chapter 12 and verse 34 Jesus here is speaking to the distant to the Pharisees and he says o generation of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned Jesus here is talking to the to the Pharisee and he says to them he says you are a generation of vipers now got a question for you what are vipers what a vipers yes that's right vipers are serpents yes yes yes he's saying you are speaking like a bunch of serpents in fact he says how can you being evil speak good things right out of the abundance or out of the good treasure of the heart you're going to bring for good things or out of the evil treasure of the heart you're gonna bring forth evil things so the Bible is telling us that what comes out of our mouth is a condition of what is in our hearts okay what comes out of our mouth is a condition of what is in our hearts and then he says by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned which really means that it's by our hearts that we will be justified or condemned so check this out guys Satan wants to get us to talk like him Satan wants to teach us how to talk like him because he wants us to be judged and lost Satan wants to teach us how to talk like vipers let's keep going Genesis chapter 3 verse 1 I want you to notice this because a question I have for you is how does a viper say how does Satan speak what is his language what is his language I want to share with you three aspects of the language of Satan the language of the serpent so that you can understand how to identify his voice when you hear it so let's begin with Genesis 3 verse 1 the Bible says now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yay has God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said you shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die and the serpent said unto the woman you shall not surely die so what is a serpent telling what is a serpent telling Eve here the servant is telling Eve you're not doing anything wrong don't worry about it you are not doing anything wrong you have no reason to feel guilty as if you've done something wrong so please listen carefully one of the things that say one of the ways we can identify the voice of Satan is a failure to acknowledge guilt all right let's keep moving what about another aspect of his voice notice with me job chapter 1 verse 9 then Satan answered the Lord and said this job fear God for not has not thou made a heads about him and about his house and about all that he has on every side has now blessed though thou has blessed the work of his hands and his substance is increased in the land but put forth thine hand now excuse me and touch all that he has and he will curse thee to thy face and the Lord said unto Satan behold all that he has is in thy power only upon him himself put not forth on hands so Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord Satan is an oppressor he is an oppressor so so when we when we speak about the voice of Satan when we speak about how Satan speaks how what it means to speak like a viper like a serpent we're talking about two things first of all number one no guilt I've done nothing wrong a failure to acknowledge wrongs number two Satan is or is an oppressor he is an old presser so it is a language of oppression all right let's keep going we're going to go to Isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 the Bible says here how art thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning which how art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the nation's Fattah has said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I sit also upon the Mount of the congregation in the size of the north I would ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High one of the third one of the one of the three ways in which we can identify the voice of Satan is number one no guilt number two he is an oppressor and number three pride exaltation pride exalting oneself above others all right if you wit me so far just let me hear a good amen even though I can't hear you follow those three things guys no guilt oppression pride let's keep moving proverbs 6 16 verse 18 the Bible says pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall job 41 verse 1 notice this job 41 verse 1 canst thou draw out Leviathan with a hook job 41 is speaking about Satan but he's personified through the violin which is like a serpent can thou draw out Leviathan with a hook or his tongue with a cord which letteth which thou lettest let us down the very last verse so next to the last verse in Joel 41 says this about Leviathan he beholdeth all high things he is a king over all the children of pride he is a king over all the children of pride so notice that Lucifer Satan is a king over the children of pride he is an oppressor and he fails to acknowledge guilt that's how that's the voice of the serpent that's the voice of the serpent now now that we have have that understood notice this problems 10 verse who the Bible says the wicked in his pride doth persecute who the poor let them be taken in the in the devices that they have imagined the wicked in his pride what does pride lead us to do pride needs want to exalt himself or herself but so to persecute the poor please keep following an eejit of watch this carefully so so what I'm about to share with you now is really very interesting because basically in the time of Jesus Satan had basically trained the Pharisees and Sadducees to speak his language the Pharisees spoke the language of the serpent that's why in John chapter 8 verse 43 and verse 44 Jesus said why do you not understand my speech even because you cannot hear my word you are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do in other words Jesus saying look you don't understand my language because you're not of me you're of your father the devil you understand his language what is his language pride oppression and lack of acknowledgement of guilt right let's keep moving how did the Pharisees do this how did the leaders do this I want you to notice desire of Ages page 241 when Jesus referred to the blessings given to the Gentiles the fierce national pride of his hearers were aroused and his words were drowned in a tumult of voices all right did you guys catch that just now when Jesus is speaking to his own people and he speaks about the Gentiles she says the fierce national what pride of his hearers was aroused and it totally drowned out his words the leaders of Israel were speaking with the voice of the serpent let's read another one April 2 1902 the scribes and Pharisees had separated themselves from God by their national pride so if I to ask you a question based upon what we just read what separated the scribes and Pharisees from God your answer is gonna be their national pride remember guys pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before fall pride is the language of the of the debt of the devil Christ would receive the service of learned men and of the great men if they would join themselves to him but Christ could not join himself to them for they were not right they were filled with self sufficiency and self esteem seeking constantly for the supremacy spurning everything that did not bear the appearance of worldly wisdom and national pride and religious exclusiveness once again I wanted to focus on pride it is the language of Satan all right it is the language of Satan not only did they speak pride but notice what else they did in Acts chapter 8 verse 1 the Bible says and Saul this is before his conversion was consenting unto his death and at that time there was a great persecution this is Saul steeped about Stephen being stoned and after Saul consents unto the stoning of Stephen the Bible says at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem who was doing the persecuting right it was the leaders of Israel they were persecuting the Christian Church so watch this not only did they exercise pride but they were also oppressors persecuting the church remember the language of the serpent and I need you to be able to identify serpent talk the language of the serpent is cry and oppression and a failure to acknowledge guilt let's keep going John 19 verse 40 some of the Pharisees which were there with him heard these words and said unto him are we blind also jesus said unto them if you were blind you should have no sin but now you say we see therefore your sin remains in other words Jesus is telling the Pharisees listen your failure to acknowledge your need to acknowledge your guilt lead you to be mind Satan and heaven refused to acknowledge he had done any wrong he refused to repent what wrong what sin what guilt so far carefully then follow carefully the voice of the serpent is oppression denial of guilt and pride supremacy all right now we're going to shift to the book of Revelation chapter 13 and verse 1 the Bible says and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the Beast which I saw was like unto a bay unto a leopard and his feet were as a feet of a bear and his mouth as a mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great Authority so I need you to watch this carefully okay because we understand who this sea beast is he rules for 1260 years during the dark ages and the Bible says that the dragon gave him his power the dragon gave his power so far to ask you was the dragon speaking through this beast what do you think what do you think the answer would be absolutely the dragon the serpent was speaking through this beast all right let's see can we prove that well in Revelation 13 verse 7 the Bible says and it was given unto him this beast to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all Kindred's tongues and nations so the Bible tells us that that this beast that reigned during 1260 years was a persecuting power it oppressed people are you with me the least oppressed people that's during the dark ages so we have one characteristic it was an oppressive power what about pride according to second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 the Bible says that no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposes and exalteth himself above all that is called God so may I ask you did this same power exalt himself was there a pride issue there very good guys so we're seeing that this beast that ruled during the 1260 years oppressed and it also had pride exalted itself all right very good in John 16 verse 2 Jesus speaks of a prophetic time he was speaking to his disciples but he was all to be speaking about things to happen way in the future specifically during the Dark Ages and he said they shall put you my enemies shall put you out of the synagogue's yea the time is coming whosoever kills you will think that he is doing God's service and ask you a question did persecution happened during these twelve hundred and sixty years absolutely the answer is yes did the church who did the persecuting that the papacy who did the persecuting think they were doing anything wrong absolutely not did they think there was any need for repentance absolutely not are you catching the idea oppression pride and a failure to acknowledge wrong doing now I need you to get this guys when we we're very careful as Adventists we don't want to you know unnecessarily offend people and so when we speak of this beast power it's a very touchy subject when we speak of this beast power one of the things that we will typically say is listen it's not the people to just just see if you can finish what what I'm about to say it's not the people we're talking about the what what are we talking about I'm waiting for your response we're talking about the system is that right we're talking about the system right we're talking about this this first beast in Revelation chapter 13 it's the system in other words it was systemic oppression systemic persecution and systemic pride if you would me so far just let me hear you say Amen we'll follow when you Pastor we're catching this all right we're going to keep moving because we have a lot to cover now I want you to understand this it was a system not the people so the first beasts had systemic persecution systemic oppression systemic pride now something very interesting guys during the dark ages Protestant reformers began to notice this trend of what was happening with the papacy and basically what they began to do was they began to look at Bible prophecy and began to see that the papacy was fulfilling Bible prophecy they were actually living in that 1260 year period and they saw there's no other power that can fulfill this because this is happening right now in other words let me say this way for the Protestant reformers living in the dark ages it was present truth what was it everyone I need you to repeat that please what was it it was present truth why was it present truth why was it present truth because they realized that right then and there Bible prophecy was being fulfilled Bible prophecy was being fulfilled and as a result of this present truth the Bible tells us I'm grabbing some water here thank you as a result of this present truth multitudes were converted to the truth Protestants were preaching president Ruth so Satan's aim was to try to get rid of the present truth and how did he do that well let's just read from prophetic faith of our fathers volume 1 - page 24 it says this by the way this is written written by Leroy Froome and here's what it says but if prophecy was a forceful weapon in the hands of Protestants it was also turned to effective account by the Catholics forced to the to the defensive by the uncomplimentary prophetic symbols and epithets applied by Protestant expositors to the papacy the Jesuits produced to counter interpretations of these self same prophecies called futurism and preterism these were designed to parry the force of the Protestant Reformation teachings and to shift the application of the Antichrist and similar prophecies away from the Pope and out of the Middle Ages in other words preterism pointing to the past said none of them though these things were fulfilled in the past so it could not possibly be the papacy today or futurism said no no no these things were full will be fulfilled in the future it cannot be the papacy today that's what futurism and preterism did it put it either in the past or in the future if you wit me just just let me hear you say Amen what was the goal to try to get the prophetic finger off of the first beast as prophecy being fulfilled now this is what historicism represents historicism basically teaches that prophecy unfolds throughout history at every point of history prophecy is being on full preterism said notes in the past futurism said it's in the future and as a result of these two counter-reformation movements or counter Protestant movements that I was taken off of the first piece of Bible prophecy nah couldn't possibly be us all right guys let's keep moving we're not about to go to the second beast of Bible prophecy I hope you're sitting down revelation 13:11 the Bible says and I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth he had two horns like a lamb and spake as a dragon pause for a second what is the dragon here is there any such thing as an actual dragon though the dragon is a symbol of or the dragon is used to symbolize the serpent remember remember what we've been doing so far we've been trying to identify how the serpent speaks so here we have a second beast who is coming up out of the earth it has two horns like a lamb but speaks like a serpent we already identified how serpents preach speak pride oppression and a failure to acknowledge guilt are you with me so far let's keep see let's keep reading the Bible says and he exercised all the power of the first beast before you so he does the same thing the first beast before him did what are the bees before him do persecuted yes exalted himself pride yes oppressed yes that's what the Bible is saying this beast is responsible for doing it says he calls the earth and all them that dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed okay so pastor what about this beast follow these guys I need you to I know I know where this is a think of it as a Bible study not a sermon a Bible study listen carefully I want you to listen to what our our pioneers said about this beast so here's what here's what this is we see we bid all reforms Godspeed that means we're all in favor of reform listen but some are labouring for reforms which they will never see accomplished as much as anyone from our very soul we detest and abhor the foul blood of our country slavery so now we get the context right they're talking about slavery our sympathies are with those in whose heart burns the love of freedom and who would desire to see the bomb men loosed from his chains but he who expects to see the land freed entirely from this curse or even to see slavery continually confined itself within certain limits we can but regard as laboring under a false hope for the characteristic which the prophetic pencil has given to the two horn beasts as a symbol of our country is that it shall speak as a dragon not that slavery alone constitutes a dragon voice but we must take with it its prime mover that infernal spirit that even now on the plains of Kansas burning the homes of freemen to the ground and driving out there inmates Robin insulted and which but recently prompted a brutal assault upon a senator in the very halls of Congress prophecy gives us no ground to hope for reform here the Beast speaks like a dragon people make arrests him never so fondly or threaten him never so fiercely they cannot reform his mouth he will speak like a dragon still the prophecy does not say that first he speak he spake like a dragon but at length reform his speech and breathe forth adjust and christ-like spirit his future presents no redeeming feature he will continue to benefit his dragon voice till he be cast into the burning flame and the remnant who he will persecute shall take their stand on a victory on Mount Zion with the Lamb that was a mouthful just now you guys listen to what they were saying they were basically saying even if slavery is abolished the spirit of slavery is going to live on and it will not affect itself through various types of persecution that's what our pioneers taught that's what our pioneers believed all right if you're catching this once again I'm just gonna ask you to just give me an amen so I know you're following me now that's what our pioneers believed that's what they talked let's see something here we're going to keep moving I want you to watch this it was to them present truth what was it to them everyone the present truth they could go and preach to their to their to their society to their cities they could go and preach right then and there listen guys this beast right now is bi is fulfilling Bible prophecy this country right now is fulfilling Bible prophecy your eyes Smith writes this it's character it has two ones like a lamb the lamb features a fit emblem of the profession and the early acts of this government but it speaks like a dragon a fit emblem of the practice of this hypocritical nation look at the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and then look at slavery look at the religious intolerance the corrupt the corruption and oppression the corruption and what oppression existing through the land now watch this a further development may be expected in the future watch this guys this is amazing because Adventists have become preterists and futurists let me pause for a second and let you think about that Adventists have adopted preterism and futurism pastor what are you saying listen carefully yes Adventist when it comes to America yes yes yes listen we agree in the past in the past America spoke like a dragon yes slavery we all acknowledge it yes America spoke in the past and yes in the future it will speak like a dragon when it begins to pass oppressive laws that are geared towards God's people but right now we're good to go are y'all catching this it is not the Beast that speaks like a dragon now what we've done is we've pushed it into the past or push it into the future and we've said now things are good now we are okay futurism preterism when it comes to this prophecy yes you're saying but past wait I thought that it's or it's in the future that these religious laws are passed watch the skies I need you to listen carefully in Jane Andrews wrote this the civil power recognizes the Equality of all law pause I need you to whatever you're doing right if you're doing something else if you're kind of multitasking stop right now I need you to focus on this right now I need you to catch this the civil power recognizes the Equality of all men before the law and the spiritual power acknowledges the right of every man to worship God according to his own convictions of what God requires here are the two horns like those of a lamb so watch this guy's the lamb has two horns one represents civil power the other represents church power or religious power church and state so here's what many people think well the left that this lamb will this beast will not speak like a dragon until it speaks against religion but guys this is where you you this is where you have it wrong if you believe that because there are two ways that the dragon speaks one is through one horn the other is to the other horn one is through civil power the other is through religious power now watch this the dragon the land cannot speak like a dragon through religious power yet because of separation of church and state did you catch that just now there's a separation of church and state so the lamb the drag that the land like beasts cannot speak like a dragon through religious power because of chapter separation of church and state that is yet future but guess what right now he is speaking like a dragon on the civil side oh man right now he is speaking like a dragon through the civil side and he's been doing that since slavery so what are we doing guys in essence what we're doing is we're ignoring the civil dragon talk because we're saying it doesn't have anything to do with us we will only be concerned when he starts speaking like a dragon towards us towards religion and we never mind that he's speaking like a dragon now on the civil side historicism not preterism not futurism historicism the dragon is speaking the land is speaking like a dragon now he is not doing it through religious powers through religious authority yet he's doing it through civil powers listen to this great controversy page 443 the lamb like horns and dragon voice of the symbol point to a striking contradict contradiction between the professions and the practice of the nations that's represented the speaking of the nation is the acting of its legislative and judicial authorities by such action it will give the lie to those liberal and peaceful principles which it has put forth as a foundation of its policy the prediction that it will speak as a dragon and exercise all the power of the first beast plainly foretells the development of the spirit of intolerance and persecution that was manifested by the nations represented by the Dragon and the like base watch these guys what we're seeing here is that the dragon speaking is really it's legislative and judicial actions if there are two horns one civil one religious then what we must understand is that it speaks legislatively and you judicially through the civil branch and now and it will do so through the religious branch in the future so if that's true we should be able to see legislative and judicial actions now that represent dragon-like principles oppression exultation and a failure to acknowledge guilt are you catching this so far I need you to follow this guys look let's keep moving so the question is is the dragon is the lamb speaking like a dragon right now in civil terms right we're not looking at religious yet we're just looking at civil terms social terms alright I will be sitting down I want you to watch this revelation 12:17 the Bible says and the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ we know that Satan is going to make war with the remnant Church that's his whole goal his whole goal is to destroy the remnant Church so the question is how does he plan to do that how did he plan to do that after this verse is talking about what happens after the Dark Ages right so this is talking about 1798 and after beyond how is a dragon going to make war with God's people that's the question well let's find out what you two notices we're about to look at some history okay we're see is the dragon current lease is the land currently speaking now as a dragon ready jean-baptiste Lamarck he's the floor runner of evolution Lamarque is credited with helping put evolution on the map partially by teaching that the environment played a role in shaping the species that live in it all right so Lamarck taught that the environment has an effect on the species that live in it please remember that environment was important to the mark he brought this teaching up and we're just going to just take note of that very briefly it is from the mark that Charles Darwin got his teaching of evolution at least the seeds of that teaching and you know that Charles Darwin in around 1842 and 1844 wrote his first manuscript on although his initial manuscript on what is now known as on the Origin of Species by natural selection now here's the thing guys we know that this is the origin of evolution and as a church we are anti evolution amen we were against evolution because we know that evolution was designed to counteract the Sabbath message right to get rid of the Sabbath message no God did not create the world in six days and rest on the seventh that's just all made up are there what there was no six-day creation so Satan has has brought about this teaching as an effort to discredit the Word of God now we have a lot of people out there who are the seventh-day Adventist Church is anti evolution and we know that it rose from Darwin and we're like yes we fight on that level on that front no evolution no evolution no evolution but beloved there's something we miss there's something that we forget because Satan did not just use Darwin to bring about evolution of evolutionary teaching but it was actually a two-pronged attack and one I would say as Adventists I don't know we forgot or we just don't realize but let me share with you that the full title of Darwin's book was on the Origin of Species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life hmm wait a minute oh yeah that's right that's the full title of the book not only was Darwin talking about evolution but he was also talking about a hierarchy of races yeah yeah yeah guys I need you to follow this so not only did evolution originate with or basically get its platform through Darwin's book but there also began to grow this idea of a hierarchy among races yes yes yes come on let's keep moving Darwin would write later in another book that ascent of man the Western nations of Europe now so immeasurably surpass their former savage progenitors that they stand at the summit of civilization the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races through the world whoa whoa whoa wait what a teaching certain races are going to be extinct or just wiped out and the higher races the civilized races will will go on will last very interesting let me ask you do you see any pride in a sentiment like that that there are some races that are better than other races what do you think you think that's a prideful statement or prideful thought I well I'm not even talking about Darwin really we're just kind of going somewhere with this I need you to catch this guy's Darwin feared that in developed nations the reckless degraded and often vicious members of society tended to increase at a quicker rate than the Provident and generally virtuous members so now by the way this is dragon speak this is dragon speak this is one race claiming superiority above another race saying yeah we're civilized they're not civilized and by the way they tend to increase at a quicker rate and that could be a problem and why is this important to understand because in around nineteen I'm sorry eighteen eighty three another man by the name of Francis Galton who happen to be Darwin's half cousin introduces a new teaching called eugenics now I just need to ask you guys if you've ever heard of eugenics before if you know what eugenics is because we're going to break this down and I want you to see beloved where this is going so Francis Galton let me tell you what let's let's see what eugenics is eugenics is the practice or advocacy of improving the human species by selectively mating people with specific desirable hereditary traits it aims to reduce human suffering by breeding out diseased disabilities and so-called undesirable characteristics from the human population early supporters of eugenics believe people inherited mental illness criminal tendencies and even poverty and that these conditions could be bred out of the gene pool so check this out guys check this up Francis Galton Darwin's half cousin takes Darwin's teachings and begins to apply it to intelligence two characteristics of human beings and Goldin teaches that criminality is actually inherited yeah I don't know if you guys can see where this is going in other words this is also known as scientific racism scientific racism sometimes termed biological racism is a pseudo scientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism racial discrimination racial inferiority or racial superiority in other words eugenics taught that certain races were naturally inferior and naturally and others naturally inferior it was just nature specifically it had nothing to do with environment yeah yeah I'm going somewhere with this we're talking about dragon tall guys we're talking about learning how to identify the voice of the dragon so you can hear and recognize dragon talk when you hear it remember dragon talk is oppression pride and a lack of acknowledging guilt or wrongdoing so let's talk about the core principles of eugenics eugenic sterilization a reorientation of the problem published in 1936 so this is published in 1936 by the committee for the investigation of eugenic sterilization of the American neurological Association listen to the four core principles of eugenics and I hope you're sitting down number one was the belief that a number of social and behavioral problems such as insanity feeble-mindedness epilepsy proper ISM that means poverty alcoholism and certain forms of criminality are on the increase number 2 people bearing these various defective traits propagate at a greater rate than normal population in other words criminals have a tendency to populate more I hope you're listening this is what eugenics talk thus the number of defective or degenerate people in society is increasing at a faster rate than ordinary non-pathological stocks so there was his concern in the 1920s and 1930s about this this you know an overpopulation of lower forms of life if you will lower forms of humanity fever madness epilepsy and it was all genetic in other words it was scientific let's keep going number three such defects in mental function and behavior are fundamentally and mainly hereditary so that it was common to speak of insanity feeble-mindedness epilepsy proper ISM and criminality as if they were unitary traits and at the same time we're linked together as a psychopathic set of trends again this is normal it is natural and number four eugenics art you genisys argue that the environment in which a person was raised was of much less importance than the germ plasm inherited from their parents in other words biological inheritance is the cause of adverse social status criminality or general social maladjustment a colony of the latter two points is that such behavior including feeble-mindedness were so strongly determined by lab by biological factors that they were virtue the unchangeable significantly improving the cognitive abilities of the feeble-mindedness or making the criminal into a model citizen was deemed virtually impossible biology was destiny you guys I need you to follow this carefully this is dragon talk dragon talk said listen it's not about environment these people are so messed up they are born criminals they are born lazy it's inherited its cultural it's it's who they are as a people this is what eugenics taught this is the 1920s and 30s this was dragon talk they basically took racism and made it scientific so now listen carefully dragon talk was no longer slavery through laws as it was in the 1600 1700s 1800s now it was no longer through slavery but through science eugenics it was dragon coat awk dragon whistles racism didn't disappear slavery didn't disappear it just transformed itself into a new version it was now scientific come on let's keep going so watch this guys listen carefully they were so concerned about the the diseased population are mingling with the pure population that they had to create a gap they said listen in order to save the human race this is in newspapers all over in the 1920s and 30s in order to save the human race we've got to create a separation a gap let's call it a eugenic gap that's what we're going to call it we're gonna call it a eugenic gap so number one the problem was internal let me say this way the problem was systemic meaning it was systemic through a certain race of people they are systemically stupid they are systemically lazy they are systemically criminals so it was systemic in that sense it's just in their blood it's just in their DNA so in order if the race is going to survive we've got to control external factors to make a large enough gap between the fit and the unfit so that the fit races will survive I hope you're following this so let's read what eugenics what you Genesis thought was a solution so here's what they said the first step on the eugenic continuum in other words to solve this problem this crisis was differentiation it was the simplest it just requires convincing a person or group that he or she or the group differs from another person or group in some meaningful way American eugenics eugenic proponents grasp that education was critical to helping the American public distinguish distinguish the fit from the unfit for its part the ero offered courses to train social workers and concern Americans on how to develop family pedigrees in the furtherance of the ER old's mission to collect data on American families and to justify concerns about the hereditary defective traits let's keep reading you Genesis created fitter families contests at state fairs to encourage fit families to submit eugenic pedigrees and medical information in exchange for a chance to win a trophy the American eugenic Society sponsored the bitter Davie contest that had become popular in the early 20th century because of support for women's right campaigners guys don't lose me here I need your product pastor what does that pollute Church hold on I'm getting there rots follow me step to us alienation in their rhetoric you Genesis argued that not only were certain groups different but also their differences were in some way incompatible with the dominant social order you Genesis you Genesis believed that it was not simply that the group was different it was that their difference was a problem sometimes the problem was was presented as a financial one for example at the center print show the set credential exposition in Philadelphia the American eugenics society exhibited exhibit included a board that revealed with flashing lights that every 15 seconds a hundred dollars of America's Americans money went for the care of persons with bad hereditary heredity in the early 20th century the ABA approved a proposal to promote the segregation or long-term incarceration of the people it considered unfit during their fertile years so in other words part of the eugenics plan was imprisonment of the unfit Society incarceration jagan talk we're gonna keep going another was segregation there was another avenue of segregation as well which involved preventing what was considered the wrong types of people from entering the country in the first place proponents of eugenics advocated limiting immigration to the United States based on race and ethnicity ethnicity Charles Davenport remember that name Charles Davenport ero founder gave voice to the concerns of many when he suggested that we build a wall high enough around this country so as to keep out these cheaper races left the country beasts around or surrendered to the blacks Browns and yellows this is dragon tall guys we're talking about 1920's 1930's this is dragon talk this is oppression this is exaltation above another group of people and this is this is nothing wrong what we're doing is a noble thing in the United States eugenicist were influential in passing the immigration restriction Act of 1924 to halt the influx of certain European immigrants who eugenicist viewed as immigrants of the lower grade of intelligence and immigrants who are making excessive contribution to our feeble mindedness insane criminal and other socially inadequate classes dragons feet guys can you identify dragons speak when you hear dragons speak can you identify it do you skate dragons speak I want you to be able to identify I don't want you to speak it because the devil is such trying to get you to speak dragon speak knowing that by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned so if he can teach you how to speak dragon speak if he can teach you how to talk like the dragon or except dragon talk as something Noble and good and pure it's a set of guys it's a setup come on let's keep going in the early 1920s a eugenic movement belief in natural biological differences between race groups was on the rise the dominant view of American race science was one of extinction extension extinction the idea that through complete race segregation to the lesser races with I'm sorry the idea that few complete racial segregation the lesser races would simply die off create a gap well I'm sorry a eugenic SCAP create a gap and leave the race to die on its own Lido support the race you're just interfering with the process of evolution separation was not only the law it was considered by many White's to be the moral and just thing to do about race relations putting it simply the American ghetto exists almost entirely as a result of intentional state action laws legislative and judicial branches speaking like a dragon not many of us don't care because it's in the civil realm hold on guys see if you don't care if you ignore the voice of the dragon as it's speaking in the civil realm what's gonna happen when it starts speaking in the religious realm I'm gonna come to that but I just need you I just need you to follow along and really catch what I'm saying catch where I'm going with this we're going to keep moving there was something else that you Genesis thought was important economics Frank toss-up the Taussig who was otherwise a good economist asked in his best-selling book textbook principles of economics how to deal with the unemployable he said they should simply be stamped out we have not reached the stage where we can proceed to core form them once and for all but at least they can be segregated shut up in refuge and asylums and prevented from propagating their kind you guys this is real stuff this is real stuff let's keep moving sterilization between 1929 and 1974 according to the Associated Press 76,000 North Carolina uns were sterilized in a state-sponsored eugenics program the victims of this government action were considered feeble-mindedness feeble-minded and deemed undesirable at least in terms of potential reproduction the forcible sterilization of the program typically poor and primarily black let me ask you a question guys was the lamb speaking like a dragon absolutely absolutely this is not a question it has been speaking like a dragon how about education lewis terman wrote in the measurement of intelligence in 1916 black and other ethnic minority children are in our images in educable beyond the nearest rudiments of training no amount of school instruction will ever make them intelligent voters or capable citizens in the sense of the world their dullness seems to be racial or at least inherent in the family stock from which they come in other words they're just lazy it's their culture it's just who they are it's not environment guys don't think if we make our schools better they're gonna do any better it's the fact that they are just lazy children of this group should be segregated in special classes and be given instruction which is concrete and practical they cannot master abstractions but they can be made efficient workers in other words give them lower paying jobs don't train them to go to the best schools that just doesn't make any sense don't put money into building schools for them good schools that doesn't make any sense there they just can't do it they can jump high how about this the origin of the IQ test the US Army alpha and beta test this was a test given to the US Army in the 1920s I believe it was resulted are results garnered widespread publicity and were analyzed by Carl Brigham by the way the IQ test was basically used as a tool to attempt to prove eugenics that white people were smarter than black people that was the purpose of the IQ test did you know that now you do listen what this is Carl Brigham a Princeton University psychologist an early founder of psycho metrics in in a 1922 book a study of American intelligence Brigham applied meticulous statistical analysis to demonstrate that American intelligence was declining claiming that increased immigration and racial integration were to blame to address the issue he called for social policies legislative judicial social policies to restrict immigrants or immigrants immigration and prohibit racial mixing I hope you're catching this guys this is dragons speak employment to encounter the trends unleashed by capitalism States and the national government began to implement policies designed to support superior races and classes and discourage procreation of the inferior ones as explained by Edwin blacks 2003 book war against the weak eugenics and the American campaign to create a master race the goal as regards women and children was exclusionist but as regarding non-whites it was essential essentially extermination is the chosen means were not firing squads and gas chambers but the more peaceful and subtle methods of sterilization exclusion from jobs and coercive segregation create gaps create housing gaps and and wealth gaps and educational gaps create these gaps because it doesn't make sense to support a race that's going to die off anyway or that is inherently lazy this was argued before Congress listen implicit in fears of race suicide that's what they called it the quest and the quest for racial purity was the notion that a person's blood belonged to that person's racial community as Laughlin explained to members of Congress the character of a nation is determined primarily by its racial qualities that is by their hereditary physical mental and moral or temperamental traits of its people to those who believe as Laughlin did the fate of a nation was therefore directly related to and dependent on control of its bloodline in the passing of the great race Madison grant Lee put Madison grant put this bluntly mistaken regard for what are believed to be divine laws and a sentimental belief in the sanctity of human life tend to prevent both the elimination of defective infants and the sterilization of such adults as are themselves of no value to the community the laws of nature which require the obliteration of the unfit and human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race are you guys catching this let me talk to you just for a second about cultural superiority and we'll listen you what about you're about to see something else about to blow your mind you're gonna be shocked and it's not going to be pretty let me let me come to that but listen to this was portrayed now these are Kerik caricatures of black people back in the in the 20s and late 1800 was portrayed as a loyal and contented servant indeed was offered as a defense for slavery and segregation how bad could these institutions have been asked the racialist if blacks were contended and were contented even happy being servants the although he often worked as a servant was not happy with his status he was simply too lazy or too cynical to attempt to Changez lowly position also by the 1900's Samba was identified with older docile blacks who accepted Jim Crow laws and etiquette whereas Coons were increasingly identified with young urban blacks who disrespected White's stated differently the was a sambal gone bad lazy irresponsible just pretty much no good and you're born that way listen to what Galton's said francis galton the founder of eugenics here's what he said speaking of eugenics he said it must be introduced into the national conscience like a new religion what nature does blindly slowly and ruthless ruthlessly man may do Provident Lee quickly and kindly as it lies within his power so it becomes his duty to work in that direction just as it in his acident is as it is his duty to be charitable to those in misfortune I see no possibility in eugenics becoming a religion Dogma a religious dogma among mankind but its details must first be worked out to sedulously in this in the study the first and main point is to secure the general intellectual acceptance of eugenics as a hopeful and most important study then that its principal work into the heart of the nation which will be gradually which will gradually give practical effects to them in ways we may not wholly foresee do you see what gülten is saying here let eugenics be worked into the heart of the nation remember that remember that text out of the abundance of the heart the mouth does what it speaks out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks beloved we are hearing the voice of the dragon eugenics was widely accepted in the United States academic community by 1928 there were three hundred and seventy six separate university courses in some of the United States leading schools enrolling more than thousand students which included eugenics in the curriculum and in 1914 there was a race betterment conference listen carefully there was a race betterment conference in 1914 it was the first eugenics conference in America and through that conference the seeds of eugenics were sown wide and far now you need to be sitting down you need to be sitting down for what I'm about to share with you right now I hope you are seated here's a question guys does this gap that was created through dragon talk dragons speak this eugenics gap does Excel exist are there still disparities between blacks and whites in prison in the education system in employment in housing is the gap still there if it is still there the dragon is still speaking and if the dragon is still speaking that makes our prophecy regarding revelation 13:11 present truth not past truth not future truth present truth and there is nothing like present truth that calls people to follow the truth when people can look around and see prophecy being fulfilled before their eyes when they can look around and see yes the dragon is speaking and that's in the Bible did you catch what I'm saying so what does this have to do with the church let me tell you let's talk about Germany real quick I'm just gonna read to you Germany in the time of Hitler listen to this furthering its compromise the Adventist Church all right guys the what church you heard that right the Adventist Church also agreed with forced sterilization policy also known as the eugenics laws at first the opposition to such policies was open and general among the church members and leadership as it was viewed to be a violation of Christian principle however in response to the resistance the government responded with an educational campaign that used Adventist journals to defend the new eugenics law again hermeneutical acrobats were used to defend the government's position that was based on principles that were completely antagonistic to Adventist beliefs the far-fetched explanation suggested that the notion that Christians should not be interfering with nature's process of cleansing the nation's racial pool these are seventh-day Adventists in Germany during the time of Hitler I know what you're saying a man that's messed up that was Germany though hey let's keep reading as the eugenic policies became law the opposition to such concepts and legislation was silence from Adventist publication sterilization was only a first step in this racial attack the next step involved the elimination of those who were deemed to be hazardous elements to the German gene pool those who oppose euthanasia were Catholics and Lutheran's while Adventists remain silent come on guys are you serious Adventists present truth Adventist Adventists who have the spirit of prophecy Adventists who know the Bible Adventists who understand the Sabbath Adventist who understand keeping the commandments how is it that they got to the place where they supported such things what about Adventism in America what about adventism in America surely we know better we knew better so here is one of our articles the youth instructor and I want you to notice under are you mentally efficient this is an Adventist article listen what it says the National Conference on race betterment met at Battle Creek Michigan Battle Creek Michigan whoa that sounds familiar they met at Battle Creek Michigan early this year and among many other things discussed tests for mental efficiency some of these tests can be tried by anyone on himself but they're rather calculated to Humble the crowd if those who think themselves very efficient will attempt the two following tests they may have some doubts of themselves as 100% adults before they get through and may even find and it goes on here race betterment which was synonymous with in with another term for eugenics that's what they called it here it is being discussed in our articles in Adventism in America wait let's keep going I'm just gonna scan it I'm not gonna read these I just want these are all Adventist articles 1920s 30s 40s there you see eugenics eugenics eugenics eugenics eugenics eugenics eugenics eugenics eugenics eugenics eugenics our church how widespread don't know but beloved our church became infected with that theology pastor why do we have separate conferences I like this there's an article here that says why people can jump black people can read I love this article I want to show you how deep this has gotten into our thinking how many of you believe that white men can't jump don't really I mean shouldn't say don't raise your hand don't do anything just how many of you believe white men can jump stereotype right this articles call white men can jump black people can lead we read a few excerpts very quickly in 1987 then Los Angeles Dodgers executive al cam penis appeared on national television and said black people are outstanding athletes very god gifted and wonderful people they are gifted with great muscular musculature and various other things they are fleet of foot as far as having the background to be a club president or president of a bank I don't know in 1988 then sportscaster Jimmy the Greek Sid Schneider appeared on national television and said the black is a better athlete to begin with because he has been bred to be that way because of this high thighs and his big thighs that can go that go up into his back he can jump higher and run faster the white man has to overcome that but they don't try hard enough the article goes on to say to show how powerful racial stereotypes in society our clients Klein selected for major league baseball players two white and two black and four professional basketball players also split racially as a group and ask people to rank them on four qualities hustle smarts strength and speed regardless of the ability of the athletes most people assign strength and speed to the black athletes in both sports hustle and smarts to the white athletes this type of thinking beloved this eugenic type of dragons speak it is alive and well today and it is believed not only by many white people but even black people people of all races because Satan doesn't care how he deceives you he just wants you to learn how to speak dragon speak and whenever what we're seeing is that in American society Satan is training people to think that they are better and how slavery transformed into eugenics and eugenics became dragon whistle how did this get into the Adventist Church that's what you're asking right now how did this get into the Adventist Church guys we are we're coming around the bend okay we're we're getting we're not wrapping this up yet just give me give me a little bit more time I need you to follow this carefully how did this infect our church well let's begin how many are familiar with something called pantheism or the Alpha of apostasy all right let's read about it very quickly the theory that God by the way this pantheism teaching was introduced into our church by someone named John Harvey Kellogg you know Kellogg cereal and Ellen White warned him against his teaching of pantheism and by the grace of God the church never accepted this teaching of pantheism but she weren't against it as the Alpha of apostasy and I need you to listen carefully she says the theory that God is an essence is an essence pervading all nature is received by many who profess to believe the scriptures but however beautifully called this theory is it is a most dangerous deception if God is an essence pervading all nature then he dwells in all men and in order to attain holiness man has only to develop the power within him these theories pantheism etc followed to their logical conclusion do away with the necessity for the atonement and make man his own Saviour those who accept them are in great danger of being led finally to look upon the whole Bible as fiction in other words what she's saying it's pantheism leads one to believe that God is and everything and if God is in everything then he's not a personal being which means you're ultimately led to believe that God doesn't exist you're led to a position of atheism you're led to a position where you deny God altogether and you are now your own Savior let's keep reading there is in it pantheism the beginning of theories which carried to their logical conclusion would destroy faith in a sanctuary question and in the atonement I do not think dr. Kellogg saw this clearly I do not think he realized that in laying his new foundation of faith he was directing his steps towards infidelity Kellogg wrote a book called living temples and in this book he basically said look the human body is the living temple and he began to lean toward this idea that the temple that needs to be cleansed physically was the human body and thus we didn't need a heavenly temple and if the human body could be cleansed by my own works then I could be my own Savior that's what he ends up believing alright keep following watch this she says I'm instructed to speak plainly needed talking about this apostasy is the words spoken to me meet it firmly and without delay but it is not to be met by our taking our work force from the field to investigate doctrines and points of differences I have no such investigation to make in the book living temple there is presented the Alpha of deadly heresies the Omega will follow and will be received by those who do not heed the warning God has given she goes on to say our physicians upon whom important responsibilities rest should have clear spiritual discernment' there to stand constantly on God why is she talking about the physicians we're gonna come to that check this out guys in the movement of destiny lirik rune writes these words by the 1920s Kellogg's had become a Darwinian evolutionist no longer believing in the inspiration of parts of the Bible and even denying the virgin birth and divinity of Christ and the need of an atonement now that's not the shocking part get ready for the shocking part that is the length to which he went however his wholesome emphasis on biological living and race betterment never ceased as long as he lived check this out guys kena became a eugenicist Battle Creek Inquirer this is written in 2019 how John Harvey Kellogg was wrong on race watch this organized by John Harvey Kellogg Battle Creek hosted race betterment conferences that stoked xenophobia and led to laws allowing involuntary sterilization yes you read that right your MLM Battle Creek burned down and then John Harvey Kellogg rebuilt it he rebuilt it as a race betterment center he's grabbing on to pantheism let him step by step until he actually became a eugenicist now listen carefully guys remember that that that fair that I talked about the World Fair in 1914 not 15 1914 that was the race betterment affair that I said spread the seeds of eugenics across America John Harvey Kellogg put that on the race veteran foundation was a eugenic and racial hygiene organization founded in 1906 at Battle Creek Michigan by John Harvey Kellogg due to his concerns about race degeneracy the foundation supported conferences including three national conferences on race pediment publications good health and the formation of of a eugenic registry in cooperation with the eugenics Record Office the foundation also sponsored the fitter families campaign from 1928 to the late 1930s and funded Battle Creek college that is now Andrews University the foundation controlled the Battle Creek food company which in turn served as the major source of Kellogg's eugenic programs conferences and the Battle Creek college you guys this is our church well we don't have a race problem what do you talk about pastor why are you talking about these things why we did you guys the seeds of eugenics were planted were planted in our church what's this pantheism leads Kellogg to accept evolution Darwin and Alton lead him to accept eugenics his living temple health concept was applied to white temples only white temples are important to cleanse and purify it became white temples are the temples of God his race betterment gives eugenics a major boost in 1914 1915 Americans infected with this with this a new scientific dragon talk it in turn effects Adventists who as a result adopt preterist and futurist views about America because or allowing the rise of national pride so hey listen praise God for the freedoms we have the religious freedoms we have in America right now but guess what a lot of people can't say praise God a lot of people get in the hunt are getting killed a lot of people have been oppressed for a long time and when you think while slavery is done with so the Dragons not talking anymore why are you defending the dragon why are you trying to cover up for the dragon he is speaking so Adventists aren't affected and then we wonder why is there segregation in the church and now we have in the church we're struggling with this issue of national pride one aspect of the dragon voice denial of guilt regarding the lamb like these what guilt no we're good to go everything is fine and a nonchalance of the oppressive measures being exercised by this beast and we're saying it's not the environment its culture that's dragon tall guys that's dragon talk and the end the devil wants you to talk dragon talk because out of the abundance of the of the heart the mouth speaketh and by your words you are justified oh by your word you're condemned so here's this trying to get you you understand he's trying to get you lost and in defending the dragon you start adopting dragon right language we're not watch this guy's you need to catch this when our nation in its Legislative Council shall enact laws to bind the conscience of men in regard to the religious privileges enforcing Sunday observance and bringing oppressive power to bear against those who keep the seventh-day Sabbath the law of God will to all intents and purposes being made void in our land and national apostasy will be followed by national rule ruin did you catch that there is coming a time when the judicial and legislative branches that are now oppressive that are now oppressive to civil and civil in the civil realm will turn to the religious realm and when that happens you need to catch this the same way that the oppressed race is being treated now that same thing is going to happen to seventh-day adventists yeah let me say that again the same oppression that the oppressed race that african-americans in this country have gone through for years that same expression will soon be turned on a religion a religious sense to seventh-day adventists so watch this if you didn't care if you did not care when it was happening in a sense that or doesn't relate to me because that's not my bit if you didn't care then if you didn't speak up against the dragon voice then what makes you think you're gonna speak up or I have any effect when the dragon turns his wrath on you then the religious horn when the when the dragon begins to speak through religious persecution guess what we're gonna experience economic hardship we're going to experience prison we're gonna experience no protection by the laws of the land we're gonna experience no access then when you care then God's going to be like really you didn't care when it was happening to others but now it's happening to you and now you care now you want people to come and defend you now you want people to rise up and say hey those Adventist shouldn't be being treated like this now but wonder what's happening to someone other than you when there was happening outside of your interest you didn't care really this is a quote in the 400 year plight of the African American we are looking at our prophetic future in the time of trouble that's from Ivo Myers yeah I just quoted myself you can take that quote and use it in the 400 year plight of the african-american we are looking at our prophetic future in the time of trouble let that sink in you my brother my sister I love you you who do not care right now you who are like yeah yeah but you who are like well they're lazy you who are like I you know that's we shouldn't be focused on that you who are like that's not our problem you you I'm speaking to you right now I love you you know I love you I might know you you might know me you might be mad in your heart right now I'm talking to you I'm talking to us as a church if you don't care about what they're going through when we go through that we're going to go through the same thing look listen in the words of Ellen White the words of Paul would literally be fulfilled all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution as the defender of truth of truth refused to honor the Sunday Sabbath some of them will be thrust into prison hmm did you care about others who were being thrust into prison many times unjustly you know what they're gonna say yeah they deserve to be in prison they weren't keeping the law obey the law and everything would be good the same thing you're saying now to others who are less fortunate will be said against you some of them will be thrust into prison some will be exiled no access you can't get a job you can't work you can't buy yourself no access the same thing others are experiencing now we will experience in that time some will be treated as slaves do you catch these guys if you don't care when it's happening to someone outside of your circle or outside of your color what right have you to call on God when it's time for you to be in that position and you need help and you wish some would come by and and help and speak up on your behalf what right in the story of Esther as you're 14 you know the story the Bible says then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther think not that think not within thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house more than all the Jews for if you altogether hold your peace at this time then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place but thou in thy father's house shall be destroyed and who knoweth whether they are come to the kingdom for such a time as this Mordecai was telling Esther listen don't be silent when your people need you because if you are guess what God's going to deliver the people one way or another but you and your house will be destroyed how many of us are being silent when God's people when the oppressed need us well I'm not saying anything that's not my business pastor why are you speaking about this why are we always talking about z-one know why because Satan Satan is a mastermind if he can infect people in the church with this spirit of eugenics with the dragon talk which I'm hearing a lot of dragon talk today guys a lot of listen you might have thought I was reading out of today's paper some of stuff I was saying no this is all 1920s and 1930s and it was dragon talk it was dragon speak and they didn't consider themselves racists they were simply trying to preserve the the best of the human race it was a moral thing to do I asked the meaning of the shaking listen to what Ellen White says I asked the meaning of the shaking I had seen and was shown that it would be caused by the straight testimony called forth by the counsel of the true witness to the Laodiceans this will have its effect upon the heart of the receiver and would lead him to exalt the standard and pour forth the straight truth some will not bear the straight testimony they will rise up against it and this is what will cause a shaking among God's people you know what I used to think I just think this straight testimony would be like the preaching of you know you got a like you know stand firm with our doctrines I want you to think about that how many people you know how many Adventists you know are gonna rise up against the preaching of you know adherence to our doctrines I don't know of many I think as a church were pretty much agreed on doctrines I don't hear anyone arguing that now we need to keep Sunday or now you know the dead do go to heaven I don't hear that but guess what when you start talking about helping the poor like the actual preaching of the gospel like actually relieved helping the oppressed people start rising up man like what are you doing help the oppressed one oppressed let them help themselves people start getting mad and angry in writing letters in all kinds of stuff in other words is the straight testimony keep my doctrines or it's a straight testimony act like me it's the straight testimony live how as how I live do what I do that's why most of us think the straight testimony isn't directed to us why because we're all keeping the Sabbath and we're all for the most part vegetarian and yeah you know that we do all the stuff that is already done we got it no not true guys it's not about yet we got doctrine down that's why we think we're rich and increased with Goods and need of nothing God is trying to our hearts I saw the testimony the true witness have not been half heeded the solemn testimony upon which the destiny of the church hangs has been lightly regarded this testimony must work deep repentance all who receive it will obey it and be purified listen guys we need to realize we got some messed up stuff in our past we are still the apple of God's eye amen we are still God sure we are still the remnant but whoa I didn't know that racism ran so deep I didn't know it was in our articles I didn't know it was up in our periodicals I didn't know that Adventists were actually believing this stuff and if their parents believe this stuff what about those who are living right now might they be infected with this same thinking revelation 3:17 because you say I am rich and increased with Goods and have need of nothing and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked watch this because you say I am rich pride I am better than others I don't care about the oppressed why should I care about your press I am up I am this is I am God's chosen and we are where to preach three engines verse does not care about your press I am rich with doctrine and knowledge because you say you are rich pride exaltation and increased with Goods and know it and know not that you you don't acknowledge that you've done anything wrong that's dragon talk and God is rebuking his church for entertaining dragon talk this being rich is spoken of in a condemnatory way and there's one guy I think of remember the rich young ruler remember what happened to him he was rich and increased with Goods and G's and he said I've kept the commandments I did that all what am i lacking yet I'm a good Adventist jesus says sell your riches and great help the poor go help your press and heels like yeah mm-hmm no you see this is what makes God sick this is what makes him want to spew the lukewarm out of his mouth because you claim to believe truth we claim to believe truth and yet we carry around these internal things in our heart we don't even we may not even recognize it's there and when he says look let me preach you let me share with you the word and show you your heart instead of going roll I didn't know that was there we're like man whatever I'm not listening and we close our ears the dragon talk got Lucifer kicked out of heaven I will spew you out of my mouth he says to later this year I will cast you as profane out of the mountain of God he said to Lucifer because Lucifer did the same thing in heaven I am I I am lifted up above others I will not acknowledge any guilt and I will oppress or I will be nonchalant about people who are oppressed I don't care about the oppressed all we give we give lip service yeah care about your press but why are you talking about it so much why is this all you do why does all you preach about why is this all you're talking about come on can we talk about something else what about this what about that where we just want to direct the conversation anywhere else other than the oppressed why why here closing statements guys closing same as I promised I got two more quotes to read this is one it's several pages I mean several screen slides listen carefully while the world needs sympathy while it needs the prayers and assistance of God's people while it needs to see Christ in the live lives of its followers the people of God are equally in need of opportunities to draw out their sympathies give efficiency to their prayer and develop in them a character like that of the divine pattern it is to provide these opportunities that God has placed among us the poor the unfortunate the sick and the suffering they are Christ's legacy to his church and they're to be cared for as if he would as his as he would care for them in this way God takes away the dross and purifies the gold giving us that culture of heart and character that we need in placing among us the poor and the suffering the Lord is testing testing us to reveal to us what is in our hearts beloved if you don't care about the old press now God says when it gets to the time of trouble you've already identified you who you are you've already identified that your heart is not with me you didn't care about it when it was happening in the civil sense to other people but now it's happening in the religious horn and now you're in value worried you see beloved the dragon the land has always been speaking as a dragon in the past through slavery in the present through eugenics through coded racism and in the future it will switch over to the religious horn but beloved if all we care about is the religious horn and we don't care about those who are suffering under the civil horn we are be lying who we really are God has put us in this position to test us to see if our hearts are really right with him and many of us are failing the test many of us are blaming the poor many of us are telling our arts are telling ourselves and others that the poor are the way they are because they simply just are that way it's not about environment you guys dragon talk is a dangerous thing she goes on to say we cannot with safety swerve from principle we cannot violate justice we cannot neglect mercy when we see a brother falling into the K we are not to pass him by on the other side but are to make decided and immediate efforts to fulfill the word of God by helping him it should be written upon the conscience as with a pen of iron up upon a rock that he who disregards mercy compassion and righteousness he who neglects the poor he who ignores the needs of suffering humanity who is not kind of courteous is so conducting himself that God cannot cooperate with him in the development of character the culture of the mind and heart is more easily accomplished when we feel such tender sympathy for others that we bestow our benefits and privileges to relieve their necessities our Redeemer sends his messengers to bear a testimony to his people he says behold I stand at the door and knock and if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me but many refused to receive him many refuse to receive did you hear that she just quoted the Laodicean message in connection with helping the poor and then she says many refuse to receive him beloved the straight testimony is this right here I rebuke you no God rebukes you for claiming to be rich and increased with Goods and not caring about the oppressed trying to frame the oppressed as they're lazy it's their fault they're just not being you know smart enough or and people are are dumbing them down they're so dumb that people just lead them astray and they just do this and do that because they have no sense we talked about the downtrodden race we talk about African Americans sometimes as if they are animals as if they don't know any better you're being lied to as a people the Holy Spirit waits to soften and subdue hearts but they are not willing to open the door and let the Savior in for fear that he will require something of them and so Jesus of Nazareth passes by he longs to bestow upon them upon them the rich blessings of His grace but they refuse to accept him what a terrible thing it is to exclude Christ from his own temple what a loss to the church and I checked this out guys here's what the Helen white says she says as the storm approaches a large class who have professed faith in the third angels message but have not been sanctified through obedience to the truth abandon their position and join the ranks of the opposition by uniting with the world and partaking of its spirit dragon talk they have come to view matters in nearly the same light and when the test is brought they are prepared to choose the easy and popular side men of talent and pleasing address who once rejoice in the truth employ their powers to deceive and mislead souls they become the most bitterest enemies of their former brethren when Sabbath keepers are brought before the courts to answer for their faith these apostates are the most efficient ages of Satan to misrepresent and accuse them and by false reports and insinuations stir up the rulers against them beloved it's time to wake up it's time to wake up it's time to wake up it's time to let God search your heart you don't search it you don't search good you don't look good you you don't look good let God search it God's got a search it God's got a search eat you guys I love you I love you this is not about condemning you this is about Satan has laid a plot for this church and I'm trying to expose his plot so we can all be like wait what we didn't know that we were saying this stuff it was like man lord I repent come on let's go on let's get this work done let's wrap this up so here's my last statement Jesus here identifies himself with his suffering people it was I who was hungry and thirsty it was I who was a stranger it was I who was naked it was I who was sick it was I who was in prison and when you were enjoying the food from your bountiful spread tables I was famished in the hovel Azur Street not far from you you know what some of us would say to Jesus not we don't even know we're saying to him we're saying you are in that condition because of you just he's just lazy so I'm not helping you but if I'm not saying personal responsibility is not a thing it is a thing but don't get me wrong beloved Jesus doesn't ask questions you're in a bad condition well why no he gets in there he helps and while he's helping yes he's gonna say go and sin no more Jesus is not an enabler of the poor he helps and his goal is to help and get them to but he doesn't just say yeah I'm gonna look down my nose now you need to do this yourself oh you're lazy and you just want to hand out that oh and Mack when you say that be prepared to meet those words again when you close your doors against me while you're well furnished rooms were occupied I had not where to lay my head your wardrobes were filled with abundant supply of changeable suits of apparel upon which means had been needlessly squandered which you might have given to the needy I was destitute of uncomfortable apparel when you were enjoying health I was sick misfortune cast me into prison and bound me in fetters bound on my spirit and you said I belong there because I committed the crime that's not Nicole misfortune cast me into prison and bound me with fetters bound on my spirit depriving me of the freedom of hope while you roam free what a oneness Jesus here expresses as existing between himself and his suffering disciples he makes their case his own he identifies himself as being in person the very sufferer mark self is Christian every neglect of the needy the poor the fatherless is a neglect of Jesus in person I want to close it an appeal guys it is time for us to be about our father's business it is time for us to be about our father's business it is time for us to allow God to search our hearts it is time for us to realize that the way we deal with the civil horn now will determine what happens to us in the religious horn later my appeal soften your heart let God into it I love him to cleanse whatever is there and let us be about our father's business Heavenly Father forgive us as a church for we have sinned we have allowed principles not into the church as a whole but individually Lord we have allowed principles to enter into our hearts that are against the gospel forgive us Lord forgive us fill us with your goodness Lord help us to be like you help us not to rise up against the straight testimony help us not to rise up against present truth cleanse us that we may be about your business we pray this in the precious and holy name of Jesus amen and amen you
Channel: Power of the Lamb
Views: 107,293
Rating: 4.7713747 out of 5
Keywords: ivor myers, pastor ivor myers, ivor myers 2020, sermons about jesus, sda sermons, seventh day adventist sermons, ivor myers sermons, pastor ivor myers 2020, sermons about social justice, social justice, racism, racist, black lives matter, black sda preachers, black sda, sermons for black lives, present truth, present truth sermons sda, the shaking
Id: zxQWAmfn28A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 14sec (6674 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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