Present Simple and Present Continuous for the Future

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hello my friends and welcome to practice English with Paul today very short very simple and yet very effective video for your English present simple and Present continuous for the future plus two fantastic little structures due to and about two and I'll explain those a little bit later so present simple we use the present simple to talk about timetables so if you go to a train station you're looking at a schedule the train arrives at five o'clock this train leaves at seven o'clock that's a schedule as a timetable so maybe if you go to the airport the plane takes off at five o'clock and lands at ten o'clock so whenever we talk about timetable we use some specific words for example arrive the part start finish land takeoff begin and leave my examples what time does the train leave tomorrow the film begins at 7 p.m. my mother arrives at 5 p.m. the football game ends at 6 what time does the exhibition start tomorrow very very common if you're talking about a schedule and only a schedule so be careful it doesn't work with everything now we have the present continuous a billion billion billion percent planned now what does that mean I will show you in my examples the only way to truly understand what the present continuous is in the future is to compare now we know will we know going to if you don't well I will make a video about these in the future but again the best way is to compare the difference in meaning I will meet my friends later will spontaneous decision at the moment of speaking do my friends know I'm meeting them no I've just decided I'm going to meet my friends later going to do my friends now I'm meeting them sure so what's the difference between this and the present continuous I'm meeting my friends later here it's 1 billion percent organised nothing will stop it it is going to happen that is it it is extremely definite if that makes any sense so I'm meeting my friends later they are waiting for me for sure now I want to have a look at a few more examples here just sort of show you why English learners have the problem using the present continuous up really up until they get to a high level and they start feeling more confident with it now it's quite normal to ask what are you doing tonight now we're visiting our friends next week so the present continuous is very close to the time of speaking I put a line for this example we're traveling to England next summer it's wrong completely wrong because now a next summer there's a very big time gap between now and then and in this time anything can happen anything can happen to those plans I can't use present continuous so I only use present continuous like for a very very close sort of time maybe a day or maybe maximum a week if it's more I say going to better English we're going to travel to England next summer that would be better now oh this is something which is very cultural my friends now in England we like to plan all the time we finish University we get the job we start planning our pensions etc etc even if it's Wednesday we start talking to our friends shall we go to the bar this weekend we're always making plans now here where I am in Russia Russians tend to be a lot more spontaneous about their plans so for example Oh Thursday evening when my lesson finishes I can say what are you doing on Saturday now English people would say oh we are going for a drink Russians often say I don't know I will decide that on Saturday so that's the sort of cultural thing is this this grammar shows you about culture that's why so many people don't use it because it's something that's in our mind is about planning and planning and so you sort of need to understand that so if you want to start using the present continuous of the future if it's Thursday or Friday and it's close to the weekend then maybe you can try using it in your spoken English what are you doing on Saturday are you travelling anywhere one Saturday are you going anywhere this weekend try using those examples to start getting comfortable with it now i really suggest going to a textbook Michael Swan who I adore Michael Vince or a door there are grammar books everywhere you want to practice these future aspects enlighten literally not in a single way like present continuous then present simple but altogether so you really understand the differences in context and that will really help you now just for the last five seconds are two little gems at the bottom which we haven't done yet very quickly do too now this is very common in spoken English it's the same as this this is more formal than the present simple it's a bit later for example imagine you are in an aeroplane you ask the cabin crew member what time does the plane land quite direct excuse me what time is the plane due to land Lou la la just a bit more polite a bit nicer okay what time is the film due to start if you don't mind me asking all right now and we have my favorite one about talking about the future about to so about plus your infinitive this means something is going to happen in the very next moment we use this in English all the time all the time it is unbelievable for example Paul what's wrong I'm about to be sick where oh my God look it's about to rain it starts raining I'm really tired I'm about to go to bed Bing go to bed I'm about to drop my pen looks done it so something that happens in the very next moment you probably won't find much practice with this to be honest you need to sort of learn it by heart but just try playing with it and you'll see it definitely in some texts so my friends I hope that was useful for you okay as usual subscribe share thumbs up if you have any comments about this or questions please ask me in the comment section below I will be happy to answer thank you so much for watching have a great day umm I'm about to have my dinner now so goodbye
Channel: Practice English with Paul
Views: 66,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simple Present, Present Continuous, 'english lessons', english, 'present simple for future', 'present simple and present continuous for future', 'present simple with future meaning', 'present simple and present continuous for the future', 'present simple and present continuous', 'simple present for the future', 'simple present for future', 'present continuous for the future', 'present continuous for future', 'present for future', 'the future', future
Id: yzY2qClK3o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2015
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