Preparing for Ark Survival Ascended - #1 Levelling - PVE Official

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hey it's Lama here welcome to my preparing for Ark survival ascended Series in this series I'm going to start out fresh on the island on official PVE as if I'm playing on Ark survival ascended now I want to be 100 clear this is Ark survival evolved but I will be limited to only items and creatures available in the base game on the island to give a realistic perspective on what starting out on the new game might be like each video we will deal with a new challenge which survivors will face on Ark survival ascended to best prepare for it when it drops I hope you enjoy or find this video useful and if you do and could like it or leave me a comment I'd really appreciate it and if you haven't already please subscribe to see more content like this today's adventure is number one in the series starting out Naked and Afraid how do we make our character less squishy and learn those all-important engrams to help Keep Us Alive by leveling up as quickly as possible so we further Ado let's get started shall we right here we go new character creation time so we're going to start off in South zone two which is one of the easy spots um well I just put in the uh just rename our character and just customize a little bit the reason why I picked this area a couple of reasons first it's relatively safe so you get some dilophosaurs some Raptors maybe pagomastic fionis those seagulls but overall it's not too bad secondly there's plenty of resources here e kills and a few Explorer nodes close to each other which will help us get some easy levels so this is a starter area only we'll build a little starter base but I have no intention on staying here longer term this is just to get our initial levels so let's get started okay now where are we a bit foggy all right let's drop these skins we don't need those okay so all good Arc Adventures begin punching trees so let's get some wood we'll get some thatch and we'll pick up some Stones off the beach we go and now we should be able to make ourselves a pickaxe first thing that we'll be crafting nice that should get us first level hopefully there we go already got a level brilliant let's get ourselves a little bit of Flint nice okay now let's apply the level Chuck that into let's Chuck that into weight to start with and then we can learn the stone Hatchet um while we're here let's learn the spear we're gonna need one of those and let's craft ourselves a hatchet so the pick is good for getting ourselves flint and thatch and meat from bodies the hatchet will get a stone and wood and it will get us hide from creatures that we kill so let's get ourselves some wood here from this tree nice there we go I want to get some Stone and what I would need for our spear oh we need some Fiber okay and so fiber you've got to gather by hand so we go for the plants let's gather ourselves some Fiber foreign can never have too much fiber fiber is always the thing that you tend to run out of okay there we go now we can craft our Spears that should bump us up to our next level nice all right let's add that I'm gonna go wait again I think and there that will allow us to what else can we do now we can make ourselves some armor there's any cloth stuff so it's not let's learn the campfire so the arm is not uh great but it's better than nothing um so we'll just craft those two they'll bump us up a little bit probably won't crack a new level for that no not quite let's put those on a little bit more wood a bit more thatch what have we got now okay let's let's craft a torch that should set another level we get oh not quite okay and a campfire I think we needed a campfire let's get some oh we got a bit of metal let's get some Flint and there we go we can craft a campfire and that will bump us up nice all right that's level four uh and and we'll put that into health all right level four nice start yeah what have we got here thatch foundations now we're cooking so this will be our next method of getting some additional levels so we'll make some foundations let's get ourselves some sash some wood and craft some of those these will give us some decent levels um early on one two oh didn't quite get us there now we can place them and then we can destroy them and then we get some of the materials back not all of them but we get some of them back and we can use those to craft another one and that will bump us up hopefully to level five there we go level five nice now when it comes to adding levels I generally I like to go for health I go for weight and I go for movement speed what else we've got here and we can learn the storage box um so yes so your health obviously helps keep you alive the weight is important early on because you're going to be crafting and you're going to be harvesting and carrying stuff and to be honest weight is important all the way through the game and movement speed is also something which once we've got a bit of weight and a bit of Health behind us I'll start adding some levels into that because to be honest if uh if all else fails you always have the option to run away um so let's just Chuck some of this heavier stuff out of our inventory now at the moment we are level five we need to get to level nine in order to unlock bowlers uh and then I think level 10 might be the bow and arrow so we're going to put a bit of effort into just harvesting some wood harvesting some thatch a bit of fiber and we're just going to keep crafting some foundations until we can get up to level nine and learn the bowler all right little cut there I just don't want this to be a three hour video but we are now level nine we can learn the bowler and then level eight we had the cooking pot now the cooking pot actually gives you a lot of XP so early game cooking pot is a great thing to craft let's just fix our pickaxe and let's get harvesting some Stone some Flint some wood all this all the stuff that we're gonna need to craft some materials uh the good thing about this is there's even harvesting is giving you levels as well so the more stuff you harvest early game the more stuff you harvest the more stuffy craft the more different things that you craft the more your XP goes up let's get some wood get a little bit more Stone you can see why uh weight is such an important characteristic to level up early on oh we got a little bit of metal there can we make a cooking pot oh not quite we still need some more Stone let's let's limp over to this rock and see if we can get ourselves enough Stone to craft a cooking pot and you'll see what I mean about the uh XP that the cooking pot gives so it's a really good um early game leveling device okay come on give us some Stone ah here comes the rain 's not too bad rain stops us being thirsty that's good uh we were thirsty before a second ago you would have heard my character whining uh because he needed some water rain stops us that all right let's craft a cooking pot watch our level we should easily get another level on this nice level 10. foreign so we got level 10 we almost got to level 11. that's pretty impressive from one cooking pot okay another cooking pot gives us level 11. and let's Chuck that let's check that in the movement speed remember I mentioned it's uh we're gonna start leveling up movement speed at some stage now level 10 is where we can craft the bow and arrow so let's learn those bow Stone Arrow and what else um okay yeah and the club we're gonna need a club uh to get our first chain and we've got some foundations here we crafted let's demolish those nice cooking pot we made oh I went in that place that's a bit weird okay is this the upload timer or is it ah there we go ah demolish that some more materials what can we make what can we make we can make a club we can make our bow and we can start making some arrows nice okay so the bow and arrow will help us get some hide and the hide will help us make Bowlers and the bowlers will help us with our first cane and also catching more creatures all right let's see Next Level brilliant we've got a cooking pot on the go that should bump us up to so we just hit Level 12 we should get level 13 out of that and we did brilliant cracking ahead level 13. Chuck that into movement speed and let's demolish these cooking pots I'll get the materials from them okay another level level 14. good stuff all right well level 14 is a pretty good base to start uh now moving on to the next stage so we've done all the basic crafting we've got our easy first levels uh now we need to find ourselves first we need to collect some meat and some hide um let's get rid of these cooking pots demolish all this stuff get uh free up a little bit more weight in our inventory and then we'll go looking for some things to kill and see if we can oh there's a seagull okay can we get him one shot with the bow this thing will attack [Music] come on hey one shot nice all right our first hide donor thank you a little bit of hide out of him brilliant that should be enough to make a bowler and that'll get us started uh okay so we need some Fetch and we need some Fiber ah did I throw away five I have a feeling I threw away fiber never throw fiber away all right let's gather some more and that'll be enough to make ourselves hopefully a couple of bowlers and that'll get us started at um as I said we need to kill some stuff we need some meat we need some hide and we also want to tame ourselves a parasaur so if we see a reasonable level parasaur on our Journeys we will use the bowler to hold it still and the club to knock it out and get our first time that we will then use to gather Narco berries um and to be honest the meat and Narco berries are really what we need to be gathering now because we need spoiled meat and Narco berries to make narcotics which will be what we will primarily use oh someone's a little fat shot which is what we will primarily use for getting our good levels when we've got the Explorer note buff going now just oh here we go let's bowler this guy Boulders will keep you alive early game here and you can duck and avoid that spit but I just wasn't quick enough uh so let's kill this guy uh Bowlers can use uh you can use to protect you from dillos obviously as as shown uh Raptors wolves anything like that early game Bowlers can save your life um let's see okay we need some Fiber we can make a replacement one for that [Music] that should allow us to make nice too okay all right um now over there in the distance I don't know if you can see but the let's get it a little bit closer see those rocks over there so that's where the Explorer notes are there are I believe three Explorer notes in that location and so when we've got all of our Narco berries and our spoiled meat and everything gathered and a little starter base and some water and pastels down we're going to go over there and we're going to hit some Explorer notes um and then we're going to come back and we're going to craft a whole load of stuff nice another level you also get good levels from killing things so even dodos at this stage in the game will give you good XP so and we get some hide to go all right here we go so we're over there with the uh where those rocks are and we found some parasaurs let's have a look what have we got here we've got level 10 okay you're a bit near uh Tech parasaur hey that's a bit better level 54. I think we could take that one so let's try and tame him so first we're going to bowler it that'll hold it still and then we're going to give it some love kisses with our love Club there we go sleepy time sleepy time you can be our friend come on now if I don't knock it out in time it will escape from the bowler and it will run away come on oh it's got to be close okay got out of the bowler that's okay so firstly our club was about to break anyway um his TOEFL won't drop too quickly so what we can do is we can let him run away let's repair our club and uh we've got more Bowlers we can wait for him to the aggro and then we can just go after him Ola him again and finish off the job so we should still be okay let's see if we can find him first where'd he go well no no no more seagulls thanks uh those ithionists will steal stuff from you out of your inventory or weapons out of your hands so you've got to be careful not to run into those I hate those birds uh the other thing not said that's a hesperonus the other thing is the paganastics and they also spawn in this area too so around this rocky area uh oh did I see the top of his head over that rock dude hey there he is he's calm down so now we can Chuck Ebola over him again and switch to the club sleep time sleep time Mr Paris or it is time for you to be our friend uh what if I headshot can I headshot there we go I don't know if that makes any difference to be honest and he's Dan lovely she's Dean I should say all right so uh we don't really have many berries uh we didn't really prepare very well for this because uh there aren't any berries over here this is like a very Barren area uh so we might have to go and grab some and then come back in the meantime there here we go we got this level 10. you look like you'd be a nice meet and hide donor so we're just gonna kill you a couple of arrows to the Head brilliant let's Harvest your body get our arrows first harvest your body nice all right let's go and get ourselves some berries so that we can do this time okay so as much as Berry harvesting is engaging content I did cut it out but we do have here some Naco berries to keep this guy under Amigos and tintos to tame let's get it going and there's our first time you lovely lady all right so we're going to pop a saddle on here and then we can get down to business now um first thing you'll notice see how I've got all this small uh meat individually set out in my inventory that's because a stack of meat only the top piece of meat spoils we want as much spoiled meat as we can get so I've broken up all the stacks into individual pieces of meat so they all spoil at the same time that's really important because we need as much spoiled meat as possible to craft our narcotics now we're gonna head over to uh just across the water here onto a nice little spot where we can Harvest some Naco berries and we will also probably build ourselves a little starter base there where we can put down a bed and probably mortar and pestles so let's see how we go so I've probably got a little bit carried away I built myself a little starter base I even put some walls on it which I don't always do we have a storage bin I'm preserving bin I should say for storing some stuff um these are I find these are better than the cupboard things and we have a bed and we have some water and pestles and we've got a refining Forge there where we can hook up some metal if we need to so the mortar and pestles you see I've got spoiled meat in there and I've got narcoberries and that's basically what we now need we need to go on Farm an absolute Megaton of berries and we need to get as much spoiled meat as we can now the idea here don't let any time go to waste don't hang around at night time waiting for it to get light you can Harvest berries on your parasaur at night time and then you can wait to the daytime you can go and get yourself some things to kill and harvest some meat at night time you can Harvest Stone you can Harvest trees utilize all of the time you can to maximize your leveling up yeah remember everything you do in this game at this stage is helping you level up so don't waste a moment across the border into this little area here this area is really good because there's just there's lots of stuff here to kill so you can see dodos that I can Harvest for meat this time because I'm trying to get my spoiled meat so I'm going to be using my pickaxe and there's also berries Galore everywhere around here the beauty of this little Island area is that you can actually just keep Gathering berries forever because by the time you've done a lap and you've gathered all the berries um in one zone you can then just keep going around in a circle and they will have respawned so get some more meat so this we will do oh here we go Moss chops Moss chops are really good for meat and hide so let's take this one out with our bow and arrow and we should get ourselves some decent XP from killing it we'll probably get another level for it and we should get a decent amount of Hyde and a decent amount of meat from this because he's a or she she's a chunky monkey hopefully before the bowler breaks oh not quite there we go just after nice all right let's get the pick out get some arrows back [Music] and there we go look at that 48 height 32 meat that's better than dodos kind of feels like this might be time to do a little bit of a fast forward Montage because we're going to be harvesting berries and spoiled meat for a long time so I'll bring you back when we got something to work with [Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha [Music] ha [Music] foreign well that's enough of that I cut a lot of it in um so we've got spoiled meat we've still got some meat that we're waiting to spoil and we're going to Chuck those across our mortar and pestles now I've got four mortar and pestles um so I can get multiple narcotics going at the same time we've got some narcoberries here which we're gonna Chuck in there as well [Music] and then when we get our Explorer notes done we can just come back and we can hit Craft on all of these uh narcotics and make the maximum use of the Explorer node puff and I'm also going to go and gather a whole load of other stuff so stone wood um as well and the idea behind that is that I can at the same time I can craft some foundations I can craft some arrows um all sorts of stuff to get me some extra XP while I've got that Explorer note buff and really maximize the use of it foreign explore nighttime so there's that uh Rocky AG crop I mentioned before uh we're gonna head over there and we're going to get ourselves some Explorer notes so I've um I've got a load of materials ready to go we've got all our Narco berries um all our spoiled meat which is all sitting in the mortar and pestle ready to go we Chuck some Flint some stone in there so we can craft some spark powder as a backup and we've also got loads of stone we've got Flint we've got wood we've got fiber we've got everything we need to make some foundations some arrows um all sorts of stuff that we can not only use but will also give us some XP while we've got the buff uh all right here we go here we go let's get rid of this Dillo not going to bowler this guy we'll just hit him with the arrows go [ __ ] off work okay Dodge the spin hit him again there we go or kind of backed into a rock there that was it I couldn't move over to where I wanted to be all right that's fine back on parasol and there's another Dillo Dash let's get rid of this guy as well these can be just they're just an irritation really to be honest uh during one of the cuts we upgraded the Hyde armor so we're a little bit more protected now than we were before and we just had cloth all right so we're gonna head through here looking for these Explorer notes um now there are three on this area uh there are two in the direction uh actually all three I think are in the direction we're heading in but we're only going to grab two of them now you may or may not know but Explorer notes tend to be surrounded by structures that look a bit like ruins um so that makes them a little easier to see but that's not not all of them are but you can see here straight ahead of us there's some ruins and that's where our first explorer note is going to be uh so then around the corner just over here is another Explorer note uh that little green ammo box thing over there so we're going to hit those two up and then I think the third one I think is over that way towards the coast and then we're gonna head back but we're not going to do the third I don't think we need to let's just hit these first two they're nice and close together so hop off the parasaur let's go and open this and you'll notice when I open it then in the bottom right see that the Double Arrow going up so first thing we get a level just you get an XP boost for opening it which happens to have tipped us over to the next level but now that timer running down is the double XP boost and then we hit that second one and you notice that increases now so we have 1180 seconds to go and maximize our XP so let's head back to our little temporary base and see what we can do all right here we are so let's get narcoberries crafting so we get these all going at once gives us as much xp as we can you could if you wanted to you could have 10 mortar and pestles all full of Narco berries and spoiled meat and get them all going at the same time um I'm going to get some spark powder going so when the Narco berries narcotics are finished spark powder is the next thing that goes and we've got some more materials here let's see we're going to grab oh we need some wood that's it get some wood and then we can start crafting some other stuff so let's do some triangle foundations we can replace the wooden foundations that we're standing on with some Stone and we're gonna go and craft a few of those brilliant foreign [Music] and we're just going to keep doing that we could be crafting cooking pots I'm not sure what gives the most XP but the Foundations at least will get some use out of them so let's keep going transfer out there as soon as we can carry more transfer it over as our levels going we've got to level UPS owing to us already 10 levels nice all right there you go 10 levels that quickly cross or foundations all right a little bit later we've got some Square foundations going so you can see we've still got our XP buff going it's still got a while left on it uh let's craft up some arrows why not let's throw a cooking pot into the mix there we go and 15 levels pretty good okay let's fast forward a little bit running out of uh rxp buff now we've got the last few seconds let's see if we can get some more narcotics going oh what was that server save okay I hate that all right let's get some more narcotics going Deja Vu head back let's see oh we got 14 seconds left see if we can craft our metal tools to please let's get that that'll help oh no we don't want two of those all right and one of these that chocolate crafted times so XP boost is over I only made two hatchets okay I didn't really want to do that um all right and we have metal tools Chuck those down on our Hotbar those will be very useful and we've got one Water Place we've got half a base how do our levels Go 23 levels okay what's that level 54 we can get up to that's pretty good so now this video as I said I cut a lot out of this video so it probably comes in at just over half an hour but this was three hours worth of uh in-game play um and like I said I've cut a lot of the boring stuff out but ultimately this gives you an idea of what it is you need to do to get to level 54. um in in just three hours in game so level 54 will get you not only a character that will not die quite as easily but if we quickly scroll through the engrams you'll notice there's a whole load of stuff that we've now unlocked we've got metal tools we've got Stone base equipment we've got weapons we've got Gilly gear we've got metal pipes we've got metal foundations polymer electrical gear fabricator cryopods very useful this stage and we have almost almost unlocked Flack so all that metal gear all the electrical stuff look at that brilliant so you've got all the stuff that you can now make yourself a decent base with to be quite honest one level away from a pump action shotgun and two levels away from slack gear so really good starting point to base your game on okay so if you made it this far thanks so much for sticking with it thanks for watching I hope you got something out of this video enjoyed watching it and if you did and you want to see more content like this then please subscribe to the channel maybe drop me a like or leave a comment and the next episode of this series we'll be looking at essential land tames and so that's going to be a pretty important one in the meantime I'm just going to keep harvesting some materials here and probably just finish off this starter base and I hope to catch you in the next video on llama and I'm out of here [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Llama
Views: 9,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark Survival Evolved, Island, starting, playthrough
Id: qBqIA8GDru0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 22sec (2182 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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