Prepositions for Kids

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today we are going to learn about prepositions isn't that a fun word to say prepositions can you say that prepositions yeah wow what a cool sounding word what are prepositions you're about to find out and then you'll just be able to say prepositions and you'll know exactly what you're talking about it's going to be cool first we want to show you this okay you might be saying why are you showing us a bridge oh there's a good reason for that it's a very good reason for that we're gonna just keep that a secret for now but for now just look at this picture of a bridge bridges are so cool aren't they they're so cool there's structures that connect two sides of things don't they and you can see the storm clouds are coming it's probably gonna start raining you know the photographer probably was running for cover you know but this is a nice picture of a bridge here's another picture of a bridge do you know the name of this bridge pretty famous pretty famous bridge okay yeah the golden gate bridge okay the golden gate bridge if you didn't know that you need to check out our video on the golden gate bridge some fascinating facts there you're gonna love it you're gonna love sharing those with your friends and your family and everyone's gonna be like [Music] let's look at the golden gate bridge again it's an amazing bridge and a bridge connects two sides a bridge you might be wondering what does this have to do with prepositions i thought we're talking about prepositions not bridges what is going on here well that is what a preposition is okay a bridge a preposition is a bridge okay in the world of words and grammar it's not really a bridge you can't drive a car on a preposition okay that would be a little bit difficult and he wouldn't be able to do it but a preposition works just like a bridge in the world of words a preposition is a bridge that comes before a noun or pronoun and connects it to the rest of the sentence and this is how it works for example let's say we've got a noun at the end here and then we've got the rest of the sentence now we've got a problem there's a big gap something's got to go in between now let's say the part with the noun is my backpack and the rest of the sentences i put my book i put my book my backpack there's a cap it's a lonely backpack we need a connecting word we need a bridge so we put in a preposition yeah a preposition a bridge word a connecting word that will connect the noun at the end to the rest of the sentence so we're gonna use the preposition in so it would read like this i put my book in my backpack now the noun backpack is connected to the rest of the sentence yay yay bridge yay prepositions let's look at this example charles loves to rest the floor uh oh there's a gap we're gonna need a bridge we're gonna need a preposition to connect floor to the rest of the sentence aren't we let's try the preposition on charles loves to rest on the floor oh it's perfect on is connecting floor to the rest of the sentence charles loves to rest on the floor wow that's perfect that's perfect i love prepositions [Music] prepositions can talk about place time or movement here's some examples of prepositions that talk about place on over at in around under below above behind these are all prepositions that talk about place or placement not interesting let's look at this example beth enjoys skating the lake uh oh there's a gap we need a preposition we're gonna need a preposition that talks about place [Music] let's try a round beth enjoys skating around the lake oh that's the perfect preposition for that it connects lake to the rest of the sentence beth enjoys skating around the lake prepositions we said this already it's they're pretty cool they're pretty awesome pretty pretty amazing all right you gotta connect we need the connecting words we need the bridges we need prepositions now prepositions can talk about time as well [Music] look at these prepositions before during after these are prepositions these are bridge words connecting words they're prepositions that talk about time look at this example it snowed four inches the day oh we're definitely gonna need a preposition there aren't we oh my goodness what's a preposition we could use for this sentence [Music] let's try the preposition during during so our sentence would read it snowed four inches during the day wow that's perfect that's the perfect bridge word the perfect connecting word the perfect preposition now prepositions can also express movement whoa [Music] like these prepositions through towards to into across along these are prepositions bridge words connecting words that express movement let's try this one we were glad we went the game uh oh we're definitely gonna need a preposition we have to connect game to the rest of the sentence let's try two we were glad we went to the game two is one of the prepositions that express movement we were glad we went to the game and now the word game is connected to the rest of the sentence prepositions can also just seem random like about of and from you could just memorize these words as prepositions because they do kind of seem random about of and from are all prepositions too here's our next sentence we enjoy taking care the birds uh oh there's a gap we're gonna need to fill that with a bridge word a preposition aren't we what is a preposition that you think would go well there which one do you think fits in that like a puzzle we enjoy taking care the birds [Music] yeah of of we enjoy taking care of the birds of is a preposition it's a bridge word connecting birds with the rest of the sentence now here's something that can be tricky prepositions can also appear at the beginning of a sentence the preposition still has a noun coming after it and then there's the rest of the sentence but the preposition is still connecting the noun to the rest of the sentence let's show you with an example all right here we go after dinner oh after the preposition after dinner i enjoy reading a book wow now notice it's still a bridge word and it's still connecting dinner that's the noun to the rest of the sentence even though it appears at the beginning it's still a bridge where it's still a connecting word so if you see a preposition at the beginning of a sentence don't freak out it's okay sometimes they go there [Music] prepositions are connecting words and wow just like bridges they're a great time they're awesome and they just they're just cool they're just cool who else is a fan of prepositions anybody anybody no you like prepositions now right you love them right you love prepositions they're connecting words they're bridge words thanks for watching this video on prepositions we hope you had an amazing time and we hope you'll join us again soon [Music]
Channel: Homeschool Pop
Views: 1,663,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prepositions for kids, grammar for kids, prepositions, prepositions video for kids, video for kids, prepositions video, grammar video for kids, Prepositions in english grammar, english grammar, english grammar video
Id: oV5xwP5E9qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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