How to Tie a Turks Head Knot

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okay folks we got a people need to know how to tie the knot again the Honda is already on the rope now you're going to have a three strand rope but before we do that I have to do something that's really important mate from Australia wanted to know about the barbecue and wanted to hear a recipe so I'm gonna give you a real quick one everybody up in the northern range knows this one but we get antelope over here we call them speed goats they're just about like your kangaroo I think anyway you take a board like this you soak it overnight in water now you take an antelope steak after you've marinated it all night and you lay it on this board now your Barbies going and you slip the board in put it inside shut the door keep the lid on and you leave it for 47 minutes then you reach with the glove naturally pull the board out throw the antelope away and eat the board okay here's the knot there's three strands so it's under under and under and back through tuck them in and it's gonna look like that yeah you tighten those down just keep pulling the strings individually you're going to end up with that now that is the first half of the knot you always make your tails long enough where you can pull on and there's another way of doing this which is with a screwdriver can help or a pair of needlenose can help but you want this tighten now it actually tightens down right at the very top of your unraveled rope so now you're going to tie one below that same knot there's your three strands under under and under back up through the hole now you tighten it down below your first knot so that's going to get pulled down nice and tight no tie it again now you know I talked about Florida the cattle business Texas and the cattle business and I'd like to share with you about California in Florida we figured I was 200 years before California and if I'm not mistaken cattle on grass I think there's more cattle on grass in Florida than any other state I could be wrong Texas had to earn every single thing they got because they were literally on their own they fought with Mexico and they fought the Comanches and oh by the way they were trying to put outfits together at the same time catching wild cattle and then there was brushed and hair it over so bad that they only had a couple seconds to throw their rope that's one of the seven reasons why they towel off harden their short ropes I remember in Montana I drove for nine miles just to get to one gate on a pasture and never past a bush or a tree it was just rolling hills there's nothing in the way so California 1769 was their first mission at San Diego and they had a group came up through Baja so Mexico when they had a group come up on a ship the ones that came up through Baja they trailed it livestock with him horses cattle sheep I don't know if they trail pigs or not anyway they brought livestock 1769 and remember the 1500s on Florida so the short story is is that California is so different from Florida and Texas because the natives didn't give him hardly any trouble they were they were peaceful type people well it it made it real easy for the Padres and the missions to turn them into slaves because they didn't fight they were fine they kind of liked getting food they didn't have to go kill and so that set up the deal and now that the Padres were in charge of everything back then these were the first ones here for Jesuits the second ones were Franciscans but anyway the herds the cattle multiplied fast everything did now just for the sake of conversation if you ever see this tied like this that's called afraid not okay so now we've got our beautiful Turks head and we've got ends so anyway the mission San Diego and say for example San Luis Rey one of them just north of there had 10,000 head of cattle in a real short period of time okay in 1830s Mexico split from Spain and the and the monks the Jesuits were told to go back to Spain so they just pulled out left all that livestock and that's where all these Spanish land grants started and they were given to the guys that had been soldiers and stayed and we're no longer had an allegiance to Spain but they did have an allegiance to California because there was all kinds of land so whoever was in charge at the time which was several dinner people they gave him land grants and you got to know that the cattle were on the coastal range which means at that time they were on fresh water and lots of grass and it wasn't a big deal to gather one of the laws of the Spanish world was that once year you had to have a roundup so by law they gathered all the cattle they branded what they needed a brand each each guys sent people from his his ranch oh and because of this ranch he was pretty darn simple so now they got all these cattle and no people so what they did was they ended up with the tallow and hide trade to have a market for their cattle so they killed the cattle because what nobody there to eat them except there's the Indians that stuck around the missions that dissolved and turned into ranches and what they had was hides in tallow so they had ships that came in to port and the ports were now open because they didn't have Spain to worry about then anybody could pull in and load up their ship with hides which was a commodity in tallow then they would take the ship and go back around the the horn South America and on the way down they'd stop and Peru and Chile and trade off the tallow because they used them in the mines for used tallow for four candles so they'd get back east with all them hides and then they'd turn it into shoes and funny thing to me was them captains would bring back all this fancy stuff and some rancher might have got a pair of shoes for his bride that was used to be his cow the point of the story is is that California had all kinds of time and they weren't in a hurry and they were so far away from Mexico that they weren't intimidated by them so they made up their own deal and all kinds of people got Spanish land grants and turned into some really nice ranches so this will golden age as we called it because of the golden light against the mustard in California the discipline of the Spade bed horse was born because of all the time these folks had to work on their horsemanship the Florida guys and the Texans were just trying to live through the day the Californians had all kinds of time and all kinds of horses and really beautiful weather so that's kind of how this thing happened in each culture as in Florida Texas in California got their own style of riding out of a dependent on the country they were in what was going on so the California tradition is we call it that's how it came about that's how special it is to me because I am a student of the California now this Honda is designed to turn so you turn it whichever way you need to and know that it should lay with the coils now what happens is is when you start roping you're going to suck this knot down into this hole and that's going to set that Honda in the correct position by pulling it down in there okay so now for whatever reason it starts to twist you just push the knot back up through it turn the Honda and pull it back again that's how you adjust it this is why I use this type of Honda's is because they last me a long time and they slide rope they got a little bit of drag on the Honda they're not fast like a metal Honda and they work for me so that's how you tie the knot so she's getting married now the California it can go on and on forever but I'm just telling you that the difference is that California had a more tranquilo situation they didn't have to fight a lot of elements are the indigenous people and they pretty much just had it made so they had all the time in the world to work on their horsemanship and then it got to be the where that who had the best horse and it was a lot of pride involved so the Dons rode really beautiful horses and because of the tallow and hide trade traded for silver and gold thread and materials and that's why we as Californians have more silver on our bridles than any other culture that's where that came from it was a matter of pride and showing off so over time just like oil got discovered in Texas gold was discovered in California so from 1769 basically up until the 1848 was the window that I focus on this is when they were having to rope grizzly bears this is when they were shipping five-year-old steers as in when the gold mines showed up they took all their cattle headed to Frisco with him man named Henry Miller butchered them in which we all know his story but what my point is is that gold changed the entire skew of everything that changed the bridle horse world because it became a state and then all these Gringo's started taking over and bringing their things with them and they started to taint the bridle horse it's just a matter of progression that's why it works evolution that's why I really focus on the old days I don't have Grizzlies to rope and I don't five-year-old steers but I do know the sense of balance that those horses had to do the things that they were able to do it's pretty phenomenal okay then the war started Civil War World War One World War two after World War two the whole horse world changed you got the AQHA and people started to have money after the war and they got into horse showing so now here we stand today and I am still thinking of the early 1800s well okay everybody gets to think what they want that's why I do what I do that's my discipline and that's the roots and that's where it comes from so I hope that makes sense to you next I'll talk about Hawaii because everything I talk about or have to have something to do with Spain originally they have seaports place to go with their cattle thank you those of us that make a living outside horseback no matter where you're from we're basically historians and then there's a lot of us that take it a step further and we read about where we live because history is so important to us and it makes you feel good to know that you're riding a horse across the same country somebody did a long time ago and there's that factor they call it that he's got it talent whatever I got to tell you about somebody that if you're really interested in the whole California cowboy buckaroo Western experience his name is Dave Stamey and he's a singer and they're hidden a man that sets a horse it doesn't like him and he's a very generous person but the point is that if you listen to his music there's a lot of humor involved that Janette and through his songs you will learn a lot about the West if you're interested in learning so Dave stay me as a friend and somebody that I really look up to and respect you know he did not pay me to do this he doesn't even know where I'm at so listen to his music thanks Don don't forget to like one of us I don't care who
Channel: Pat & Deb Puckett
Views: 41,616
Rating: 4.8945785 out of 5
Keywords: Pat Puckett, Deb Puckett, The Disciplined Ride
Id: Ra_0Qtod_c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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