Preparing a Reata and a Story or Two

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okay folks we got a new chapter here I don't want to make anybody feel bad up north but we got a nice warm day today he's probably 62 above and I've got two reactors here I got to prepare to pull and we're gonna video the whole thing and it will take a while because you got to let mother nature help you out but this particular Reata is a 5/16 and if you look down at the end down there you'll see how long it is you'll see it move at the very end this one's 86 feet long and you don't run into an 86 foot Reata that often these days but I've got one in the first phase that this deal is to get what we call the sable thing which is next to conversion fat and it's the kidney fat and what I'll do is I'll be putting this kidney fat on by hand and then I take these down in the afternoon when the Sun starts to go down then I bring them back out when the Sun's up good about 9 or 10 o'clock what starts to warm up and every chance I get when I'm around I'll be putting them out here and hanging them and you want to make sure you're at least a foot over the height of your tallest dog and this here this is this is kidney fat people get confused about thinking that comes from the actual kidney of a cow this is fat that's deposited inside the carcass about where the kidneys are so when your butcher next week and you got one hung up by the backhoe and you split it and dump the guts out look back up in the cavity and that's when you'll see this snow white fat up in there and that's the kidney fat that's what we use to treat these with because it doesn't have the meat on it it's just the fat so you just basically take it with your hand and rub it and it'll start to coat it and then every day I'll hang this that'll give me the codeine I need and let the Sun cook it inside the Reata so it's just a matter of doing this and that's why a lot of people get in trouble they buy orietta there's lots of ways to doing this like everything has to do with cowboy this is the process I do a lot of guys especially the ATA's made up in in the United States guys that are working on outfits they take the V out of when they're too Brown and they stick it down the water trough this is a rawhide Reata mind you and the bubbles come up when the bubbles quit coming up then you take it back out and you start roping with it because it softens it up so now you do that if you're Brandon season you may bind for three weeks two months by the time y'all does broke in well 99 percent of the people that are interested in these don't burn that many calves so the realities I get what I do is I pull them and I'll explain that in another video but right now we're just getting this prepared and all I'm doing is getting this fat on here and if you look at the two reata's maybe you can see the difference in the diameter this one is a 5/16 and this one is the 3/8 now these were two different makers I can tell just by the feel of them in there this is a Senora Mantha this is my favorite from Sonora Mexico this is braided tighter and smaller little little smaller strings thickness wise and I'll be curious to see how it throws but this is how it works folks this is what I do after this after it's been out in the Sun several days then and then I'll what we call pullet and I do that horseback you know I have to do it on a clean area I can't do it here on this dirt so all right go down to the ranch headquarters where they actually got some grass and I can pull it down there now to get every out of nice and pliable to use the Rope it's all about friction there again you back to science you know the bridle bits fulcrum and leverage well this is all about friction when I pull this Reata through this hard wood lame I have I've got a mesquite one I've got an oak one as it goes through the holes a series of holes my opponent the friction heats up the Reata and that's what drives the kidney fat into the colon into the heart of the Reata now right here this is the end of the 60 footer right here up those the end of the 86 footer so I'll give you an idea with it the length here I don't know if you can see the difference but this is the one with the fat on it and this is the one with no fat on it now this kidney fat what we'll do is whatever I don't use I'm gonna I can keep this out and just put it in the shed where it's cool and it won't spoil it won't go rancid then the other piece I'll put back in the freezer here's the other this is the now this one's thicker and I'll show you when I pull it but one of the things about pulling them is as I run my thumb down here I can feel all the bumps from the four strands and when you get done pulling them you can hardly feel the bumps it's a lot smoother and that's what's so important about this because when you slide rope if you don't get rid of those bumps you're going to tell you that your horn wrap is going to disappear pretty fast but the smoother you can get these more slide you got well the thing about the news of having more slide is that you better be good at sliding rope and know how because it can get a little fast but if you know what you're doing it feels really great it's not a problem so that piece I had my hand is about shot that's about it now and since I'm environmentalist this my friends the Ravens will come and pick that up that's what that's for there's the second piece like everything else these vieta's are getting hard to come by because of the lack of my kid was making them so they're getting to be kind of an item people always ask me when do I do I always use the Reata no I don't fact is I very seldom get an opportunity to use rieta not in the pasture in the summertime that's my favorite thing but I'm sure you've seen our videos of us Brandon and use a reality for me it's like for they're designed for nice long shots and when you Brandon small Corral's you don't have all that luxury of having all that distance and of course this was designed for the outside world and the roe deer style Brandon and which reminds me something that you might want to know was it in the early days of the Ranchos the dogs were the Spaniards that had the land grants and the sons of the Dons with the Spanish children who over time intermarried and anyway it was a status thing anyway he's young men they get up in the morning the dawn they'd have the dawn's horse settled and the man would go out on their horses and they'd spend the day out with the cattle and what I finally read was a typical thing that might happen is they'll take your cooler 20 Vaqueros and they'll go up and clean the drainage I've showed it to you before but if you look across the valley over there there's a big open canyon that would be a drainage and so early in the morning the dogs they would go out as a crew and then he would split the crew up and they would ride up to the top and the sides of that and they'd gather that whole thing when they brought the cattle down they'd have what we call a roe deer now what they call the Potala which means stop so they would stop the cattle they'd pick a tree or a big rock or a creek or a certain spot down there on the flat and that's where they held the cattle so now all the riders came back they had all the cattle standing there and they'd rode Ihram rodeo is to go around and they would go around and they'd watch her something cutting out and they'd run up there and spin it back send it back to the herd they'd get those cattle to stand in one place then at the dawns command or the segundo he just ride away that was your signal for everybody to ride away from the cattle leave them alone and this was all done quietly incidentally so now they ride away the cattle start grazed again they can go back up to their grades and whatever they wanted to do and they did this a lot back then because there weren't any fences but there was a lot of canyons so now the annual roundup that I told you about when it came time for the roundup you could tell the good Rancho is with the good volcanoes because they'd get up the top of them cans and start those cattle and then cattle would go right to the roe deer grounds to stand there because they weren't threatened by it all say it does before they were just showing them where to be and I've always remembered that and like when I'm done with the set of cattle and Krell's if it's not cows and cows because you can't do it with boom calves if it's just cows or yearlings after I'm done working them I might just tell everybody let's go load up and leave now the gates are open so these cattle walk out on their own and there's certain situations where incentives people get behind yelling at him to get out of the crowd it's so much nicer just to disappear and let him walk out of the crowd no there was a man told me one time he was a truck driver he told me about hauling lambs I don't know if you've ever loaded lambs but loading lambs can go really well they're really bad but when he wanted to unload the truck he would back his semi lap to the chute and he crawled through the truck and open all the gates get back out of the truck go up in the truck and take a nap when he woke up on the Lambs were out they walked out on their own so livestock was pretty smart anyway it's low stress stock handling is what it amounts to you know I've just got two realities greased and that I won't grease them again probably because this sable is a little bit cooler weather than usual so what's going on really thick and you don't want it so thick that it doesn't cause any friction so by the time I pull this I'll be able to get some friction and that'll be the next video about this thank you and folks just as a preview to let you know this is what I use to pull a Reata the react as I get are usually too stiff to use because they're fresh made so I do what we call poem and the end is going to go through these holes and I'll go through one three and five probably to start and I'm going to make a video about pulling but I just wanted to show you this part and I just hang it over a post and I like to hang it up high so that when I ride up on my horse I can grab the end and take off and pull it now the deal is this is oak okay come over here and these were just straight drilled holes when I started a few years ago now they're getting kind of rounded well the object is is the more you go in and out of these holes against hardwood the more friction the heart of the Rhianna gets and that drives the kidney fat disabled into the center of the reactor that's why they last forever another way of doing it is like this I've been known to pull them that way too so this is just a preview I've got a mesquite limb and I got an Oakland they're both exactly the same but you got to use a piece of hardwood and anyway stay tuned because that's what coming up pretty soon just pulling me out us thank you you
Channel: Pat & Deb Puckett
Views: 14,859
Rating: 4.9762259 out of 5
Keywords: Pat Puckett, The Disciplined Ride, Reatas
Id: ySThWdX745A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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